King George V DLR Station, and some abandoned railway stuff

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Jago Hazzard

Jago Hazzard

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@mjpals 9 ай бұрын
For those who are wondering: King George I and II stations are in Germany, King George III station drove passengers mad, King George IV station was scandalously expensive and deeply unpopular, and King George VI station was badly damaged by the war. It is speculated that King George VII station might open sometime in the 2060s or 2070s.
@SynchroScore 9 ай бұрын
@@wta1518At least it got built. Edward VIII Station was cancelled right after ground was broken.
@nextstopstapleton 9 ай бұрын
​@wta1518 so is he 😂
@mtanning 9 ай бұрын
​​​@wta1518 I'm quite sure they were joking aswell
@JulianSortland 9 ай бұрын
If William V lives to a decent age, he will celebrate a millennium since he namesake turned up in England.
@SynchroScore 9 ай бұрын
@@wta1518 Yes, I know, George III was King over the American colonies before independence. I was also making a joke, that Edward VIII was King only for a brief time before he abdicated.
@JayForeman 9 ай бұрын
Uh oh… I’m gonna be That Guy… North Woolwich and Woolwich have only been in different boroughs since 1965. Before then, North Woolwich was a curious tiny enclave of the Metropolitan Borough of Woolwich (and, for centuries before then, of Kent!) on the wrong side of the Thames. This explains not only the name, but also the presence of the Woolwich Ferry …I think.
@JagoHazzard 9 ай бұрын
The 60s were a crazy time for everyone I think.
@Jasper_4444 9 ай бұрын
@@JagoHazzardI was born in the 60s, so yeah.
@SpeedBird6780 9 ай бұрын
Mark is really rubbing off on you, isn't he?
@CarolineFord1 9 ай бұрын
Ooh enclaves!
@Transsomething 9 ай бұрын
Like a sort of Kentliningrad Oblast, then
@TheJPanzer 9 ай бұрын
I would love a video on the Port of London Authority Railways. Industrial railways in general are fascinating, but London's own don't tend to see much interest compared to the colliery and pit lines up north.
@MrCliverlong 9 ай бұрын
Yes to this.
@nickbarber2080 9 ай бұрын
The Beckton Gas-works railway would be good to cover as welll
@mancroft 9 ай бұрын
@kawazukisoddbits2717 9 ай бұрын
Seconded or Third'ed LOL As a kid on holiday from London, I used to watch the docks light railway in Great Yarmouth - all sadly gone or tarmac'd over now, we don't miss it till its gone!
@carlcollins8967 9 ай бұрын
Absolutely agree, be great to see some analysis of the Royal Arsenal Railway too.
@DanielKat2012 9 ай бұрын
@camotech1314 9 ай бұрын
​@@seanbonella touch grass lil bro
@DanielKat2012 9 ай бұрын
@@seanbonella yh lol, i'm 2nd and commented on you lol
@HomeboyHotel 9 ай бұрын
There’s a whole Facebook group for that
@davidwormleighton2839 9 ай бұрын
Hi jago great video as always, how about a video of the Woolwich arsenal trains that transported not only the workers but the munitions as well !!! Stay safe David 👍👍
@DanielKat2012 9 ай бұрын
@@HomeboyHotel lol
@harrysmall8705 9 ай бұрын
One other thing about King George V is that it shares with Temple the distinction of being a station sharing its name with a station on the Paris Metro.
@andrewgwilliam4831 9 ай бұрын
You're forgetting École Vétérinaire de Maisons-Alfort station on the Northern line. 😜
@Jothamvvw 9 ай бұрын
I remember being in Temple station the day before going to London and going "raaaah it's the wrong oneeeeee I want to be in Londonnnn"
@rax816 9 ай бұрын
​@@andrewgwilliam4831is that French for Goodge Street 😢
@alejandrayalanbowman367 9 ай бұрын
The Museum at North Woolwich was opened by the Queen Mother in 1984 who arrived there on the Flying Scotsman. It was one of my jobs to observe its passage beforehand to ensure that it cleared all the railway infrastructure. Interesting to ride on the footplate.
@neilthehermit4655 9 ай бұрын
Yes please do more on the Port of London railways and associated laid track. Fascinating stuff.
@jannearo328 9 ай бұрын
Hear hear!
@alanclarke4646 9 ай бұрын
Yes please
@klausolekristiansen2960 9 ай бұрын
Yes, please do.
