Ken Wilber - Conscious Reincarnation

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Roman Ilies

Roman Ilies

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@stevecronin 2 жыл бұрын
My orange self just internally rolls my eyes at this idea of conscious reincarnation. It seems KW had a very honest response and I have always appreciated that about him when he’s confronted with new age material. I guess what I mean to say is: I like that he’s not pandering to his audience.
@Soaptoaster 11 жыл бұрын
I find Christianity to be the most coherent worldview that explains life's biggest questions: 1) what is our origin (see Kalam cosmological argument) 2) what is our morality (objective moral values and duties DO exist, relativism is wholly untenable) 3) What is the meaning to life (not here by chance, here with purpose for a staggeringly short time, to live purposefully knowing our Creator) 4) what is our destiny? (I believe that there is justice and accountability beyond this life). peace.
@AndyJK45 5 жыл бұрын
Soaptoaster In the end we all have to choose the path that we find most workable. For me it is Buddhism by a country mile- but that’s me. Have a look for “The Perennial Philosophy” by Aldous Huxley. It is a very helpful and interesting discussion of the common mystical core shared by all the religions.
@antonbarkland2194 4 жыл бұрын
Man I want to study more of his books... Wilber is awesome. I have his book "The Spectrum Of Consciousness" and I have read about half of it and it is really, really good.
@stevecronin 2 жыл бұрын
No Boundary was a good starting book for me. Also the Sounds True audio book. Integral psych is probably my favorite. But man I have been reading KW on and off for 15 years and still cannot get through SES 😄
@jessefranckowiak1672 12 жыл бұрын
"If you think you have some problem, it shows you don't understand" -Alan Watts
@mindremapping-CPS 3 жыл бұрын
That's what emotions are for
@irishelk3 9 жыл бұрын
I like what Ramana maharaji had to say about life, and of course Ken wilber and Alan watts and Eckhart tolle, but also Gurdjieff, out of all of them i find Ramana maharaji to be the most beautiful.
@inf1n1 8 жыл бұрын
his books are the only 1s a got
@FaYT02 5 жыл бұрын
About this subject, the more interesting work is the one of Ian Stevenson and his continuator, Jim B. Tucker. The first one has taught, and the latter teaches, at the Virginia University. It doesn't deal with "conscious reincarnation" but simply with "reincarnation". This phenomenon seems to be very well documented now.
@cocoop 3 ай бұрын
Thank you, Ken.
@ilzitek2419 8 жыл бұрын
Does it matter to know who you were in your previous life? I know that people do past life regressions. I really do not care to know who I was in my previous lives if there was one. Look at your present life, the challenges and themes, wounds and pain, emotions and awareness, light and darkness - this present life is all what matters right now in our awareness of ourselves and God. What really interests me right now is the multidimensional aspect of this reality...
@stevecronin 2 жыл бұрын
Escapism perhaps.
@MiriamSPia 11 жыл бұрын
The sharing of the 17th Karmapa's reincarnation note is in a video entitled: His Holiness the 17th Karmapa with Tai Situ in 1992 I tried to post the link but the system did not allow it. Hope this helps.
@joejoe-lb6bw 6 жыл бұрын
This is a brilliant talk. Much better than the usual New Age woo woo or traditional rehash of unconfirmed ideas.
@MrSark420 11 жыл бұрын
Understanding philosophy(Eastern) of Ken Wilber requires extreme subtlety in thinking.People here in the West who are mired in Biblical dogmas lack the kind of subtlety required to wrap their heads around Eastern concepts mostly because of their intense emotional investement which prevents them from deep,open-minded clear thinking.As far as atheist,their mental coarseness makes its nearly impossible to sink in thsese extremely sophisticated & subtle ideas.This's surely not for the feeble minded.
@stevecronin 2 жыл бұрын
Using your example of people mired in biblical dogma: if a mythical thinking person became interested in KW’s work, I suspect the process of reading his books alone would be a contributing factor for facilitating development. I find it kind of funny, this comment was from 10 years ago and so much has changed in regards to the West’s relationship with the divine 😄
@Onbekend1980 10 жыл бұрын
the bankrobber, docter, serial killer analogy is really shortsighted. You'd really lake of insight in what significance every individual expiernce + their different genoom or even place in the whoam can have.
