KUNDALINI Spirits in the Church? 🐍 🧘 🐍

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@haileylindberg4365 2 жыл бұрын
Y'all. This video is amazing! Good job brothers!!
@radman6047 2 жыл бұрын
Discernment is not knowing the difference between right and wrong. It is knowing the difference between right and almost right.” - Charles Spurgeon
@Kirstys635 Жыл бұрын
Wow 🕊
@alanalynn2023 10 ай бұрын
Thanks for that
@trulyso734 7 ай бұрын
There is the gift of wisdom through hearing/heeding God's Word. And there is also a 'discerning of spirits' which is a spiritual gift that a committed follower of Christ may ask Him for. Yoga is a mix of hinduism and new age and therefore something one who cherishes the Holy Spirit of God within him/her cannot truly comfortably abide. Nothing further to be said on that really. May the Lord bring this inner conviction across all churches (not to fall for that unholy mix).. yes, may His children put away any such practice quick smart.. as it would dim their Spirit life in Him and lead them astray to a different/mystic source not rooted in the wellspring of God's living water.
@MattMossMusic 4 ай бұрын
That’s good
@realilty 3 ай бұрын
@TimelessWisdomDrAnita 2 жыл бұрын
I haven't yet read all of the comments, so perhaps someone else has said what I'm going to say. I come from an eclectic spiritual background. My dad is Hindu (he's from India), married my mom who is Catholic, and my best friend growing up was Mennonite. My spiritual education as a youngster was all over the place :). Then I got mixed up in new age/occult stuff. As a result, I am EXTREMELY cautious about manifestations of the spirit. And I even teach supernatural healing! I am quick to be suspicious of counterfeit spirits. The vast majority of western Christians are spiritually illiterate, meaning they don't have any understanding of other religious/spiritual practices. This makes us VERY susceptible to deceptions. Here's the important thing I have realized as I puzzled through all of this - the devil is in the details (pun intended!). There is often a VERY SUBTLE difference between an occult or pagan practice, and a charismatic practice. For instance, all the manifestations of God's glory that Josh mentioned were very true and real. But they were ones that God initiated. No one sought out those Holy Spirit manifestations. IF God initiates a manifestation, it can be trusted (obviously). But if a person initiates it, there is no way of knowing what spirit that person is actually encountering. The difference between pagan practice and Christian practice is often a very small detail. Many people in the Bible were taken up into a heavenly vision, or with Paul, even visited the "third heaven." Christians then take this as permission to try to reach the spirit realm "because Paul did." A big difference - Paul was TAKEN up, he didn't seek it. Modern Christians use meditation practices to travel on their own volition to a different spirit realm. Do you see the difference? This goes back all the way to the garden. Adam and Eve had access to knowing good and bad, but they were not to seek it on their own. Satan tempted them to seek what was ultimately harmful to them. It's not because the tree of good and bad was benign. It's because it DID impart knowledge that God knew was not safe for humans to have. Yet it was possible for them to pursue it. The Bible warns us to not do what the pagans do, period. It's because it's harmful, especially because we probably won't be able to discern and properly process or understand any information we encounter in a spiritual experience that we initiate. Considering that even harmful spirits can help produce "good" results, we get even more deceived and confused. Sorry for such a long comment, but I think about this stuff all the time, and I'm extremely worried about the spiritual health of Christians who can't discern the slight differences between the various religious practices.
@tony.biondi 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you, Anita
@TheWayWalker 2 жыл бұрын
you are 100% spot on!
@8-yahd907 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for your comment!!!🙏🏼
@merrittascott4408 Жыл бұрын
Hi Anita, you should be who teaches on this topic. Everything you described I relate to. When we assume a scripture is saying something that is not clear, we have responsibility to not interject on what is not clearly written in scripture .Scriptures are all we have to test what is taught, manifestations, dreams, visions, etc. The manifestations of the church I attended and conferences were all into these manifestations. It was normal and expected to take place and it did. On my way to church I prayed, God I don't want experiences, I want You to work in me. Shortly after I was loaned a video. In it I heard the word Kundalini ,so I googled it. When I saw the pagan Hindu religion doing exactly as we do, I renounced it all. I have more freedom spiritually than I've known. As I listen to ministers teaching the pure Word of God I know the difference. If the scriptures aren't clear about having these experiences, I cannot accept them. God is not leaving us in the dark about these manifestations. I have, however, read what Jesus described about the ministry of the Holy Spirit when He would be poured out. God is not into experiences He is interested in our sanctification .The written Word of God is what we are commanded to study. Mike Pickle, Brown, and others mentioned are false teachers. I am sad 😢, I was looking for biblical Truth,not teachings that I can't trust.
@hoipoloie 11 ай бұрын
I really appreciate your very long comment!!! thankyou xxxxxxx
@222figaro 2 жыл бұрын
I was born again in the 80's. A youth pastor laid his hand on my shoulder and I began to speak in tongues. There was absolutely no slaying in the spirit, laughing, jerking animal sounds etc. at all, just good old fashioned regeneration with the Holy Spirit. Fast forward 20 years ( I left the AOG) I began to revisit the Charismatic movement because my niece was asking for donations to attend Bethel Supernatural School in Redding. Now the minute I heard the word supernatural a shock went through my body. I then began to research what I was unaware of for 20 years, the hyper Charismatic movement. I was in total shock! I could not believe what I was seeing! These are the same manifestations I suffered when I was involved in Hinduism. Back story..... I came out of a Kundalini cult when I was practicing TM and became a Sidha. My body thrashed around, involuntary body movements plagued me (Kryas), involuntary outbursts of laughter, words and screams and the chakras that started at the base of my spine shot through the top of my head and I was able to propel myself across a room with my legs crossed (Sidha levetation). On top of all that, I had demonic visitations and sleep paralysis. Long story short....when I saw what the hyper charismatics were doing I was mortified. What was happening in the church happened to me in a cult! I know the difference because all these manifestations were not present in the 80's. Whether you like it or not, Mr. Strom is correct . Anyway, my story. God bless!
