Kerbal Space Program 2 is Not Good

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Have you purchased KSP2?
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@KerbalSpaceProgramOfficial Жыл бұрын
Hey Piolet, thank you for sharing your thoughts. I've passed along your video to the devs, and we'll make sure to ingest this along with all of the other feedback. We're rapidly working to address many of the issues you ran into.
@trumops6886 Жыл бұрын
@nathanhull8201 Жыл бұрын
@dongodongo4355 Жыл бұрын
Just shut the game down. This will save you lots of work and money.
@unhommequicourt Жыл бұрын
good luck, there is a lot of work to do. Can t wait to see ksp2 become a real game
@summergamer7650 Жыл бұрын
Honestly though we dont need to hear much, but this is enough. Thank you.
@paulashwin247 Жыл бұрын
It's screaming publisher pressure to get something out. Sure the team will get it sorted but I hope they have time to do it.
@smggl64 Жыл бұрын
No its screaming EARLY ACCESS
@TAnders877 Жыл бұрын
50.. dollars
@JoacoG11 Жыл бұрын
​@@smggl64 50 dollars for a early access 💀
@DataDownLynk Жыл бұрын
@@JoacoG11 games are getting more expensive.
@smggl64 Жыл бұрын
@@JoacoG11 than dont buy it tf
@gravitronlocksport9925 Жыл бұрын
For anyone who forgot, this game was supposed to release THREE YEARS ago. And this is all they have to show for it. A buggy, borderline unplayable mess with even very basic features missing.
@spatrk6634 Жыл бұрын
yes, hence early access. they obviously got stuck somewhere during the development. as they are rewriting entire code from scratch. they should've waited 3 more years before releaseing the game. but hey, i look forward to checkin updates as they come
@youtuubbguy66 Жыл бұрын
Such a bad launch could mean the end of this game, very unfortunate. The amount of people that was going to buy the game but didn't because of the steep price and game's current state and the amount of refunds could lead the publisher to pull the plug on it. Never let a big publisher touch a "real" game. Let them deal with their "fake" AAA titles. Big publisher are literally killing the gaming industry. Greed is the downfall of humans.
@RJiiFin Жыл бұрын
"was going to buy the game but didn't because of the steep price and game's current state" This is me. If this had been 20$, with of course access to all patches and releases like any other early access game, I would've bought it even with these reviews. But 50 DOLLARS for this? No.
@MrCrazyman-tm1jn Жыл бұрын
12 of my 14 hrs in ksp 2 have been recreating real life planes with procedural wings and some new parts
@sambal777 Жыл бұрын
There are some save corrupting bugs that will force you to start a new save losing all your craft though.
@bboi1489 Жыл бұрын
​@@sambal777 I've never encountered them.
@Artemis387 Жыл бұрын
I can't believe they launched this game in this state, and to learn it was originally meant to come out in 2020 and was delayed 3 different times to now. With cutting out so much content for early access I thought they'd at least have a solid base to release but this is such a mess.. I don't even feel like bothering to try to play missions because the game will just break and delete any progress I'd made so there's no point in even bothering to open the game.
@Herbertti3 Жыл бұрын
I tried to built my favorite gigantic ssto from KSP1 and got 3fps. I have 5800X3D, 32GB RAM and 6800 XT.
@WasatchWind Жыл бұрын
The struggle for me right now is that I do enjoy playing the game, and I'm not doing any big interplanetary missions any time soon - but the bugs often are game breaking for me. Performance is better than I expected, the bugs much worse. Keep having situations where my craft files are deleted, or the button to launch in the VAB straight up does nothing. I made a new campaign and that seems to have fixed it, but still, it is exhausting to deal with.
@spatrk6634 Жыл бұрын
ye, i dont try to save the game yet. i just start new campaign each time i go to play it.
@sphaera2520 Жыл бұрын
Improve. Adapt. Overcome. You know the state of the game. You presumably believe it will reach a stage where it is worth $50 and 1000s of invested hours like ksp1. The question is, how do you maximize your “fun” now while it’s in this state while maximizing how fast it gets to that end phase? I don’t own either game so take my advice with a grain of salt but I’d say either commit to being a beta tester or just take occasional sips every now and then playing with what you know works to enjoy the growth of the game for the next x months. That or refund and pretend like early access is a feverish dream and wait for them to announce 1.0 release.
@Pacca64 Жыл бұрын
I'm kinda glad they're sticking to getting feedback in the base game and haven't dumped all the potential new features on all at once, they clearly have a lot of very fundamental hurdles to get over first. I know it's early access and all, but I was genuinely surprised to see it having this much trouble. Only time will tell how things grow from here...
@EinBick Жыл бұрын
This game is in developement for 5 years at least. Stop making stupid excuses.
@chrisgaming9567 Жыл бұрын
@@EinBick 6 years, actually. For comparison, 99% of the original game's development took 3.
