i forgot about these KNJ videos lol... WHICH ONES SHOULD WE REACT TO NEXT???
@savbaby99Ай бұрын
“Guys try” series lol
@IsabellaL2005Ай бұрын
Trying foreign sweets
@gemmareason2148Ай бұрын
Please watch the charades one with dom and omar, its soooooo funny😭
@Hope-pz1loАй бұрын
The funniest video ever is the messy sauce shower, I quote that shit all the time
@alex4ndr44Ай бұрын
“trying foreign candy part 2” or “this or that” 🙏
@blatheringbellaАй бұрын
Kian talking about the couples breaking up had me losing it every time 💀
@luvbrishanyАй бұрын
@zoemassey1350Ай бұрын
I couldn’t stop laughing at that part😭 I knowwww he felt awkward.
@jordan_nicol14Ай бұрын
That had me so dead
@itzelpritzelАй бұрын
I was wondering why he went quiet then I looked down and he had the side eye 😭
@comealongwithzoeАй бұрын
Yeah and he went from smiling to the straightest face😂
@Jesssss2409Ай бұрын
It was perfect 😂😂😂
@youtubeuser6507Ай бұрын
when andrea came in the smile DROPPED
@user-xh2je6su4vАй бұрын
that was the nastiest side eye i ever seen 😭
@bbojorquez13Ай бұрын
@15:00 the silence was sooooooo loud 😭😭😭 and the side eye was crazy lmaoooo
@SugaryZooziАй бұрын
@pinkblink0211Ай бұрын
i was waiting for his reaction when he saw the andrea pic bc he said he forgot what happens in the video i knew it was gonna be so funny 😭😭😭
@hayleesaylor8533Ай бұрын
To this day all the couples have split except Zane and heath 🤣
@kiannawilliams9361Ай бұрын
Kian’s face when his picture popped up 🤭💀💀😂😂
@camryncarriere4543Ай бұрын
nastiest side eye when andrea came on 🤣
@UltimateTopTensАй бұрын
the side eye made me laugh out loud
@urzombiegrlАй бұрын
7:53 you’ve had a glow up for sure! look at you being a father and your fans getting to grow up watching you and experience your new found joy of fatherhood and reminiscing on all the awesome memories you’ve created with knj. still got that amazing sense of humor too
@CamrieRaeannАй бұрын
At 13:01 he says “that’s gonna be the thumbnail” it was indeed not the thumbnail 😂😂
@kalistewart3216Ай бұрын
Watching him film this was so funny😭 no one is dating anymore
@Alex-mj7iuАй бұрын
kian i’m not even kidding i watch all of your VODs all the way through AND can probably recite every one of these videos from memory, i deadass rewatch a random one everyday
@rishikarishika4306Ай бұрын
@sedonarodriguez8332Ай бұрын
@angelicakutybaacevedo6875Ай бұрын
i’m dying at the names he was calling the couples
@kylie9872Ай бұрын
Kian all your thoughts watching these again are alllllllll the same things we’ve all been thinking and saying. WE MISS IT EVEN MORE
@realslimshaileeАй бұрын
“i’ve never been called that in my LIFE” - kian says immediately after watching a video of himself being called that 🤣 hahahah
@-loveisarisk-Ай бұрын
this ramen video is one of my favorite knj videos because every single time I watch it I laugh- 😭
@alexpromnitz1469Ай бұрын
Appreciation for kians intros 🙌 he exudes joy, and it brightens my day ♥️
@zitachelaine4123Ай бұрын
ricky prank was soooooooo funny for me when it came out
@alexandriamont16 күн бұрын
lmao, the neckular smog air joke was so Theo Von coded hahaha
@j8dedstillАй бұрын
i miss those days sm
@youtubeuser6507Ай бұрын
it wasn’t even his thumbnail
@LoneRodeoJonesАй бұрын
it was. he later said it would be the selfie of him and jc with belly’s out lol
@lpjm18 күн бұрын
every time a couple came out and he had an explanation 😭
@lmalqowodgofodof2 күн бұрын
15:00 his smile faded away so fast 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
@lucianaolguin233528 күн бұрын
the spicy noodles vid is my fav ever, everytime I remember it I watch it
@shankeduuАй бұрын
do more of theseeee i be binging old vids omg😂❤️
@janeyajarvis5517Ай бұрын
So crazy none of those couples are together
@raeallenyah9320Ай бұрын
These are my fav streams
@bukchigiАй бұрын
i miss knj so much i wish they'd make new videos together but they got their own lives now 😭😔
@tamg734Ай бұрын
Kian, I remember watching this ramen video in 2018. I thought it was so funny then and it’s still funny. I hope your baby boy is doing well. I know the new born stage is exhausting. We love you. By and ye way I also feel old from seeing these. I’m 27. Haha.
@allieyadepaolantonio824318 күн бұрын
omg all the couples are not together.. BUT knj are still together to this DAY
@rissyroseАй бұрын
I’m a child of divorce with Kian and Andrea still 😢
@savbaby99Ай бұрын
I’m cracking up 😂
@FurryFriendsandFamilyАй бұрын
The thumbnail kills me😂
@septemberzАй бұрын
14:57 - not the andrea pic
@Julie0098Ай бұрын
Oh thank you you kian ! I’m slowly loosing my mind in mother mood and this video made me feel like we were in 2017 again 😭🤍
@Nailea305Ай бұрын
The only “couple” still together is Zane and Heath 😂 love them
@TheSatcherАй бұрын
I swear to god I watched both these vids today too 😅 we are on the same wave length
@mountup716Ай бұрын
Kian u fine at any age js💜
@haileerandall321Ай бұрын
@KatelynMistofskyАй бұрын
Am I the only one who tried to skip the ads then realized they were on his screen? 😂 smh
@youtubeuser6507Ай бұрын
austin and katherine aren’t together hahahha
@azalea5447Ай бұрын
he was joking lollll
@ashleydubishar2122 күн бұрын
jc breathing smog air
@DJ887Ай бұрын
Please watch cooking with knj!! It’s one of my all time favorites!! SpOoKtoBer!!
@anniewilde9206Ай бұрын
13:02 hey so it wasn’t
@jayynnairene9083Ай бұрын
You just stayed glowing
@emercynmacleod4148Ай бұрын
9:13 did jc pee his pants?
@Latifa-yp9tq10 күн бұрын
The only ones still together is u and jc😂
@alexiskawaiiLOLАй бұрын
Can you play Minecraft Kian
@MiaZendesLifeАй бұрын
Pls upload more vlogs
@luceritoxo95Ай бұрын
@mariancastellanos1999Ай бұрын
liza and david are not
@lilywood935Ай бұрын
Yay!! First
@dntforgetosmileАй бұрын
his reaction at the pic has me cryingggjfdhnjdfnfd @15:00