Kermode Uncut: The Tarantino Continuum

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Kermode blogs about the Tarantino Continuum. Go to for regular Kermode Uncut video blogs.

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@Dumptruck4Lif 14 жыл бұрын
Kermode should interview Tarantino, it would be an event. I'm sure Tarantino would be up for it, he's had to have heard of him.
@EdPlays1997 10 жыл бұрын
2.44-2.49 So in Kermode's eyes, QT is the movie equivalent of Metallica. ;)
@EdPlays1997 10 жыл бұрын
lhggdf Ironic indeed.
@terrysilvester4720 9 жыл бұрын
lhggdf lol
@NotoTruth 10 жыл бұрын
I saw Pulp Fiction and Reservoir Dogs like 100 times,and sat out Inglorious Bastage's...That pretty sums up Q.T. for me...also in my humble opinion his best screenplays were directed by others...a couple post-modern Bonnie and Clyde movies called True Romance and Natural Born Killers.
@iloveken222 14 жыл бұрын
...then there's jackie brown - an adaptation of a novel which is much less controversial, much more refined than his previous work, and then tarantino gets into the war genre with inglourious basterds. I just think its too easy to see the similarities in his films, and ignore the more subtle differences which make each one individual.
@ZutaMacka666 11 жыл бұрын
Not really. Kermode's point is that T. didn't do any "growing up" as a director. Like when you get a kid in 4th grade painting really interesting stuff in art class and you say "gee that's some good stuff, kid, you're very good". But if you have that same kid painting that same kid of stuff in 8th grade, then, well - not so good. It doesn't mean praising the 5th grader was a bad idea or that Kermode should be ashamed of it.
@Paperbagman555 10 жыл бұрын
I still thoroughly enjoy the claptrap, to a point, but I understand where Mark is coming from and it doesn't put Tarantino on the GOAT list. He makes great points.
@EdPlays1997 9 жыл бұрын
What's the GOAT list?
@Paperbagman555 9 жыл бұрын
'Greatest of All Time' - but still, perhaps it's misguided to even think of a list to put names on
@amanjaiswal9389 5 жыл бұрын
I think Tarantino writes the best of the characters full of colour and most interesting backed with great dialogues and screenplay. He is one of the best.
@tmrezzek5728 7 жыл бұрын
"John Hughes, we miss you..." Yes, we do. The "Anyone? Anyone? Anyone?" scene from 'Ferris Bueller' sums up the American high-school experience perfectly.
@Neckbeardlevel 11 жыл бұрын
I like the kill Bill movies, but after four hour I would have hoped Tarantino would have gotten the need to make bad films on purpose out of his system
@alexanderdahoola8188 6 жыл бұрын
IN 2009, how come you can use wi-fi on your laptop outside?
@iloveken222 14 жыл бұрын
hmm, good point. i guess it's difference of opinion though, because i've always thought that tarantino did experiment with different genres and subject matters. theres reservoir dogs, about a failed heist which is mainly dialogue, the script of natural born killers, which is essentially about fame and the media (the way in which the film was directed actually doesnt have much to do with tarantino)...
@alexanderdahoola8188 3 жыл бұрын
Also, how do you pronounce "continuum" - is it ContEEnu-um or ConteeNUUM, in latter case emphasis is on "u" last part, do you know, thanks.
@jamie_ar 3 жыл бұрын
@DanielTheWalrus 15 жыл бұрын
I do think Kill Bill has great story with great characters that you care about. And that's what makes Tarantino a genious. Because he does action and fun movies with great human subjects (Betray, redemption, etc)
@iloveken222 15 жыл бұрын
i don't like what he says about tarantino needing to progress or change. i'd 100% welcome another film in the same style as reservoir dogs or pulp fiction. that's what i expect and hope for. tarantino has his own style which i and millions of others love - why should he change it just for the critics?
@jedivisconti 15 жыл бұрын
I respect your opinion Kermode, see you...
@SethHesio 14 жыл бұрын
@Dumptruck4Lif oh yeah defintitely. And of course QT has heard of Kermode, he's the UK's most famous film critic.
@randomisraelite 11 жыл бұрын
probably because clooney is not the caliber of actor mark claimed he was.
@DanielTheWalrus 15 жыл бұрын
And genious, or genius, whatever, is what Tarantino is. So is Clooney.
@EdPlays1997 10 жыл бұрын
4.00-4.36 Don't we already have Edgar Wright for that?
@DanielTheWalrus 15 жыл бұрын
"A character SHOULD go on a journey of emotions??" Lol! A character can have 25 different emotions, and yet do not really developing any of them. A character with one emotional in the whole film could make one of the greatest character'study of all time. Example: Travis Bircle.