@mcshiro1941 2 жыл бұрын
I believe your story and it’s amazing God saved you from that but it’s so hard to believe and even imagine when you say you could levitate across a room. I don’t chase the occult so I don’t care to learn about it but it would be crazy to see that in real life. We hear about alot of things but don’t always experience them. I’m your honest opinion why don’t we see videos all over the internet of Hindi gurus doing what you did and flying across the room?
@Wiskywisky_2379 2 жыл бұрын
Wow...thank God you are delivered from all of that! Thank you for sharing.
@hoipoloie 11 ай бұрын
thankyou, this is awesome xxx
@hoipoloie 11 ай бұрын
@@mcshiro1941 funny you should say that, A few days ago while trying to package all this up, I saw a short video of a hindu baba thing, and he was waving his arms up and down on the spot. He had two men on the floor with their legs in that folded lotus position, Cross legged anyways,. One basically stayed on the spot and was kinda vibrating a bit, and making some noises. However, the other guy, sheesh, he was literally, jumping around ( in this position) and was literally flying around uncontrolled. It was surreal to watch. Your right, theres not a lot out there, but ask Jesusfor wisdom and guidance.
@JuliexSteadman 6 ай бұрын
Yes the problem being Bethel and the New Apotolic Reformation (dominion theology - the now and now of the kingdom BEFORE Jesus returns) and then their new age book The PHysics of Heaven which is taught in their bible school... even tho they try to distance themselves from the book.. of the two female editors, one is his church secretary... And Bob Jones (ex Kansas City prophet) has a chapter entitles Vibrating in harmony with God.. ..power portals anyone !! Clifford Hill in the UK refused to do the forward to their book in the 1990s as he discerned an evil spirit operating among them especially Bob Jones.. The thing is Andrew Strom was part of the Toronto church when he was discerning all of this... Toronto (the ARnots are into dominion)... I also think Toronto started through Roney Howard-Brown laying hands on someone - he describes his experience of the HOly Spirit as electricity that completely takes him over as does Bill Johnson in ch24 of the Physics of Heaven (whole load of shakin going on).. I dont believe the HS causes people to lose control... the fruit of the HS is self control, he convicts of sin... Rodney Howard-Brown meetings look exactly like kundalini - also he closes his bible, doesnt preach the gospel or mention Jesus and he is the centre of attention...
@auntblingsgratefullife4480 2 жыл бұрын
My kundalini was opened. Jesus pulled me back to Him in January 2019. Thank you Jesus!! But in 2018 while working heavily with my spirit guides, performing energy healings and channeling and reading oracle and tarot cards, I went to Costa Rica for four nights of ceremonies of the plant medicine, Ayahuasca and three nights of breath work. The spirit of the plant, Mother Ayahuasca, came to me as a very large snake. The experiences and healings were amazing. But, a few months after returning home Mother Ayahuasca made it clear that I was to start working with her. After different encounters and a spiritual surgery, my Kundalini opened. It was very powerful and distracting. Not to be crude, but the feeling for me and others I talked to was like a quick full body orgasm. It could happen any time she was connecting with me. I guess if people are experiencing the same feelings and not saying anything from embarrassment then I could see why they would continue and learn how to prolong the experience. No person laid hands on me. It was all spiritual. Thankfully as I was moving into another level, Jesus snatched me out of all this New Age stuff.
@danielmiller2886 2 жыл бұрын
I know a lot of people will not believe you, but the Bible's instructions are clear about staying away from these thing not because they don't work... but because they DO work and ARE real. If you have not read Unseen Realm by Dr Heiser, you would probably appreciate it.
@auntblingsgratefullife4480 2 жыл бұрын
@@danielmiller2886 Your words are so true. It was definitely later that I realized all of my spirit guides were demons and not the Angels and relatives and so on as I was led to believe. They will become what you need and what you desire. I do have Michael Heiser’s books. He is very good. What I called the Kundalini may or may not have been exactly that, but it is what everyone around me was calling it. Whatever those powerful experiences are actually called, I may never know.
@caroleimani9754 2 жыл бұрын
Aunt Bling's: That all sounds pretty bizarre to me. I believe you, but it just seems weird. "Greater is He (Jesus) Who is in me, than he (Satan) that is in the world 🌎❣️🙏
@auntblingsgratefullife4480 2 жыл бұрын
@@caroleimani9754 I completely understand. Before I got into all that stuff and had all the experiences I thought the same thing.
@the_righteousbranch 2 жыл бұрын
This spirit is so invasive and disgusting. I'm still getting set free from this foul spirit.
@ifehansson2254 2 жыл бұрын
There is a reason why Jesus tells us not to chase signs and wonders. I don't see the shaking and falling in the bible. Indeed one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit is self control and shaking, 'holy laughter', mass babbling certainly isn't it. Whatever the name of the spirit that manifests such behaviour I don't know but I'm not going to search for some fleshly experience.
@siobhansyt 2 жыл бұрын
I haven't finished the video yet, I'm about 30 mins in but I will say I had an experience with it. I went to visit a church that was having a mini-conference. The people there had this weird jerking thing happening just like in this video. I had never seen that before but thought it was weird. The holy spirit in me was feeling very wary and out of the blue a preacher came up to me and laid hands before I could even comprehend what was happening, it was so fast! Anyhow I went home and some weird manifestations were happening and I asked the Lord what it was and he said the word Kundalini. I went to do research on it, long story short I found out that this church and its members had been dabbling in new age practices and had not been set free from it, even one of the ministers was doing some witchcraft but also leading in the church. That spirit is real and it was God who showed me. I prayed and he set me free from the manifestations that came out of that visit to that church. That said I think what we should have focused on more here is does the practice of Hinduism, Yoga and New Age bring about this false spirit in the church and also where does deliverance come in. Many of these churches with this spirit practice prophecy heavily with hyper-grace, but they do not practice deliverance nor focus on holiness and truth. Then folks obsessed with gifts and manifestations and power dabble and bring that stuff into the church. That has at least been my observation.
