As one who uses SCULPEY as well for my clay projects, I agree it’s a phenomenal clay. And what a gorgeous work! I might check out this manga in the future…
@janielsalado829 Жыл бұрын
this is amazing how good you are at making characters out of clay
@ユースケ-u9j Жыл бұрын
@littlecreatures1801 Жыл бұрын
My japanese is no good but i paint figure and i think i can help you with that painting part. When painting i always look for reference to begin with make sure study the character and understand the character colors. I will then move on to take some picture and export it to photoshop to change the color balance and see which color will suit the character more. I tend to air brush more. Remember air brush is the best effect you can get for soft characters such as anime. Remember when painting is to have fun and always take your time. The painting will takes time and never rush it. Layer it is the way to go. Thank you for putting so much time in making the video korokke i enjoy watching it as im also learning bit by bit of sculpting.
"All sizes of breast are good" followed by "My favorite characters are Lucoa, Iruru, Shion, Uzaki's mom, and Tsunade" gave me a good giggle, intended or not.
@さわら-e6w9 ай бұрын
@アヴィ-g7x Жыл бұрын
アークナイツ大好きだから、運営さんには是非案件持ち込んでほしい アカフユとか好きそう
@鶏chicken君11 ай бұрын
@phoenix.8679 Жыл бұрын
"I like all sizes" Proceeds to list only characters with effin' HUGE assets as favourites. :)
about painting, i would say it looks OK also, i won't mind you keeping the videos where you separate parts. you could keep one in each video, but alternate between hair, torso, legs, wings/tentacles for each video
@frankbaron56803 ай бұрын
Cool 💪
@sonagi1372 Жыл бұрын
항상 멋진 작품을 만들어주셔서 감사합니다 한국어 자막 넣어주시는것도 너무 좋아요 앞으로도 많은 작품 기대하겠습니다 いつも素敵な作品を作ってくださってありがとうございます 韓国語字幕を入れてくださるのも大好きです これからもたくさんの作品を期待しています
@changedname2244 Жыл бұрын
The figure looked awesome!!! Do you like Kikyo from Inuyasha? Even after all this time, she is still my girl crush ❤
Te sigo un buen tiempo esta es la primera vez que comento algo igual no se donde me suscribí por ver la descripción 😂 pero me gusta e impresiona tu trabajo sigue asi
look good , I been experience with Super Sculpey for many years and I see if I too many baked it will cause cracking. So how many times do you use baked? or maybe you use hot air gun? I am curious!. :)