I got one in 1962 and I am still using it constantly ,best mixer ever ,2020 still using mixer ,dough hook ,meat grinder and blender !!!
@skeezix5615 жыл бұрын
I am so pleased to see that these machines are available in North America again. I live in Canada and bought my first and only stand mixer, a Kenwood, in 1979. It has always "rocked" and is still going strong. I have never had to have it serviced.
@AmyLearnsToCook5 жыл бұрын
I am a little worried because they stopped selling a few models here in the US. I hope they keep selling them here.
@sashineb.21145 жыл бұрын
I remember seeing them (and all of the attachments, including the potato peeler) in Eaton's in Toronto. At the time I was not into baking so I settled for a Sunbeam mixer, and then a KA, but I've always liked the Kenwoods. Glad yours is still going strong!
@dorryfrost39154 жыл бұрын
Denise Locking according to kenwood it’s meant to rock. It’s something to do with the motion of the attachments. .
@multimill7 жыл бұрын
Interesting review. My mother bought her first Kenwood Chef in the early 1960's and 20 years later replaced it with the A901. I still have and use that machine as well as my own KM300. All the noises and behaviours you saw during the dough making is perfectly normal. I have been making my own bread for 30 years and have a great deal of experience with Kenwood Chefs. I have all the attachments except the grain mill and can assure you they are brilliant, from the cream maker to the potato peeler, the coffer grinder to the pasta extruder. I would never trade my Chef for another brand of mixer. If you don't like the K beater there are alternatives they now offer. I can assure you that the K beater works a treat from creaming to pastry. I have a scraping K beater and that works well also. Thanks for the review 😀
@EricLearnstoCook7 жыл бұрын
Thanks Paul. That's wonderful your mixer has held up so well all these years. You don't hear many stories from KA mixer owners these days, which is sad. I can only hope Kenwood makes them the same today as they did back then.
@Dianita7964 жыл бұрын
iwant also but i not sure if is good , many videos they always say is the best the kitchen Aid , thanks for writing and sharing your experience ....
@multimill4 жыл бұрын
@@Dianita796 I can can only speak from personal experience of the two kenwood machines I own. I have never used a KA but I know people who love them as much as I love my Kenwood Chef. I can't comment on the build quality of the new ones but have no reason to believe that they are not quality. I. Personally prefer the older style machines which are plentiful on ebay, as are the attachments of which I have bought almost all.
@Studentofgosset3 жыл бұрын
@@Dianita796 People tend to want confirmation, they already bought a KA and therefore they think it is the best. The lower KA models started using a nylon gear inside which lowers the reliability. That's partly why Kenwood specifically state that they use metal gears - part of the reason why they last for decades.
@Sheisintomalakasdino3 жыл бұрын
@@Studentofgosset which models use a nylon gear?
@Melbnolan5 жыл бұрын
Traded my Kitchen Aid for a Cooking Chef years ago and have never looked back. Kenwood makes a far superior mixer than the Kitchen Aid.
@youcefzerg60144 жыл бұрын
@sharyn4524 жыл бұрын
I had a kitchen aid and gave it away and went back to my Kenwood and I can't wait to get all the attachments Kenwood has been around for over 60years.
@sharongordy42898 жыл бұрын
I'm new to baking and, I live for your stand mixer reviews! Thank you for always being honest.
@lesleyevans87827 жыл бұрын
I Have this mixer and the food processor used on the top is fantastic the flour guard for the bowl is also very good. They do have a scraper for the bowl plastic but really does clean the bowl to get the last bit out of it. The mincer for sausages and beef burgers is also very good. Enjoyed your video
@AmyLearnsToCook7 жыл бұрын
I would love to get the food processor attachment for this mixer. It is continuous feed like the attachment for the Cuisinart stand mixer?
@renierbonthuyzen97036 жыл бұрын
I've got a Kenwood Cooking Chef, with most of the attachments. They are fantastic machines. I still short a few attachments and will be getting the grain mill this month. Some of my family members had their Kenwood machines for more than 40 years. They are really quality machines. I use mine almost everyday. I never buy mince or sausage as I use this machine to make fresh mince and sausage at home.
@sashineb.21146 жыл бұрын
I've seen the Kenwood Major Titanium and I really like it, and have also seen the Cooking Chef. Kenwood has an excellent reputation. When my KitchenAid passes on, I think I will get one of the Major machines (I had been thinking of the Ankarsrum but I don't care for their smaller bowl with whisk atttachments.)
@renierbonthuyzen97036 жыл бұрын
Sashine B. You will absolutely not be disappointed. It will last you for years without any hassle.
@sashineb.21146 жыл бұрын
Thanks. A friend has a Kenwood mixer from the early 80s (she's from UK) and she said the mixers have a very high reputation. Glad to hear you're so happy with yours.
@Sheryl07056 жыл бұрын
Reiner, it would be wonderful to hear your thoughts on the Cooking Chef now that you’ve had awhile. I have an older Kenwood mixer that has been going strong for over 20 years. Love their products!
@carpii6 жыл бұрын
Do you use the pasta extruders which make different shapes? The results look pretty rough from the videos, and I cant decide whether its worth the bother
@reddog694uk4 жыл бұрын
I agree with your commenters when they say this is a top quality machine. It is a genuine lifetime investment. We in the U.K have a huge cult following of vintage kenwood machine users also, all singing it's praises on a regular basis. A fifty year old machine will happily turn out your bread and cakes on demand and need only minimal servicing over the decades, they are all a privilege to own and a pleasure to use.
@PaulLemars017 жыл бұрын
Being an Englishman in Western Washington I had to have my Kenwood. It's almost exactly the same as yours, mine has a brushed aluminum finish. Very sparkly. I think the rocking may be attributed to the feet not bedding in and maybe being a bit high because mine doesn't rock like that. In fact I made a slider for mine so I can move it around the counter easily and when it's running full bore it doesn't move. I agree the K beater can be a bit annoying at times but I'll live with it because it's the same design of beater that was on my mum's machine back in the 60s. Not only is the machine good looking and nigh on indestructible but it's now my only appliance. Instead of having a cupboard full of appliances under the counter I now have a cupboard above the mixer at eye level with all my attachments available at a moments notice. I have two blender jugs (one lexan and one glass), a food processor with all the disks, a citrus juicer, a spice grinder, a pasta extruder and a meat grinder. All can be slotted onto the 850W machine at a moments notice. It's so much easier than getting down on my knees and digging around the appliance cupboard for a food processor. My Kenwood is invaluable in my kitchen and I consider it far superior to any other. It's my kitchen power tool.