@vajraloka1 3 жыл бұрын
Very good point shirly mcCaline/dali lama
@viviennetobassaeggers8137 9 жыл бұрын
On reincarnation, the discussion appears to be based within the context of ego - of a "personality" that moves from one body life to the next as if buying a new car, getting in and driving away. Yet this is a linear intellectual interpretation from a dimensional realm that has limitation of belief. The soul does not leap from one body to another in reincarnation. Only the context of Earth dimension holds an attachment of a body by a 'personality' whether it is human or ghost. Yet the teachings of Integral is an advance of transcending to know self as "I Am" without object. Spirit and consciousness beyond the veil is also without object. This does not mean when we die we cannot still perceive ourselves as an 'entity' or personality. In fact this is a natural extension from the death moment which is centred and perpetuated by endocrine release in the pineal gland. At the most imminent dimension of consciousness beyond the veil of mortal life, spirit is still able to take structure and form that might be or remain attached to a human physicality and personality. But when spirit has evolved beyond the karmic process, attachment is no longer and there is no need to maintain a physical form or sense of identity - in which case spirit is free to transcend further dimensional consciousness - into that purity which is formless. It is from this formlessness that angel or bodisatva he speaks of can make a 'choice' of birth as a human identity - because there is no necessity to do so other than of free will for advancement of others and all. In the dimension of formless - soul can still take form at will - as that is the natural desire - to see 'self' by extending that creation of oneness to external perspective for experience. Reincarnation in the mundane that he speaks of with Shirley and HH Dalai Lama is the fantasy of the mind to recreate experiences that the essence of the evolving soul may have encountered prior. This does not mean each life is not real - it is just that the container is transferred by various lineage systems - the main being the genetic seed of potential.
@AndyJK45 6 жыл бұрын
Vivienne Tobassa Eggers The catch is that so much of our personality arises in dependence on getting these bloody body things to work properly. I feel this very intensely having been born with a significant ( and common) birth injury to my upper neck. Most of my life has been a battle against the uncoordination, the inattentive episodes, and the emotional instability that can now be shown to have arisen from that injury. I’m overcoming most of them, but the struggle has left behind a certain resignation, a certainty that life is not pleasant or benign, which looks like a core part of my personality. So really most of my personality is contingent on the interaction between my soul ( or rigpa) and my body, and when the body goes what is left really won’t be identifiable as me. I like Wilbur’s take on Buddhism, that what is reincarnated is the sum of our wisdom( of sunyata) and our virtue ( compassion). This does get more complex when one considers the Buddha’s own accounts of his previous incarnations.
@CrazyLinguiniLegs 5 жыл бұрын
Vivienne Tobassa Eggers well that's a nice theory, but what's the practical importance of all that?
@viktoriaduda8395 3 жыл бұрын
Dear Roman, do you have the date, name, and place of the event this recording is from?
@gliksmar77 11 жыл бұрын
Indeed, the singularity is the ultimate stance in "I am-ness". The infinite variety of experience is all the same stuff because it is a simulation that is not there. Logically, returning to grade school after graduating with your PhD to pick up on loose ends you missed fooling around at age 6 is the way I look at reincarnation for spiritual growth. You're outa here and on your eternal path to God.
@alvalvhjarta5466 8 жыл бұрын
"Show us the note"
2:15 Pure open "I am-ness" is another way of saying "consciousness sans content". But what is consciousness when it is not of any thing? The essence of consciousness is bipolar, not unitary - consciousness is always OF something. I am conscious of this, I am conscious of that, I am conscious of I. But when I am conscious of nothing, I am not conscious of anything and I am not conscious at all and I have ceased to be and nothingness reigns supreme. And for sure you know that striving to think of nothing is precisely the exercise we undertake in order to bring on sleep and sleep is just another word meaning 'not conscious'. Consciousness is exactly the uni-directional process that implants reflections, metaphorically speaking, of processees in processors. (i.e. the thought of the rock in my hand is not the rock, merely a reflection of it). Consciousness is the process and nothing but the process and not a 'thing' that can flit about. Now concentrate and think very hard and deeply about the meaning of the word 'process' paying particular attention to its existential status. And don't get side tracked by the fact that 'process' requires a material substrate for it to be the process of. After a few minutes you should come to the realization that 'process' is not a thing but rather, process is an abstraction or concept synthesized by minds as they apprehend and consider particular patterns of moving agglomerations of particles. Consciousness is that absolutely essential process prerequisite in organisms (like e.g. apes), which permit us to arrange ourselves into civilizations with memberships in the billions (thereby more adequately accomplishing the replicative, niche filling, prime directive of evolution). Last word: Seems to me the assertion, that there can be only one kind of consciousness, betrays a certain lack of imagination. And now, to continue listening...
