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Kermode Uncut: Cloud Atlas Revisited

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@mattmaloneypresents 11 жыл бұрын
I didn't realise how much Cloud Atlas had effected me until I got to the credits. Normally I like to sit through them out of respect for everyone who worked on the film, but with Cloud Atlas I had to. I needed that time to come down from the emotional onslaught. I didn't realise I had become so invested in the characters until the scene inside the ship inside Neo Seoul, which hit me like a spade. I don't think it's a perfect film, but I enjoyed letting it wash over and manipulate me emotionally.
@thrdel 5 жыл бұрын
The thinking cap is a necessary requirement in order to enjoy this movie. That and an open mind. The open mind is required in order to get the concept of *no boundaries*. We are all , as we know , star dust. Not the metaphorical way but the literal way. If we are all the same energy of the universe manifesting itself in different shapes and forms , it should be pretty clear that the dividers, limits, boundaries between us are just illusions , conventions . It's not the usual everyday type of perspective and clearly not everyone's cup of tea. The movie is good if understood , not that good if not understood.
@Thenowhereman42 6 жыл бұрын
Cloud Atlas evoked a stronger emotional reaction from me than any film I've ever seen. The time in my life that I watched it had something to do with this I'm sure. But I feel like Cloud Atlas was made just for me. I totally understand why people that aren't me wouldn't enjoy it. It's hard to put what it's about in to words. It's about a feeling, or a longing, that I've always felt. Maybe the best explanation is a line from the movie which I believe was taken straight out of the book. "What is an ocean but a multitude of drops?" I've only seen it once and I never read the book. Movie completely floored me. I'm almost afraid to watch it again because I know nothing could live up to the experience of the first viewing. I have heard a lot of people say that the makeup is distracting, and especially the Korean eye makeup. The eye makeup was so bad that I didn't even realize they were supposed to be Korean. I thought they were just like weird future people, and people in the future have this weird eye thing going on for some reason. So that was fine and it didn't bother me haha.
@mrsupersadface 2 жыл бұрын
If you haven't, read the book. There's more depth, enough to maybe make it like viewing the movie the first time. I was just as blown away after reading the book.
@benwatts93 11 жыл бұрын
There is no other film with greater candidacy for revisiting than Synecdoche, New York. After what seemed like the height of his genius with Eternal Sunshine, Kaufman found himself a masterpiece in this sprawling beauty. It ceaselessly continues to unravel itself further with each viewing. Re-watch it, Kermode.
@TheFantastictaco 11 жыл бұрын
I saw it in the cinema and loved it. I didn't understand everything about it then. I sort of shared Ebert's reaction. Upon the fourth viewing, yes, FOURTH viewing, not only do I understand it, but I think it's an important film that will be studied in the future, not necessarily for its themes (although it should be), but for the effort put in behind the scenes.
@starbucksghost 11 жыл бұрын
I watched this movie with friends and was the only one mesmerized while everyone around me just didn't get it.
@thomasbarker4628 5 жыл бұрын
I watched Cloud Atlas on dvd and was overcome by a feeling of wanting to connect with my family, then I remembered I haven't seen my family for 9 years. Only once in 20 years have I seen them.When the credits started to run and I heard that song again I couldn't stop thinking of them,so when ever I want to remember them I put on the dvd and I feel better.Thankyou for making this masterpiece it means everything to me .
@oreillystarast 11 жыл бұрын
The Thin Red Line- appeared to be a confusing mess on first viewing- but I've watched it about 15 times since. It has a hypnotic quality that does not seem to fade with repeat viewing.
@ThisHandleIsInteresting 11 жыл бұрын
The movies I've had to have 2 or 3 viewings to love are No Country for Old Men, Magnolia, There Will Be Blood, and The Master.
@Bhagawann 10 жыл бұрын
Kermode : I saw this movie 3 times in cinema, now I saw this movie like 6 times..and I wanna to say, this movie is a new way of thinking in story structure, is the first movie catedral, first Sagrada Familia film I mean in the story structure, narative way of looking, this is future of the movie language for me. And what about your question what is movie that didnt work on first time..for example...The Thin Red line, New World, Inglouriouse Basterds, There Will be blood and so on..
@vins1979 3 жыл бұрын
To me, Cloud Atlas is not a failure and it is not flawed. It is a MASTERPIECE. I've watched it 4 times and showed it to my friends, who all loved it. This movie will be remembered for a long time.
