Cymatic Art - Ted X - Sound Resonances or the Praise of the Void

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8 жыл бұрын

TedX Talk and performance by *LLND
Instagram : LLND_art
extracts of new cymatic performance and explanation of our inspirations from Pythagoras , Kepler, Hans Jenny , The study of the Planet's orbiting to understand musical scales, sound and beyond ...
#cymatic #sacredgeometry #cosmos #art #llnd #tedtalk #tedx

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@kinoloops 6 жыл бұрын a doc about *LLND Art and Sacred Geometries
@adrianbrice2072 5 жыл бұрын
frequency AND ...? ​ (my aim was always simply to gather all the "facts" on which upon all the groups might agree) frequency does not mean anything in cymatics by itself ... the following determine the outcome: 1) Frequency 2) The material characteristics of the medium/s of sound wave propagation (air above the water and the water itself, or a metal sheet in the case of the sand particles method). 3) The shape of the medium or the 'chamber' in which the medium is placed (ie, glass is stored in a pipe of a certain radius, or a glass container of some sort). the dimensions of the cavity is important for the resonance, in this case the diameter of whatever that water storage thing is important, if you do this with a different diameter you will get a different result due to constructive and destructive interference of the waves, if the diameter is an a special multiple of the wavelength of the tone you will get constructive otherwise destructive interference ... resonance effects are highly diverse depending on the above factors, and this is why the sound chambers of certain musical instruments like drums or guitars, are all tuned to core resonant frequencies which correlate with what we discern as musical 'notes' (a science which is in itself totally subjective, to the point of being 'art' more than science). Thus, the image you get at a certain frequency in one particular physical apparatus, will be totally different in another apparatus. One apparatus that might be most important to musical aesthetics, would be the average dimensions of certain resonant sections of the human ear ... a subject which one could argue all day about. --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- BASICS: 1. 1. constructive interference / resonance / standing waveforms are even more critical than power density* (this is why it took to long to figgure out 5G ; and why 5G is going to be "smart"; cause the 5G network is going to include A.I. learning and calculating about resonance, interfenance...) 1.2. different wavelength resonate at different scales AND interfere in human body with different FIELDS (Organs) [AND there is different kinds of magnetism, the human brain does NOT permit IONs to move freely (as the models from radiation control never even tought about..] 2..0 ITS NOT SIMPLY ABOUT DISTANCE POWER AND MATTER 3.0. it's about the rythm, the pulse, the beat which hits different scales (fields) of your body. Do you like to hear classical music or heavy metal 24/24 7/7? *phase conjugation (wave fractality) converts the vertical transverse emf wafe into longitudinal / "scalar" compressional waves charge rotations embedded by Phi (golden ratio) = PHASE CONJUGATE IMPLOSIVE CHARGE COLLAPSE is the wave mechanics of max constructive wave interference, and therefore constructive compression, and therefore phase conjugation fractal mathematics teaches the mathematics of infinite compression because the principle of the golden mean allow for the addition and multiplication of any kind of waves (also charge and energy); again: golden ratio phase conjugate recursive constructive heterodyning of phase velocities Energy is absorbed more differntly if the person is grounded. Differnet body parts react differently ON DIFFERENT SCALES! ...a baby’s smaller head resonates and absorbes differently again! In additional longitudinal resonances occur at about 1 GHz [note: GSM operates at 900 MHz and 1200 MHz] near the body surface. Grouding is relative to cosmic interaction (Sunstroms / Schumann resonance), and brain frequencies (which resonante throughout the body not just the brain) track these. OTHER BASICS: and different kindes of waves (e.g. polarization (waves)) * magnetons (cavity resonators) and fractal antennas and how theire structures ave been copied from nature (hence we have fractals of them in our body) * microwave oven vs cellphone = sends the energy on a simple sin wave or square wave were as our cellphones use digital multiplexing (either time or carrier based on your cell provider). There are mathmatical equations that show us "how" a connection between two antenna is determined. (factors: power, the sending antenna gain, the receiving power gain, and the distance between the two (this is simplified and ignoring noise). On top of that the tower varries the signal strength between your cell phone and others in the tower's range so that everyone is provided an equal service. Today’s cellular and Wi-Fi networks rely on microwaves - a type of electromagnetic radiation utilizing frequencies up to 6 gigahertz (GHz) in order to wirelessly transmit voice or data. 5 G applications will require a new spectrum bands in higher frequency ranges above 6 GHz to 100 GHz and beyond, utilizing submillimeter and millimeter waves! WiFi in our homes generates a frequency at 2.45 gigahertz per second. 