@louisgari4294 Жыл бұрын
​@@EinBick they wrote the entire code again for the new features
@bboi1489 Жыл бұрын
​@EinBick And? Would you rather it not get fixed at all? Did you think interstellar, colonies, new systems, new parts, and new physics would come instantly? Not to mention the studio switch halfway through. Five years seens pretty generous for that. Stop making stupid complaints.
@bboi1489 Жыл бұрын
​@@chrisgaming9567 The og game didn't have as many features as ksp2 and was much more broken, I'd say there's a solid 2-5 years before Early Acess is finished.
@csspostal Жыл бұрын
I landed on mun 3 times and my lander had 2k pls of delta V planted flag to try get screenshot for weekly challenge and get back in to launch back to Kerbin. Craft from between zero and 7 delta v left in the craft. Anyone know where the screenshots are saved now I can't find them
@fancycat2319 Жыл бұрын
Most ppl playing with planes as soon as they hit launch their plane falls apart into individual pieces on the runway like all the welds and bolts vanished
@durbeshpatel3047 Жыл бұрын
Im just going to wait for ksp 3
@therookiegamer2727 Жыл бұрын
my main issue with ksp 2 is "pumping sim once" it is in fact my only issue, as i have never gotten past that point
@stellarthings3435 Жыл бұрын
“We are aiming to kill the kraken”
@steve166h Жыл бұрын
I don’t think it can be fixed. It’s just made wrong. I launched a rocket with docking ports connected, No way to disconnect them, this tells me no one making the game is a player of the game. Also stacking nodes are off center, craft stays loaded when moving from scene to scene doubling the lag and making it impossible to time warp for lunch windows.
@badbeck76 Жыл бұрын
Good on you for posting the truth on this. My biggest issue is the price! 2019 they announced ksp2, then kept delaying it over and over because they said they wanted to make sure it was done right and complete on launch. Yes it is the same early access for launch as ksp 1, but that was 8$ on release, and look at the price for this release. Of course there is going to be major fixes as the months go by, but this is unacceptable.
@chrisgaming9567 Жыл бұрын
Glad I'm not the only one who remembers that they promised to skip over pre-alpha/early access
@V8chump Жыл бұрын
Everyone compares it to ksp1 at launch…. I’m pretty sure ksp1 was very much so playable day 1… it’s a Herculean task just to get into kerbin orbit in KSP2
@barfinggopher9815 Жыл бұрын
Can't sell yourself short with all the fixing they'll have to do along with the promised content. I'll personally be content if they continue through and deliver. If not, oh well I've spent more on worse. Less likely going forward with any take-two sponsored groups.
@Daniel_Bagi Жыл бұрын
Same here, the delay is what bothers me the most, for what it is now and how much they are charging for it. It makes me wonder what state it was in a year or two ago when they planned on releasing it.
@memesforever8456 Жыл бұрын
​@@barfinggopher9815 games should release fixed, especially if it's 50 dollars
@TheSpatulaCity Жыл бұрын
Basically you're paying $50 to be a QA tester.
@ThePixelated_kris Жыл бұрын
I have a gtx 1050 ti and the game is straight up unplayable and when i can manage the 1-2 fps the paraches dont work for me on the mk 1 capsule.
@Lexyvil Жыл бұрын
You can tell KSP2 is made by different folks. I had to refund it, the loading times were much longer than KSP1 for me--2 to 3 minutes to load simple tutorial videos, or load a game, or revert a flight, when comparing both games on an external HDD. It's like made for an SSD. I'll buy it when it's more optimized. Sure it's in early access but many of the bugs were easily noticeable and repeatable that they should have checked them off before releasing it. The menu is still very counterintuitive that I end up building rockets faster in KSP1, but at least my FPS issues weren't too bad, it was at least playable at times (3070 ti) From that, it is a bad how it feels like they haven't hired beta testers and that they are charging $66 CAD + taxes for the majority of players to do the testing for them, when it should be a collaboration of both. They also showed preview of having more features in 2020 than there is now in 2023, so what happened during those 3 years? Oh right, Covid happened, but still...Better not to sell something broken for that much. It needs A LOT of optimization, and if I see it much improved, then I'll re-buy it.
@liamoliverdarroch6482 Жыл бұрын
I built a four part rocket(mk1 command pod, flt 400 fuel tank, swivel engine and mk 16 parachute.) and was averaging between 2 and 3 fps on minimum graphics settings so I'm going to wait until I get a better computer and then keep playing.
@clayel1 Жыл бұрын
4 parts and 2 fps? god what computer do you have? i didnt even think that was possible
Bro you really thought you would run this game when a 4 part rocket runs at 2 fps?
@bvideos8299 Жыл бұрын
5:06 Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait!! They've been developing this game since 2017!!??? It's almost 6 years and we could only get an early acces?
@chrisgaming9567 Жыл бұрын
Yup, exactly
@m.devellis Жыл бұрын
My only problem with ksp2 is the price like if it's early access why does it cost 2-3 times what I got the non beta release ksp1 for without a sale
@JCapgun_bowchikabowwow Жыл бұрын
I made a video about it but there is a bug that stops you mid air if you deploy your rcs pack in eva
@PrincessTidge Жыл бұрын
I've played for two days and already decided to go back to KSP1 and let it cook for a bit longer
@anthonyc5039 Жыл бұрын
Have you been able to dock or build anything in orbit around another body? My entire trajectory changes when I try to fine tune an orbit just from moving. I can’t really expand at all.