@Malky5279 5 жыл бұрын
I love this film more than I can articulate. First viewing I loved it even though I felt lost at times, if nothing else I could recognise the ambition, the pleasure of experiencing something that at least felt to me felt unique. Subsequent viewings make the individuals threads much easier to follow and sure it sometimes feels weird seeing a white guy playing an Asian character and an Asian actor playing a white woman understanding the thematic reason why for me means it gets easier to overlook and certainly not deserving of the negative publicity it received at the time. It has a fairly simple message that I only wish people heeded, as without a doubt we need more kindness and less crime dictating our future.
@oleok3 11 жыл бұрын
Blade Runner and There Will Be Blood. Films i simply didn't get and was bored by when i first saw them. Now i am blown away by the darkness and DDL in TWBB and completely in love with the melancholic feel of Blade Runner. Two of my absolut favorite films. Recently I have also found Porco Rosso to be growing on me. First time it was funny and looked beautiful. Now the emotional depth of the score, the existential meaning of flying and Porco Rosso makes me cry. Big time. Every time.
@akikolehmainen88 6 жыл бұрын
Cloud Atlas is a unique blend of camp and opera, and for me it worked wonderfully.
@Mandrake42 6 жыл бұрын
I've seen it multiple times and I definitely think it gets better with repeat viewings. First time there is just so much going on but by the second and third time, you know all the 6 stories and you are less focused on figuring out where each story is going and can focus more on how they fit together thematically. I can see this being a film I will return to for years to come. For me it's one of my fave films, top 10 easily. But it took work as a viewer to make it that way, and I'm not sure everyone wants to put in that effort. Which is a shame. Still, I'm glad this film exists, that something so ambitious and unique actually got greenlit makes me happy.
@simonlindsell1267 11 жыл бұрын
Mr Kermode - the only film critic that I trust :-)
@richardhealy 11 жыл бұрын
Saw cloud atlas for the first time last night. I REALLY liked it.
@tarquinbullocks1703 4 жыл бұрын
I very much like the idea of being able to say, "I was dazzled and baffled but I loved it!"
@jetashltd 11 жыл бұрын
I sawCLOUD ATLASin the cinema having no idea what to expect.With no prior knowledge of the novel,plot or concept,the only reason I saw it was because I had an unlimited card and it was about to start when I arrived at the cinema.I was totally hooked within ten minutes.I laughed,cried.I left the cinema feeling like I've seen cinematic history.I then wanted to find out other opinions, yours included, and found myself utterly dismayed that no one else'got' it.But also, a little pleased by the fact
@safaaharrouni195 3 жыл бұрын
I watched the movie when I was 21 , although didn't fully grasped it , the scene of the the recycling ship was what made me realize how much deep it was , as I grew and went through life as a working class immigrant with a really bad start to life , I understood more of it and how our current situation might lead us to something similar . And made me ask my self, what atrocities we are committing now that we accept them as normal by our current standards?
@wat93 11 жыл бұрын
Boogie Nights, Magnolia, 2001, The Big Lebowski, and Donnie Darko are some film that have really grown on me because of repeated viewings.
@professor4444 11 жыл бұрын
i think the more time that passes the more this movie will be appreciated
@poozwonger 6 жыл бұрын
30 days of night - that's grown on me every time I watch it!
@ThePandorica 11 жыл бұрын
Saw Cloud Atlas three times in theatres. Found that it really flows wonderfully. Those three hours just fly by and the editing on show is some astounding filmmaking. Spring Breakers has deeply grown on me. Absolutely detested it 1st time round, was convinced to give it another chance by a friend. Seen it four times since. It may be demented and perverted and sleazy, but it's also quite brilliant. James Franco is terrific, and that Britney Spears number will haunt me for a long time.
@contif 2 жыл бұрын
Showing up late to the party. I adored this film because of the spiritual journeys that were represented. The themes can be interpreted in so many ways and the overlapping roles played by the same actors can be a distraction. This is my favorite film and I believe it’s due to how alive I feel after watching it.