@Bassbarbie4 жыл бұрын
Mine is also the brushed aluminium finish - very pretty! I really recommend the flexi beater for creaming things - you don't get the mixture riding up the sides at all.
@JimiLux2 жыл бұрын
I own the older Cuisinart 5.5 qt mixer mentioned in this video, a Kenwood Chef, a Kenwood Major, and the small and large Viking mixers. The Delonghi and Kenwood attachments, in general, fit all three brands of machines (some adjustments might be necessary). There are differences in bowl heights that either require swapping bowls from machine to machine because the heights of the attachments that go into the beater port are different for each machine.
@natashamcgregor38562 жыл бұрын
The best cake mixers. I like this way better than kitchenaid. Kenwood chefs last years. My current model is 70 yrs old and going strong.
@Bassbarbie4 жыл бұрын
flexi beater is great for creaming. I have a 16 year old version of this machine, still going strong. I only really run it at full speed when whisking or using the attachments. With flour I tend to fold it in at a slower speed. The bowl squeaking during the dough kneading - the handles look at a funny angle compared to mine - is the bowl maybe not locked into the base? My handles face forwards and backwards at 90 degrees to the machine when locked in.
@Knappa223 жыл бұрын
My Kenwood Chef is about fifty years old and is still going strong. It has been serviced and regreased a few times but otherwise is perfect. The attachments are so robust and the mixer itself so hefty and well made. Kenwood is the last word in mixers in my view.
@laeshalae-dy70783 жыл бұрын
Ça dû
@kathhollandful7 жыл бұрын
Hi Amy, this is the mixer all our mums in the UK had and they’ve been going strong for generations. I’m def going to buy one, it really is a decent bit of kit. Interesting what you said about the possibility of food dropping into the area under the hinge. I wouldn’t have thought of that. Maybe the engineers at Kenwood need to work on this. Great review and demo. Thanks.
@AmyLearnsToCook7 жыл бұрын
Thanks Katharine! It is a really nice mixer. I like it! Thanks for watching!
@wurlitzer8956 жыл бұрын
Hi Amy! I'm from London, UK and am still using my Mother's Kenwood 'Chef' mixer which was manufactured way back in 1958 - and it's still going strong! These units were built to last. Thanks for providing such an unbiased and honest review. Kindest regards and all good wishes. Peter A
@pamclarke67853 жыл бұрын
@@wurlitzer895 yes the old UK made mixers were made to last. Now theyre made in China.... absolute rubbish these days.. pack up after a few years.
@wurlitzer8953 жыл бұрын
@@pamclarke6785 Hi Pam. So sad to read that. After all the initial talk of bringing manufacturing back home from China following Covid-19, I wonder how much will actually do so? Given my age, my Kenwood Chef will probably outlast me!!
@pamclarke67853 жыл бұрын
@@wurlitzer895 well if your mixer is UK made ... they were made to last a lifetime... with regular servicing and care of course!! Greetings from South Africa.
@SandyKH6 жыл бұрын
There are several types of scraper attachments to choose from. The K is a bit of a handicap because of the straight lines. The silicone scrapers are without the K form completely. Here in Denmark, it's pretty much everyone's dream mixer... but it's a bit more costly, usually than a kitchenaide. It's also great for denser breads and heavy flours like rye or multi-grain doughs.
@Pathmoss8 жыл бұрын
Hi Amy There is a scraper blade for the Kenwood chef also a folding tool for folding in flour, There are lots of other attachments including a juice extractor, food processor, Ice cream maker and so on. It is normal for these machines to wobble a bit during use I have a vintage one which is now forty five years old and still going strong. The issue with your dough hook not fitting could be because Kenwood changed the post, the part of the attachment that fits into the machine, from a circlip fitting to a bayonet fitting, looking at your machine it is the newer type of bayonet fitting. If you come up against this again you can buy replacement posts. Kenwood chef restore online is a good place to buy accessories and they ship internationaly. All The Best Chris.
@nano15j6 жыл бұрын
Hi, I have the coffee grinder, blender, juicer and meat mincer and I am extremely happy with all of them! Cannot recommend them enough!
@theaussieperson3693 жыл бұрын
My mother had one of these all her 50+ years of married life, actually she bought them second-hand whenever she could as she sold chiffon cakes at markets. She is gone now and I have her Kenwood, and one of my own. I wouldn't exchange it for any mixer in the world. Mine rocks a little when used at high speed too, that's pretty normal. I use the mincing attachment, herb grinding attachment and pasta attachments. My 15 year old son used the bread dough attachment for the first time, and it was brilliant. Never had a problem with flour, etc falling inside the machine (remember when it is close you can't get any in).
@sashineb.21143 жыл бұрын
Is your Kenwood a Titanium model? I have a KitchenAid mixer with the Hobart specs, but I know it won't last forever, so I think I'll get a Titanium when the time comes. My only concern is the lack of service for North America if something goes wrong. With the supply chain shortage, we don't see any Kenwood attachments here, and I would like the food mincer to go with it. Hope you're getting lots of use from your mixers.
@sashineb.21143 жыл бұрын
@goinghomesomeday1 I would love a Kenwood 7 quart Titanium mixer. They are currently on special at Costco in Canada (where I live) for $450 CDN ($365 USD). But we can't get any attachments. Nothing is available anywhere. Stores don't sell Kenwood in Canada any longer. Buying a scraper beater would be quite expensive from UK because of shipping and duty costs. And if a Kenwood needs servicing, good luck. Nobody services them here. My 32 year old KitchenAid (from the Hobart days) is still going strong, so I guess I don't have to think about switching yet, but when the time comes ....