@PrincessTidge Жыл бұрын
@@anthonyc5039 I've had one barely successful Minmus landing, the crew pod was Kraken'd on re-entry despite heating not even being a thing yet so I had to reload the return journey. I haven't tried anything as (relatively) complex as rendezvous/docking because the performance was making really accurate maneuvers very difficult.
@PrincessTidge Жыл бұрын
@RBCO I experienced this bug at one point too and had to reload a quicksave 😣
@the_steamtrain1642 Жыл бұрын
The golden rule almost all game developers get taught is once people leave your game they will leave it and not come back and tbh I think PD has really shot themselves with it in the foot here, they marketed the game as if it was in beta while it actually is in alpha, only pulling the brakes on the hype train about a month before launch but never actually trying to slow it down. I hear some people compare this game to no man's sky but there is something to remember, this time the fate of the game is not in a private small indie company but in a multi billion dollar company controlled by investors and while I think they will get far I don't think is it that far fetched to say the plug will get pulled either at some point
@matthewk9563 Жыл бұрын
It is marketed as a staged early access game. That is always an alpha product. New things are added, new bugs show up, and they continue to improve. It isn't any worse than KSP1 in 0.22 or so
@chrisgaming9567 Жыл бұрын
@@matthewk9563 The original reason that they said it was taking so long is because they wanted to get a full product ready. Now we have the worst of both worlds, a development time indicative of a full game and an actual game indicative of early access.
@Steve211Ucdhihifvshi Жыл бұрын
I agree they hyped everything and we got ksp 1 with a ui paintjob, that occasionally works and ms paint for parts ffs.
@derram0k Жыл бұрын
I honestly don't know how anyone can trust Take2 on this. They already killed the first studio that worked on this game, that has to be in the back of the dev's minds constantly.
@LordOfTime23 Жыл бұрын
Is there a full story on situation with first studio? I was never able to read into it
@NeoMorphUK Жыл бұрын
My concern is the whinging at an alpha level game. It’s like going “OH MY GOD, MY CAR IS REALLY UNCONFORTABLE AND HARD TO STEER” when you are looking at the chassis in the factory. You’ve paid to pre-order the car and the maker let’s you see it ahead of time but it’s not ready for the main road because there are no seats or steering wheel. Whinging at Mass Effect: Andromeda was apt because it was after launch but the whinging still killed off the DLC that I would love to have seen. After it had been patched it was an enjoyable game…. But killed before its time. I hope to god these whiners don’t kill KSP2 because that would be tragic.
@derram0k Жыл бұрын
@@LordOfTime23 ShadowZone should have a recap of it on his channel, though it was a couple years ago at this point so you might have to scroll a bit.
@LordOfTime23 Жыл бұрын
@@NeoMorphUK does anyone sell chassis of a car FOR FULL PRICE? Without announcing that it will be a chassis days before releasing it? You are so cucked, jesus
@Juanxlink Жыл бұрын
@@NeoMorphUK then they really should not charge full price for a tech demo...or expect a full priced game's criticism...
@Thect Жыл бұрын
I can tolerate the performance, but there are so many small bugs that just should not be released and reported by end users. None of the individual bugs are deal breakers, but 100 of them together can be really hard to play, unplayable if you will. Also, there are so many breaking changes in user experience, I felt like I need to relearn the whole game. Still struggling to get to space or even do anything useful in the game, while in ksp1 getting to orbit is a not easy but easily achievable through practice kind of goal. The ship is wobbly, hard to control, SAS bascially does nothing at all, struts never works properly, ... the list goes on. And the camera kept resetting position, button select effect is often wrong, window management is all over the place...etc I tried telling to wait for a bit, but when the game is in such an awkward state, even for early access games, is really hard to swallow
@pfcspencer11b Жыл бұрын
This game is still in beta
@pfcspencer11b Жыл бұрын
@RBCO either way the dev's were open about it not being complete from the beginning.
@spark5558 Жыл бұрын
​@@pfcspencer11bFor 50$ and 10 fps no thank but your in the sink cost fallacy
@pfcspencer11b Жыл бұрын
@@spark5558 not sure what the sink cost fallacy is but the $50 cost point is only relevant if this is the state the game will stay in. If you mean the sunk cost fallacy, I havent bought the game because I actually paid attention to what the devs stated. In both cases you're a moron.
@Thect Жыл бұрын
@@pfcspencer11b to be clear, I already tried not to jump into the "KSP2 BAD" train on launch day, I also told people to give it a chance, but it's just too frustrating to play with after couple of hours. I know this is a early access, and I know this is not complete, but this does not feel like something you should be releasing. EA is supposed to be the first chance for players to get a feel of the new mechanics and make feedback, not reporting obvious bugs that they should fix before clicking upload. I don't want to shit on the devs, I write code too, I know this is hard and I am thankful for their work. I'm annoyed by the fact they published it in the state it is now, whether it's a decision made by management or publishers. I already waited for this since forever ago, I wouldn't mind waiting for another year or two, just don't rush it, because we all know how awful a rushed game can be, even for early access.