@DavidNewlandz 5 жыл бұрын
I found I couldn't past the first 5 minutes, after my youngest gifted me the film, again and again I wrestled with it. Multiple failures. Eventually over time I surrendered and watched, in it's entirety and again and again. For me it's in my top 10 films, because of it's other worldliness, breadth, scope, soundtrack. Since my last viewing I have turned to the writings pf David Mitchell and find them page turning, deep, extraordinary and totally agreeable. The soundtrack of a film is always an important issue for me, Cloud Atlas doesn't disappoint in any respect in regards to that.
@mazmich13 5 жыл бұрын
Watched it the first time, had to watch it again to connect the stories then again,then again,then again,then again. It has a draw that pulls you back to find more about each life and how we all link together
@EuroSoviets 4 жыл бұрын
Just watched it for the sixth time. Tears by the end. Again.
@zarathustracobra55 11 жыл бұрын
it was a great film the 1st time around, I honestly am surprised at any other reaction, especially from film lovers!
@RockBottomRiser21 11 жыл бұрын
Once Upon a Time in Anatolia, saw it in a festival initially and was tired and fed up within the half hour mark. Watched it on Film 4 a year later and wow, I could really get into the film's amazing cinematography and peculiar pace.
@thehostofmmm 11 жыл бұрын
I've seen Cloud Atlas 3x in the theaters and each viewing was better than the last. It ended up making the top of my Best of 2012 list.
@TheCuggsmeister 2 жыл бұрын
I turned it off after 40 minutes, the first time I watched it. The second time I fell asleep half way through. But the third time I gave it my full attention and now it's one of my favourite movies of all time: I've seen it over ten times. Follow the path of the comet and build up your understanding from that.
@distortedchels 11 жыл бұрын
For me it was Pulp Fiction. I wasnt used to the editing style and the abstract way the story was told. I also thought there was WAY too much talking in it and didn't like that they were talking about the most inane subject matters. However I took at 360 turn when I got a box set with this film included and decided to give it a second go. I'm so glad I did.
@sinbysin666 11 жыл бұрын
Kill Bill was a movie I didn't care for first time around. And now it's one of my favorites. It's not that the story is brilliant, but the music, and set pieces give me a sense of warmth. Just spectacular scene after scene, accompanied by beautiful music. Not really making much sense in the end, but leaves me with a big happy smile on my face. I have a feeling Cloud Atlas will be something like that. I didn't get it at all, but I was simply in a trance watching it.
@nomadchad5733 4 жыл бұрын
I only just watched this for the first time and i absolutely loved and it will be watching many times again over the years. Incredible
@beag4961 6 жыл бұрын
Mark, watch it six more times, and then do another re-visit. I agree, that the complexity of the plots in different times etc made it difficult to grasp and so in the confusion what stood out to me on the first viewing was a bit of pretentiousness. Still I let myself to be engulfed by the scenery and loved the deep emotions in the acting (pain, grief, guilt, helplessness, love, empathy) and the warmth and the love and faith in human beings (because it isn't always easy to notice these things in reality). I let myself to be convinced by those ideals, and watched it again and again (with some time in-between) and each time it made more sense and the protagonists and the worlds they inhabit grew on me and I love visiting them and re-watch the film letting myself be swept by the idealism and warmth which acts on me like a medicine :)
@ThisHandleIsInteresting 11 жыл бұрын
Cloud Atlas offers the most imagination you could have in any film yet.
@AM-wh2fo 2 жыл бұрын
Watched Gattaca again recently after years. Absoultely fantastic film with enormous depth... Just the movie tagline itself is enough to suck you on. "There is no gene for the human spirit".
@fightthegrip 11 жыл бұрын
it is not for everyone, but after a few viewings I fell in love with it.
@mtank30 11 жыл бұрын
I initially felt nothing for David Cronenberg's controversial CRASH upon first seeing it way back in 1996. But I revisited it about 5 years ago and this time found it a far more fascinating and daring film than I had previously given it credit for.
@kgdblade 11 жыл бұрын
Watched at the cinema in Imax and loved it. Recently saw it on a trans-Atlantic flight, still loved it and at almost 3 h running time it really killed a good chunk of that flight! I agree that being more familiar with the basic sub-plots of each story on 2nd viewing frees you up to contemplate the characters and their development. On first viewing - the first half hour is bewildering for the story intro's and characters and you have to somehow overcome that feeling to really enjoy the film.