@hoipoloie 11 ай бұрын
so so true. I came out of a hyper charismatic, ultra grace, heavy prophecy, literally no deliverance and pretty well much as you said above. and these things crept in slowly until it became prominent. eventually, After battling with my decision over a two year period, (as I didn't want to blaspheme the Holy Spirit), I ran!!
@riannenschlosser1463 2 жыл бұрын
I’m just curious if we ever see Jesus acting this way in the Bible. It seems to me no. If I’m not mistaken, there is no record of Jesus shaking and laughing and acting bizarre. He had the utmost filling of the Spirit and didn’t exhibit these kinds of movements.
@tony.biondi 2 жыл бұрын
@007Tinkins 2 жыл бұрын
Excellent point. Don’t see the disciples doing anything like that either. How does making animal sounds and rolling around on the floor or acting so drunk you act like a fool all be manifestations of a God who loves order?
@dgh5223 2 жыл бұрын
Only the devil possessed in bible were out of control but when Jesus touched them, they were in their right mind.
@alisamoir5166 2 жыл бұрын
Great point! And that’s where we should be looking too.
@tonypino5415 2 жыл бұрын
He only laughs in the gnostic gospels i.e false doctrine.
@newcreationministries7778 2 жыл бұрын
I'm a pastor with. 45yrs experience in the field of your topic, As a 60s hippy and Buddhist before finding Christ, i saw the kundalini spirit in Raj Neesh meetings and then as an evangelist bringing revival to the lost in the new age and was shocked when i saw it enter the Christian Church in the 90s. I can say in the full authority of Jesus name that Andrew Strom is completely correct in his observations. Having said this with 45yrs frontline ministry in this area, it is important to understand that no amount of reasoning in the natural mind can give you the correct analysis as the things of the Spirit are spiritualy discerned, not naturally discerned, and gifts like ' the discernment of spirits ' are essential to understanding the complex truth in this realm. i say this with years of first hand experience and operation in the gift of discernment of spirits as well as an apologetics and theology teacher. Hence i say authoritatively that Andrew Stroms discernment is definitely the most accurate i have seen and furthermore he is only scratching the surface of the deceptions connected to this counterfeiting spirit. Hope this sheds a little light on the subject. ps ive had to cast out kundalini demons from many engaging in the toronto blessing. Its sad. Blindness is rife in this area. Blessings, keep up your good work.
@NorthernMigrationTravel 2 жыл бұрын
One part of the fruit of the spirit is self control… If you see a church and it looks like it is out of control that is a sure sign it is not of the Holy Spirit!
@paulc7190 2 жыл бұрын
Have you actually been baptized in the Holy Spirit and operated in the gifts, in His presence?
@ifehansson2254 2 жыл бұрын
Exactly! I've seen people completely out of control acting in a way that is demented and wondered why on earth would the Holy Spirit do this to someone? It's disgusting that people blame the Holy Spirit for such horrible things. In the bible narrative the only people we see behave in these ways are always demon-possesed
@NorthernMigrationTravel 2 жыл бұрын
@@paulc7190 Yes
@marcusisrealious1255 2 жыл бұрын
Where is there ANY scripture where SAVED BELIEVERS have these type of manifestations ….
@cindymaree1 7 ай бұрын
Spiritual warfare is everywhere in the scriptures…… our behavior determines what enters us….. not all who say they are saved are actually saved…. those who endure till the end are saved…
@gillianzohnert2323 6 ай бұрын
In the book of revelation where John was in the spirit on the Lord's day. Read that account
@alanalynn2023 2 жыл бұрын
One of the Fruits of the Spirit is Self Control which is in.complete lack when the Unholy spirit is present.
@fed99harmony 2 жыл бұрын
Loved your observation
@alanalynn2023 10 ай бұрын
@ladym7852 2 жыл бұрын
Basement Boi is always so gracious in listening to you two. I wish you guys can reciprocate. I'd love to hear him finish a thought before you guys just jump in. 🙏 I love you guys still! 🥰
@YeshuaAkbar7 2 жыл бұрын
Basement 👦 😂
@burtonsnow845 2 жыл бұрын
@007Tinkins 2 жыл бұрын
I’ve been a long time listener and appreciate you guys and recommend your channel to others. I have sent many positive encouraging comments to you over the past 3 years and thanked you for your ministry. I know it can’t be easy to cover such a wide variety of topics with all the divisiveness among believers. My observation tonight was different and I’d like to just share my opinion that while it’s totally right and necessary to critique an author, using Scripture & other reliable sources, and even come to the point of outright disagreement, which is appropriate, however, I believe I heard some mockery amongst you. When your arguments are solid and substantial, which many of your were, it does not add to the validity of your position to make fun of anyone. I love your humor and enjoy the joking around, but again, it feels like you may have taken it a bit too far with the sarcasm. I recognize you have a tough ministry and there are too many cruel critics who chew you up and spit you out just for the fun of it. I genuinely care for you all and want to see God using you in mighty ways to further his Kingdom. You have a unique platform and it’s a blessing to all of us. Thank you for listening. I am not looking for any arguments or comments from anyone here in the comment section. Thank you. God bless you and your families.