@mydogky6 жыл бұрын
I have just bought the titanium kvc7300s I live in the uk its brilliant love it, in the uk it is a 1500 watt motor bread is no problem
@SonicXD1125 жыл бұрын
my mom has a kenwood a701a from the 50/60s and it still works it is a propper work horse i hope that is one will work as long as my moms
@lynssussexlife30256 жыл бұрын
Im in the Uk and have the big 1970s kenwood major, the food does not get into the crevices, so no worries. Great review, thank you
@phainesthai7 жыл бұрын
The food processor goes on the top, the attachment you thinking of that goes on the front is the vegetable slicer/grater, the food processor that goes on the top is absolutely super and not slow at all.
@AmyLearnsToCook7 жыл бұрын
Oh sorry...I saw the video link that you posted but KZbin catches any links in comments. I like that it is continuous feed.
@Bassbarbie4 жыл бұрын
@@AmyLearnsToCook There is a continuous feed grater/shredder and a food processor with a bowl.. and a rotary grater/slicer that fits on the front.
@AussieAngeS8 жыл бұрын
I love Kenwood mixers Amy. They're very popular here in Australia also. I had the old white Kenwood and I dint reefer what model it was but I passed it on to my mother. She loves it. That mixer looks very nice and you're right it is shorter to be stored away where I have my kitchenaid on my bench and that's where it stays. but I still love my kitchenaid.
@AmyLearnsToCook7 жыл бұрын
I am definitely a KA fan but I really like the attachments for the Kenwood..They are nice stainless steel. I wish KA would get rid of the burnished metal ones and move to ss.
@rockrollgaryglitter17477 жыл бұрын
To answer your question in the video is there a scraper attachment? Yes indeed! I don't remember the name but there is different version of the k beater that has a rubber edge that beats & scrapes all around the bowl. I have watched videos of it being tested & you definitely don't need to use a spatula anymore
@autumn53557 жыл бұрын
The name of that attachment is Flexi beater and it does really a good job scraping the side and the bottom of the bowl. Also it does not have the "K" design in the middle, Amy, which catches and holds the mixture inside. Best of all, it comes with the Chef Titanium (I have the smaller one, not the Major) even if it does not show on the model nor on the box. I bought it in April 2017.
@kathconstance46848 жыл бұрын
Nice one Amy, you're really honest and getting a perspective very few people have normally owning maybe 2 stand mixers in their lifetime. Thanks for sharing :D
@EricLearnstoCook8 жыл бұрын
or 12 mixers. Boo! Thanks for watching. Glad you enjoyed it. :-)
@MaZEEZaM7 жыл бұрын
Eric Learns to Cook How on earth do you store them? Lol
@EricLearnstoCook7 жыл бұрын
How do we store the mixers? Some fit on carts and others on shelves in the Pan Room or alternative pan room. I think Amy did a show on mixers and showed off the carts.
@sannevirdee413310 ай бұрын
love my kenwood, in bowl light, scales and warming and the creamer tool makes cooking everything from cakes to beef stroganoff a breeze.
@gregorhorvat808 жыл бұрын
Please compare an artisan and a chef titanium.
@chineeboy187 жыл бұрын
I think the Kenwood mixer handled that bread dough way better then expected. If it was the KA it probably be smoking before the second round of kneading. The parts seem Industrial grade too. The motor sounds really powerful too. Kenwood is a really good mixer. I give it an "A".
@EricLearnstoCook7 жыл бұрын
Thanks. Luckily we haven't smoked a KA yet, but just give us time. Right? Thanks for watching, we appreciate it.
@elmerbrendafunk70895 жыл бұрын
I just returned my KA KL26M1XER...it just couldn't handle bread dough at all, would pretty much stall out while going around, ended up with oil leaking, and finishing dough by hand. Tried it about 4 times, not even large batches...just no good to me, because I use it primarily for bread. Thinking of trying this one next.
@chineeboy185 жыл бұрын
@@elmerbrendafunk7089 please post the results and opinions after getting your Kenwood mixer.
@comsoft6 жыл бұрын
Kenwook HAS A name in stand mixers for a long time. I have a kenwood mixer for more then 22 years, without even one glitch. My mom and every one of here friend had Kenwood mixers back in the 70 and forword and non of them had any issue!!! Thos are really the Ferrary of mixers!!!
@jacquelinerussell85304 жыл бұрын
I like the quietness of it
@jbooks8886 жыл бұрын
Regarding food getting into the mixer stand because of how it opens from a lower position - I have had a Kenwood Chef with the same tilt for 40 years and have NEVER had a problem with food getting in there. Not an issue to worry about at all.
@lostmagicofdisney6 жыл бұрын
You can clearly see flour dropping into that area while she's making the snickerdoodles. How do you clean yours?
@gaasyendietha50704 жыл бұрын
Kenwood as a reputation to pass on from generation to generation... and this baby is purring when you started to whip the heavy cream 😍
@hardikar0jas3 жыл бұрын
Are you sure you're not talking about KitchenAid?😅😂
@donaldulvestad73383 жыл бұрын
@@hardikar0jas uunbnuuuubbnbnuubbuububuuuuuubbuuuuububuuuuuuubuuuuu$frg ftff$ fft,fy%t ffg tip %%%vvt ffttftftffgftgf grrr y%t ffg tip %%% tipping tttt is tftff
True n honest review. I agree, Kenwood attachments are made to last a long long time. Parts can be costly to replace.
@sashineb.21144 жыл бұрын
It's hard to find attachments in North America, though. Even Amazon is limited as to what they carry (no meat grinder, for example).
@74quo3 ай бұрын
Not in the uk😉
@yorkshirehousewife7847 жыл бұрын
Hello Amy, I have the Titanium Major, My K beater doesn't seem to have the clogging issue yours does, I'm wondering if its because of the size of the beater? My Mum used to use her dough hook for cookie dough on her 1960's Kenwood Chef, I'm wondering if it may suit you better to cream with the K beater (though I prefer the flexi beater for most of my tasks) and change to the dough hook as you add the flour. The potato peeler: My mum loves hers, she's had it since the 70's and uses it regularly... I have to say I'm really not keen. It is great if you don't like peeling potatoes, but..as the chief pot washer in the 80's I hated the thing, it was dirty, and destroyed your knuckles and dishcloths during cleaning, the new ones may be dishwasher proof but I much prefer a knife than all that mess. The food processor sits on the medium outlet and is pretty much like a small version of a magimix my favourite tools are the flexi beater, the pasta roller, the die cutters and the multi mill. It's a work horse that'll last you years. I hope you enjoy using it.