@Forgetten55 Жыл бұрын
How was KSP1 first time came out. Was it stableish(even with kraken) like its right now or it had issues like ksp2?
@zeke3159 Жыл бұрын
When ksp1 came out for the very first time I think it was barely a game
@chrisgaming9567 Жыл бұрын
When KSP1 first came out it had been in development for a few months. After 3 years the game was 99% finished. KSP2 has been in development for 6 years.
@HowToDota Жыл бұрын
Ksp1 was made by one person, not 50+
@bryan81584 Жыл бұрын
It looks like they got every mod I have in ksp 1 except maybe a few like distant object enhancement and the dark space. Visually it looks great.. Sounds great. Seems to load fast. All the problems seem to be bug related and a few other oddities that might be bugs too. I'm going to hold off on buying it just yet.. But I have confidence they will get all this stuff ironed out.
@bustabusts Жыл бұрын
the reason the game load so fast is everything in the game is original parts. they just change the textures and more than three-quarters of the parts aren't in the game yet. also the game's not actually doing that many calculations compared to ksp1
@SacredQuack Жыл бұрын
I encountered a bug where you can’t launch your rocket at all. I had to start a new save and lost all my crafts.
@jackb3493 Жыл бұрын
I wonder if they left a debugging config switched on in the physics engine
@GoldenFFC Жыл бұрын
I have a GTX 1650. On a rocket launch I was running a solid 7FPS (sometimes 2 if it was angry). I was running on average 20 fps without looking at Kerbin. I landed on the Mun (barely)
@TheAmericanBrits Жыл бұрын
I completely agree the game is in a state thats not necessarily acceptable. But you spent $50 knowing damn well you sit below the minimum requirements for the game and are surprised?
@Internecion Жыл бұрын
I was getting around 5 fps on the mun with an RTX 3080 on low settings i don't know if its my computer or KSP2 is really that unoptimized
@formerfofcastudent7470 Жыл бұрын
Definitely your computer. Hitting about 10-20 on a 3060 ti at max settings
@swiftypopty1102 Жыл бұрын
I can achieve 60fps while building a large city on an island in City Skylines, and 40fps while constructing a massive factory across a whole continent in Satisfactory. However, building just one spaceship in KSP2 causes my framerate to drop to 20fps. Man, it's crazy how just building one spaceship in KSP2 can really mess with your performance. All those physics and engine calculations are no joke! And even with all that work, sometimes the physics still act up and do their own thing.
@geekroic1482 Жыл бұрын
Like you, it's heartbreaking. Waiting so long and discover this result... The game was not ready for an early access. It is a shame.
@chrisgaming9567 Жыл бұрын
After 6 years, it should've been more than ready by now.
@greenmonster4486 Жыл бұрын
1:45 how about if you have a macbook with a M1?
@Squiddicus2 Жыл бұрын
I love this game to death, i mean it’s buggy as hell but god damn it’s a banger of a game. Also, the sound track, I mean oh my god, you’re in for a treat when you start your descent towards Duna
@EinBick Жыл бұрын
How is it better than the first with a couple of mods?
@Aaron-fu2tj Жыл бұрын
@@EinBick It just isn't in this state... So frustrating...
@Squiddicus2 Жыл бұрын
@@EinBick never said it was, although as a platform it certainly is, or will be!
@EinBick Жыл бұрын
@@Squiddicus2 how do you know the developers won't just abandon the game?
@Squiddicus2 Жыл бұрын
@@EinBick you could say that about any game really, but there’s been too much effort put into it I think. I could be wrong but, let’s hope for the best!
@dylandreisbach1986 Жыл бұрын
For the new player element, I think they did great so far. The tutorials are great, I hope they keep expanding them. But yeah playing the game is almost impossible with the bugs currently. I am hopeful they truly get the game working properly sooner then later. I would honestly rather have solid working mechanics then better framerates. Though they do need to fix the framerate, and I have a prediction that popularity will spike again when KZbinrs and streamers start playing multiplayer. Take Two, playing with friends will boost popularity, please keep funding it because it will get there. Keep developing this to its full potential and it will be popular for years to come.
@frostyspace2839 Жыл бұрын
i watched your stream on the starship and i saw you really struggling with the noodle rockets
@RandomPickles Жыл бұрын
3 years past release date and they dobt even have the basics of KSP 1. This should be called KSP B 0.5.
@Brixxter Жыл бұрын
Player retention is worrying indeed. Concurrent player numbers have already dropped below the first game.
@alol441 Жыл бұрын
where are you seeing stats
@Brixxter Жыл бұрын
@@alol441 On the steam community tab
@randalholeman1722 Жыл бұрын
I had a glitch in ksp 2 where it deleted all my planes I had saved
@arieloq Жыл бұрын
Is in DX12? or Vulkan? if not thats why...