@michaelrowntree2005 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the feedback! If you get the time, a time stamp or example would help. Easy for us to take it too far sometimes. I’ll give it a re-listen and see. Thanks again
@007Tinkins 2 жыл бұрын
@@michaelrowntree2005 - thank you for your response. It is evident that you all have a heart to see the Gospel taught without error and you go to great lengths to produce a show that is intellectually stimulating and honest. I recognize that sometimes it is necessary to swing the pendulum way over to offset the extreme. The 4 places I was referring to are 39:26; 44::58; 46:30, & 52:45. I know your hearts are in the right place and you are doing so much to combat false teachings in the church. It’s so hard not to get a bit sarcastic in order to get the point across. We all do it. The wrap-up of this episode was extraordinary; emphatically calling for the balance of truth and grace. I pray for you all often and know this type of ministry is particularly challenging for you and your families and the churches you represent. The Body of Christ NEEDS your ministry. Stay the course and May God give you strength to carry on.
@michaelrowntree2005 2 жыл бұрын
@@007Tinkins this is helpful. Thank you! And thanks also for your prayers :)
@reformed-slave 2 жыл бұрын
I like you guys especially the thrust of your channel, but sometimes, you guys being charismatic give too much room for these types of manifestations and not call it demonic. One characteristic of fruit of the Holy Spirit is self-control and also, we are commanded to be sober-minded and these manifestations show the exact opposite of it. Much love from the UAE
@KevinDay 2 жыл бұрын
By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, 1 John 4:2 ESV We definitely need discernment, I don't think we can just say, "You believe in Jesus? Awesome! Everything you do and believe must be good then!" But you also definitely shouldn't be so quick to accuse fellow Christians of being under the influence of demons.
@reformed-slave 2 жыл бұрын
@@KevinDay Even demons confess Jesus is the Son of God..What I'm not comfortable with is that they give too much room for benefit of doubt for the obvious. They can make an argument from silence in the Scriptures (wc says we are also to be sober minded and self controlled), false eqivalency and other things but if we are seeing these kinds of manifestations that is identical to what is being practiced in paganism...I think we are choosing to be blind. One of the Spirit's main work is to glorify Christ (Jn 16) . Can we honestly say that these types of manifestations, give glory to Jesus?
@KevinDay 2 жыл бұрын
@@reformed-slave If you want to argue that demonic influence can cause people to confess that Jesus is the Son of God, then you run dangerously close to denying that 1 John 4:2 is scripture. We need to harmonize these verses, not pit them against each other. It's obviously not just about saying the phrase, "Jesus Christ has come in the flesh," or even about asserting the undeniable truth of who Jesus actually is. It's about professing and demonstrating your allegiance to Jesus over anyone or anything else, and most charismatics that demonstrate these manifestations do just that. I absolutely would assert that these practices can give glory to Jesus, when done decently, in order, along side proper balance of mental and practical disciplines, with true guidance of the Holy Spirit and not manufactured, and always while confessing the Gospel. The "self control" fruit of the Spirit primarily refers to avoiding sin, although I would agree that it can also apply to avoiding the mindset of always seeking for a spiritual experience rather than a true relationship and transformed everyday life. Giving God full control of your life is also expected of Christians, and these ecstatic experiences can be a visceral way to put that into practice in regards to your physical body, and to set aside fears of how you appear to others.
@reformed-slave 2 жыл бұрын
@@KevinDay guess I just went straight to my point. What I am saying is anyone can say that that Spirit is from God to conceal the act and to deceive many. Same thing with regards of blaspheming the Spirit, people just put up a video and straight up blaspheme the Spiritjust wanting to look cool without any idea what it really is. Again, my call is just to plainly look at the obvious, compare it with Scripture and not try to make much room for it. I knew some people who are speaking in tongues and I have no problem with it (though Im uncomfortable since no one is interpreting it) but theyre not manifesting these types of violent shaking, twitching and other weird stuff. And also, about what you said the "true guidance of the Holy Spirit" I don't know what standard will you use to verify a true move of the Spirit when they are shaking, twitching and laughing violently. Again, Im not totally against the continuation of the sign gifts, but not these. I learned a lot from this brothers here at RR and most of the time I agree with them esp on the essentials. Again, just my opinion, you are entitled to your own :)
@KevinDay 2 жыл бұрын
@@reformed-slave I'm glad we can have a friendly conversation about this, and we mostly agree :) I guess my only remaining apprehension about this is regarding your claim about what's "plainly obvious". It seems to me that what is "obvious" to one could be not so to another, depending on each individual's prior experience and presuppositions. The language can come across as accusatory and demeaning when someone doesn't share your view. I'm not bothered by it, I just caution you that it could be counterproductive when conversing with others in the future.
@rlVan-mc3wq 2 жыл бұрын
Wow 😮. I really like you guys and have listened to several of your videos including this series, your stuff with Dr. Heiser and Dr. Keener. However, I think you are waaaayyy off the mark with regard to anything from Brownsville being of the Lord! You need to do your research on that place. My best friend went down there right after that began and was horrified by what went on. It was demonic and he’s a Pentecostal who believes in all the gifts. The entire episode was very detrimental to his faith. As others have stated, the fruit of the Spirit is self control. The only place in the Bible where people are writhing is when they are under demonic influence. Ask Dr. Keener about it. This episode has been a real disappointment 35 minutes in. I don’t want to sound like an old grump but the. giggling in the beginning 5 minutes belies your ages. I would not have minded but your lack of discernment on this is really distressing. I’ve found the other episodes to be really solid biblically but not the case with this one. This is a very serious subject and this nonsense has done a LOT of damage in the church. Rodney Howard-Browne is a straight-up heretic. Please don’t ever defend him or what he brought to this country, it is a cancer in the body of Christ.
@phoebewillow7273 2 жыл бұрын
I agree with you! This isn’t something to giggle about at all.