5 G will generate 24 to 90 billion waves per seconds Examples Think of a bell. Each independent circuit(coil) have a specific frequency in which it will keep vibrating with less resistance. That is the resonant frequency. In the case of a standing wave, it would be the frequency that would make it "bounce back" and repeat over itself , creating the standing wave. AND If I pluck the top E on a well tuned guitar the A string will sound as well, without being touched. Moreover the A string will not sound as the pitch A, but as the pitch E. E being a perfect fifth above A, the result of a 2:3 proportional relationship. That is, although the A string had not been plucked, 3rds of that string were ever so slightly vibrating at a pitch twice as high as the E string that was plucked. Resonance between these proportionaly close frequencies transfered energy from the E string to the wave partial of the A string until enough power was in that overtone so that you could hear it. Exactly the same phenomena occurs between a transmitting antenna and a receiving antenna in All telecommunications. THE BIG PICTURE (including the small and vice versa) In an electric universe: What we mean to define: (when anyone of us said) singularities THIS THING (MATTER / OBJECT) is boundary conditions we can now define them as: specific geometric harmonic resonance ratios. > Then we might also conclude: "Through the big bang matter manifests, through black hole antimatter manifests." > In fact all biologic negentropy is observable as a wave function precisely because it is not a square multiple, but golden ratio / conjugation (from Planck). Precisely observable as photosynthesis, hydrogen radii and much much more. Octaves /square wave functions create maximum destructive wave interference. IT IS GEOMETRY THAT SHOWS US; how to reconnect brain (matter) with cosmic intelligence / the yogic cognitions (mahadeva nature) where intensity is continuity. Consciousness expresses through the feedback, the mirroring: this is why mandalas (cymatics) are so important. Mandalas are about: holo-fractal-geometry. All this comes from the ancient science (of consciousness), the Sanatana Hindu Dharma. It describes the 11 UNIT dimensions beings exist in. (These are based on the 5 UNIT dimensions.) Though yogic cognitions / cognitive coherence (ferociously completion) >> you are the mandala and you are the creator of the mandala (cymatics). In analytic terms (academic language) it is: Fractal mathematics teaches the mathematics of infinite compression because the principle of the golden mean allow for the addition and multiplication of any kind of waves (!) : Golden ratio is self-similarity (fractality) optimized golden ratio enables perfected feedback (information exchange) between scales in nature (e.g. micro and macro cosmos) the idea of symmetry is vital all of this >>PROOF: 1. The holo(fractal)graphic ratio relationship of quantum vacuum fluctuations (QVF) has been found to PREDICTS the charge radius of the proton with more precision than has ever been achieved before. 2. golden ratio (phase conjugate) times planck length & time PREDICTS: the brainwave (alpha / beta) frequencies of peak perception / bliss the exact only 2 frequencies which motorize photosynthesis virtually exact duration of the Earth year and Venus year and much more -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --- -- --- --- --- Question Is resonance the same phenomena as wave interferometry? I am not sure where to put plasmoids in all this... but in time it will all integrate. Thank you for feedback.
@BeauInGrace 4 жыл бұрын
Does anyone have Llnd's Instagram or contact? or channel? would love to see updates on how they are now! 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
@gkeith64 3 жыл бұрын
Theres a connection between the sacred name of the creator YhWh- 4 power words, the 🔯 and all living things. The planets function on resonance as does all living. YahUah shalom wa barakah, meshpaca.
@tomaskoptik2021 3 жыл бұрын
Not everything is sound, Sound and light are perpendicular. Light is 2D, sound gives it volume. A minor detail, but an important one I would say :) All "matter" is sound+light together. Simply put - there are no particles, everything is a field.
@kinoloops 2 жыл бұрын
@@BeauInGrace llnd_art
@mukundranjan11 5 жыл бұрын
We Hindus have a word for it..Om. The difference is here he uses an instrument for the mapping the sound whereas ancient Hindus used the body itself as the instrument to receive this universal sound. Hindus call the Sun, Surya as it is responsible for giving the seven 'SURs', Sa Re Ga Ma Pa Dha Ni. There are also seven chakras in the body and we have a Sun and the moon within our body. The Kundalini meditation is all about how to awaken the consciousness through the Sun and the moon chakras. The chinese on the other hand have the Yin and Yang. Unfortunately he talks about the European scientists but not about the ancient Indians who were the original propounders and discoverers. Either he is ignorant or a hypocrite.
@recharge6138 2 жыл бұрын
thanx for your comment , you are right, not all the information of history of sound and research was given here ... apology for my ignorance .I appreciate you sharing some more insights. That videos was made in 2015, i have learnt a lot more since then : ))
@mindsigh4 2 жыл бұрын
@@recharge6138 very cool that u responded after 3 yrs to the Hindu, he's right, science in the west, because of many influences went certain directions: it got hijacked by industrial/commercial/weaponized technological interests, neglecting much of the rest of the sphere of life...
@eyebrid 6 жыл бұрын
Cymatics are a horizontal slice of a three dimensional wave, it would be amazing to see the full shapes...
@robertball8696 5 жыл бұрын
its more like a stereographic projection
@richigancardo 5 жыл бұрын
Look for bubble cymatics
@HeinzCave 3 жыл бұрын
You can, it's called lsd/psilocybin/dmt.
@tomaskoptik2021 3 жыл бұрын
hypertrochoid-toroid. look it up.
@eyebrid 3 жыл бұрын
@@tomaskoptik2021 Thanks, a search led me to this: video on a page called Fractal Science showing Jerobeam Fenderson's Spirals fed into an oscilloscope, it did form hypertrochoid toroids among many other amazing shapes.
@SherrylLyn57 5 жыл бұрын
It's like he's hypnotizing the crowd with his voice while the frequencies played. I struggle to trust the playing of unusual sounds like these on the internet. Our government knows so much more about how to manipulate our minds and bodies with sound than we can fathom.
@markdemell8056 4 жыл бұрын
I pray to GOD for help and discernment whenever I am learning !