@uk-martin4905 9 ай бұрын
Please....and don't forget to mention the special London Transport PLA (Port of London Authority ) bus sevice latterly worked by Poplar Garage in Aberfeldy Street (sadly no more).
@andrewhack9591 9 ай бұрын
Yes, Jago. YES! But seriously, the whole abandoned platform, bits of track in your back garden thing is, well, just brilliant.
@CranehawkPilot 9 ай бұрын
Nice shots of London city airport
@richard99cookify 9 ай бұрын
Oooh there's an idea - series on airports/airfields within Greater London!
@CranehawkPilot 9 ай бұрын
@@richard99cookify what a great idea! Jago should definitely do that
@robertcourtney9907 9 ай бұрын
Yes please on the PLA railways. Thanks again Jago
@chris5706 9 ай бұрын
These stories about London history are fascinating and the ones about the docklands (Where I grew up) are especially good, because docklands is still so much stuck in the past
@abzzeus 9 ай бұрын
National Libraries of Scotland has a side-by-side viewer for old maps which is very useful
@justanother_brit 9 ай бұрын
The dark grey clouds against the grey river makes for some very atmospheric shots, especially with many parts of this side of London being quite derelict. The sunset shot at City Airport was also amazing. Great video!
@christopherdean1326 9 ай бұрын
Bottom left at 3:53 is one of the ticket machines I used to repair and service. The company I worked for supplied dozens, if not more, of those machines, and trained their team of engineers in how to fix them. For the first year or so we were their back up if they were busy, or there was something they couldn't fix. I almost certainly worked on that specific machine. I used to see that abandoned pier at 6:05 when I crossed on the ferry. Often wondered what it was, now I know!
@davida9359 9 ай бұрын
As well as the railway pier there was the paddle steamer side loading car ferry ... replaced in the 60s by the current system ...
@micheallastname5772 9 ай бұрын
also if you get really bored, the railways that linked Tate and Lyle, Ford, Spillers etc around Silvertown and Dagenham
@eattherich9215 9 ай бұрын
I'd like to see something on the Beckton gasworks extensive network.
@tankmicr00man 9 ай бұрын
​@@eattherich9215definitely Beckton please!
@admiralcraddock464 9 ай бұрын
​@eattherich9215 there are a couple of short, silent videos of Becton's steam locos on KZbin. Back in the eighties I did some work in the gas works when it was being demolished, and I managed to get into the works main signal box that straddled the overhead section of the rail near to the coal jetty. This signal box is shown in the film Brannigan starring John Wayne.
@SoiBuakhaoRoutemasterbus 9 ай бұрын
I used to live in the East Ham area when growing up in the 1970s, at school i learnt that North Woolwich was actually part of Kent, and was subsumed into London until the 1800s. All the Royal Docks were still open then although very run down... Cyprus (or Royal Albert Dock as displayed on bus destination blinds) had lots of prefabs and a few still standing houses back then, and you could still still Manor Way station and various lines into the Docks, all very visible from the upper deck of an RT or Routemaster 101 bus!
@MRTransportVideos 9 ай бұрын
I know the Cyprus prefabs you're talking about, as my grandparents lived in one of them until they were finally taken down in the late 1970s, and they moved to Manor Park - well remember the drive there, with the remnants of the Docks in the distance.
@SoiBuakhaoRoutemasterbus 9 ай бұрын
@@MRTransportVideos yes, that sounds bout right. I remember the 101s, on the way to North Woolwich only, would turn left away from the Docks and run right along the prefabs, turning right and regaining the main road by the Ferndale pub with a small cafe on the other side.... Funny to think it was all getting on for 50 years ago now.....
@MRTransportVideos 9 ай бұрын
I know, I was only at Primary School back then - my Grandparents really doted on me, because their son had left my mother and I when I was a baby; I still remember sitting in the living room, they were watching TV, I was entranced by the fire (we lived in a flat so didn't have a real one), and would take their ashtrays(!) and throw the contents into it, to watch it glow and dance. It was basic, it was harsh but, when you're 7, it was magical.
@norbitonflyer5625 9 ай бұрын
The terminus of the Millwall Railway, near where Island Gardens station is now, was called North Greenwich, for the same reason that North Woolwich is opposite Woolwich. It was the northern terminal of a ferry across the river, and because of the Docks in the way was more closely connected with the boroughs on the south bank. Indeed, until 1965, North Woolwich was part of the Borough of Woolwich and (until 1888) an exclave of the County of Kent.