@RococoWorld 11 жыл бұрын
In regards to your question, I revisited Apocalypse Now and my opinion of it grew massively. At first I thought the last act made up for the slow beginning and middle of the film however the second time round I found it amazing throughout
@TheNeutral3 11 жыл бұрын
Holy Motors. Seen it in theatres, felt baffled with the events of the film. Rented it again as it grew on me, now I consider HM my second favorite film of 2012 after, you guessed it, Cloud Atlas. I think both films have a lot in common from one actor playing multiple characters in multiple storylines to the idea that we identify ourselves connected with another person.
@mjq2010 11 жыл бұрын
I just didn't get Withnail & I as the comedy masterpiece that everyone were telling me that it was. I viewed it again a few years later and it just, well, clicked! I think I even shed a tear at its ending.
@heeeyyy2947 4 жыл бұрын
On-topic yet opposite: I actually rewatched The Matrix recently and I was astounded by how bored I was -- like -- I used to love this movie! What happened? It genuinely made me feel like I'd lost a bit of my childlike sense of wonder...
@mrbrandonmartin388 11 жыл бұрын
One film which i watched in bits and pieces growing up was the first Superman from 1978. I never really got into it for some reason. In my teenage years i rewatched it and now its one of my favorite movies. Its weird that i almost had to become an adult to feel like a kid again.
@Kflap01 11 жыл бұрын
I have loads of these, most recently was Skyfall. Had the ending spoiled for me first time round so I didn't enjoy it. Absolutely loved it second time around. Scott Pilgrim vs the World is another example
@MrPrankmastergeneral 11 жыл бұрын
2012. I hate it when i watched it for the first time, but couple of years later i rewatched it and i loved it in all of it sillyness and destruction.
@radiostardust 11 жыл бұрын
A couple of days ago, I re-watched Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas for the first time in ages. I've always been a huge Gilliam fan, but Fear and Loathing was never one of my favorites within his body of work. I'm not quite sure what happened between the last time I viewed it and this last time around, but suddenly everything clicked, and I am now able to appreciate the film for the brilliant, deranged love child of Hunter S. Thompson and Terry Gilliam that it is.
@dpyxl 11 жыл бұрын
eternal sunshine of spotlessmind; lost in translation; prestige; inception; batman trilogy; rushmore; groundhog day.. just like a fine wine, gets better.
@thedudewhomadethisvideo 11 жыл бұрын
Ang Lee's Lust, Caution, first time I saw it I thought it was good, but nothing more; I've seen it now around 8 times and the film just gets better with each viewing, it's now one of my favourite films.
@joshuaevans4301 4 жыл бұрын
Six years on, Cloud Atlas is still my favorite movie of all time. I had completely forgotten about this movie, and recently rediscovered it, and I love it more than ever I get why it wasn't particularly popular though. To really enjoy this movie you have to be able to keep 6 different timelines running in your head at once. I've come to realize that many people just aren't used to this kind of 4th dimensional thinking, which I imagine is why you liked it better the 2nd time around. If you watched it a third time you would definitely like it more, and then more after that. I really wish this movie would get more attention in the KZbin video essay space. It absolutely deserves it
@drwg456 11 жыл бұрын
The first time I saw Richard Kelly's Donnie Darko I was extremely underwhelmed by it . However , after seeing it a second time I finally saw it for the masterpiece that it was .
@designforlife704 5 жыл бұрын
This film reminded me of the time I bought Arcade Fire's "Funeral". Nobody I knew had ever even heard of them. On first few plays, I thought "well that's different, kinda like it" By play 6/7 I was finding different things in the album I'd missed on previous experiences with it, to the point, 12 years later - it is now my favorite album of all time. Cloud Atlas has this effect, like any slow burner, it takes more than one or even two moments, then boom! It hits you.
@ReligionOfSacrifice 2 жыл бұрын
There are a few movies that made me run out to read the book: here they are and where they fall on my favorite movies list. 5) Let the Right One In (2008) - Swedish with English caption 6) A Silent Voice (2016) - Japanese with English caption 12) The Man who Invented Christmas (2017) 28) Interview with the Vampire (1994) 56) Les Miserables (2012) to finish it. 68) Les Miserables (1998) to start it. 70) The Shining (1980) 81) Dracula (1931) 124) Scrooge: A Christmas Carol (1935) 166) A River Runs Through It (1992) 175) Little Women (1994) 206) Dangerous Liaisons (1988) 262) Cloud Atlas (2012) 326) Jurassic Park (1993) That is a short list and I get it happens to be unlucky 13 on the list, but still that a movie inspired me to read means the movie accomplished something. I could easily make my movie list go to 500 and they would all still be good movies, but I stopped at 329 only because I have let around 22 movies fall off the list and I don't feel like putting them back up there.