@sashineb.21146 жыл бұрын
Hello, does your Kenwood Titanium Major have the bigger whisk (with more wires than the one in Amy's video)? I've seen Kenwood in the stores since the 70s. Amy's video really put it through the paces and it did very well. I don't hear of their gears stripping as I do with some KitchenAid mixers.
@dorryfrost39154 жыл бұрын
Yorkshire Housewife ... hi from the Uk too 😊 I too have the major titanium and have to agree the flexi beater is the best. I hardly use the Kbeater now. I have most of the attachments and love them all. The quality of the machine is really top notch. The rocking motion is intentional. I love that it has different speed outlets, the slow at the front is like the muscle used for the heavy duty work like grinding ,mincing and juicing hard fruits. The medium for general processing and the fast for the quick and easy jobs like high liquid contents and small amounts of muscle. After having so many cheaper mixers in the past, there’s no way I’d go back from a kenwood now.
@karpetech8 жыл бұрын
I recently purchased a Kitchen Aid bowl lift model that Im in love with. But i enjoyed this review video. Thank You
@jackiechapman70293 жыл бұрын
I use my late mums kenwood she had it over 30 years still going great I find it easy to use and I am an amputee with only one arm and can’t have a false one. I love my kenwood and wouldn’t part with it
@andyvan56927 жыл бұрын
just to point out , the front hub is slow, BECAUSE it's got the most TORQUE , which is why the food mills, and meat grinders go on it!! one could assume that hard veg like pumpkins or things like ICE are going to be processed this way, so you need all the torque that the machine offers, regardless of the speed it runs!
@sharonhill-walker83398 жыл бұрын
THANK YOU!! I made my choice thanks to your videos! I'm getting a Kenwood because it will fit under my counter better and I'm getting a Bosch Universal Plus for my bread making because I bake a lot of bread. Keep up the good work!! I can't wait to see your next video!
@AmyLearnsToCook7 жыл бұрын
I am glad to hear that you are getting anew mixer. I think they have the specifications on their website in terms of the height. It is definitely shorter than the KA. Thanks for watching!
@nicolastraw17698 жыл бұрын
So glad you tested the kenwood chef, I've had mine years, there is a splash guard with feeder shoot that fits on the bowl for adding flour etc makes it far easier, I have a rubber k attachment that scrapes the bowl I use a lot, also a pasta attachment for the front I love, all the others I have I don't use very often, blender, meat & sausage grinder, little glass jars for making icing sugar etc..Yours sounded like the dough hook needs a slight adjustment, I hope you enjoy your kenwood as much as we do I wouldn't have any other, well apart from my Bosch for larger quantities, here in uk I have as much trouble finding attachments for that as it's not sold here..Great review, enjoy!! xx
@michellebustos87193 жыл бұрын
Wondering if the kitchen aid pasta rollers attachments fit in the hub of the Kenwood stand mixer. My kitchen aid is not working, when calling customer service, they did help at all, so upset with them. Looking for a new machine. Your videos are great. Love them.
@sashineb.21143 жыл бұрын
I've heard that the KitchenAid attachments do not fit on the Kenwood mixers. It would be nice if someone made an adapter so they would fit and work.
@agcons4 жыл бұрын
I have a Cuisinart 7-quart with the same low-level opening on the tilt head. It's nine years old now, and I've never had to clean food out of the crevice.
@Bassbarbie4 жыл бұрын
me neither with my Kenwood after 16 years
@user-dx8nj7qj2g5 жыл бұрын
you should do a super wet dough thats impossible to do by hand, americas test kitchen did this, and it really messed up a lot of machines, unlike a dry dough surprisingly
@kathywoodsum94575 жыл бұрын
I just bought the Kenwood KMC011. I’m loving it so far. I can’t wait to try it out with bread. It’s my first stand mixer. I thought about getting a KitchenAid Artisan , but I prefer stainless steel attachments with 750W power for denser doughs. I got it for $265 on eBay by bidding.
@carpii6 жыл бұрын
Great review, thanks. The latest models of the Titanium appear to have removed the 'medium speed' outlet which was used for the food processor. Now it just sits on the high speed outlet instead (and perhaps there's some gearing in the processor itself, to reduce the speed that way).
@gillgreen34465 жыл бұрын
carpii the latest Kenwood are only Kenwood by name. I have two real Kenwoods an old model and a titanium but I wouldn’t buy those on the market know. Delongi don’t use the same quality materials. They’re much cheaper and you get what you pay for.
@sashineb.21148 жыл бұрын
That's a very good review, Amy. Thanks for sharing. One of the comments I have read on another site is that the user didn't care for the handles on the bowl. She felt that the KitchenAid style (one vertical handle halfway on the bowl) made it easier to hold the bowl when pouring the batter into cake pans. She said that using one of the horizontal handles made the job a bit wobbly when pouring batter into pans. Maybe you'll have better luck with it. My aunt had a Kenwood (not that model), and she loved it. I see your Ankarsrum on the counter is just begging to be reviewed, too. :)
@AmyLearnsToCook7 жыл бұрын
Yeah I do like the handles on the KA better. I really liked the attachments. They are heavy duty stainless steel. I wish KA would get rid of the burnished ones.
@chineeboy188 жыл бұрын
Another great video. I think that mixer is a really nice addition to any kitchen and nice alternative to those who want something different from the popular KA mixer. I see you got your Ankarsrum in the background. Waiting to see your review on that one.
@AmyLearnsToCook7 жыл бұрын
Thanks! The Ank video is coming up soon. I've been busy each weekend I haven't been able to play with it yet. This weekend we are volunteering in a bird count in our local area so it will be a couple weeks before I can get the video up.
@JockeyCake Жыл бұрын
Thank you this video. Your experience and opinion is honest. This is I looked for.
@AmyLearnsToCook Жыл бұрын
Glad it was helpful!