@ted.the.human1 4 жыл бұрын
there would be nothing you can do about it they could transmit the waves silently without your knowledge at a low frequency you can't even hear with human ears
@TheSteveSteele 3 жыл бұрын
Please quit embarrassing yourself with your lack of education. This crap is pseudoscience. Proven pseudoscience. Can be debunked by a first year college student, (even a community college freshman would know why this is ridiculous. Do you really believe the sound that was made has anything at all to do with Neptune or any other planets? Please restore some of my belief that humanity hasn’t completely gone brain dead and say “no”. And his horrific out of tune singing wasn’t hypnotizing the audience. It was terrifying them. 😂🤣🤣
@redneckhippiefreak 3 жыл бұрын
@@TheSteveSteele lol So Let me get this straight, In response to a comment about how we need to be aware of a Government having the ability to manipulate Animal behavior and matter by way of Frequency, (An Undeniable, Well studied, Proven and Practiced fact By the Way) Your rebuttal is to Deflect from the Manipulation part and Ignorantly focus on the Provided frequency being unlike the Real frequency? LOL You sound like a simpleton void of the very same scientific Education of which you speak. Your Ignorance was only assumed, Until it was confirmed by Your own comment. IE,This information is compiled from the ULF recordings from every planet the 2 Voyager space probes passed on their way out of the Solar system. compiled the "Hawkeye' Information and added the entire data base of recordings gathered by Earth based telescopes over the last 60 years and with the New Exoplanet Exp[loration Program, It Still continues today as we listen to entire Galaxies.....NASA, took those recordings of the planets frequencies from Our Solar system in 1980..XD They then modified them up to the Audible Range of the Human Ear. It was Ground breaking and opened up an entire field of Scientific study and compiled great contributions including the development of new technology for Detecting Sub particles from Colliding atoms together. XD ..I guess you missed that part of Scientific History as You were too busy Proudly showing off your ignorance. .The rest of Your comment, falls in line with the expected stupidity devoid of any Scientific Merit....Except for the shitty singing part, It sucked just as bad as Your attempt at belittlement. XD
@yassineu.z4067 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks for all your hard work, putting this master piece together must have been a lot of hard work! THANK YOU AGAIN!
@kinoloops 2 жыл бұрын
thanx, hard work is fun
@aphysique 6 жыл бұрын
One must think of Everything being that of , Energy, Frequency & Vibration!!!👌🙏📐👍
@Agui007 6 жыл бұрын
aphysique Nikola Tesla.
@elipetry3414 6 жыл бұрын
Agui0 07
@markdemell8056 4 жыл бұрын
Tesla was way ahead of our time ,the powers that be drove him down, and stole his work.
@vkcompany8953 6 жыл бұрын
These cymatics patterns are very similar to the rudraksha. If u cut half them then u can see all these kind of different sounds visuals in rudraksh. Rudrakshas have different different frequencys... I believe
@hhattingh 2 жыл бұрын
This whole process is one of three in Lutherie during a process called voicing the musical instrument during the building process of high quality guitars, violin etc. Look up It up Irvin Somogyi. His guitars start at 40k entry level. It is all about 'Voicing' the instrument. It takes these guys decades to do 'tap test's 1Suminoff -Tap Test 2 Chladni - Dust 3 Flex Test 1680 Robert Hook, an English philosopher and co-founder of the Royal Society, covered glass plates with flour and then "played" the plate with a violin bow. The resulting patterns astounded his fellow members of the Royal Society. In 1781 Ernst Chladni, a German scientist now called the “father of acoustics,” recreated Hook's experiment. He covered a thin metal plate with sand and again used a bow to acoustically arrange the grains into complex patterns. His apparatus became known as the Chladni plate. Naturally occurring shapes like cross-sections of oranges and tortoise shells appear. As the pitch gets higher, the patterns become more complex. In 1967, a Swiss physician Hans Jenny gave the field of cymatics its name after the greek word for 'wave'. He recreated Chlandi's experiments with a variety of solids and liquids, and created something called a tonoscope.
@kinoloops 2 жыл бұрын
thanx for sharing these
@S0und_Zer0 Жыл бұрын
I think thats how the universe formed. Resonance can happen at great distances and once one particle resonates...the same particle a distance away will resonate with it. The universe is a resonating cavity of particles given shape and form by sound.
@ladyofthewoods2448 4 ай бұрын
Planet sounds - reminds me of whale /Bird sounds the back ground vibration goes inside . Good video thank you
@KT-en8pq 6 жыл бұрын
I’m not sure if that was groovy or not but the information presented has profound meaning. What I would like to see is where the exclusion zones are within the formations and how different spectrums and amplitudes of light interact with the phase shifts. I’m guessing the exclusion zones, if any, are within the dark areas. Might this imply that dark matter itself is much like an exclusion zone being a type of electron pump? Just rambling, thanks and nice “groovy” presentation
@fidalgoverde 7 жыл бұрын
Outstanding. The hard part will be decoding....
@kinoloops 6 жыл бұрын
takes a lifetime
@NoFapKing 5 жыл бұрын
drives me insane
@crystal3009 3 жыл бұрын
Just feel it.
@rightviberecords194 6 жыл бұрын
@kinoloops 6 жыл бұрын
Thanx !!
@kinoloops 6 жыл бұрын
It is : ))
@tharonkennedy203 3 жыл бұрын
Been telling my family we live in the voice of God
@skydiver4959 Жыл бұрын
God said let there be light.