@defender1006 9 ай бұрын
Just brilliant, when my Aunt got a new car, a late 1970's Ford Escort MK2 in pale blue IIRC, it had a 'PLA' number plate, my Dad, her Brother immediately said 'Port of London Authority', I had a Hornby 'Dock Authority' diesel shunter, then the connection was made for me!
@johnmurray8428 9 ай бұрын
In the late 1950s early 1960s the PLA use to run a summer weekly (Wednesday's rings a distant bell) trip from Tower Pier to the Royal Docks (KG5th) to view the ships etc. It became for a few years an end of summer treat before going back to school. So the PLA, river, ships or railways holds memories, so something on the PLA railway lines is most welcome! Informative video, thank you.
@garycook5071 9 ай бұрын
And for many centuries Woolwich and North Woolwich were in the same county, Kent, despite the Thames being in between
@stephenreardon2698 9 ай бұрын
North Woolwich only stopped being part of Woolwich in 1965, when it was swallowed by the new London Borough of Newham. Jay Foreman did an entertaining video on this.
@AaronOfMpls 9 ай бұрын
@@stephenreardon2698 Yup, _Unfinished London_ ep 9: "Why does London have 32 boroughs? " --
@AtheistOrphan 9 ай бұрын
I must admit that the last time I was in this area was in October 1988 for Jean-Michel Jarre’s ‘Destination Docklands’ concert. I expect it’s changed a bit since then!
@neilbain8736 9 ай бұрын
I was coming back from the Medway with my bicycle on the tube that day. I'd been to Damhead creek to see The Medway Queen. The station staff were most helpful about which lines I could get away with my bike on. I can't remember the specifics but I can remember the train being cramped and the crowds. It was certainly an adventure.
@GWJUK 9 ай бұрын
I remember that gig being talked about on the tv
@AtheistOrphan 9 ай бұрын
@@GWJUK - It was certainly an event, drove to the Ford works at Dagenham, then got the park & ride bus. I can be seen in the making-of video which is here on KZbin.
@nickbartlett5928 9 ай бұрын
I remember watching that Jean-Michael Jarre concert on the TV. My friend went and got soaked!
@paintedpilgrim 9 ай бұрын
I'd back a vid on the Port of London.....when you have time of course....
@artistjoh 9 ай бұрын
Oh, yes please, London Docks railways very much interests me. Exploring what remains of the old docks is amazing, and I see on older maps lots of railways that are no longer there. They were such an important link in the economy, and need to be remembered.
@PokhrajRoy. 9 ай бұрын
The Docks are truly an interesting place and how it saw the evolution of ships.
@3RailwayPlace 9 ай бұрын
Yes, definitely please do a PLA Railways video! Any coverage of this often overlooked huge industrial/dock system is much appreciated!!
@PaddyWV 9 ай бұрын
It's almost heartening in a way that there are still derelict and abandoned (for now) bits of London, because, despite only knowing the 70's and 80's onwards, it's the London I know. When you watched dramas set around London 40 years ago there was usually footage of acres of wasteland, often untouched since wartime bombing. Now you can't leave something empty for five minutes (it sometimes seems) without someone building on it
@streaky81 9 ай бұрын
There's barely a square meter that isn't at least planned to have something built on it though - they might not be active, some will be waiting for permission, some will be waiting for market conditions to improve and so on - because somewhere looks derelict there's probably beavering away going on.
@EllieMaes-Grandad 9 ай бұрын
I moved to the Isle of Dogs in the mid-1990s and there were many sites used in movie and tv productions around that time. "Bugs" was one of them, using the 'modern' (futuristic?) buildings by way of support for the stories. Even the entrance to where I lived for a time, Burrell's Wharf, featured in "The Long Good Friday" movie . . .
@eattherich9215 9 ай бұрын
In the early days of Crossrail, I went out to North Woolwich to see what was left. On that occasion, I took the bus and photographed the Factory Road trellis footbridge from the upper deck through a surprisingly clean window, although the track had been lifted, the old North Woolwich railway station that seems to have been in a state of despair for a very long time, notwithstanding the redevelopment into a church, the "new" North Woolwich station that was still standing, and the rotting jetty to the ferry landing.
@stephensaines7100 9 ай бұрын
Port of London Railways...PLEASE MORE!