@Titus2BibleStudy Жыл бұрын
I realize this comment is old, but I’ve heard stories about people being thrown into walls, over pews, etc during Brownsville. Have you heard these type of stories?
@tonyastairs8133 2 ай бұрын
​@@Titus2BibleStudyI have
@susandumbill8805 3 ай бұрын
I had a Christian friend, P. who had previously been a Brahmin Hindu. She had considerable spiritual insight, as did another friend (also a former Hindu, who used to leave her body at times, at will). We are all Christians and were in the same church. We used to discuss spiritual matters at length. I always appreciated their depth of understanding. When the 'Toronto Blessing' came to the UK, P was not happy with it. I mistakenly assumed she was just being difficult, wrongly critical (maybe because I was by then in another church in which all this craziness was going on & like many there I too was really into it). So I dismissed P's objections. Since renouncing my involvement with the 'Toronto Blessing' etc I am now open to P's warnings. In fact I agree with her! But so many are still deceived by this & similar 'movements' & are therefore not open to warnings or anything spoken against them. I hope they don't suffer the kinds of consequences I did, which were severely debilitating & life-altering in an extremely serious way, for a long time. Let's STOP being so naive, and keep asking Jesus for wisdom, discernment and guidance. We need it!
@BlueWambat 2 жыл бұрын
"They can defend their favorite preacher, but they can't defend the gospel." Preach, Josh! Come on.
@MJ-tt9ww 2 жыл бұрын
Having grown up in a church in Australia where we came into direct contact of RHB and not just saw in the local churches but also experienced personally these manifestations there is without a doubt a problem with Kundalini in some parts of the church. I can tell you it it brought about a large lust problem within the church and we even saw pastors fall into adultery amongst other things. Some may say your attempts to defend the manifestations could be considered suspicious. I hope you guys can go back and watch your own video here, most of your logical fallacy debate is poorly formed. When you read scripture about manifestations such as falling down it is clear cut and says what happened and actually do not look similar to the manifestations we see from Kundalini, it only take a little discernment of the scripture. Like all these people saying Jesus visited them and it was like "hey buddy"....Not like scripture at all. It is a bit like Acts 4... The charismatic (i am one) go on about how the place was shaken and the amazing power of the Spirit but the reality that most people miss is that the manifestation was "they spoke the word of God with boldness"... They didnt fall down laugh do circles on the floor, they simply spoke with boldness... Some of the scripture you have failed to recognize that would help discern the spirits. Acts 16 The python spirit girl was proclaiming biblical truth, you need to stop and think about that. So you say "demons are leading people to Christ" then guess what it is certainly possible and a demon may want to lead people into a deceived arm of the church. Paul says not to go beyond what is written so the bit about not equal cause it looks the same can only be defended on your side by not actually seeing it in real time and understand that what the scripture really says about a recorded manifestation. We are told Satan's favorite parlor trick is going in disguised so maybe we need to lean more on the clarity and precis nature of scripture. And probably most important is that as you used Pau saying "If someone preaches a different Jesus or Spirit" This means it really is possible to hear about, proclaim and follow a DIFFERENT Jesus. My testimony is this, I was having words, heard God speak audibly, visions, seeing angels and demons, feeling power surge out of me while praying for people (had people comment the felt energy while I prayed for them), visited by angels in dreams etc, while in a "Bethel following" Church. But something was off and actually was having more and more suicidal thoughts, I cried out would the real Jesus reveal Himself or I am out, done...All that stopped, beautiful silence, peace... and my eyes opened to yes you can see the off track nature of these things through scripture. We know the fruits of the Spirit so manifestations must be in alignment. A leading figure from Bethel visited our church in Australia a few years back and gave his testimony about being filled with the Spirit. How he wanted it so bad but never had the experience (that is the key here we all want a spiritual experience as if to say salvation is not enough). Well funnily enough while in India he was taken over y a spirit he calls the Holy Spirit that locked his body up and he couldn't move for hours and was carried back to his hotel and left in a locked fetal like position on the sofa in the foyer. He explained how it was embarrassing and tried to justify it as a work of the spirit on his nature. Yet the scripture tells us a fruit of the Spirit is self control and we are told God is a good Father who gives good gifts but apparently is willing to embarrass His kids....
@merrittascott4408 Жыл бұрын
Hi MJ, God says, let us reason together. God is reasonable and clear. When it is not clear ,we are not to try to make it clear. You and Anita have spoken rightly. Thank you for pulling back the veil over the minds of Christians and New Age teachings, and those wanting supernatual experiences.
@jaredbangerter8156 10 ай бұрын
Amen. Thank you for sharing.
@christianthames2302 10 ай бұрын
I feel power coming out of me when praying for people sometimes and it's happened automatically after spending 30 minutes to an hour praying every day to God for months. No impartation or anything, and all my fruits have been good. No lust, more sensitivity to sin, walking in greater righteousness than ever in my life! So I'm not sure power coming out is necessarily bad
@jaredbangerter8156 10 ай бұрын
@@christianthames2302 that's wonderful, but it's not the same thing being talked about that makes people fall over convulsing as if having a seizure
@TroyBlack Жыл бұрын
I love where this conversation went near the end. We need to call out the bad but also uphold the good.