@bereketestifanos93374 жыл бұрын
Hello amy very wonderful video thanks !! From Eritrea
@SquidgyBidgey6 жыл бұрын
Superb point about the tilt head and possible food contamination. On my Kenwood Prospero the tilt head opens far higher., but the basic shape is very similar, based upon the flour spills I need to clean up on the Prospero I would definitely end up with flour in that section of the mixer. For some comparison the blender attachment on my Prospero is OK, but no where near as powerful as my standalone Kenwood blender. However the food processor attachment on the Kenwood Prospero is superb and works fantastically, only issue is that its not very strong. I broke one of the cutting discs trying to grate cheese. I can't really comment on the beater. My Prospero has the one of the same shape, but I've maybe used it once and I can't remember how it performed (although I don't remember it binding like that). When making my pizza dough I have found that on the Prospero its almost as easy to add the flour with the tilt head down as it is up. The two biggest issues with the Prospero is that when making pizza dough it vibrates all over the worktop (manual says that dough should be mixed at min speed 4 out of 6). The greatest weakness though is that the latch that holds the tilt down often pops open at that speed, so much so that I have started strapping it into place (with a shoulder strap from a sports bag). It does also get exceptionally warm if I am making multiple batches of dough.
@paulwharton18505 жыл бұрын
Thank you for the review - most helpful. Please note that for the past 8 years all Kenwood stand mixers have been made in China. I've he company is now under ownership & control by De'Longhi of Italy. My experience has been that I've got a 30 year old English manufactured (still working) Chef and a 6 year old Chinese Kenwood Chef. The Chinese one is not nearly as well made......but then comparatively it was a lot cheaper to buy. I have a new KitchenAid Artisan, of course made in the USA and is MUCH better quality - mixes cakes much better, with none of the clumping around the K beater - smoother & quieter too. From experience I don't bother buying attachments for stand mixers anymore - I think separate dedicated blenders, food processors etc perform far better.
@EricLearnstoCook5 жыл бұрын
Thank you for watching. Appreciate the comment. That's good that your UK Kenwood is still kicking after all these years. Too bad the Chinese built one isn't as good quality. KitchenAid scares me. Decent enough to do basic mixing, but long term bread making would scare me enough to just use a dedicated bread machine. Yes, most standalone products are better than using attachments, but then many people are too cheap to invest in good appliances and buy the attachments instead. You get what you pay for.
@2Drezik5 жыл бұрын
Hem..the kitchenaid is proudly assembled in the USA indeed, you can't miss it! but it is made in China too 🤫
@janicesmith19564 жыл бұрын
The Kenwood is popular in New Zealand too. About $900 here. Nz dollars. It has other attachments too.
@amadirazak7 жыл бұрын
I bought a Kenwood km023 mega pack no regrets so far still getting a feel of ir
@pisgah27153 жыл бұрын
I had a Kenwood for 35 years (the small mixer with the blender you could stick on the end) I could not kill that machine. Over the years the plastic went from white to yellow and when I gave it away it was still in perfect working order. Kenwoods don't normally rock. Have you checked the feet?
@Snaerffer10 ай бұрын
These were in almost every home in Australia when I was a kid (60s to early 80s).
@mini0201078 жыл бұрын
I was thinking to buy this but the price was way too much then I bought Smeg 50 style for $210 and I'm loving it. Can you please do a review of Kenwood food processor?
@EricLearnstoCook8 жыл бұрын
I'm sorry. We don't have the Kenwood food processor.
@marinatomlinson387 жыл бұрын
i live in the uk and my daughter has the lastest food processor kenwood and she said it does everything but cook the food
@TheArteditors6 жыл бұрын
kenwood is the way to go. blenders are called liquidisers... been using mine for 10 years. my mum's is around 35 years and we love them, she is a bad cook but still, you can get bowls stainless steel hooks beaters and so on. paddle attachment is called a k-beater. your biscuit dough failed because of overworked batter and it seemed to be a bit on the warm side. i have found beating flour on minimum possible side, it gives fluffier, less sticky and not as messy k-beater. there is a black silicone attachment for beating and creaming, you don't need it though. good job. i am actually craving for an ankersrum but maybe another time... probably next year... keep up the good work
@antonyhoch7 жыл бұрын
These are $1299 ($940USD) in New Zealand, but they're also 1400 watts, not 750.
@AmyLearnsToCook7 жыл бұрын
+Antony Hoch In the US, we only have 110 instead of 220 volts so our appliances are usually less wattage.
@antonyhoch7 жыл бұрын
I just need a good machine to make good pizza dough. I had a Ninja, but the crappy plastic components self destructed after less than 10 uses. It worked really well for a very short time. Never buy Ninja!
@fai57347 жыл бұрын
Antony Hoch very similar here in Australia. Have you bought a mixer yet? I'm very tempted to get the Kenwood chef sense, 4.6 litre glass bowl and it seems inexpensive at 399
@wrh1526 жыл бұрын
My Kenwood Chef Titanium (major) is 1700 watts (UK model). It is a beast of beauty and I would not change it for any other mixer in the world.
@edstar836 жыл бұрын
Mines 1500 watts. Im in Australia but imported it from UK a few years ago because they weren't available here yet.
@bb987r8 жыл бұрын
i have it in white and it is super nice
@AmyLearnsToCook7 жыл бұрын
Do you have the 5 quart or the 7?
@bb987r7 жыл бұрын
i have both
@collinlovas2 жыл бұрын
Nice analysis of the Kenwood. I remember Kenwood stereos. Wonder if they’re related. The attachments might be nice, but they’d likely work better if they were coated in a nonstick compound like the Kitchen Aid. I recently picked up the Kitchen Aid Professional 5 and I haven’t broken it… yet. It comes with a nonstick paddle and dough hook. I’m looking to replace the burnished balloon whisk with one that I can toss in the dishwasher. Love your videos.
@voidremoved5 жыл бұрын
Tough to choose one. I was going to get Ankarsrum but worried it balls up and people say you have to watch over it and move the arm. So this one I would just have to clean it off the beater instead. I wonder which is easier to clean up after
@sashineb.21145 жыл бұрын
I was thinking of getting an Ankarsrum, but I don't do enough bread making to justify it, and I don't like the smaller plastic bowl and whips. I've heard the gears on the whip mechanism can break. I wish they would make sturdier whisks and replace the plastic bowl with stainless steel.