@MichaelCampin 9 ай бұрын
The DLR is primarily based onthe old Dock railways from Stepney East (now Limehouse) but most of these lines were abandoned when the docks closed.
@EllieMaes-Grandad 9 ай бұрын
The 'original' DLR stations at Mudchute and Island Gardens are now but memories. When the Lewisham extension was opened their demolition began the next day, a Sunday!
@Electricfox 9 ай бұрын
It was a lovely little museum at North Woolwich, they even had a steam locomotive that periodically ran up and down the platform there, made for quite the contrast with the 313s that would be on the other platform just the other side of the fence.
@RogersRamblings 9 ай бұрын
A piece on the PLA railways, and their connections, would be a welcome relief from endless mentions of a certain American transport financier. I look forward to it.
@Trek001 9 ай бұрын
Yes, I'd love to hear more of the PLA operated railway network Incidentally, there are some of the tracks remaining in the apron area of London City Airport if you taxi to the east end of the runway. As they are ever so slightly above the normal ground level, there is a bump as you go over them
@michellebell5092 9 ай бұрын
I was on the DLR today, visited Beckton and Beckton Psrk stations today , as part of my all oyster stations project.
@reptongeek 9 ай бұрын
How is that going? When did you start?
@anthonymobbs7039 9 ай бұрын
The old Pier might have been used for the Woolwich ferry at some point. But when I was a kid in the 70's/80's it actually led to a pontoon where the tug boats used to moor up. Just to the left was the Royal Pavilion pub, which was abandoned for years then mysteriously and conveniently burned down.
@ljosephdumas3113 9 ай бұрын
As a retired Coast Guardsman I'm always interested in videos about ports. Would love to see your take on it.
@maxinlux6570 9 ай бұрын
Yay! Luxair Q400/Dash 8! From around 02:09, my national flag carrier😀 Flown into LCY a number of times on those, naturally take the DLR as the first leg on my onward travels. What a nice mashup video!
@MRTransportVideos 9 ай бұрын
I used to work for an associate carrier of Luxair in the 1980s - Luxembourg is an amazing country, the people are some of the smartest I've ever met.
@davida9359 9 ай бұрын
Before the DLR arrived, the rail service was down the road to the North Woolwich - Stratford dc electrics through the tunnel where theElizabeth line is now.
@louisdohertybtw 9 ай бұрын
For a new station, there is quite the amount of history with it more interesting than i imagined. Great video as always
@raythomas4812 9 ай бұрын
Really enjoy these videos - I learn about a part of London's history, long forgotten. I was born in Mile end and lived in Bow until we moved to Sunny Basildon ( Mistake ! ) so nice too learn new stuff from my old area ( kinda ) Cheers Jago
@Roland-pw5xj 9 ай бұрын
I find the history of Bow Locomotive Works and the effect it had on the landscape rather intriguing.
@GeorgeChoy 9 ай бұрын
The gardens are now on my to visit list.
@t.p.mckenna 9 ай бұрын
And after you've done the gardens you could could carry on a little further along Albert Road and up to the flyover/Sir Steve Redgrave bridge. I used to spend many a happy session there photographing the incoming and departing flights for LCY. Predominant conditions see flights approach from the East. If planes are taking off from the West end it is not as impressive. You can keep tracks on an app like Flight Radar. No traffic either way Midday Saturday to Sunday (24 hours).
@BernardLS 9 ай бұрын
When, as a young man, I was doing my pre-sea course at King Edward VII Nautical School, circa 1967, the prevailing terminology for that place was KGV. Everybody loves a TLA.
@andrewgwilliam4831 9 ай бұрын
KGV isn't a TLA. 😜
@malcolmbrooks9527 9 ай бұрын
@@andrewgwilliam4831But it is a TLI - a three letter initialism.
@andrewgwilliam4831 9 ай бұрын
@@malcolmbrooks9527 It's not that, either! 😀
@BernardLS 9 ай бұрын
@@andrewgwilliam4831 Touche! Shall we duel at dawn, with pedents? Are they letters, did I miss count? (🙂)
@BernardLS 9 ай бұрын
​@@andrewgwilliam4831 note to.@andrewgwilliam4831 is 'PLA' a 'TLA'? (:-)
@hymek7017 9 ай бұрын
Humour, information and history in big but concise dollops. Excellent footage with thoughtful commentary. Delicious. 😊 Vintage Jago. 👍 Yes, please, to all the suggested ideas, especially the railway history of the docks themselves.