Having finished listening... the rest seems to me baseless fluff. Mind you, this clip is a short blip and a proper take demands I explore Ken thought more...
@erdwaenor 8 жыл бұрын
Just occured to me, watching this video, as an insight, that the exponential growth of human beings (and more generally, the diffusion, spreading, dispersion and evolution of life and more developed conscious life) might not just be a social-biological characteristic of living beings, but there would be an 'outside' ('spiritual') pushing effort for the production of life organisms, so that more and more 'of that plural universal spirit (I Am Ness) can take part (as I Am Nesses) in eventually more advanced consciousness life-forms, as if it were a purpose. Btw, this might has something to do with De Chardin idea of evolution of complexity in the Universe. I don't know if there is relation between De Chardin work and Ken Wilber yet.
@jeeed6390 5 жыл бұрын
Captain Subversive Corsair damn
@ralph0149 11 жыл бұрын
Interesting and careful take on this issue. Of course the Tibetans come up but maybe it's become limiting by now, to talk strictly in terms of planes and bardo (which he hints at). I have the suspicion it's all a lot more fluid than that and wonder if there's a spiritual analog to Godel's incompleteness theorem. Guess that's what meditation is for.
@michaelyi2532 5 жыл бұрын
I like the nisargadatta maharaj's version about reincarnations better where there is no birth nor even rebirth; they're only imaginary~ and things happening voluntarily (meaning 'with no cause') ken appears to explain reincarnation as though time and this world is real. that's true in some sense but only "relatively." from the absolute point of view, there's no time, no space, but only ever-present reality... thus a jnani (awakened one), who is the absolute, has no birth, no rebirth. only ajnani (the ignorant) has births, rebirth s according to his concepts about time/space/gunas...
@aquavirgio 3 жыл бұрын
The last book of the emerald tablets step by step explains how to consciously reincarnate. That information was not released at the time of this video.
@christianlee7244 8 жыл бұрын
you guys should check out Bashar channeled by Darryl Anka for the understanding on reincarnation. Ill tell you here but going to watch the video will help much better. Any who. Because everything exists right now, The notion of RE-incarnation is outdated in its understanding that there is solidity in the assumption that there is past and future when they are just in fact illusory. It must be understood that if you are in fact reading this sentence on this screen, you are creating past and future in the now. So whats occurring right now is multiple simultaneous incarnations but from your point of view your physical mind will only interpret this in a linear format.
@jeeed6390 5 жыл бұрын
At 8:40, choosing your parents. I first heard this idea from Alan Watts. Fyi
@marcies1297 3 жыл бұрын
Im sure it wasnt alans idea, exclusively.
@DhmpAN 11 жыл бұрын
Good to see.
@the90sboy72 5 жыл бұрын
The Thing is I can'tremember some of my past like as a teenager I know the friends but not the things i did
@martincohen9470 8 жыл бұрын
I would meet Wilber on any stage to discuss the consciousness implications of sexual-mode theory and the implications for transpersonal psychology , religion, and the social sciences in general as in this particular area his ignorance and or fear of admitting the lie of denial [a crime against humanity at one level] of a simple neurological biological fact [as is female orgasm for instance]. His assessment tof the centauric stage to come is Wilber at his best as well as his extrapolation and cross-studies of eastern and western thought [hemispheric not city east and west you guys]
@_thechosen 12 жыл бұрын
Do you listen to Alan often?
@natureowl 11 жыл бұрын
Wow this has been an issue I have been wondering bout and have a contemplating. But he lost be on "getting to turquoise and red stiuff. Does he mean chakras?
@6Uncles 7 жыл бұрын
he means stages of development. Those colours are how he codifies them
@achielroshoma2086 4 жыл бұрын
Have we ever thought of alternatives to reincarnation. Such as the divine source created all these personalities and all these talents to be born as different individuals. and it simply incarnates as all these people with all these different motives and kinds of personalities . and we draw from collective consciousness memory. And there's a collective pool of instincts and intelligence is that we Gerar physical mental source essence from .So that here and now , this embodiment , this incarnation is the only one , in this infinite journey of nowness. Source likes a play so it creates everyone differently with different aspects of talents and different deep emotional drives and awarenesses and different intellectual capacities so that there can be a unity of all these different kinds of beingnesses.
