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Why the ancestors were not afraid of death • Почему РУССКИМ СМЕРТЬ ...
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Little children, whom we often criticize for being naughty, which often say “don't talk nonsense.”.. Maybe they really are - much older than us? Look at this, is the picture so far from reality, when a child says to an elderly person: “At your age, I also did not believe in past lives.”
Some children remember their own old age, amazing details of adult life, which just physically could not know in their 5 years or 3 years old. There is a feeling that when the incarnation happened relatively recently, and life in the previous body was interrupted by a sudden unnatural death, the memory of the essence, or the soul of a person, for some time keeps such memories...
How else to explain the fact that the kids just learned how to put words in sentences, tell in all the details of the circumstances of his own death, which occurred before their incarnation-birth?
And before you write in the comments about such amazing cases that have happened in your life, we will tell you a few stories. They can not be attributed to chance or children's imagination.
Here are the real words that adults have heard from their children:
“My last dad was very mean. He stabbed me in the back and I died. And I really like my new daddy, because he would never do that to me.”
Or here's another story:
“I had a sister before I was born here, didn't I? She and my other mom are so old now. I hope they were all right when the car caught fire.”
But the words of a three-year-old boy to his father - “when I was big, in the war, in the funnel where I was sitting, a bomb hit, and I died.”
Stunned parents often do not know how to explain the strange behavior of their children.
But the fact is that it is not just words, there is a huge array of scientifically documented and proven cases.
The pioneer was the American psychiatrist Jan Stevenson, who began to study reports of reincarnation using a systematic scientific procedure.
Even his critics recognized the special care with which the psychiatrist rechecked cases of so-called reincarnation.
For example, one such case concerned a young Japanese man who claimed from early childhood that he had been a boy named Tozo, whose father was a farmer and lived in the village of Hodokubo.
Everything described Japanese boy, later confirmed - Ian Stevenson himself came with him into the village, where they found evidence of the truth of his words. It was discovered that his former parents and other mentioned people undoubtedly lived here in the past. In addition, he was well oriented in the village, where he had never been before.
The boy's testimony before visiting the village amounted to sixteen specific facts. When they were tested, they were all true.
Stevenson published the first edition of his authoritative book, Twenty cases that indicate reincarnation, in 1966. By this time, he had studied almost 600 cases, which were best explained by the relocation of souls.
Eight years later, he published a second edition of the book; by that time, the total number of cases studied had doubled to about 1,200.
In his work, Dr. Stevenson particularly emphasized his high confidence in the testimony of children. He believed that not only were they much less susceptible to conscious or unconscious illusions, but they could hardly read or hear about the events in the past that they described.
The striking story of the Indian Shanti Davy is still one of the most reliable and studied cases of reincarnation. Shanti Davy was born in Delhi in 1926. When the girl was three years old, parents began to notice that she persistently speaks about her husband and children. Shanti told her mother that her husband's name was Kedarnath, that she lived with him in the city of Muttra. The girl described in detail the house in which they lived and their relatives.
The parents showed the child to the doctor. Shanti, among other things, said that she died during childbirth in 1925, that is, a year before her birth. In addition, she described in detail the mental and physical sensations of the painful state of pregnancy that she could not experience in this life.
When Shanti Davy was seven years old, she had already been interviewed by half a dozen doctors, and they were all thrown into extreme amazement. One of the professors sent a letter to the mysterious Kedarnath of Muttra at the address the girl had named. And indeed, such a man lived in Muttra. At first he decided that someone wants to deprive in an unfair way of property therefore rejected the offer to meet. First, the girl was visited by her husband's cousin from a past life, and Shanti recognized him and even......
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