@prorityfeed3210 Жыл бұрын
When they say "we are excited to do x and y for all the new players!" what they really mean is, "we say whatever is necessary to get you idiots to give us $50 so we can report our increased earnings to our corporate overlords and give big returns to all their investment group shareholders". Hope I cleared that up. I know it's difficult sometimes for you natives to understand what the kings of the double-tongues are actually saying.
@ruivilela7 Жыл бұрын
Just like first version. In 10 years will be perfect
@welshcorgi4652 Жыл бұрын
You wanna watch your ram too, for me roughly 12gb ram used near ksc and 4gb in orbit
@SomeoneCalledAdrian Жыл бұрын
i have a Geforce 940 MX and i5 7200u…i dont think i will be playing ksp 2 anytime soon
@SpinosaurusStudios_ Жыл бұрын
2:13 uhh actually I did go to Eve and Gilly under like 50 parts and I can safely say yeah thats as far as we’re gonna be able to go.
@TheBroMan10 Жыл бұрын
I'm getting ksp2 for my birth day in march and hoping i dont have to mod all the files to even go to duna and also mod the textures so my GTX 1080 will get more than 4 FPS on one of my typical 100+ part craft.
@safepancake7551 Жыл бұрын
good luck with that 100+ craft. (in a serious note by march hopefully it will be slightly better)
@TheBroMan10 Жыл бұрын
@@safepancake7551 I hope I just did A modded duna mission with over 150 parts ang got vall stranded so I guess its time to call matt for a blunder birds mission
@harbingerdawn Жыл бұрын
Textures shouldn't be an issue on an 8 GB card, it's partly a raw performance issue and partly a poor programming issue, with the engine tripping over itself and getting in its own way, not even giving the CPU and GPU enough work to max them out.
@TheBroMan10 Жыл бұрын
@@harbingerdawn Sounds like console players will never get to play KSP2
@harbingerdawn Жыл бұрын
@@TheBroMan10 Well most of the performance issues apply only to the current unfinished program, it shouldn't be like that forever.
@Ginkoman2 Жыл бұрын
btw you can manually change the joint stregnth on a file i out it from 1500 to 150000000 and its ok now, mostly
@sparklygames71 Жыл бұрын
I sent a 25 part mun rocket as my first ever ship made it to the mun at 20 fps got to the mun and has 2 fps while trying to land, it sucks that I cant play this because it seems fun, and its strange that I can run ksp1 with 300 mods just fine but ksp2 stock doesnt run at all.
@unwoundsteak17 Жыл бұрын
the only place I was able to get 60fps in this game was LKO and looking away from kerbin, the mun, and minmus
@TSPxEclipse Жыл бұрын
Terrain textures and a known bug with multiple engines getting fuel from the same fuel tank are the 2 biggest things that need to be optimized. That's really about it tbh. With my 2070 I can get upwards of 100fps in the VAB, but then only like 25 when I send the vessel to the launch pad.
@Fummy007 Жыл бұрын
I have a 960 exactly! but will probably pay up and upgrade for future games like this.
@TSPxEclipse Жыл бұрын
My current mindset with PC upgrades is to upgrade every 3rd or 4th generation. For you, a 30-series card would be a VERY worthwhile upgrade, and they aren't too terribly expensive as of now. I have a 2070 and I'm going to wait until 50-series or even 60-series to upgrade.
@LampYeeter Жыл бұрын
I was getting 20fps with a RTX 3060Ti
@orcbuster7060 Жыл бұрын
What are your PC specs?
@orcbuster7060 Жыл бұрын
Oh you said you a 1080 which is just enough to even run the game
the sea was following me and i looked up and it crashed and a lot more
@martinlisitsata Жыл бұрын
9:00 well this got me wondering and it turns out , while ksp 2 players are wobbling down , ksp 1 got from 2-5 to 5-10 thousand players . presumably the just like me got to orbit from the tracking center to avoid the lag and decided bollocks to this ill come back later
@eleocraft278 Жыл бұрын
You can fix the noodling in the config files.
@danielreborn4707 Жыл бұрын
For 50 bucks you shouldn't be forced to dig in config files.
@sixwingproductions Жыл бұрын
i had a feeling it would be like this as their progress videos were few and far between and rarly talked about the game or showed new stuff. like capturing rocket sounds is cool, but does the game actualy work? i have a ryzen 7 3700x, vega 64 with 8 gb of vram, and 32gb of ram. this game runs at a slog and my fans on my video card don't even spin with it. by the way ashes of the singularity a beutiful and graphicaly complex game which i bench mark all my computers on due to it's system heavy runnign makes my computer sound like a vacum cleaner and runs like butter on max settings. it is obvious the lagg is not lack of power or optimization it is bad code. seriously days later no word from the devs adressing the abd launch, no bug reporting thread in the discussions (a standard thing with early access games on steam), 3 years of delays, along witha ton of other issues. a game in this state should be getting daly updates, some say they got one patch right away, it's been 2 days and no updates and no word from the devs. not even an email thanking me for my feedback as i used the launcher feature were i'm logged in through the launcher. seriously that could have been as little as a form letter and an email bot. just goes to show the current team is not up to the task. take two should just hire squad to get the sequel fixed, and get rid of the god awful 8bit UI.