@imallfordabulls 11 жыл бұрын
I have to say "Fantastic Mr. Fox." The first time I watched it I didn't hate it, but didn't particularly like it. I watched it again a week later because it felt like I missed something. Glad I did. There's just small audio and visual details and jokes you miss when watching the first time through, that it raised the whole movie up.
@RADMANRB 11 жыл бұрын
The Dark Knight Rises BY FAR is one of the films you NEED to see more then once. Second time things really click, and things piece together. Upon first viewing I thought the pacing was horrible. Second viewing since I knew what I was in for, it fit beautifully into what the film is. Second viewing I noticed bruce falling out of his cot by himself in the prison. Thats when it hit me, that bane DIDNT break his back. Just a fractured vertebrae. A second viewing adds so much to some dense films.
@stevensaneable 11 жыл бұрын
I like it that Mark has went back to watch this film and has had a different reaction to it. I this on a Virgin Atlantic flight to see my fiance (who I hadn't seen in 3 months) in New York. I fully understand that it may have been my giddy excitement that I was about to be reunited with my wife-to-be, and therefore I probably had a heightened emotional reaction to everything, but I was completely enamoured with this film. As for films that get better the more you watch them - Blade Runner.
@thecomplexindividual 11 жыл бұрын
Had to go toilet 10 mins in. Didn't go until the credits started rolling. Thats how much I enjoyed this film
@ameba2k 11 жыл бұрын
The Dark Knight. Watched it the first time and slated it, really didn't get what everyone was raving on about. It took a good 4 watchings to finally see what everyone else saw the first time.
@DavorZupicic 11 жыл бұрын
I saw it... three times. In three days in a row. I couldn't stop watching it, it's become one of my favorite films.
@lewisfilms 11 жыл бұрын
I saw it in the theater and was totally blown away. My favorite film of 2012.
@MrJohnWKing 11 жыл бұрын
Bought Cloud Atlas on Blu-ray the day it was released, loved it in the cinema, loved that it wasn't in horrid 3D, like all good movies you notice things you missed the first time around, take a look at what is propping up the table in the Frobisher story, I agree with other comments here, it is a masterpiece. At the end of the day any movie that talks about human beings connecting with each other can't be bad...
@ItsJester94 11 жыл бұрын
The first 45 minutes of Last Year at Marienbad were extremely painful but the film redeemed itself by the end and on a second viewing it's much more rewarding seeing all the pieces come together.
@TomasStavik 3 жыл бұрын
I watch Cloud Atlas once every year. It's a film that really moves me.
@Pistachios42 11 жыл бұрын
Groundhog Day is a film that I like to watch again and again.
@Rueuhy 11 жыл бұрын
I was intrigued by the trailer and had no knowledge of the book when I watched it the first time. I don't normally go for a second or even third viewing of movies at the theater. This was the exception. I liked it the first time. I was surprised how much more involved I felt the second time. And the third viewing (within 4 days of the first viewing) put the movie in my top ten list.
@LeonEyedass 11 жыл бұрын
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, liked it the first time, loved the second time, after 3+ viewing if have to say, it is one of the best films i have ever seen.
@kbros9698 11 жыл бұрын
Incredible film. This film and A.I. are, in my opinion, spectacular masterpieces that I can personally watch again and again without EVER getting bored and I will admit, both moved me so very much (even to tears). I am very happy that you re-watched Cloud Atlas, Mark. That is one gorgeous film. :)
@lukewhitticase4506 11 жыл бұрын
Im terrified to watch Cloud Atlas again because I was very adamant that it wasn't the great that some had put it forward to be. I will do in the future, but not for a while. The first film that springs to mind where it took repeated viewings to really get into it was Anchorman. The first time I saw it the film didn't work, I found the occasional giggle but I never got the bigger picture of its lunacy. After multiple late night viewings with friends since then, its become a firm comic favourite.
@kitgracepower1 11 жыл бұрын
I watched for the first time today and I believe some threads should have been omitted, and some should have had their own film. The Frobisher thread is quite a beautiful love story which would sustain a film. The Louisa Ray is it's own political thriller. But the best story was that of Sonmi~451. There is a succinct sci-fi plot which could have absolutely held it's own. I wanted more from the above, I wanted them each in film length. The other threads did not hold my attention.