@gillgreen34465 жыл бұрын
Hi Amy first I love your videos and find them really interesting. I’m in the UK and at nearly 75 I’ve had 3 different Kenwood stand mixers and bought my first KitchenAid artisan 6 years ago and my Ank 2years ago. My present Kenwood is the Titanium K101. Now to your questions. The potato peeler doesn’t go into anything, it goes on in place of the mixing bowl and should fit any standard Kenwood table mixer and definitely fits the titanium. The old potato peeler was stainless steel with a very rough grater like surface inside. It worked brilliantly but was impossible to clean. The modern one is plastic and not as good as it sounds. The vegetables are in water and spun against the rough side of the bowl. It takes off the skin but not all of it and you really need to finish them by hand. I seldom use mine. Yes there is a flexi beater, mine came with the mixer but you can buy it separately. There is no problem with keeping the mixer clean as the bottom where the head lifts up is hollow so if anything spill it will go through onto the work surface. Underneath the bowl there should be a rubber mat that is removable. It’s a standard part of all Kenwood but didn’t sound like you had one. The titanium has a p for pulse if you turn your dial anti clockwise. It starts faster than KitchenAid which starts gently, but it’s also on the plus it’s more powerful. Now the not so good. Ken Wood died in 1995 and his family ran the business for a few years before selling to Delongi who I was told continued with the design but not the quality. This I can’t say for sure but all the newer designs are cheaper than the old ones were. My machine moves slightly under a heavy load but doesn’t rattle or squeak.
@dianaoprea69925 жыл бұрын
Hello Mrs. Gill, Thank you for taking time to write this comment. I appreciate a lot the information you provided for Amy, which it's so helpful for me as well. Wish you God's blessing!
@Kay-sc7mc4 жыл бұрын
Hi, I am just wondering which mixer you would recommend out of the two ~ kitchen aid artisan or the kenwood chef. Thanks
@gillianhill47574 жыл бұрын
I have this mixer although I think it’s a slightly different model - mine does not rock like that. It is very sturdy - was interested to hear about the potato peeler alas I don’t think they make it anymore so looks like I will have to keep peeling potatoes!
@leannebourgeois10988 жыл бұрын
Hi Amy and Eric; I think this is the mixer that Stephanie from Joy of Baking uses. maybe you can compare notes. Have a blessed day!!!
@cheshkat63217 жыл бұрын
That's the mixer I really want. Every time I watch Stephanie's videos, I admire that mixer she uses. I look at it in my amazon.com wishlist quite often. I haven't viewed this video yet Amy because I wanted to make sure I thank you for this review.
@tlicious1217 жыл бұрын
She has the 7 qt model, which has a slightly more powerful motor. I have this little 5 qt one, too, and did lots of research so I can spot which is which a mile away - lol.
@MaZEEZaM7 жыл бұрын
tlicious121 1200 vs 1700 watt motor.
@tlicious1217 жыл бұрын
In the U.S., the 120 V models are 750 W for the 5 qt vs. 800 W for the 7 qt and are sold by Delonghi. I think in other countries, the 220V models have even more wattage as you state ;)
@braddavis88226 жыл бұрын
Leanne Bourgeois She uses this and the Cuisinart. I wonder if the parts are interchangeable? Would love to have Stephanie share more about the equipment she uses.
@storeput457 жыл бұрын
It's moving from side to side, because the motor of it is placed near the base. However, i don't mind that, because these machines have a LOT of power. I sure as hell am happy about my Kenwood machine, I would prefer these over kitchenaid everyday. Kitchenaid machines is very "plasticky", and i would take this powerful and well-built machine everyday! :)
@DairiusASMR7 жыл бұрын
mathias sejersen plasticly umm... the kitchenaids are all metal very heavy. So kenwood feels really cheap compared to a kitchenaid.
@p57-elf7 жыл бұрын
Not the KMix which is all metal and twice the paltry power of the Kitchen Aid..oh and it comes in differnt flag colours to..I bought the Barcelona edition having got rid of my Aid which was rubbish
@wrh1526 жыл бұрын
Definitely not the Chef Titanium, which is the model she is reviewing. it is a fantastic machine. Much better than the Kitchenaid, and with a much more powerful motor.
@icankickmagda6 жыл бұрын
Elephant ASMR The KitchenAid bodies are all metal but that doesn't say much for the innards. Out new KitchenAid Professional 600 lasted all of 4 months with average use before breaking, and KitchenAid will not replace it! It had been replaced with a Blakeslee A717, which is an older model made by Kenwood. It feels much more substantial and has much more power and sounds much better. The KitchenAid motor never sounded good and got worse and worse.
@edstar836 жыл бұрын
1500 watts of power baby. I love mine.
@joshgarcia7552 жыл бұрын
I actually found a white kenwood and it is a mary berry special edition, but I think it is only in United Kingdom.
@74quo3 ай бұрын
I have one here in the uk,built in the early seventies,also in the uk. Still going strong Oh you can also attach a juicer,meat grinder and blender😁😉👍
@gibran533 жыл бұрын
Nice larger wire gauge on the whip.
@sashineb.21142 жыл бұрын
They used thinner wires on some of the whips, especially for the 7 quart Titanium mixer. A friend has the 5 quart Titanium and it has thinner wires, too.
@gullwingstorm8577 жыл бұрын
These are the limousine of stand mixers. KitchenAid might look prettier, but you can't beat a Kenwood Chef. You can buy Kenwood Chef when you get married, and use it when you make a cake for your fiftieth wedding anniversary.
@AmyLearnsToCook7 жыл бұрын
I've seen someone that has a few early ones that are still going strong!
@Tweetieb6 жыл бұрын
Not mine, I used my Kenwood for everything including bread and it only lasted 7 years! I replaced it with a Globe 5 qt. commercial stand mixer. I also purchased an Ankarsrum Stand mixer for most of my bread making and I love it!
@Sheryl07056 жыл бұрын
AmyLearnsToCook , I’ve had my Kenwood 800 for 20 years and it’s still going strong! I bought it after seeing it used at King Arthur Flour. Will probably buy a new one in the near future. One of our daughters would love to inherit the 800!