@kennethjones3947 Жыл бұрын
Imagine sitting in the water with a group of people and actually experiencing the sync
@S0und_Zer0 Жыл бұрын
A grand idea indeed.
@calingabriel8379 6 жыл бұрын
@kinoloops 6 жыл бұрын
It Is : ))
@darylwayne611 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for this Awesome video, I was just wondering.. I can't get anything below 40Hz using a water proof speaker and water, even when I turn volume up to max. Maybe I need an amplifier? Thank you again.
@markdemell8056 4 жыл бұрын
I have heard these sounds before in different sci-fi movies.
@tiffanypage9077 6 жыл бұрын
He Spoke from the great void and matter took form
@clarkkent52 Жыл бұрын
Genesis 1:2 And the earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep..And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. The spirit of the Lord hovered over the waters a.d God spoke (Energy vibration) and all living thing in the sea came to life...Water is weird Water is essential water records....vibration in water reveals underlying energy formation..Cymatics art resembles early life forms...literally showing you God can arrange energy condenses it into life forms...God leave his fingerprints so that we are of no excuse
@GANAPATIIIII 2 жыл бұрын
@recharge6138 2 жыл бұрын
thanx i do too hehe
@zomesargentina 6 жыл бұрын
hi kino loops, have you tried the frequencies 432 and 528 hz? thanks
@kinoloops 6 жыл бұрын
Hi yes we did, and they create beautiful imagery as well
@dr.j.latourhighpriestdod5192 4 ай бұрын
Music of the spheres sounds like a frog pond
@greenstreet5287 3 жыл бұрын
looks like the "stars" aka luminaires. get a p900 or p1000 and zoom in on a clear night
@anthonyv6962 Жыл бұрын
flat earth clown.
@purgatorysrath4455 2 жыл бұрын
I wonder if we take all the crop circles found, put them together and see if it's a musical masterpiece? Lmao just a thought. Maybe it reveals a message in sound waves as a voice. I'm not musically inclined enough or intelligent enough to try.
@grumblycurmudgeon 3 жыл бұрын
Wow have ted x talks improved since ‘15.
@anthonyv6962 Жыл бұрын
More pseudoscience I guess you're into that.
@grumblycurmudgeon Жыл бұрын
@@anthonyv6962 Whoop! My bad! Seeing as we're unfamiliar with sarcasm, allow me to clarify: wtf was TED thinking 8 years ago!?
@adrianbrice2072 5 жыл бұрын
frequency AND ...? ​ (my aim was always simply to gather all the "facts" on which upon all the groups might agree) frequency does not mean anything in cymatics by itself ... the following determine the outcome: 1) Frequency 2) The material characteristics of the medium/s of sound wave propagation (air above the water and the water itself, or a metal sheet in the case of the sand particles method). 3) The shape of the medium or the 'chamber' in which the medium is placed (ie, glass is stored in a pipe of a certain radius, or a glass container of some sort). the dimensions of the cavity is important for the resonance, in this case the diameter of whatever that water storage thing is important, if you do this with a different diameter you will get a different result due to constructive and destructive interference of the waves, if the diameter is an a special multiple of the wavelength of the tone you will get constructive otherwise destructive interference ... resonance effects are highly diverse depending on the above factors, and this is why the sound chambers of certain musical instruments like drums or guitars, are all tuned to core resonant frequencies which correlate with what we discern as musical 'notes' (a science which is in itself totally subjective, to the point of being 'art' more than science). Thus, the image you get at a certain frequency in one particular physical apparatus, will be totally different in another apparatus. One apparatus that might be most important to musical aesthetics, would be the average dimensions of certain resonant sections of the human ear ... a subject which one could argue all day about. --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- BASICS: 1. 1. constructive interference / resonance / standing waveforms are even more critical than power density* (this is why it took to long to figgure out 5G ; and why 5G is going to be "smart"; cause the 5G network is going to include A.I. learning and calculating about resonance, interfenance...) 1.2. different wavelength resonate at different scales AND interfere in human body with different FIELDS (Organs) [AND there is different kinds of magnetism, the human brain does NOT permit IONs to move freely (as the models from radiation control never even tought about..] 2..0 ITS NOT SIMPLY ABOUT DISTANCE POWER AND MATTER 3.0. it's about the rythm, the pulse, the beat which hits different scales (fields) of your body. Do you like to hear classical music or heavy metal 24/24 7/7? *phase conjugation (wave fractality) converts the vertical transverse emf wafe into longitudinal / "scalar" compressional waves charge rotations embedded by Phi (golden ratio) = PHASE CONJUGATE IMPLOSIVE CHARGE COLLAPSE is the wave mechanics of max constructive wave interference, and therefore constructive compression, and therefore phase conjugation fractal mathematics teaches the mathematics of infinite compression because the principle of the golden mean allow for the addition and multiplication of any kind of waves (also charge and energy); again: golden ratio phase conjugate recursive constructive heterodyning of phase velocities Energy is absorbed more differntly if the person is grounded. Differnet body parts react differently ON DIFFERENT SCALES! ...a baby’s smaller head resonates and absorbes differently again! In additional longitudinal resonances occur at about 1 GHz [note: GSM operates at 900 MHz and 1200 MHz] near the body surface. Grouding is relative to cosmic interaction (Sunstroms / Schumann resonance), and brain frequencies (which resonante throughout the body not just the brain) track these. OTHER BASICS: and different kindes of waves (e.g. polarization (waves)) * magnetons (cavity resonators) and fractal antennas and how theire structures ave been copied from nature (hence we have fractals of them in our body) * microwave oven vs cellphone = sends the energy on a simple sin wave or square wave were as our cellphones use digital multiplexing (either time or carrier based on your cell provider). There are mathmatical equations that show us "how" a connection between two antenna is determined. (factors: power, the sending antenna gain, the receiving power gain, and the distance between the two (this is simplified and ignoring noise). On top of that the tower varries the signal strength between your cell phone and others in the tower's range so that everyone is provided an equal service. Today’s cellular and Wi-Fi networks rely on microwaves - a type of electromagnetic radiation utilizing frequencies up to 6 gigahertz (GHz) in order to wirelessly transmit voice or data. 5 G applications will require a new spectrum bands in higher frequency ranges above 6 GHz to 100 GHz and beyond, utilizing submillimeter and millimeter waves! WiFi in our homes generates a frequency at 2.45 gigahertz per second. 