@iloveken222 15 жыл бұрын
i would disagree, he's clearly influenced by other genres, but you can spot tarantino's direction a mile away because nothing is quite like it, and i don't think that's just because of the dialogue. also, what director isn't influenced by other films and directord?
@2109917162 11 жыл бұрын
There is a reason why critics like Tarantino, so to put it as if a word against him is refreshing, is intellectually insulting to Quentin, and anyone who likes his movies.
@Onmysheet 11 жыл бұрын
I wonder what Mark will think of Django Unchained.
@leviterande 14 жыл бұрын
Only one way to describe tarantinos films , so simple: Silent silent silent---- BOOMBOOMBOOM--Silent silent silent---- BOOMBOOMBOOM
@ChernovFan100 11 жыл бұрын
I really disliked From Dusk Till Dawn. Thankfully I watched Seven in the same day and was absolutely blown away by it xD
@logician360 11 жыл бұрын
Does Mark Kermode know when he's been tangoed?
@petertyson2 15 жыл бұрын
But that's precisely the point Kermode makes, Tarantino doesn't really have his own style, when it comes to directing he heavily borrows ideas from other films and genres. His style of writing dialogue on the otherhand is all his.
@Goochbot 12 жыл бұрын
Well if you actually look at the critics reviews of every post Jackie Brown Tarantino film you'll see that theres more than a few people who don't like him either. I, a huge Tarantino fan thought Death Proof was one of the worst films of its year (excluding the last 15 minutes) and I think Kill Bill is flawed to say the least. Having said that, he has a following for a reason. His films, when he's on form, are fanastic. Bring on Django Unchained :)
@DanielTheWalrus 15 жыл бұрын
And yes. My turn: What's a Tarintino by the way?
@Rimbaud1531 13 жыл бұрын
@Transformers2themax i see this is all you've got left. how sad. i realize it's tough learning that your hero is really a hack who's made a career out of ripping off others. and it's obvious you've given up and don't want to talk about it anymore. i don't blame you. this conversation started to bore me along time ago.
@harrybestwick2592 11 жыл бұрын
Like pretty much all of tarantino's films apart from kill bill volume 1&2.
@gingerbreadface 15 жыл бұрын
Kermode - possibly the only man on the planet with an ego bigger than Tarantino.
@Charmingman93 12 жыл бұрын
(I'm looking like a right fanboy slash defender...) I thin Tarantino is probably more consistent than your average director, but I do agree that Kermode can't call KIll Bill, death proof and the like fanboy clap trap if Reservoir dogs and Pulp Fiction are the same. Jackie Brown IS fanboy clap trap because Tarantino is a HUGE fan of Elmore Leonard. I consider QT as my favourite director not because i see him as an Auteur, that term is null, void and pretentious but he opened the doors for me.
@Rimbaud1531 13 жыл бұрын
@Transformers2themax I thought the dialogue was great too at least in Dogs and Pulp. All of his characters talk the same way in all of his films. and if you think his "camera angles, the shots, the pacing" are original, then well, I don't know what to tell you. You're probably one of these guys that watch the opening credits scene in Dogs and says "wow, that's so original..." and it's pretty funny that you call his movies a "homage" then try to claim they're "original". Okay...
@AgentGordonCole 11 жыл бұрын
@SamuelRiv 15 жыл бұрын
I think Kemode has his own vision going on about the potential of a filmmaker he really loves, just as I and countless others had our own vision going on for George Lucas films after the original Star Wars (though Tarantino in no way decayed like Lucas). The point is to say that the meanest, most unrelenting criticism is probably that borne out of some deep affection that may be perceived as betrayed.
@helrod 14 жыл бұрын
an artist should grow and get better, but not everyone is an artist. it could be the fact that everyone includeing mr- Kermode are giving him to much credit some people just have one good idea look at george lucas who has spent over 30 yrs. noe remakeing and remakeing star wars.(willow anyone)
@DanielTheWalrus 15 жыл бұрын
Lol! So, how many "emotions" characters must have to be considered "elaborated"? 5? Maybe 10? Lol! I don't think that even Bergman count those things. You're like any Tarantino' basher. Not a single valid argument. Just the "nerdy-movie-buff" thing that is exactly what makes him so great. And you people will never get it.
@Rimbaud1531 13 жыл бұрын
@Transformers2themax okay. i give. you've battered me into submission. Quinten Tarantino is one of the greatest directors ever, and his movies are totally original, okay transformers guy?
@whitelight7733 11 жыл бұрын
Kill Bill & those characters within were amazing...AMAZING!!!