@MrJustBMW6 жыл бұрын
Kenwood Chef XL and Chef Sense XL really are the best mixers. Extremely strong and durable.
@gillgreen34465 жыл бұрын
GullWing Storm I agree with you but that was when Kenwood was Kenwood
@Mousland-7236 жыл бұрын
Great video Amy. I have seen the Kenwood used on many cooking vids from the UK. It does seem like a good alternative to the Kitchenaid. I really like the Ankarsrum though especially for mixing bread dough. Have you done or considered doing a comparison between the KitchenAid, Kenwood and Ankarsrum?
@AmyLearnsToCook6 жыл бұрын
I am planning on doing some comparison videos. I am just slow at making videos because I work a full time job during the week. My filming is limited to the weekend. But...I do plan on making more so stay tuned and thanks for watching!
@Mousland-7236 жыл бұрын
AmyLearnsToCook I totally understand that. Thank you.
@paulillingworth12424 жыл бұрын
We have a chef premier 1000w very similar to yours, they do a scraper type beater it makes a bit easier, the Chef is a great machine and will last a long time. The power is also great they use a belt driven metal gearbox when I repaired my moms chef (33 years old chef) mixer
@hollycote85835 жыл бұрын
I just received the Kenwood KMC011 5 quart Chef Titanium mixer yesterday. It is THE loudest small appliance I have ever heard! There is also a rumbling like the bearings are loose(my husband is an engineer) which sounds like the whole thing is going to wear out in a short time. Is this machine supposed to sound like this? btw, thanks for all your videos. They helped as I was deciding on what mixer to buy. Hopefully, I got the right one!!
@gillgreen34465 жыл бұрын
Holly Cote Hi I have had a Kenwood I mixer for over 40 years and a real Kenwood is the best ever in my opinion. They were expensive but built to last. Unfortunately when Ken Wood died in 1995 they were run by an heir who later sold to Delongi. They are much cheaper now and I wouldn’t buy one. They have loads of different models now, Kenwood had only normal or major and new models came out every few years but with the same quality parts and manufacture. I had a Delongi kettle but I would never buy another
@mohammedpanju2236 Жыл бұрын
Very Comprehensive Review of a TERRIFIC PRODUCT. Thank you very much for sharing. 🙏🇬🇧
@AmyLearnsToCook Жыл бұрын
@PopcornSimulationGaming7 жыл бұрын
Hello Amy . I have the Kenwood here over in the UK Your right Kenwood is a British company thats been making mixers since the early 50s. The beater is known as the Kmix you can get the beater that gets all the sides from Kenwood I believe you can get the potato peeler here in the UK and yes will fit . I've just updated to the Kenwood k mixer 1000w cheers love from Romy in London xxx
@halos1364 жыл бұрын
Is Kmc010 was the one u review? My kitchen aid was ruined a couple of weeks ago and I’m researching for a new mixer. Thx for the great video! Which mixer was the best u tried? I hear a lot about the model I wrote in the beginning
@CShannon19918 жыл бұрын
Awesome review!!
@AmyLearnsToCook8 жыл бұрын
Thanks Christopher!
@jaredini8 ай бұрын
You see plenty of these Kenwood Chef mixers on Ebay. Usually from the 60s and 70s. Built like tanks.
@alanvanallen77624 жыл бұрын
Hi Amy Still using my mothers Kenwood A701A from around the early seventies,would'nt part with it,I have the potato peeler,it does a good job and is easy to clean.Also have several other accessories,Kenwoods are great kitchen aids,hope you managed to the potato peeler
@sandy-mr5gj Жыл бұрын
Amy, no need to chill bowl and attachment for whipped cream, only for meringues (egg whites).
@aliciakeeney13055 жыл бұрын
I wish the handle on the bowl was vertical vs horizontal. Vertical handles gives you much more leverage when scooping ingredients out of the bowl. These little things matter to overall functionality :-)
@sarahsam7772 жыл бұрын
@paulround85014 жыл бұрын
Personally I think the Kenwood is better made than anything but the pro Kitchen Aid machines. The K paddle is more suited to mixing things like cake batter which is looser and doesn't bind up on the paddle. For a stiff dough like the one you were making I normally use the creaming beater, which is an optional extra but well worth getting, it also scapes the sides of the bowl as it mixes and is totally open in the middle.
@sashineb.21144 жыл бұрын
I wonder how the Kenwood 7-quart Titanium mixer compares with the KitchenAid Commercial (8 quart) mixer. I like that they both have stainless steel tools, and both seem to be powerful.
@paulround85014 жыл бұрын
@@sashineb.2114 The Kitchen Aid pro line are designed for light commercial use so they are a level above the Kenwood which is good but not built for use day in day out. For a home kitchen the Kitchen Aid pro is really overkill in my opinion and it is too large and heavy for most home kitchens too, although the Kenwood has a large capacity it is a more compact machine and no where near as heavy.
@cherylcabral43 жыл бұрын
👏👏👏I love my Proline 7.
@sylviaaw25544 жыл бұрын
What speed should I use for whisking egg white and also the speed for beating butter and sugar?
@Hawra.Almusallam8 жыл бұрын
What is the best between kenwood and KitchenAid because I want to buy one but I don't know what is the best between them Artisan one😊
@sharins2265 Жыл бұрын
I just purchased one 🎉 going to give away my kitchen aid. So far my only problem is attaching the splatter , they could have done it better.
@neetasalian16007 жыл бұрын
hi amy I liked yr stand mixer can u tell jr ehst is model nunber & hw much litre it is foes ther provide eith one steel jar or additional sny jar or we ve to buy if we need more pls reply
@cnnw39298 жыл бұрын
Kenwood had a commercial version of this mixer that I was thinking about purchasing, but it seemed a little flimsy, so I passed. None the less, this seems like a great unit if you can get a good deal on one. If I were to pick between the KitchenAid commercial and the Kenwood, I would opt for the KitchenAid because it feels more solid, is quiet, and also very easy to clean. Having a huge capacity isn't going to have the same meaning as versatility. You want a machine that can do a great job on batches of all sizes. It appears like this one can do any where from small amounts, up to a medium quantity with reasonable ease. Thanks for the review, Amy. I look forward to seeing how that Bosch and Ankarsrum work!