@preternaturalartist5766 2 жыл бұрын
First off, I love this channel. Thank you for doing this. It is a blessing. My thought on this is that God made us in His image. He is a God of dignity and so we share that to a degree. He put us over all of the other animals. He gave us reason and logic. If you have a spirit that makes you jerk around like a chicken uncontrollably, that doesn't seem like the kind of dignified loving thing that would happen when growing closer to God. Now I'm not saying that moving around in an artful manor out of joy is wrong. It's actually Biblical. We are made in God's image, and we create like Him. We are artists like Him. We can dance from pure joy, like David, but it doesn't seem correct to me that God would make us jerk around and stumble and lose our dignity and act like ingured animals. We do that to ourselves because of our sin nature. God gives us that dignity back through our relationship with Christ. I know the Spirit lives inside me and that I am a new creation. I can feel it, but I believe I've had many encounters where God let me feel His presence more strongly while worshiping or praying. I never felt like I lost control of my body. Instead, I feel so much love and joy and it moves me to tears, and everything feels right in the world. However, I don't feel 100% strongly about knowing how other Christians experience God, and if God told me I was wrong when I get to heaven, then I would be totally ok with that as well. God bless you all, and I pray that He leads us all to truth in our walk whatever it may be.
@preternaturalartist5766 2 жыл бұрын
Also, I would just like to state that I am probably more charismatic than not. I didn't grow up in the Church and God saved me at the age of 30, so I don't really feel like I fully fit in anywhere, because I don't really agree 100% with any denomination, though all my beliefs are orthodox. I say all of this to say that I am not attacking my charismatic brothers and sisters in Christ.
@BipolarDistortion 2 жыл бұрын
“We have entire generations that can defend their favorite preacher but can’t defend the gospel.” Oh MAN! Lord forgive us, your people, for not loving You & Your word enough
@balung 2 жыл бұрын
So, this Kundalini spirit, can only be transmuted / transferred through the laying on of hands? I didnt grow up in a church, or had much church influence. When I was baptised in the Holy Spirit, It happened at home, I was alone, the Holy Spirit fell upon me. I hadn't even heard of a Baptism in the Holy Spirit. All I said was, "God, if you're real? Show me? And he did, Holy Spirit fell on me, my life changed, had a real love for Jesus.
@sheilacockerham8837 Жыл бұрын
Ugh!! I can't watch these fast enough! I've been on a journey of apologetics really and have gotten a lot of good foundational info from Mike Winger and a few others, but obviously they lean more conservative on the gifts of the spirit and these topics. I grew up pentacostal... Like AG swinging from the chandeliers. I know what I participated in in my heart came from a place of hungering for God. It's sooooooo good to have found your content!! I am literally eating this content up to sift my past experiences with the Bible to get my head straight with the word of God on these issues! I am loving this.
@Couragedearheart445 2 жыл бұрын
I LOVE this show so much! Every time I watch, I feel like you all are my brothers. Thanks so much for being so pastoral and logical and sensitive and bold--all at the same time. I appreciate that rather than calling it Kundalini, you simply make room for it to be either A true working of God's Spirit or else a demonic manifestation that shows in God's presence. One of my cousins grew up in the charismatic space and is now, after studying anthropology in college, is totally into New Age. We had a talk about this, and she said "Other religions have experiences too." So this whole manifestation stuff got her tripped up because she had now theology of demons and testing of spirits. Teaching on this matter is SO VERY important in our day and age, when people are seeing so many things and not knowing how to sort through it. Thank you so much for clear, biblical teaching!
@betharnold2125 Ай бұрын
I saw some of the same manifestations when I did the EST training in the 70’s. This would happen to people when they had a revelation to what was being taught. Warner Earhart was into Zen Buddhism. The revelation was called “getting it” and he did teach you are god of your own universe. I never experienced this when renewal hit here in the West Coast. It did draw me closer to Jesus!
@barryscroggins8450 2 жыл бұрын
The thing that worries me about charismatics is Matt 7:22, people spend all their time chasing experience and claim to do the kind of things listed in that verse, clearly they are sincere - that much we can glean from the repetition Lord, Lord....but they have neglected the essentials of Christian character that Jesus preached in the rest of the sermon on the mount. I hear these local charismatic pastors declaring a season of this or that, speaking words over people, forecasting revival, operating in the prophetic (their words) and yet when they try to teach the bible they reduce God to someone who can be manipulated as though by a formula...if man does this, God has to do that....the more you give, the more you receive.....claim your healing now if you have enough faith you will be healed....and I just wonder, Matt 7:22 does that not give these people cause for thought?
@Avyboy28 10 ай бұрын
The key to all spiritual practices is belief! Simply doing “downward dog” isn’t somehow praising a deity! The same as being a believer. I can lift my hands all I want in a church service, but if I don’t believe in Jesus or worship Him then the lifting of my hands is merely calisthenics!
@tookie36 6 ай бұрын
Christians saying yoga postures are worshipping Hindu deities is hilarious. Like Trikonasana. Which means triangle posture. The great diety of the triangle 😂
@daisyquinn52 2 жыл бұрын
Please do a Toronto blessing episode... that is my typical circle but I have left the movement and recently came back because of the passion in this group. I love them but there seems to be more precarious activity in these circles.
@yeishaadhosein6510 2 жыл бұрын
Would love an episode on that movement/event/Church.
@davidortega357 3 ай бұрын
This is spreading by laying on of hands they call it impartation to an individual becareful of these people there infiltrating Christian churches characters like todd Bentley, bill Johnson , Kenneth hagin Rodney brown Benny hinn NAR
@whittakerdanielj 2 жыл бұрын
You missed some good questions: What are the use of these signs of what they call the signs of the Spirit? What about barking like a dog? How is that a sign of the Spirit of God? Do these signs of revival call people to repentance? There is talk about revival. Why isn't there a revival towards repentance within and between the chuches? And why don't you have the maker of the documentary on your show? And there should be caution in calling these acts godly. What does God call us to, and do these modern acts they are calling God acts, line up with Scriptures? Why are the letters of the New Testament kept separate when all of the teachings line up?
@Henriette-van-der-Ende 2 жыл бұрын
I've Read the book also. Agree with a lot you brothers said. But it would have been great to have Adrew on the show himself. Is that a possibility?