@honestinjin10 9 ай бұрын
Haha, love the phrase, “you’ve hit the motherload”, priceless! Keep on keeping on 👍
@acjdf 9 ай бұрын
@Jammie96Ar0 9 ай бұрын
Hell Yeah new DLR vid!
@adelestevens 9 ай бұрын
I remember using a London Midland Region railrover back in the 70's and using the Woolwich ferry with that ticket, and also travelling from Broad Street station to Richmond just to "do" the extremities of the ticket area.
@keith800 9 ай бұрын
I think a video on the Port of London docks railways would be most interesting as I expect it was quite extensive if not full of innovative engineering etc.
@nigelclark1823 9 ай бұрын
Films about closed down/old stations are always interesting, thanks for this one.
@officialmcdeath 9 ай бұрын
Yes please to a deep dive on dockside railways, with lashings of diagrams - thank you for this entrée in the meanwhile \m/
@philipdove6987 9 ай бұрын
Yes i would like to see more on the PLA railways and docks. My Parents worked for Woolwich Arsenal during the war, but they never went near the place being at an outstation at Nottingham.
@garybroadhurst3548 9 ай бұрын
Not quite King George V, but the same area: It's always struck me as crazy that the Elizabeth Line doesn't call at the airport when it's so close. That whole branch just seems a weird alignment. I think Airport, Woolwich Arsenal (main line station) then Thamesmead would have been better. Perhaps a Jago video on that would explain everything. Ha, we're all very selfish but we love your videos. Thanks SO much and keep up the great work!
@t.p.mckenna 9 ай бұрын
I took the Elizabeth line fromAbbey Wood on Friday to Canary Wharf and had that very head scratch. I remember from the Crossrail series they made, it passes immediately beneath the docks at the West end of the LCY runway.
@Bruce-h8w 9 ай бұрын
As sommeone born in the then Borough of Woolwich, I was proud that Woolwich was the only borough on both sides of the water. I can still remember the appalling stench of the Thames in the unhygienic days of the 40s and 50s.
@dukeofaaghisle7324 9 ай бұрын
A video on the PLA railways would be most welcome.
@nigeltocknell3093 9 ай бұрын
Anything about Docklands/Port of London would be great. I lived on Isle of Dogs in late nineties/early 2000s so always fascinated by the area and its history.
@CarneyBarney-qo7wq 9 ай бұрын
Love your stuff, your whole style is really authentic. Thankyou!!
@Casper-g4i 9 ай бұрын
You literally are doing what I did a few weeks ago and I was even let into North Woolwich Station. There was a turn table and old platform infrastructure.
@PokhrajRoy. 9 ай бұрын
@firedragonosis 9 ай бұрын
5:59 Reminds me of a similarly derelict thing on the walk to the cutty sark that the authorities very much do not want anyone to come near to
@jamesrussell7775 7 ай бұрын
Blimey! Don’t keep us in suspense. What is it?
@kend.5894 9 ай бұрын
For those interested in the PLA Railways and other dockland lines, Dave Brennand has an excellent book "London's East End Railways - part 2" which covers these lost lines and includes plenty of fine photos.
@Adhrit_Gupta 9 ай бұрын
Nice City airport clips
@jakeandrews-iz4wf 9 ай бұрын
Thanks for another enjoyable video. Your videos are the buddleja to my abandoned ground.
@skippy1758 5 ай бұрын
Great work Jago - it wasn't long ago I lived in Custom House, and still maintain that there's a lot of beauty amongst all the concrete!
@template16 9 ай бұрын
Port of London railways? Yes please Jago.
@Shalott63 9 ай бұрын
Yes, I think a video (or two) on the PoLA railways would be of interest!
@Jimyjames73 9 ай бұрын
Hiya Jago - @ 3:42 - I remember you telling us / showing us that old Crane in another video you have done b4!!! Thanks for sharing 🙂🚂🚂🚂
@LondonIrishArmy 9 ай бұрын
I used to go to the museum, I think on last Sunday of each month in summer they would drive old steam train up and down the tracks and had a nice big train set in a room outside next to the main building, and they also had a lot of old random different style train carriages like something from the 40s and 50s I wonder what happed to them ?
@maidsenpai4618 9 ай бұрын
I took a ride on the SL2 and ended up at North Woolwich, this video was very useful in finding and having a look at a lot of the left over bits.