@TexasApocalypse27 11 жыл бұрын
Eyes Wide Shut. The first time I saw it, I was almost bored to tears. I began to appreciate it more upon subsequent viewings. In particular, I began to appreciate the amount of detail that Stanley Kubrick put into it and, much to my surprise, I began to really appreciate Tom Cruises performance, particularly the scene where Alice is telling him her fantasy. In that moment Tom Cruise does a great job relaying Dr. Harfords jealousy to the audience without saying anything. Pure genius moment.
@das250250 6 жыл бұрын
See it at least 3x .. it gets better .. Watch movies several times over is like listening to songs , they can get better with time an viewing .. like tom crusies Oblivion .. like Matrix , like inception
@ThierryLoa 11 жыл бұрын
Agreed. Likewise I didn't think the storytelling or the story for that matter was complicated. The way it's told on screen is quite ingenious and seamless. The analogy of the music composition as told in the film basically explains the structure of the film. To me, it's an excellent achievement in filmmaking and the fact that it's regarded as a blockbuster movie makes me wish that all blockbuster movies would have the same guts to do something unique (instead of rehashing old formulas).
@ChrisBricks 11 жыл бұрын
Sunshine. First time I was 15 and gave up a third of the way through because I was bored. Watched it again a year later and still think it's a masterpiece.
@JohnScott-Ashtree 3 жыл бұрын
It needs at least 3 or 4 viewings, and continues to just get better and better with every viewing. Since the original release of Blade Runner, that 9and its versions) has been my all time favourite, and I thought nothing would ever top it. Cloud Atlas has. Yes, it has flaws, but it's wonderful. Better than The Exorcist. :)
@thecrazyoneism 11 жыл бұрын
The same thing happened to me with both seven psychopaths and reservoir dogs. I liked both the first time round, but reservoir dogs has become my favourite movie with the more times I watch it.
@logangray1912 11 жыл бұрын
I loved Cloud Atlas on the first view. It didn't seem confusing at all. It actually seems like a smaller movie than what its marketing allowed it to be. I am certain that you will find new things to like about it the third time, as you aren't in the group of people who liked it the first time around. And I do think it would be worth it. Another Earth had the most affect on me the second time. It is now one of my favorite films, and close to me in a way that some films haven't yet achieved.
@lakshmimittal 11 жыл бұрын
I was frustrated by the lack of action when I first saw Withnail and I, but now I wallow in it's Beckettian langeurs. 9 years maturation on my part have probably helped.
@robmegaff 11 жыл бұрын
The more I watch There Will Be Blood, the more I believe that there is such a thing as a perfect film.
@stefanlombardi 11 жыл бұрын
Primer is the obvious one for me. Had no idea what was going on first time round. Made alot more sense the second viewing, although i did have to pause it a few times to get my head around what just happened.
@iandavies7991 4 жыл бұрын
You can watch cloud atlas 10 times and still find new things and pick up new connections.
@nayden5834 11 жыл бұрын
Absolutely adored this film, it was a film experience unlike any I have ever watched, it is not without flaws but you cant help but be totally engaged with the story and some characters and marvel at the GORGEOUS Cinematography.
@Tosspoet 11 жыл бұрын
I connected with Cloud Atlas almost immediately, it was a joy from start to finish. I don't understand this talk of it being "complicated" or "complex" story wise, I found fairly easy to follow and finding the connections made it more engaging when you discover how important the connections are for each character. I think is a film with lofty and ambition and the fact that blockbuster films have been so dull and lacking ambition it was good to see something that tried really really hard.
@FracmentalMusic 3 жыл бұрын
I think every film has something on second viewing. Maybe disappointing at first but go in again with your expectations calibrated you can take something from it. That said , Cloud Atlas is among my favourite movies.