@pikpikgamer1012 Жыл бұрын
They said on Steam they are working on a patch as we speak it’s just going to be a little bit.
@fkknsikk Жыл бұрын
7:00 The tutorials themselves are bugged too.
@YatagarasuTomiyasu Жыл бұрын
For being a complete overhaul of an extremely complex game, it is a good job for now. It has many flaws, but I feel that it will become better the months to come. For now, it is more than playable, even in my 500$ gaming laptop (GTX 1650 and Core i5) and very enjoyable, but it still has many flaws as I mentioned. XD i copied my own comment from one of your posts
@Taboomix Жыл бұрын
better later dont mean its good lmao
@YatagarasuTomiyasu Жыл бұрын
@@Taboomix Of course, but I mean that for now its ok and enjoyable.
@danielreborn4707 Жыл бұрын
How You explain "complete overhaul" where game has all bugs from KSP1??
@EricJaakkola Жыл бұрын
I don't know why people keep complaining about autostruts missing. As if bendy rockets are a natural occurrence in video games. No, the bendy joints are a feature that had to be coded in by hand. Auto-struts are a work-around to disable something they deliberately added to the game. Instead of adding auto-struts, just make the joints less bendy. (Which you can do by editing joint rigidity in the physics json)
@Cz_Dani Жыл бұрын
i played on a 3090 and i got 23 fps with a 25 part craft to say that theres room for optimization is an understatement, i hope they can make a no man sky like comeback but i think ill check on this game in a year maybe then it will be as good as ksp1 :(
@spark5558 Жыл бұрын
No man sky had a great code base though it's not looking good for ksp 2. But there hoping and let's just hope the Devs have like a private version unreleased
@pixoe Жыл бұрын
i have a GTX 1660 and get 40 fps with a 36 part craft :p
@bustabusts Жыл бұрын
if you look at the game they released and the pages of bugs that people are reporting it would take a year to fix just that. plus releasing all the stuff from the roadmap don't think so. and no man's Sky took about two years to get good.
@bustabusts Жыл бұрын
@@pixoe damn that's awful
@Tiechan Жыл бұрын
So, what I understand is that players paid 50 dollars to be testers of the game ! 😆😂
@yama-sama-network-VODS Жыл бұрын
i have ksp2 . but i build planes because the noodling and bugs is why i dont use rocket in game
@YeageristsTatakae Жыл бұрын
Dude I feel for you, lol hearing the frustration in your voice is exactly how I felt. I mean my video card is well below the required specs (RX 590) but I was hoping maybe if it was released in a playable state I could downgrade the graphics. It would seem though from every youtuber I have watched on the subject that this game just is unplayable for people with super computers, which is just unacceptable at the asking price. So glad I was able to get a refund, lol. Here's hoping they fix this mess, and soon. Until then its KSP1 and Parallax for me lol
@blaat1982 Жыл бұрын
I reverted back to KSP 1. My fps are 35 with a 5800X3D with RX6950 btw on 2560x1440. It doesn’t even support my monitors resolution of 5120x1440
@notatimelord21 Жыл бұрын
In my opinion ksp 2 has a lot of potential but I think that it just needed some more work before early access. what it did right, 1 the game doesn't look like a month old potato, 2 ui is so much cleaner, 3 it has the same feel as ksp, 4 the planets are beautiful. what it wrong, 1 the biggest one is the performance it bad straight up bad, 2 it's lacking content, 3 a lot of bugs, bugs are to be excepted in a early access game but the amount is crazy and a big one I have encountered is kerbals disappearing when recovering a rocket, 4 there is no maneuver node planner or precise maneuver node planner, 5 the kraken is still here, 6 no atuo strut, 6 no right click to adjust one part, 7 you can't scroll to go up and down in the vab. overall I still love ksp 2 just like ksp I just wish was left in the oven a bit longer
@pikpikgamer1012 Жыл бұрын
@ninetieschild9114 Жыл бұрын
Clicking an holding scroll wheel should allow you to scroll up an down your builds in the vab, hope this helps.
@ekspedition4484 Жыл бұрын
I‘ve git a 1050ti with a very current CPU over the system requirements because i didn t got a GPU during the pandamic with 32 gb ram so the GPU is the only bottlenack and as long as I‘m watching toeards kerbin i have 5-7 FPS
@Fishchair Жыл бұрын
Idk if I got bad taste but even with the weird jank I have enjoyed the game, could it have been delayed, yes. Have I had fun, also yes. Am used to lag because I played console KSP for years so idk if that makes my opinion any less valid and also I got a RTX 3060. Biggest problems I got is the noodles, and the map feeling janky and the manovuuur node feeling terrible. I feel like if it was 30/40$ would be a better price
@d3tach3d Жыл бұрын
I think Part of the wretchedly low FPS stems from The bad CPU Optimization side rather than GPU side. In general with optimization regardless, its usually more leaning towards CPU utilization and Ram Leaking/Errors. My guess is they wrote or beefed the hell out of the games Simulation Phyics and those are still placed on the CPU to handle these days.