5 G will generate 24 to 90 billion waves per seconds Examples Think of a bell. Each independent circuit(coil) have a specific frequency in which it will keep vibrating with less resistance. That is the resonant frequency. In the case of a standing wave, it would be the frequency that would make it "bounce back" and repeat over itself , creating the standing wave. AND If I pluck the top E on a well tuned guitar the A string will sound as well, without being touched. Moreover the A string will not sound as the pitch A, but as the pitch E. E being a perfect fifth above A, the result of a 2:3 proportional relationship. That is, although the A string had not been plucked, 3rds of that string were ever so slightly vibrating at a pitch twice as high as the E string that was plucked. Resonance between these proportionaly close frequencies transfered energy from the E string to the wave partial of the A string until enough power was in that overtone so that you could hear it. Exactly the same phenomena occurs between a transmitting antenna and a receiving antenna in All telecommunications. THE BIG PICTURE (including the small and vice versa) In an electric universe: What we mean to define: (when anyone of us said) singularities THIS THING (MATTER / OBJECT) is boundary conditions we can now define them as: specific geometric harmonic resonance ratios. > Then we might also conclude: "Through the big bang matter manifests, through black hole antimatter manifests." > In fact all biologic negentropy is observable as a wave function precisely because it is not a square multiple, but golden ratio / conjugation (from Planck). Precisely observable as photosynthesis, hydrogen radii and much much more. Octaves /square wave functions create maximum destructive wave interference. IT IS GEOMETRY THAT SHOWS US; how to reconnect brain (matter) with cosmic intelligence / the yogic cognitions (mahadeva nature) where intensity is continuity. Consciousness expresses through the feedback, the mirroring: this is why mandalas (cymatics) are so important. Mandalas are about: holo-fractal-geometry. All this comes from the ancient science (of consciousness), the Sanatana Hindu Dharma. It describes the 11 UNIT dimensions beings exist in. (These are based on the 5 UNIT dimensions.) Though yogic cognitions / cognitive coherence (ferociously completion) >> you are the mandala and you are the creator of the mandala (cymatics). In analytic terms (academic language) it is: Fractal mathematics teaches the mathematics of infinite compression because the principle of the golden mean allow for the addition and multiplication of any kind of waves (!) : Golden ratio is self-similarity (fractality) optimized golden ratio enables perfected feedback (information exchange) between scales in nature (e.g. micro and macro cosmos) the idea of symmetry is vital all of this >>PROOF: 1. The holo(fractal)graphic ratio relationship of quantum vacuum fluctuations (QVF) has been found to PREDICTS the charge radius of the proton with more precision than has ever been achieved before. 2. golden ratio (phase conjugate) times planck length & time PREDICTS: the brainwave (alpha / beta) frequencies of peak perception / bliss the exact only 2 frequencies which motorize photosynthesis virtually exact duration of the Earth year and Venus year and much more -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --- -- --- --- --- Question Is resonance the same phenomena as wave interferometry? I am not sure where to put plasmoids in all this... but in time it will all integrate. Thank you for feedback.
@paizley11 5 жыл бұрын
Scientists around the world are warning about 5G, that there hasn't been enough research to prove it's safe. They've seen, in the military, that it can burn skin, glands. Every single sound will effect every single thing. We just don't know how.
@wordsculpt 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your fascinating mini dissertation !
@TheSteveSteele 2 жыл бұрын
Adrian. It’s amazing that you can get so much right and so much wrong all in one comment.
@anthonyv6962 Жыл бұрын
@@TheSteveSteele Same thing I was thinking. Started off pretty strong but the wheels started coming off a few paragraphs down.
@anthonyv6962 Жыл бұрын
@@paizley11 you don't know what your talking about. Name a study name a scientist at least tell me what 5G means and what part of the spectrum is allocated for 5G.
@crystal3009 3 жыл бұрын
I immediately said love. And the back of my head top of my Vegas nerve was happpy
@kinoloops 2 жыл бұрын
its all about frequencies, words resonate often more by their frequency than by their literate meanings
@clarkkent52 Жыл бұрын
Do not worship the creation but the creator who is infinitely more greater...Genesis 1:2 And the earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep..And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. The spirit of the Lord hovered over the waters a.d God spoke (Energy vibration) and all living thing in the sea came to life...Water is weird Water is essential water records....vibration in water reveals underlying energy formation..Cymatics art resembles early life forms...literally showing you God can arrange energy condenses it into life forms...God leave his fingerprints so that we are of no excuse
@jeremyharris883 3 жыл бұрын
Starz in the waters above Plasma cymatics
@paizley11 5 жыл бұрын
So, snowflakes (crystals) must get their shape from sound/vibrations then? Seems like it.
