Рет қаралды 17,278
Another blast from the past...because Brody is definitely one of my favorite panel guests!
Shot at the Comedy Store on Dec 30th 2013.
Follow the Kill Tony gang:
Tony Hinchcliffe ( / tonyhinchcliffe )
Brian Redban ( / redban )
Pat Regan ( / pattyregan )
Jeremiah Watkins ( / jeremiahstandup )
Joel Jimenez ( / mostlysorry )
Josh Martin ( / joshmartincomic )
Ryan J. Ebelt ( / ryanjebelt )
Watch KT live at ustream.tv/Deat... or go to deathsquad.tv/c... to get the podcast.
I always replace the original live single-mic audio with the official (and much better) multi-mic podcast audio (no echoes etc) before uploading.
I'm a huge Kill Tony fan from Germany!
I don't have a channel to make money AND I NEVER WILL!
If you love KT as much as me, maybe do what I did and
donate a buck or two at deathsquad.tv/d...
buy some KT merch at shopsquad.tv
buy some KT posters at ryanjebelt.com
to support this great and unique show and its creators.
Okay that's enough:)
Peace...und alles Gute:)