@targetz3843 Жыл бұрын
My first 24 hours of KSP2 is just, 10 FPS torment
@spencerlukay5809 Жыл бұрын
Well I’m glad there’s a large profit driven corporation at the helm. . .
@Rybo-Senpai Жыл бұрын
for me personally, the experience i'm having with KSP 2 is actually REALLY eerily similar to the experience i had with KSP1 back when i picked it up days before it entered its beta phase. in many ways KSP2 has exceeded my low expectations but in others its certainly lacking, but where its lacking are practically the same issues KSP1 had in its early days. Given enough time like KSP1 had, it can be a really great game but like for me a lot of people are being all like "i want it now" type of thing, and thats fine if you want it now then go play KSP1 because for the most part its got it all now with the exception of a few new features and ofcourse the MANY MANY upcoming, i've known people who are still EAGERLY awaiting Star Citizen. Star Citizen has had far far far longer than KSP2 in development and is not even close to achieving its goals.
@sphaera2520 Жыл бұрын
I’ve said it elsewhere: people are failing to manage their expectations and accommodate the current game for what it is, and what it EVENTUALLY will be. They come in expecting ksp1 on steroids just missing a handful of the newest features and find out it’s ksp1 0.12 on crack and explode with rage. Failing to realize all the info was out there. We know it’s an early access with lots of bugs. We know there’s a roadmap. We know $50 is a lot but they’re not gonna have the entire community buying the game at $20 now and losing on profits later. Like, come on people. There’s a fair way to criticize the game elements you don’t like or voice frustration at delays. But there’s also an unhealthy way of spewing salty tears on the internet that’s not going to do anyone any favors. Worse case scenario (which I don’t believe will happen) is the rage gets so overbearing the game IS cancelled because publisher be like fine, y’all must not want this at all (which I don’t believe is true, thus why I don’t think worse case will happen).
@Drepface Жыл бұрын
Honestly the bending should be completely axed as it causes nothing but lag and pain. Could instead have 100% stiff rockets, but weaker part attach joints, with struts strengthening those?
@shannonparkhill5557 Жыл бұрын
They're charging so much because, with interstellar and colonies, which they could have just made DLC if they had wanted to, there's going to be a lot in there.
@prestongarvey2285 Жыл бұрын
i got 6700xt and i dont even bother trying to go farther then the mun
@Swampthing401 Жыл бұрын
the thing i hate the most is that they broke the core mechanics. the math that makes rocketry work . the very skeleton of the whole game.
@pasanaator9874 Жыл бұрын
I have bought the game and its a really good game, with some awful bugs and glitches, i had my whole rocket get deleted, have a tutorial arrow stay on permanently and more.
@EinBick Жыл бұрын
How is it better than 1 with a couple of mods?
@Top-Code Жыл бұрын
“As you get away from the trees and KSC” If you can get away from it that is.
@ayoubbelatrous9914 Жыл бұрын
what KSP 1 and 2 use for physics is nvidia PhysX unity seems to be stuck on a very old version of PhysX rigidity of joints at this version doesnt do much i used latest version of PhysX in my game engine and its perfect its super fast and has 0 noodling unless you tell to. so unless unity fixes their physics situation things wont get any better then ksp1.
@benjaminrickdonaldson Жыл бұрын
well currently its 3 days old.
@exospaceman8209 Жыл бұрын
I have played KSP2 for 2 days and got bored. I know it’s in early development and all but it kinda makes me miss KSP1, idk what it is KSP2 is sure a great game I hope the Devs Fix the bugs😉
@pikpikgamer1012 Жыл бұрын
I agree with your hope for this game
@dimaratosgeorgiadis2672 Жыл бұрын
As a new player i thought that the reason i get an outcome so catastrophic was because im doing something wrong but then i saw the reviews. However its still more playable than league of legends which i look down to after i landed on mun, never going back.
@trikooo Жыл бұрын
well the preformance is bad because the minimum graphics card is FRICKING RTX 2080 i mean there is no issue for me personally, but if i still had my dumb """""gaming""""" laptop, i'd probably say that the game has too much reqirements (which i still say though, it's abnormally large)
@entropybear5847 Жыл бұрын
Honestly, the biggest controversy is the $50 price tag for a broken tech toy. Nobody cared when KSP1 was so buggy and laggy because it was dirt cheap.