@Rimbaud1531 13 жыл бұрын
@Transformers2themax I've had the same view on Tarantino long before I'd ever heard of Kermode. I'm not the only person that shares this opinion. You're clearly a fanboy that doesn't want to face the fact that your hero is nothing more than a ripoff artist. that's fine. his movies are entertaining. There's nothing wrong with being a fan of his. Just don't try to tell me he's anything more than what he really is. Even he doesn't do that.
@victoriafelix5932 7 жыл бұрын
Evil in Pink...? :)
@Rimbaud1531 13 жыл бұрын
@Transformers2themax I do like Dogs and Pulp. but after those two he's been on a steady decline, imo. I disagree with kermode on Jackie Brown. I just thought it was meh. and I never even said that i 'hated' tarantino. i just find the belief his fans have that he's some original grounbreaking visionary is ridiculous.
@2109917162 11 жыл бұрын
What has fanboyism got to do with ability to give an opinion on characters?
@Goochbot 12 жыл бұрын
Pulp Fiction > Reservoir Dogs
@Rimbaud1531 13 жыл бұрын
@iloveken222 lol! There's absolutely NOTHING unique or original about Tarantino's direction. This is a guy who apes camera shots, angles and entire scenes from other movies. Watch City on Fire.
@slimithy12 8 жыл бұрын
Kill Bill has a great story with characters you love?....LMAO! What story, what characters? I have seen 4 minute music videos with more story and depth.
@madmaniac2552 7 жыл бұрын
slimithy12 it is just really well made. It has really classy action and characters that have clear motivations. Also the film has great pacing and doesn't feel too long.
@Rimbaud1531 13 жыл бұрын
@Transformers2themax yeah, tarantino is your favorite director, yet I'M the 12 year old....please god, make it stop!
@antitroll890 11 жыл бұрын
says the obvious Tarantino fanboy
@vhead1 12 жыл бұрын
how u can say that something is claptrap and then talk about how much u liked the films in the first place, then try and defend calling them claptrap is ridiculous. the first arctic monkeys album was about adoloscent life and thank god theyve moved on since then but that album was not claptrap, its still a great album in its own right. as are pulp fiction and resevoir dogs as films. You have simply massively contradicted yourself and will not admit it im afraid
@VictorAngel85 15 жыл бұрын
well allow me to butt in and do you a favour by Saying 'Rest' is spelled Rest not Arrest, 'Anyway' is Spelled Anyway not Aneway. Do you see what I did, I corrected you on your spelling just to show you how ridiculous your outburst are. Come on can't people just rite useful comments without resorting to childish tantrums. Lets Face Facts here Q.T will get better, he may even be testing out his audience to see what we like and what works. SO STOP ALL THE ARGUMENTS JEEEEEZe
@IgWannA2 15 жыл бұрын
i hope i'm not the only one who thought kill bill was pretty poor. i loved reservoir dogs and pulp fiction but his recent movies, especially death proof, have been pretty disappointing. death proof was one of the worst movies i've ever seen.
@Lee_Forre 8 жыл бұрын
There is something more to his disdain than just cinema. Kermode was once a gigantic fan and enthusiasts of QT. I wouldn't be surprised if there is a more personal, behind the scenes reasons for this. Maybe QT denied him an interview or something along the lines of work. I don't know, but his relentless attack is odd and puzzling.
@Rimbaud1531 13 жыл бұрын
@Transformers2themax ugh. This is the last time I'm going to respond to you. There's NOTHING original about Tarantino's styles. he as no style. EVERYTHING he does is aped from older movies. Your argument that 'his' style is original because he copies older films is embarrassing. and yes, I have seen a movie like Resevoir Dogs before. It's called CITY ON FIRE, which came out 5 years before dogs. It's the exact same movie.
@Rimbaud1531 13 жыл бұрын
@Transformers2themax wow. that is the lamest defense of tarantino i've ever heard. i hate him because i'm following a crowd? uh, you're saying it's popular to hate tarantino? lol. you're talking about your hero like he's uwe boll or michael bay! lol. and if you really are an "artist" how would you feel if another artist came along and straight up copied your song/movie/painting/book/poem (whatever your art is) and tried to pass it off as his own creation?
@DanielTheWalrus 15 жыл бұрын
"with the exception of Bill every other character is canon fodder padding out the wafer-thin plot." You obvious don't know jackshit about great characters and good story. Tarantino works with human condition all the time. What makes cool is exactly the reality of it. The Bride was not a good character? The regretful Budd? Please...
@Bizarro91 15 жыл бұрын
This guy is a clown.
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