Pab txhawb nqa Yee Lee Mr fbi kom heev thiab os (Khosiab Channel) Nrhiav Nkauj zoo zoo rau nws hu rau peb mloog os yog cia sijhawm dhau mus tsis tau mloog nws li nkauj ntau ntshe yuav khuv xim heev li os vim sijhawm tsis tos nco nws lub suab heev❤❤❤ Thiab tso nws zaj nkauj bauj baim uas tsis muaj tag thiab os please
@leeya128 күн бұрын
Kom nws hu nkauj zoo zoo mloog rau peb mloog os mr fbi
@y.t642828 күн бұрын
@gonkurapikafishing28 күн бұрын
Oppa FBI.
@VangxengChang-v6h28 күн бұрын
Why they mixed the vocal is not good like before as the album cas tsis ceem koj cia and ceem tsis tau