I just watched this a few times. Being one of the Canadians who heard, hired and loved your playing, it saddens me the way you refer to your 10 years in Canada around 2:23 and on. I know this business is tough and can make you disillusioned and it is seldom fair, but we all played those places and made those choices, some thrived very well and most of those players who shared the stage with you had a deep respect for your musical gift. They are still at it and sounding better than ever and doing great gigs because they just kept at it. It is all perspective. Yes, it is a tough road, but truly, any artistic endeavor has no guarantee. At least you had an era where your band and music really made an impact. It really is a shame that you quit. You played great.
@drtrumm7 жыл бұрын
I do have to agree, have been on same stage w U both.
@verazadirisenko24479 жыл бұрын
koBrin kirbu sitt !!!
@efefefe695011 жыл бұрын
liked liked liked!
@drtrumm7 жыл бұрын
Slavka oli tglt väga sünge vana, aga mingil hetkel toimus midagi....millest ma aru ei saa. Muutus sigakriitiliseks + seda juttu mis räägib, nägin kanadas ise pealt. Sorry!