@randalwdeese 2 жыл бұрын
I think you guys did a great job on this video. One of the things that never seems to be discussed is the distinction between a manifestation of the Holy Spirit and human manifestations that result from a genuine encounter with the Holy Spirit.
@jorgesidoruk5227 2 жыл бұрын
" What father among you, if his son asks for[a] a fish, will instead of a fish give him a serpent; or if he asks for an egg, will give him a scorpion? If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will the heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!”. Luke 11: 11-13
@corinneperegrini6003 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this video discussion. Below is my 2 cents worth 😊: There are a lot of past famous ministries and leaders that did things that are not biblical...its not because it happened in church history that everything is true according to the truth of God's word.... Even Randy Clarck and others like him can be in errors... The way I understand is that, when someone is seeking and searching for the truth, God will make Himself known to that person. Which mean even in the midst of false teachings, false teachers and demonic demonstrations, I would say despite the errors and the work of the ennemy, God can choose to draw someone to Himself in salvation through Christ Jesus. We can not have more of Jesus...He has given us all that we need....it is finished...but by submitting to God, killing our flesh daily, surrendering ourselves more to the Will of God than God will increase...because we decrease...He won't increase unless we decrease...meaning He will be first in our heart and the fruit of the Spirit (But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law. And those who are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. Let us not become conceited, provoking one another, envying one another. Galatians 5:22‭-‬26 NKJV) will be made manifest, transforming us more in Christ like character through sanctification. He must increase, but I must decrease. John 3:30 NKJV Then He said to them all, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me. Luke 9:23 NKJV The problem is, you have so many in the churches and church leaders worldwide that encourage their congregation to seek after feelings...physical demonstration, signs and wonders instead of seeking after Jesus and His righteousness. Too often they encourage people to rely on their senses instead of relying on the Word of God, and many think that unless they have some sort of physical demonstration they're not spiritual enough... so sad... A born again christian indwell by the Holy Spirit the moment he/she beleives can not be demon possessed. The ennemy through his demons can oppress us but we can not be possessed as the Holy Spirit is living in us. Does that mean that all those people that confess to be born again christians in those charismatic, NAR, hypercharismatic meeting/churches are actually not born again, and are indwelled by demons and are being delivered? The thing is within the church, all those that get prayed and have physical demonstrations (shaking, shouting etc...) are people within the churches and confessed to be born again christians... Don't get me wrong, I beleive God can heal, do miracle, He is God He can do what ever He wants if He choose to get someone's attention...but we are not to seek after experiences etc... We are to live our lives in surrounder in obedience to His Word. I have attended 2 churches in 16 years...and left my second church 2 years ago (2020) due to biblical differences...however before God opened my eyes to some of the errors, I too gave in to all those demonstration...even so I was not at peace about it... I think sometimes its the flesh as well...not wanted to look differents than others... The Word of God is our compass, the truth and we must double check everything with the Word of God in its context. There are a lot of practices in the church worldwide that are not biblical but have been accepted as being from God... As the bible mentioned and you mentioned...we must test the spirits and check their fruits. We must also check the motive of our heart daily with God. When someone ask me what denominations etc...are you from or beleive in... I respond: I am a bible believer christian, indwelled by the Holy Spirit guiding me in Spirit and in Truth, learning and growing in the understanding and knowledge of Christ as no denomination has it right and perfect all the time. And thank you for saying that "charismatic need to grow up in discernement" testing all things with the Word of God in its context. I will finish by saying that: "For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek. Romans 1:16 NKJV" And "Hear, my children, the instruction of a father, And give attention to know understanding; For I give you good doctrine: Do not forsake my law. When I was my father’s son, Tender and the only one in the sight of my mother, He also taught me, and said to me: “Let your heart retain my words; Keep my commands, and live. Get wisdom! Get understanding! Do not forget, nor turn away from the words of my mouth. Do not forsake her, and she will preserve you; Love her, and she will keep you. Wisdom is the principal thing; Therefore get wisdom. And in all your getting, get understanding. Exalt her, and she will promote you; She will bring you honor, when you embrace her. She will place on your head an ornament of grace; A crown of glory she will deliver to you.” Hear, my son, and receive my sayings, And the years of your life will be many. I have taught you in the way of wisdom; I have led you in right paths. When you walk, your steps will not be hindered, And when you run, you will not stumble. Take firm hold of instruction, do not let go; Keep her, for she is your life. Do not enter the path of the wicked, And do not walk in the way of evil. Avoid it, do not travel on it; Turn away from it and pass on. For they do not sleep unless they have done evil; And their sleep is taken away unless they make someone fall. For they eat the bread of wickedness, And drink the wine of violence. But the path of the just is like the shining sun, That shines ever brighter unto the perfect day. The way of the wicked is like darkness; They do not know what makes them stumble. My son, give attention to my words; Incline your ear to my sayings. Do not let them depart from your eyes; Keep them in the midst of your heart; For they are life to those who find them, And health to all their flesh. Keep your heart with all diligence, For out of it spring the issues of life. Put away from you a deceitful mouth, And put perverse lips far from you. Let your eyes look straight ahead, And your eyelids look right before you. Ponder the path of your feet, And let all your ways be established. Do not turn to the right or the left; Remove your foot from evil. Proverbs 4:1‭-‬27 NKJV"
@lifeofmontana 5 ай бұрын
The kundalini is not going to randomly drop down in a church and poses people. This is laughable that people even think this is a thing. People work very hard to open and unleash the kundalini which is a sleeping energy that already exist inside you. Not a spirit that poses you. I see the similarities in movement. My personal belief is that the body is reacting to a very powerful energy source moving through it. The big question is what is the source? If the Holy Spirit is invited do you really think God would allow a demon to hop in? I don’t think so.