@overcamehim 5 жыл бұрын
People need to touch, taste, see, hear and smell. So their flesh pursues flesh.
@pittounikos 10 жыл бұрын
Ken has patience with his fans. If this lady understood the ego theory position, and she must because she's a men wilber fan, then she wouldn't ask such a silly question. Most spiritual Americans run around saying 'ego' this and ego that but they also believe that the ego reincarnates! In advaita, there is no personal reincarnation.
@alliant 10 жыл бұрын
PablitaPicasita since the clear light of consciousness is not to be attained, what could possibly be lacking?
@alliant 10 жыл бұрын
@vibrantvoid8568 9 жыл бұрын
+PablitaPicasita this is hilarious :,D
@AndyJK45 6 жыл бұрын
I think the ego cannot reincarnate, because so much of our personality is tied to our body and our bodily experience, and ad he says-- that dies. That repository of our virtues and wisdoms is the equivalent of the 7th consciousness, subtle mind.
@zannez.zixt9771 6 жыл бұрын
This is a very good description of my own discovery upon waking to my snake self. I desire to Master Myself by learning how to die in my body before the body dies. Does any one know this skill that would be willing to share their experience with me?
@qcon81 11 жыл бұрын
SO you believe you will find truth from following Jesus Christ?What does that actually mean?Following visions of CHrist in dream?Or by reading New Testament?And how is this compatible with with science and origins of human existence?
@likfrikbik 11 жыл бұрын
Remembering your past lives??how can you remember that??you can have OOBE and with your intent you can go and see your past many times you were born,you can experience past lives as an observer or in body.but remembering?? maybe it's possible,i don't know,but it seems unlikely.
@Lazara2023 5 жыл бұрын
If dalai lama do not remember his past lifes....sorry about him! I do...and the last thing i wat to do is a show about it!!!!
@mael-strom9707 4 жыл бұрын
So, I chose to be reborn into this sector of the universe in human form? Biggest mistake I've made so far since my previous incarnations. Nothing interesting to observe here and no intelligent life forms to communicate with... standing by for something more enlightening. 🥱🤔🤗🙄
@romanilies119 4 жыл бұрын
@roboticski 3 жыл бұрын
If you continue with this mindset, you will probably come back again 😂
@mael-strom9707 3 жыл бұрын
@@roboticski I will come back in a 'Tic Tac'... but only for observational purposes and a good laugh. 👽
@moesypittounikos 8 ай бұрын
Ken Wilber has good comic timing. An awkward moment so he funnily (is that even a word) goes high with the Dalai Lama, only to land on Shirly McLain's flakey pretentions and getting a laugh from the audience. Eckhart Tolle is also good at the joking to break the ice awkward moment.
@jladimirceroline4535 7 жыл бұрын
what about artaficial insemination :3
@joejoe-lb6bw 6 жыл бұрын
After this video I viewed "The toilet: an unspoken history". I think ultimately, that is more informative, funny, and thought provoking. You may not journey to another body, but you will definitely journey to the privy.
@qcon81 11 жыл бұрын
2.cont. And,no I am not a relativist,nor is Ken Wilber.All the points you mentioned above are far much better explained within Ken Wilber's framework(vedanta),or buddhism.As far as Kalam cosmological argument,even these materialist/atheist have something mouthful for you: /watch?v=1u9ZIQ33a8c .
@meatslammcdoodle7402 5 жыл бұрын
@zyxquark 10 жыл бұрын
yes, but the Karmapa who died in '81 didn't leave a note. one of his "heart-sons" forged one which he refused to let be tested for handwriting. so one of the other tulkus found another new Karmapa--there are now two. it was a total fiasco. therefore, I don't believe in it at all. I wish it were like that but the Karmapa fiasco proved it isn't.
@BubbaHotepMothership 9 жыл бұрын
Does Wilber take steroids for health issues.
@ilzitek2419 8 жыл бұрын
Why would that matter to you?
@BubbaHotepMothership 8 жыл бұрын
You don't get to ask the unscripted questions.
@michaelyi2532 5 жыл бұрын
there're 2 theories/perspectives looking at the world - (1)i am in the world, (2)the world is in "me" (per the Sages). the first one is well-accepted/scientific view and most of us has it, but since we only live (or are conscious of) the NOW, despite for those who accept the first view, they ("we") can't shake off the gut feeling from the second view... there comes a reincarnation which is only a makeshift theory that kicks in in order for one theory to come to terms with the other - Or to alleviate the fear of termination, i.e. death. this is my take on the reincarnation, according to which there's no such thing like rebirth.
