I love the akhlaq of our beloved Shaikh Falaah Isma'eel
@sup70672 жыл бұрын
may Allah have mercy on him
@salloadam4 жыл бұрын
الله يرحمه
@muhammadkamran3148 жыл бұрын
i want translation in english please subtitles .. please i really like this book please
@asadm95224 жыл бұрын
At 5minute u mentioned sh haithim? Which sheikh haithim please
@h.ch373 жыл бұрын
Haithem Sarhan not the misguided Haithem Haddad.
@sunnahprojectuk55713 жыл бұрын
@@h.ch37 GROUP2 ISLAM4RM QURAN&SUNNAH WHATSAPP GROUP chat.whatsapp.com/D2gN0KwBvPo0aJzmzYN34n We remind ourselves and others upon complete adherence to the Qur'aan and Authentic Sunnah upon the understanding of the Salaf-us Saalih (Pious Predecessors) in Aqidah (Belief), Manhaj (Methodology), Ibaadah (Worship) and all affairs of the deen (religion). We believe that unconditional blind following/adherence/obedience is only given to Allah and his Messenger. We cultivate ourselves and others upon the Foundations of the religion, that is the purity of Tawhid (Monotheism, Oneness of Allah) and to abstain/be free from Ash-Shirk (Polytheism, Idolatry) and it's people which is the greatest of transgression to Allah. We invite everyone in following the Sunnah (statements/actions/approvals of the Prophet Muhammad) and vehemently warn from Bid'ah and it's callers (innovations/heresy in the religion). We believe Emaan (Faith) increases with good deeds.We also believe Emaan decreases with evil deeds. We therefore prohibit what Allah has prohibited and prohibit what the Messenger prohibited from the Kabaa'ir and Saaghaa'ir (the major and minor sins). We believe and suffice in acting upon all of the authentically reported collection of Ahaadith (Found in Bukharee, Muslim, Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi, Nassai, Ibn Majah) of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (salllallAllahu allahi wasallam) and regard his pristine and preserved Sunnah to be a revelation along with the Qur'aan. If Ahaadith is shared or statements are ascribed to the Prophet Muhammad (sallallAllahu allahi wasallam), it is a must that the narration is fully referenced, the authentication and checking is included along with it to filter and remove the weak and fabricated. This is to further reinforce and emphasis to dear Muslims the importance of our Hadeeth sciences and give everyone ability to digest and receive the correct knowledge. We reject negligence. We reject Ghuluw (extremism, expressiveness). We reject Taa'asub (bigoted partisanship) and Fanaticism to any individual or group . We reject Taqleed (blind following). We reject Tamyee (softening and watering down of the methodology). We do not engage in any apparent differing or infighting between the respected scholars and students of Ahlus Sunnah (People of Sunnah). Our love, alliance and unity is with the People of Hadeeth collectively, we co-operate upon Birr (righteousness) and Taqwaa (Piety). We hope to use the platform to connect/introduce Muslims to the trusted/well known Ulama of Sunnah as well as the regular classes/lectures of the Salafee Du'aat around the world. Brothers Only Please keep discussions private Before any charity or fundraiser is shared, or whatsapp group is made public, confirm with Admin privately. If after advise is given, we have anyone continuing to violate group rules, they'll be removed instantly.