@kinoloops 5 жыл бұрын
how about sun flowers ? and all which stands on earth ? our brains ... ?!!
@kinoloops 5 жыл бұрын
@T Regis Indeed !!
@alexander39569 2 жыл бұрын
How about everything 👀👀
@adolforosado 4 жыл бұрын
Do these three as a chord and make a video. 288, 432 and 360. Good work!
@TheSteveSteele 2 жыл бұрын
Total nonsense. Should we use sine waves for each tone? If I use a triangle wave will the interference pattern destroy the desired affect?
@anthonyv6962 Жыл бұрын
@@TheSteveSteele I'm glad I saw at least one comment calling out this pseudoscience.
@BeauInGrace 4 жыл бұрын
Does anyone have Llnd's Instagram or contact? or channel? would love to see updates on how they are now! 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
@kinoloops 4 жыл бұрын
hi , Instargram is " LLND_art
@richtmason3792 2 жыл бұрын
is it possible for crop circles to be created using a form of cymatics?
@kinoloops 2 жыл бұрын
i'd like to think it can be
@LBJTV Жыл бұрын
this is what stars are, light created by sound in water
@user-fq9jn8ep6z 2 жыл бұрын
英語がわからなくて、すみません。 でも、サイマティクスは昔から興味があり、振動が体を治癒して行く事を信じています。 花火みたいです🎆
@recharge6138 2 жыл бұрын
yes i also believe vibrations can heal
@clarkkent52 Жыл бұрын
Genesis 1:2 And the earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep..And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. The spirit of the Lord hovered over the waters a.d God spoke (Energy vibration) and all living thing in the sea came to life...Water is weird Water is essential water records....vibration in water reveals underlying energy formation..Cymatics art resembles early life forms...literally showing you God can arrange energy condenses it into life forms...God leave his fingerprints so that we are of no excuse
@sir_john_hammond 6 жыл бұрын
Welcome... to Fuxing Park.
@kinoloops 6 жыл бұрын
with pleasure, we live in Shanghai
@ReveredDead 2 жыл бұрын
This Pythagoras at the time could never have known it but he discovered how UAP's travel in space. The exact same thing here. They merge consciousness and technology together in their crafts and use the vibrational frequency of a place in space and within the magnetic bubble of the craft. They tune to the frequency of that location and instantaneously appear at that point in space. It is why they appear and disappear in the blink of an eye. They no longer exist at that point and reappear at another.
@josegarcia2762 2 жыл бұрын
how do they merge them together? or more importantly how do they make the ship vibrate? speakers?
@creativekaii 2 ай бұрын
Do you have a link or somewhere i can learn about this? I don't know what to search to get the most accurate information
@noar5615 6 жыл бұрын
กำลังรองปรับอรูมิเนียม แร่ คริสตัล เพื่อยิงภาพแบบโปรเจคเตอโโฮโรแกรม เพื่อ งดึง ภาพแสงขึ้นมา
@fungi42021 3 жыл бұрын
dude. I think the shrooms kicked in.. feel like that is the intro to the new flaming lips album
@kinoloops 2 жыл бұрын
thanx for Flaming Lips and glad they kicked in by mind openess that we are frequencies together with nature
@moorek1967 7 жыл бұрын
"And God said...."
@texasfossilguy 6 жыл бұрын
moorek1967 Wwwwaaaaa wwwwaaaaaaa wwwwaaaaaaa wwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa wwwaaawaaawaaawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawa lol or like ooooooooooommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmooooooooooooooOoooooooooommmmmmm lol
@victorbarboza9373 5 жыл бұрын
Everything is in that book.
@markdemell8056 4 жыл бұрын
YAHWEH spoke us into existance!
@anthonyv6962 Жыл бұрын
Nothing. There is no god.
@moorek1967 Жыл бұрын
@@anthonyv6962 How do you know that?
@IOS-IO 3 жыл бұрын
same like the stars😉
@kinoloops 2 жыл бұрын
@simeonmcdonald5184 5 жыл бұрын
I came across an image of one of these things supposedly representing the sound "OM" which was almost identical to the corresponding Mandela that monks have been drawing for centuries; suggesting that through chanting and meditation the monks were able to tap into something that science is only just beginning to explain. I haven't seen anyone else reproduce the image though! It is sad that there are people willing to prey on the gullible, and for what? Just to give themselves some obscene sense of superiority?
@clarkkent52 Жыл бұрын
Genesis 1:2 And the earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep..And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. The spirit of the Lord hovered over the waters a.d God spoke (Energy vibration) and all living thing in the sea came to life...Water is weird Water is essential water records....vibration in water reveals underlying energy formation..Cymatics art resembles early life forms...literally showing you God can arrange energy condenses it into life forms...God leave his fingerprints so that we are of no excuse
@raspberrypi4970 5 жыл бұрын
Feels like I just watched some weird hypnotic ear frequency meditation visualization vibration brain changing, extraterrestrial weird shit.. Cymatics is awesome Just like the Star in a Jar
@kinoloops 5 жыл бұрын
thanx for your comment, that is exactly how i feel about it hahaha
@markdemell8056 4 жыл бұрын
It is not shit!
@DudasJenoZsolt 2 жыл бұрын
DITRH channel, the Real Stars video... check it! Cool!
@recharge6138 2 жыл бұрын
thanx i will
@IntelligenceONE 3 жыл бұрын
People make sound frequencies too.
@kinoloops 2 жыл бұрын
principles of life
@RealDevil666 5 жыл бұрын
13:59 Bahahaha! That was the real kicker. My bad... its actually BOTH 13:59 AND 15:10
@kinoloops 5 жыл бұрын
glad u made it that far : ) feel free to send me a sound of your voice and i can look what will be the figure
@RealDevil666 5 жыл бұрын
KINO LOOPS haha yeah! Where do I send it? I’m making my brother do a science project on this.
@kinoloops 4 жыл бұрын
@@RealDevil666 send a link here
@thomassavannah5877 6 жыл бұрын
Stars display obvious cymatics. Stars above under water? Reminds me of biblical and ancient cosmology.
@kinoloops 6 жыл бұрын
sacred geometries are timeless
@srinathsathyanath7435 5 жыл бұрын
Indian astrology bro
@skinnynick 6 жыл бұрын
all of this is nice and dandy, but i think we should take it a step farther and ask what frequency induce healing of the human body.
@kinoloops 6 жыл бұрын
actually many frequencies can induce rebalancing of our energies for wellness
@skinnynick 6 жыл бұрын
when i said healing of the body i was referring to cuts and scars.
@wideawake2462 5 жыл бұрын
Ground yourself walk barefoot.. or plug wire into Ground and fit the other end to your bed and lay across wires.. self healing from earths natural frequency.. it works for many things, but Remember to turn off all devices such as broudaband router phones tablets etc... you will sleep better and improve health..
@paizley11 5 жыл бұрын
@@wideawake2462 Turning off devices/broadband is virtually impossible these days. We're bombarded from every direction, everywhere. Now they're going to be installing mini towers on corners in neighborhoods for 5 G. Scientists world wide are screaming for them not to do this because of the frequencies.
@anthonyv6962 Жыл бұрын
@@paizley11 No scientist would ever say "because of the frequencies" as a cause of something. It makes no sense
@LynnMcRae-zi6yt 3 ай бұрын
Uni verse.... one song
@noar5615 6 жыл бұрын
ฟิตเจอริงเอ็ฟเฟร็กอีครอไลเชอนะ ใช้เวิดแม่เหล็ก แต่ถ้า เมนมันเป็นร่องเกลัยง แบบ รูป เฮริตมันจะ ปรับแอมแปร์เอง
@starnight1381 Жыл бұрын
The universe was created by the action of the Creator, who is God, but the method is that the sound is the basis on which the universe was built, meaning (vibrations and frequencies) that formed the universe because something has a specific frequency. The cymatics sciences are used only in the negative aspect, which is the control of peoples (see the old series of identifiers) On KZbin, focus on the first episode
@PyPi2010 Жыл бұрын
You are correct, god is math, it’s been proven, this information is about to be unveiled to the world, we are frequencies based on numbers and logic projecting a holographic reality!
@anthonyv6962 Жыл бұрын
@starnight1381 Жыл бұрын
@@anthonyv6962 Could you correct me please ?
@TheNoblot 5 жыл бұрын
érock art
@Barnabus33 3 жыл бұрын
does energy have a frequency...or is frequency different forms of energy...and why hasn't anyone shown what the cymatics of a fart look like yet?
@kinoloops 2 жыл бұрын
energy is frequency ...every fart has its own tone haha and therefore the resulting frequency and figure is different ...never thought i would put cymatics and fart in one same sentence
@gkeith64 3 жыл бұрын
Theres a connection between the sacred name of the creator YhWh- 4 power words, the 🔯 and all living things. The planets function on resonance as does all living. YahUah shalom wa barakah, meshpaca.
@kinoloops 2 жыл бұрын
Sutras are emitting frequency and resonance within
@des_music7814 5 жыл бұрын
Like snow flakes ❄️
@snehakaushikmarathe6713 Жыл бұрын
No offense, But It is funny that we suddenly find it so interesting. the Hindus have various yantras that are worshipped in our houses. And we chant different mantras for each yantra, here we are basically creating a particular wave by chanting a particular mantra - note - the best part of this practice is - those particular yantra are the actual cymatic art which is created after chanting the particular yantra - No magic - pure science. Just that simple ancient Bharatiyas had this discovered centuries of millennials ago... But the masses believe only when it comes from a Western lab...
@bbtiwari6837 2 жыл бұрын
Where is the sound of Om 🕉️ the basic sound of the universe 💟 dear friend 😌🕉️🔱☮️🕊️👣🐾👣🙏😷
@kennethjones3947 Жыл бұрын
No water or even liquid to be seen. Only renditions. Doesn't have the same effect
@stevegabriel7164 2 жыл бұрын
A hope the audience didn't drink the juice 🙏
@recharge6138 2 жыл бұрын
actually they rushed for it and all space transformed into waves of colors
@paaao 5 жыл бұрын
Is this a fucking TED talk or some new age goth concert?