@RylanceStreet 9 ай бұрын
7:07 The Albert Dock Basin in the background was occupied by Gallions Point Marina until they were evicted in 2018 by the Greater London Authority, so a large scale redevelopment of the whole area could be taken forward. But 5 years on not a lot has happened.
@Andrewjg_89 9 ай бұрын
I have been to King George V DLR station and Woolwich Arsenal. I’m a massive fan of the DLR since I was a young child and I’ve been to many DLR stations as well including Canary Wharf. Plus as you have done a video of the DLR Thamesmead extension. TfL is planning to build a new DLR station called Thames Wharf where the new Silvertown tunnel is currently under construction.
@fungt6672 9 ай бұрын
Hi Jago so nice to see a video on King George 5th station and the Dockland Light Railway City Airport Extension, the project on which I did my document controlling 😅. Was a good team working on that project. Feel very nostalgic about my time working as an engineer on transport projects, but currently working as a structural engineer. Still not had any eye corrective surgery just in case I get to work on a transport related project. Thanks so much for your videos. Really enjoy them.
@CCA2020 9 ай бұрын
0:50 Clapham South is mostly in Wandsworth, Clapham Common and North are in Lambeth, Clapham Junction is in Wandsworth
@johncourtneidge 9 ай бұрын
Very nice. Thank-you, yes to Docklands' railways on both sides if the river. There are a number od Railways Atlases with appropriate maps. A model railway bases on the map that you showed would be delightful!
@SmudgeThomas 9 ай бұрын
I liked the North Woolwich line and its little museum. I went for a last ride just before it closed, it was a neglected line that was never done right by after wwii. Also a what happened to the exhibits video might be fun...for a docks video look up some of the GER shunting locos...they got quite creative as per the Y4s
@liveevil6386 9 ай бұрын
Saw the new DLR in Beckton last weekend. Looks cool
@julianaylor4351 9 ай бұрын
The road centric approach and culture started in the late fifties, with the emergence of the modern motorway system. As a kid in the sixties I was an aware of a road building and car obsessed culture. There were once plans to carve up North West London with ring roads, but in the end with the North Circular, the Westway Flyover and eventually the M25, were the outcome. So all this lost rail architecture doesn't surprise me. Most rail remains have disappeared in North London, due to extensive redevelopments. I suspect that the station was named after the dock, in order for the builders of the DLR to get royal patronage or at least find favour with them, a bit underhand maybe. The real George V was a naval officer when younger, so having a dock named after him, was seen as an honour.
@robbybobbyhobbies 9 ай бұрын
Worked in Woolwich for many years in the last century, at the Uni (Thames Poly, as was). Never set foot in North Woolwich.
@Mr79Shahin 9 ай бұрын
You didn’t/aren’t missing much
@johnrafferty8087 9 ай бұрын
Another Great Videa. Please do more on the Railways in the docks. Thw bits I know are fascinating.
@andrewpinner3181 9 ай бұрын
Thanks Jago ! Cool abandoned stuff is always interesting (as long as there isn't too much of it, ie: a general decline) especially tube stations, which strike me as potentially haunting & eerie !
@russgladstone432 9 ай бұрын
Wow, i lived in Woodman street 20 years ago, and witnessed the opening of king George stn extension, and the area surrounding it going for walks when bored, brought back some memories, thanks, did u see the old park by silvertown west drl station which backs onto the river… nice quiet place to sit n watch boats go by
@paulinegeorge289 9 ай бұрын
Interesting video.
@neilbain8736 9 ай бұрын
Videos on the Port of London Authority railways would be interesting and useful. You've a knack for presentation. There's some excellent video of the old Woolwich paddle ferries on you tube. There's excellent colour photographs too (in the PSPS archives I think- the photos have certainly been published in the past). It would be nice to see videos on the Thames steamer services. There's loads of source material, loads of interested people too, so it could be an idea to have it collated in a bunch of handy videos in a convenient place.
@kidmohair8151 9 ай бұрын
cool old abandoned urban stuff is my bread and peanut butter... as is anything that reminds me of how transitory existence is.
@martinparkinson3665 9 ай бұрын
Have you done anything on the stations that were used for the WW2 Evacuees , and where they were sent too . For example , my late parents ended up in Somerset and Cornwall from Deptford and Lambeth but neither remembered much about the journey or why those were the areas to go to ...
