Those poor girls look exhausted and they've got to perform for that really creepy audience that is just sitting there perfectly still and silent... Like it's an auction or something and they're assessing the value of what is on the stage... as opposed to it being a live music event and happily, cheerfully nodding, bopping, dancing, along. So strange.
@sadinside016 жыл бұрын
Maybe nervous
@redfish3376 жыл бұрын
Creepy? Those are the rules. Akiba Culture Theater is seated, with strict rules on disturbing others. There is space to stand and cheer in the back. FM Tokyo Hall is also seated... though a little more relaxed. Again, space to stand and cheer in the back. Some groups with associated theaters like AKB have similar rules... but as far as typical venues are concerned, that's pretty much it. So with most venues not like that at all it's actually a nice change of pace.
@redfish3376 жыл бұрын
Same fandom, different venue rules: