In a world of dreams and endless skies, Lived Kurosaki Koyuki, with bright, kind eyes. Her spirit soared, her laughter free, A soul as vibrant as the cherry tree. One fateful day, beneath a shadow's weight, She faced the press, a cruel twist of fate. A moment's slip, a fleeting breath, And Koyuki met her untimely death. The press, a beast of metal and might, Did steal her light from the world so bright. But memories linger, love's soft thread, In hearts of those whom she had led. She danced with grace through life's great span, A gentle, caring, loving woman. Her laughter echoed in the breeze, Her touch as tender as the leaves. Now flat in form, yet still she soars, In dreams, in whispers, in open doors. For though the press did crush her frame, It couldn't dim her cherished name. Kurosaki Koyuki, forever you’ll be, A shining star in our memory. Your light lives on, your spirit thrives, In every heart your love revives. niha get flat by water driven mecanism
@FastRCCN7 ай бұрын
Now THIS is the content i paid for
@who8517 ай бұрын
Greatest of all time. Zenith of the medium. Hallmark of media. Gold standard of storytelling. Epic of epics. Legend among legends. Peak fiction. One above all, peak creation. Top of the decade. Top of the century. Top of my life. 10/10