@teplapus8795 Жыл бұрын
As far as I understand, the developers planned to do everything simultaneously and release a full product. But the publisher needed a profit after 3 years of delays and forced them to publish whatever they had done by that point. So for the past few months, since the announcement, they were probably working on taking whatever they already have, temporarily scrapping the unfinished features like interstellar, multiplayer and colonies, and somehow "polishing" whatever they have. So I'm optimistic about the developers, I hope they will be able to fix everything. What I'm concerned about is that KSP2 will get such a bad reputation after this "release" that it will never recover, not earn enough money, and just be shut down by the angry publisher
@chrisgaming9567 Жыл бұрын
This was in development for 6 years. 99% of the original game's development was done in 3. There's no excuse for not having a full or at least sorta-full product by now.
@Juanxlink Жыл бұрын
The bugs in the current version were voiced by the youtubers invited to the ESA event, 3 almost 4 weeks ago, they removed none. I have 0 trust they will do it in a timely manner. I will still get the game, on HB or any other discount sites, for the 20€ its worth, or not at all...
@willson7360 Жыл бұрын
Can't just blame the publisher on everything the Devs could be part of the blame
@Lexyvil Жыл бұрын
​@@willson7360 At this point it could be. I remember reading somewhere that KSP1 was a passion project by an individual or few, before a big corporation saw the potential and purchased KSP to then make KSP2, and then did some bad decisions to prioritize profit instead of quality.
@TheMalkore Жыл бұрын
1080ti is way bellow graphics spec min. Surprise ya got it working.
@cesareosp97 Жыл бұрын
Juno: New Origins ☄️♥️
@kolibru Жыл бұрын
In the minute 1:47, yes, he has a gtx1070, but his procesor is a ryzen 3, in the recomendations says that u need at least a ryzen 5 whit a gtx 1070
@spatrk6634 Жыл бұрын
but you can see from usage of gpu and cpu, that gpu is bottleneck in his case. im not sure how stuff works, but somebody was complaining that devs made GPU to do physics calculations instead of CPU and thats one if the issues causing bad performance. so even if CPU could work faster, it cant because GPU cannot keep up
@te0bald Жыл бұрын
I get like 20 fps with some crafts on my 4090ti and 13900k. The game uses like 7% cpu and 30% gpu
@naroe2001 Жыл бұрын
Its great to play it , even with the bugs. I want to know how to log found bugs to help them out. ITS ALPHA after all.
@spatrk6634 Жыл бұрын
they didnt yet made a thing where to easily report bugs. i think its because its still to messy and they know lots of bugs that needs fixing. they will probably add some report system after few updates come in. instead of getting spammed by thousands of reports of same bug, they will fix the ones they know about first before asking community to find more bugs
@yooper5638 Жыл бұрын
Needs autostrut ASAP! Manuever planning/execution is horrible. I've had plane change nodes go completely off-course when executed.. Like you mentioned, there's no TWR information for the stages. Why oh why did they release this without these basics functional? There's another bug that depletes fuel from all stages at the same time, prioritizing the upper stages and leaving your lander empty when you do manage to get to your destination. Adding reversed fuel lines doesn't have any effect. I got around that by turning on infinite fuel. Not too realistic, but the best I can do with the game in its current state. My card is a 1070; with all the graphics settings all set to lowest, launches run at about 12 FPS. Hope that gets better.. Agree, the planes work real nice, but every attempt to build an SSTO with the Rapier engines has failed. Game physics has changed, and I can't get above about 320 m/s in air breathing mode.. The VAB UI is growing on me. The painting feature is cool; it needs an eyedropper function, though. I did somehow teleport the KSP to Mun orbit once, but I couldn't land it - I kept crashing into the "KSC". That was kind of fun. I believe there's potential greatness there; I hope this rocky launch doesn't derail it.. That said, I'll spend most of my Kerbal time in KSP1 until stuff starts getting fixed in KSP2.
@gajusz4372 Жыл бұрын
Well i have a gtx 1020 and a ~30 part rocket ran at 5 fps
@3mate1 Жыл бұрын
The bugs are so frequent and so prevalant that it makes the game unplaybale... and the real kicker is that ... at least for me... save files become corrupted across multiple save states so you can't just reload your save game from a little earlier. THEY ALL become corrupted. Couple that with the stupid gameplay glitches and unrealistic physics and you really don't have much left. The concept is cool, the game would be AMAZING if it at least WORKED lol another 50 dollar cash grab.
@Maxtherocketguy Жыл бұрын
i don’t have any graphics card
@danielle_pine9676 Жыл бұрын
I got the game on the day of release. So far i am enjoying it but ye. It aint low on bugs. Needs just a couple (hundred) bug fixes. But other than that is good and fun
@jeffreymelton2200 Жыл бұрын
You should see the new bullshit after the patch 1 Every time you go to the launch pad or runway with your build, you camera is sideways because it goes into orbital camera for some reason.
@JTelli786 Жыл бұрын
Yeah this is why I always always wait until the reviews and game play come out before I buy and luckily I did wait. I know this game will get better and the devs are working on the mountain of issues and when that day comes I’ll probably lay down the cash for it, but until then I’m not impressed, I fully expect it to become a great game one day, but until that day it’s a no for me.
@theultimatekeko Жыл бұрын
jesus thank god finally someone normal
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