たくさんの(大きくて不安そうな)鳴き声、次に小さな鳴き声、そして最後にあくび…そして誰もが知っているように、緊迫した状況でのあくびは猫言葉で「大丈夫だと今気づいた」という意味です…! ✨😸 (A lot of (big, anxious) meows, then smaller meows and then finally a yawn...and as we all know, in a tense situation, a yawn in cat language means "I just realized it's all good"..!) ✨😸
Tail tip slightly crooked,long ears,long legs:Taipi-San you are bathing a partly siamese princess for sure;seems quite talkative too,precious girly!And the way she looks at you at the end of the video❤❤❤.Great job this rescue,Taipi-San and more loves to share with her and the rest of your furry family!Loves everybody in Taipiland too - and wherever compassionate love blooms🙏🌺!💖👵🐈⬛.