@smsstuart8 жыл бұрын
Yes - another great review. You discovered the same issue that Cook's Illustrated found when they performed their testing of stand mixers: The unnecessary zig-zag internal supports of the flat beater, found on some brands - although the Kenwood was not included in their testing line-up. It's funny - it's as if the Marketing "gurus" at Kenwood drove the 'design' of the flat beater, and the "bean-counters" at Whirlpool (KitchenAid) decided against an all S/S design for their assortment of beaters, etc., opting instead for a panoply of different materials and coatings, and essentially not even offering as an option all S/S attachments, other than for their professional lines.
@AmyLearnsToCook7 жыл бұрын
Yeah. There is nothing out there that has the best of everything....the stainless steel in a shape that does not bind up the batter. I was disappointed in the Kenwood because of this even tho I really like the stainless steel and the weight of them.
@johnlucia72237 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the review, Amy. I agree with you about the "K" design of the paddle. I had a mid-range Kenwood in the later 80's, and back then, that was the thing that drove me the craziest about the mixer. I was constantly unsticking ingredients from the paddle. The other issue is that tilt-head gap down near the bottom. I thought the Cheftronic did a much better job of finishing off the area near the bottom of the tilting base. I remember that the Kenwood had to be cleaned often, because food would drop down there as you tilted the head back. Though these seem like minor things, they are very annoying if you rely on your mixer on a frequent basis. Another thing I would add: the top of that dough hook attachment has been improved to not be as concave as it used to be, but I see that flour STILL gets stuck up there above the hook. I do agree with you that Kenwood makes beautiful attachments. Very well made. Just some annoying glitches in how they are designed.
@AmyLearnsToCook7 жыл бұрын
Thanks for watching John! Have you seen the Kenwood with the induction heater? I wonder if it works very well.
@rachaels89764 жыл бұрын
My Mum had a Kenwood for years. She bought it in the 60's and she had the potato peeler bowl. I also had a rubber lid with a hole so the potatoes didn't pop out as they peeled. The peeler bowl was metal and had a rough interior so as the potatoes spun, the skin was almost grated off like sandpaper on a wall. LOL It was awful to clean as the little peelings stuck to the textured interior wall of the bowl but my Mum hates peeling potatoes so it was the lesser of two evils as far as she was concerned. She passed her Kenwood onto me as she aged because the old ones were really heavy and had a ceremic bowl that also weighed a lot. Sadly, when I emigrated in 2001, it went into the garbage because Mum didn't want it back and the power in Canada is a different wattage than the UK so all our electric items were useless to ship. I have a KitchenAid now because Kenwood wasn't available in Canada when I came but I much prefer the Kenwood.
@sashineb.21144 жыл бұрын
I remember when those potato peelers were available for the Kenwood mixers in the 1970s. I used to see them at Eaton's store in Toronto. I think they still make a plastic version of it for today's Kenwoods, but it's not on the Kenwood site right now.
@mijalakis34 жыл бұрын
It's not moving or bouncing, it is actually shaking and that's a flaw in the design. With what you're mixing it shouldn't shake like that, what happens is the the heavy part of the mixer which is the motor was placed with no regard of the elongated design so the gravity center is misplaced. The head doesn't move because of the type of lock it has, however it should move a little bit otherwise something harder to mix can break that lock so yes the head moving is actually part of a superior design and it's a mechanism of defense for the entire machine. Unyielding mechanisms leave no space or room to absorb part of the impact so the motor struggles more, the lock may break rendering it useless for dough kneading and for cookie making you would need hold down the head of the mixer all the time
@bilharotich15314 жыл бұрын
Hi Amy, I love your reviews....would you kindly compare kenwood and moulinex stand mixers. These are the only two good mixers available in Kenya where I live...will appreciate 🤩
@AmyLearnsToCook4 жыл бұрын
Hi Bilha! I don't think they sell the Moulinex here in the US. I would love it try one but they probably don't work with our 110 electric plugs.
@bilharotich15314 жыл бұрын
@@AmyLearnsToCook thanks for the response 👍
@claudiamartindelcampo23007 жыл бұрын
Woo Hi Amy ..... I Just got me the kenwood cooking chef I love it 😍. I love kitchen machine love it .... can you. Make something else in your Kenwood mixer
@AmyLearnsToCook7 жыл бұрын
You got a Cooking Chef? I am jealous!!! Does it come with a bunch of attachments?
@miaaustin15083 жыл бұрын
Hello Amy ! I like to buy one of Kentwood mixed ! Where’s I can find ? Thanks
@sashineb.21142 жыл бұрын
Have you tried Costco online?
@eldad123452 жыл бұрын
it will be nice if you make the same for KitchenAid mixer
@n95girl7 жыл бұрын
Amy can you review a Kenwood Cooking Chef Gourmet?
@makeupaddiction10133 жыл бұрын
perfect review
@AmyLearnsToCook3 жыл бұрын
@CShannon19918 жыл бұрын
What about that Viking Mixer?
@vinishshetty80555 жыл бұрын
I was planning to get a slightly used commercial kitchenaid stand mixer because of the build qualify and all attachments but what put me off is the unwashable attachments seriously you cant wash parts with raw egg dough stuck in them breeding ground for salmonella, until I came across the Kenwood and its all stainless steel attachments wow i am planning to buy the chef xl the largest model since its not available in India i would be asking my friend travelling from UK to carry one.
@HJKelley474 жыл бұрын
Now that you have approximately 50 mixers, what are the top three you would recommend? Was Kenwood nice enough to send you those extra attachments you wanted?
@AmyLearnsToCook4 жыл бұрын
I like them all for different reasons. Kenwood didn't send me anything. I tried to get the potato peeler but it is not available in the US. It is hard to get attachments for it but I still really like it. I don't use attachments that much because stand alone versions tend to work better. Thanks for watching!
@fredstratton28415 жыл бұрын
I would have increased the hydration of the dough for 2 reasons. First it allows for a better loaf with more rise. Second it would decrease the obvious strain on the mixer and allow the hood.k to work better