@goosecouple 5 жыл бұрын
Presentation in China? Going to be difficult for them to accept the fact that each frequency is different. That's unfair! They believe everyone should be equal in the universe.
@kinoloops 5 жыл бұрын
Dear Goosecouple , have you been to China or studied China ? All i hear from your comment is a THEY ( while speaking about Chinese people ) as if they were aliens to you ... Our first collaboration with China was in 2001 and we live there since 2009 ... In a sens you are right , the Tao speaks about a Universality, but i don't recall anything about equality of all in regard to all : ))
@goosecouple 5 жыл бұрын
@@kinoloops The Tao? Are you not aware that people in China smashed Confucius's tomb? Called Buddhist teachings dog shit? Burned the library at Shaolin temple? Smashed and burned countless monasteries in China and Tibet? Destroyed countless cultural heritage? In modern China, you can take the people out of China; but you cannot take out the Communism that's in their hearts. Without the need to visit China, the world can sees the true face of China today by looking at the nasty behaviors of tourists from China.
@kinoloops 5 жыл бұрын
@@goosecouple ok this 2nd comment explains your first one ( you know nothing about China except what generic international news papers have told ya )... Taoism was put into words by Lao tseu ...and all the rest of your comment , honestly i won't waste a sec to reply to any ...
@goosecouple 5 жыл бұрын
@@kinoloops Not Lao Tseo. The correct name is Lao Zi or Lao Tzu or Lao Tze. Lao Zi hurriedly left the society leaving behind what is know as Tao Te Ching, aka the 5000 words teaching. But Confucius stayed behind, wrote the Analects. Confucius tried to abide by the Tao, which he taught to his disciples example Mencius. Lao Zi doesn't have a tomb, but Confucius does. My point the same, the modern day people of China have abandoned these "old traditions" and that's why they smashed down Confucius's tomb, ridiculed his teachings. Most people no longer believe in higher power or God or Tao or Buddha. That's the real face of China today. A few people attended your presentation and you got excited over nothing. Wait till you see Mao's force of destruction.
@kinoloops 5 жыл бұрын
@@goosecouple sorry you feel like this ... i suggest you aim towards future and stop protecting yourself with dark memories from the past ...stay positive and flowers will bloom around you
@seditt5146 3 ай бұрын
I hate how all these things misrepresent what the visuals are. That is not the way 8Hz simply looks. Its how it looks in your machine, only when exactly the right amount of water or oil is used, the temp is just right, etc....etc... Slightly different fluid depth, container size, fluid type all that form totally different patterns yet all these act like its just a magical pattern that happens whenever that frequency is applied and its so incredibly wrong, and they know its wrong, that I have to view them as con artist.
@kinoloops 3 ай бұрын
love your message
@TheSteveSteele 3 жыл бұрын
Haha. Those poor people didn’t know they had pseudoscience on the menu. 😂🤣🤣
@kinoloops 2 жыл бұрын
we are Artists not scientists ... feel free to share your knowledge instead of cliticising other ...LOVE
@TheSteveSteele 2 жыл бұрын
@@kinoloops I’d love to. In fact I welcome a debate or open forum. This is all subjective. The example of 8 Hz and tying it in with the Schumann Resonance, then showing an image of a spherical or round container of water vibrating, what is that supposed to “prove”? Water will vibrate to all frequencies and will always look different and interesting. Also, the temperature of the water, the resonant frequency of the container, and the type of sound wave used will all have a major influence on the result. But beautiful? Healthy? Better than? Artistic? These are all subjective terms that are meaningless, unless some cause and effect can be shown. And none is done here. This is purely an attempt at trying to make cool looking images. Nothing more. It’s similar to those 1960’s light shows when they used overhead projectors, mineral oil and food coloring. It’s all for affect and entertainment, not science or medicine. I’m an musician and an amateur scientist, and if you tell me there was actual science happening here I’m going to ask you to back that up. And don’t tell me to “do my research”. I’ve researched acoustics most of my life. I know all about the 432 Hz and 458 Hz hoax and would be more than happy to explain it.
@francoisvincent5857 2 жыл бұрын
Pitié. Parler en francais, mais pas dans une langue sans accent, c'est horrible. (laisser faire les traducteurs)...
@recharge6138 2 жыл бұрын
all i can say is : hjdsgfjhda dbjgdjsg sgsdkhdhksf and i will just let the translators enlighten you
@eb8345 2 жыл бұрын
Ugh..I get so tired of hearing about pathagoras. Where do you think he came up with the concept.. . He traveled to Egypt where he studied for years. The Egyptian concept of words of power or sounds were long In practice before the Greeks so much so there were certain sounds that were only used in relgious settings and only by the Pharohs or priest. By your logic pathagoras was the only person who played attention to overtones? Always be weary of a culture who calls all other cultures barbaric outside of themselves!!
@kinoloops 2 жыл бұрын
thanx for your message and enlightened clarifications
@masteraugmentedproduction5828 2 жыл бұрын
Sounds like dolphins and whales are the closest ones to getting this shit right?
@kinoloops 2 жыл бұрын
@Mars2152 5 жыл бұрын
Wait that proves there is a God, a source, an creator because it's all nothing and nothing just don't happen. Matter is vibration or vibrated into existence by word or the vibration of word. Most of you nice jellyfish and the penguins won't get it and don't get it.
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