@stefanchristopher 6 жыл бұрын
As someone who loved the film, I understand the 'ambitious failure' comment. I came in having read (and loved) the book so the film, even with its more complex structure, was easy to navigate. I don't think that many will get this film on its first viewing unless they have read the book, but I say this not as a snobbish 'you should have read the book' but rather as a warning that the film will take some effort to appreciate. I don't think that a film is enhanced by being overly complex. I just think that the film requires this complexity to tell the story that it wants to tell. Another film that I did not get on first, or possibly even second viewing is The Fountain. It has a similar structure only with three stories spread across time rather than six. It also comes in at a skinny 96 minutes compared to Cloud Atlas' heavy 172 minutes. It also has captured my heart. To those contemplating watching Cloud Atlas for the first time these years later, I would recommend watching the extended trailer ( Either you will feel a stong urge to want to see more or you won't. Listen to that urge.
@magisterguidice 11 жыл бұрын
I connected with the film when I saw it during its cinematic release in Australia. I think it was an ambitious film and I found myself empathising with the characters' situations. The common theme - about different types of tyranny, was evoked with the narrative's change in genre and the many characters. Jim Broadbent, in the story about the harried editor, triumphs! I really want to read the book and would rewatch the film.It was never dull and demanded the audience keep up with the narrative.
@VirtualGargoyle 11 жыл бұрын
I liked Cloud Atlas in the cinema but walked out not really knowing what to think. I've rewatched it on Blu-ray and I now love it. Maybe it's because I knew how quickly the film chops and changes narrative threads and was prepared for it this time round. It also looks absolutely gorgeous- something which I barely had time to appreciate the first time,
@ep1phany62 4 жыл бұрын
I keep trying. That’s the problem with these 3 hour films. Just the length of them puts you off. They have to be especially gripping right from the off, to be able to drag you in for that amount of time.
@NateObiri 11 жыл бұрын
this happened to me with man of steel - when you know what's coming you cannot be disappointed
@curzongoogledrive1526 6 жыл бұрын
Recently read the book having been confused by story when I saw it in cinema. Watched again and loved it. Pieces fell into place.
@madrockerdude 11 жыл бұрын
For me, the biggest change in my opinion of a film is Fight Club. The first time I saw it, I felt it lost its way halfway through and became juvenile and almost redundant. When viewing again on dvd, I got it fully and now regard it as the finest movie I have ever seen
@RedBandMagic02 11 жыл бұрын
I had a feeling that Dr. Kermode would develop a greater appreciation for this one. Cloud Atlas really stands in the same category as Steven Spielberg's A.I. and my feeling is that once the good doctor has seen this film for a third time he's going to see the masterpiece that I see.
@fightthegrip 11 жыл бұрын
This seems a bit current, Superman Returns is a film that for the first time I saw it all I felt was nostalgia, nothing more. However, once I picked it up on DVD and watched it over and over again my nostalgia evolved into a complete and deep admiration for the narrative. It is a story about maturity and self acknowledging acceptance even if the world does not. Sure it's much more melancholy than Man of Steel, but I'll take Superman saving buildings, rather than destroying them any day.
@BXBProductions 11 жыл бұрын
I've seen it six times now - for me it's one of those films that I can just watch over and over! It's stunningly beautiful especially the montage sequence with the plates and china being broken: coupled with the beautiful score (which I recently purchased, my favourite being 'All Boundaries are Conventions') it is one of my favourite films of all time. Yes it has its flaws but a film of this calibre is bound to have them. To anyone who is thinking of watching this I highly recommend it!
@ameba2k 11 жыл бұрын
Primer is such a fantastic film. I watched it the first time knowing nothing about it and immediately had to watch it again.
@tnetroP 6 жыл бұрын
I saw it a few years ago on TV and absolutely *loved* it.
@ntube7 11 жыл бұрын
Good call with the Thin Red Line. Seeing it at the cinema on release it bored me, but catching it on tv a few years later in my twenties I was gripped. The cinematography, the emotion, the poetry of the film all struck a chord. What initially looked chopped up and messy became the coherent pieces of a jigsaw on 2nd and third viewings.
@DominicOwenMusic 11 жыл бұрын
I actually, believe it or not, had some trouble accepting and investing in 'Batman Begins' when I first saw it at the cinema (I was still quite married to the Tim Burton gothic fantasy interpretation of Batman, among other reasons). But on repeated DVD viewings I learned to love its more grounded style, which meant I was exited and perfectly in sync tonally for the release of the 'The Dark Knight'.
@maxharrison4708 5 жыл бұрын
Just watched the film and absolutely adored it. As a matter of fact, I thought the film was easy to follow, as the script would either change to another story based on the same actors doing similar moments, or similar narrative beats.
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