@dougyoung221 5 жыл бұрын
Wow, the comments. 😏
@qcon81 11 жыл бұрын
1.First of all, what kind of God are you arguing for?The same old watchmaker god?The traditional loving,caring personal daddy that is keeping accounts of your sins?The Male God-the white bearded Father?You have to make clear your position.If you are arguing for the above mentioned type of God(supernatural dualism),I won't waste my time here with you,sorry.
@agrippa9 12 жыл бұрын
I amness, your "Ness" your carlness , you me and dupree. Owen Wilson movie.
@_eddiecole 6 жыл бұрын
That women looks like the female version of ken
@martincohen9470 8 жыл бұрын
I favor reincarnation as a theory in that I seem to have some memory of past lives and in this life have a Ph.D. in psychology. Wilber laughing at the Dali Lama is Wilber at his worst. The Dali Lama is well studied in the Naropa teachings and is too diplomatic to share his wisdom with military and other forces based on murder etc. For self awareness and true integration begin with 'improved mode lecture for youtube'. On one level all religions per say are deva-based extraphysical astral wish fulfilling. The idea of conscious rebirth is Earth based thus non-delusional. To accept a conscious rebirth at the highest level is to give up the ego and is a pure self . [in this thinkers opinion- ,] Krishnamurti dressed as he did due to MB-mode.
@antonbarkland2194 4 жыл бұрын
I didn't interpet it that way; that he "made fun" of Dali Lama. I was more of a joke and that memory of past lives are not necessarily common and/or that someone who has really "worked" with their consiousness may be someone to trust more on the topic of reincarnation and past lives rather than some random celebrity... Obviously any "brain memory" goes away when the physical body dies (or homever one would put it...) I have some books from Amit Goswami; he has specifically one on reincarnation called "Physics Of The Soul". I think he uses a term there called "quantum memory"; memory that resides outside the brain; "non local" memory.
@peggyharris3815 6 жыл бұрын
Adoption. Lol. Sorry...changed my mind.
@Traderhood 5 жыл бұрын
That bit on choosing your parents is total nonsense.
@davidcunningham2984 10 жыл бұрын
This guy doesn't offer support for any of his claims. Why do people listen.
@vibrantvoid8568 9 жыл бұрын
some people recognise some sort of a "bottom line" in existence and thus also allow intuition to become one of their guiding principles. always solely relying on the literal external proof of something can also have a counter-productive effect, since the overarching principle or message of various claims/stories etc. is the actual point of their existence. reality is not only "out there"..
@PetrusSolus 7 жыл бұрын
It's worth keeping in mind that there is a difference between claiming something, and being engaged in an ongoing process of making sense. I have the impression that people are often shifting between the two modes, so that it might seem (to some) that they are making claims... when, actually, they are just involved with a continual sense-making process, maybe even thinking new thoughts as they speak.. All spiritual activity is exploratory and developmental, but also impermanent - which means that even though "he said that, or what about that" - one really can't say, at the end of a discussion, that what you see (or heard) is what you get... however, what was presented, and what you're left with, is what you can continue exploring, if you feel inspired, or not.
@alexmichelli3516 6 жыл бұрын
He’s stating theories for reincarnation. He’s not asserting them as facts. We listen because his theories are based on his searches for the answers, which he dedicated his life to; and he’s good at it.
@paddy1067 6 жыл бұрын
To answer your question from a personal capacity i listen to him because most of his views are based on my beliefs having never heard or studied this subject before. Out of all the fairy tale stories and ideologies circling the planet for God knows how long i can identify with this the most. The fact that and the reason he does not support his claims is evident, he cant. My belief is no one ever will. The conscious universe we live in is not naive enough to let us in on that one. Imagine the implications man would face if they could in fact prove this. What man does not understand he can not manipulate and anything he can is simply for self gain.
@mindasriver8408 4 жыл бұрын
@@alexmichelli3516 well put
@MrSark420 11 жыл бұрын
The points you raised in response to qcon shows how utterly you lack strong philosophical grounding.You clearly don't even understand Wilber's position.He is not '*anti-causality*,my dear.You need to get out of the closed-box of Christianity,get rid of the Fear and do some open wide ranging explorations.Justwiden your domain of enquiry.Don't bury your head in the sand of unreasonable lunatic dogmas.
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