@BarneyLeith 9 ай бұрын
Yes, please do a video on the PLA railway system!
@fredericksaxton3991 9 ай бұрын
Excellent. Keep them coming please. However, at 6:30 you say "there is a single rail set in the road", Surely I can see to the right, a few feet of second rail as it goes under a hump of concrete road?
@Marion-rw7dm 9 ай бұрын
Thank you Jago for another great video. Yes please l would love to know more about the LOA railway as my great grandfather was a signals near Silverstone in the 1920s,
@MrGreatplum 9 ай бұрын
Liked this a lot - always up for abandoned things!
@martynadams9942 9 ай бұрын
I believe that one can still see where the old platforms were on the original Godalming railway station. The streets near the original station have names relating to the old station. However, the old station is on a serious incline - so I'm not sure how that would have worked in the days of steam.
@michaelwright2986 9 ай бұрын
PLA railways yes please. I can just remember the Pool of London when it was a major port, so the nostalgia is strong for that.
@PokhrajRoy. 9 ай бұрын
3:56 In my head, the ‘70s was 30 years ago if it helps.
@CarolineFord1 9 ай бұрын
I know, I know. the calendar lies.
@DanBen07 9 ай бұрын
Good video guld you mentioned Royal Victoria Station its one i wanted to know more about.
@jimmyadams628 9 ай бұрын
Brilliant as usual 👏
@Gregdotgreg 9 ай бұрын
The weird thing is, North Woolwich actually used to be in Kent!
@SoiBuakhaoRoutemasterbus 9 ай бұрын
Yes, do the PLA lines and don't forget the one to Beckton Gas Works, named after it's General manager, Mr Beck.....
@tankmicr00man 9 ай бұрын
Definitely 👍
@BernardLS 9 ай бұрын
note to.@andrewgwilliam4831 is 'PLA' a 'TLA'? (:-)
@gsygsy 9 ай бұрын
Excellent. Thank you. Yes, please, more on Port of London rail!
@TonyTheYouTuba 9 ай бұрын
Super interesting. I used to live around there (in regular Woolwich) and loved to explore, so all of this is familiar territory though I hadn’t seen those rails around the runway endpoint area as they were indeed obscured!
@18robsmith 9 ай бұрын
All those old lost lines around the docks - yes there were lots and lots and lots. Most have vanished now, but there are still oddments that pop up every now and then (along with the occasional lump of less pleasant metal...) I doubt that even Jago could fit them all into one video, but I'll gladly lay down the challenge.
@glynwelshkarelian3489 9 ай бұрын
Do a 'London's Docks History' series. Roman; Pool; West India: East India: Surrey; St Katherine; the three that make up Docklands. That's anything up to 10 episodes.
@teecefamilykent 9 ай бұрын
Brilliant video sir.
@telhudson863 9 ай бұрын
Whilst Woolwich seems strange having two halves on opposite sides of the river and is the only place in London this is not uncommon elsewhere. Sure places such as East Looe and West Looe are connected by a bridge but the Tyne between North Shields and South Shields has no crossing. (Okay there is now a nearby tunnel.) Near me are the two settlements of Patauau South and Patauau North that are connected by a 120 m footbridge but are an hour apart by road.
@gritintheoyster 4 ай бұрын
Excellent video as always, I did wonder how you'd fill 9 mins of video about KGV station but you certainly did! The reason why the DLR Beckton extension didn't go via London City Airport was because Mowlem the original developer of the airport didn't want to accomodate it on the site, mainly for cost reasons. It was assumed that businessmen (they would all be men in assumption) using the airport would either have their chauffeur drive them there or they would take a cab. It was only a later on that, like a lot of the Royal Docks, this proved to be poor transport planning.
@paulinegeorge289 9 ай бұрын
I would like to see a video on the Port of London Authority Railways.
@prodiver7 9 ай бұрын
There are Bromley (by Bow) and Plaistow north of the Thames, and Bromley and Plaistow south of it.
@neilthehermit4655 9 ай бұрын
Yes, I was that idiot ( sent by an employment agency) to Bromley by Bow for an interview at a Cinema when I should have gone to Bromley, in Kent. At the time there had been no cinema in Bromley by Bow for several decades.
@CarolineFord1 9 ай бұрын
@@neilthehermit4655 And the second Bromley isn't even in Kent. It's been in the London Borough of Bromley since the 1960s!
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