@wakeuporelse 3 ай бұрын
Thank you. This is correct... And let's not forget about all of the saved souls and deliverances and healings that came through Toronto and Brownsville.
@MySardarji 2 жыл бұрын
I visited the Toronto Airport Church and came out feeling sick over it. That was probably about 2 years after it started. We joined a prayer meeting and people were acting strangely. There was no discernment going on with those who were in charge. I have prayed for people and something like this happened but it was a demonic spirit manifesting.
@jamesbertram7925 6 ай бұрын
brothers, the father told the Lord about the past behaviour of his boy self destructing activities , as was the past behaviour of the man of Gadara, but when the Lord cast out the demons. He was found sitting clothed and in his right mind
@michelleo8124 2 жыл бұрын
I cannot WAIT for the video next week teased at the end. Excusing and ignoring error is rampant and needs discussed. Thanks!
@isaacwillis725 5 ай бұрын
Man I love these guys. You rock. Thank you for nearly pioneering the bridging of the conservative & charismatic gap
@dennissal3071 2 жыл бұрын
This was 🔥🔥🔥. Thank you guys for the work and behind the scene efforts and sacrifices you guys do to keep this going. Probably be joining the Patreon soon. God bless
@michaelbateman2009 2 жыл бұрын
I think we need to be more fair on the Brian Guerin stuff. I’ve been in his meetings and watch a lot of his stuff. There are few who love Jesus like he does. And when he speaks of dreams and angels he uses them to point to Jesus and not himself.
@nickonoma 2 жыл бұрын
Love you guys for real!! You guys have blessed me immensely with your show and all the topics you guys talk about. I do have a criticism to make regarding Josh's mention of Brian Guerin and how he emphasis dreams and visions. I can understand how someone can see his teachings as very out there, but I would just encourage you to make a visit to his youtube channel and his recent teachings. He always teaches out of the bible and always affirms loving Jesus and being intimate takes priority than dreams visions etc. You guys should have him on the show.
@agapecenterministries9980 2 жыл бұрын
Josh’s last few minutes of this video-his “rant”- great words brother. Know the Spirit of God!
@Benjamin-rp4hq 2 жыл бұрын
2 corth. 11 does gives us the warning that people will come claiming to be workers of righteousness, and that they will offer a spirit other than the one we already received vs.4. And Paul was mad cause they just put up with it. Scripture speaks of some manifestations but usually it happens to new converts, like josh mentioned in acts, or demon possessed people that are not Christians. I don't think that's what we are talking about here. Most of these Kundalini type manifestations that happen in the church seem to be from people that are already christians but are getting prayer to receive some fresh "impartation" of a spirit. Why would I need a spirit imparted to me if I already have the holy spirit? Why put up with ministers who claim to be able to give me more of the spirit?
@Henriette-van-der-Ende 2 жыл бұрын
I missed the point of not letting eveybody lay hands on you in meetings. You're placing yourself under his spiritual authority and influence. Very dangerous. Not saying that you always get a kundalini from them. But you don't know what they are carying with Them if you don't know Them really. Escpecially firetunnels where everyone in the meeting can join
@toddjohnson9782 2 жыл бұрын
The man is wrong on howard-browne,this stuff existed in old time/old line Pentecost for a hundred years in places where no one ever heard of a Hindu,great awakenings and frontier revivalism for 250 years!study pentecostal and holiness movements/john wesley had some pretty interesting meetings I recall!
@tylerf5914 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you guys sooo much for what you do! I discovered you guys through Heiser and Mike Winger . I completely agree with Josh on this. I came into the Charismatic movement and saw the issues that were prevalent. Being an academic myself, I felt mortified by theology and inclusion of every off brand teacher that doesn't fit orthodoxy. Through you guys I have hope for the movement. The blend of Spirit and scholars is truly what the Church needs. Thank you guys for what you do!
@ssemandajoshuarobert7977 5 ай бұрын
Thanks guys for this! It think we need not overlook the issue of scriptures when approaching this topic! Question, what is the spiritual benefit for Christians when they fall down? Is there a biblical encouragement or admonition regarding this? Do we have the same experiences in the Bible done by the prophets, Christ or apostles???
@CarlixtaMercedes 2 ай бұрын
"He will guide you into all truth" (Jn. 16:13). The Holy Spirit will let us know if someone has a demonic spirit...often times in my experience the demon will just "aggravate " you....there will be an absence of peace as well.
@mjkraft9365 Жыл бұрын
Amen to Josh in bringing everything into balance of Scriptures and discernment!
@ssemandajoshuarobert7977 5 ай бұрын
Thanks guys for this! It think we need not overlook the issue of scriptures when approaching this topic! Question, what is the spiritual benefit for Christians when they fall down? Is there a biblical encouragement or admonition regarding this? Do we have the same experiences in the Bible done by the prophets, Christ or apostles??? I say, “DON’T BELIEVE ANYTHING ABOUT GOD UNLESS IT IS IN THE BIBLE;AND DON’T TEACH ANYTHING ABOUT GOD UNLESS IT IS IN THE BIBLE.” So, do we have a scriptural back up regarding these experiences?
@ryanbeaver6080 4 ай бұрын
Why do we see all of these weird manifestations in the Charismatic and Pentecostal communities, but not outside of them? If being “slain in the spirit” caused people to manifest in the ways we see on within these movements, wouldn’t it happen at all the churches throughout the world?
@tonyastairs8133 2 ай бұрын
Wow ... Never thought of it that way. Very good question. I was slain in the spirit for real in 2015 at a pentecostal church. Wasn't expecting it.. didn't ask for it. I was amazed when it happened and always believe it was the Lord until recently I've been questioning that experience along with many others as well. BUT... Like you just said.... Why isn't his happening in other churches!!??? Outside of charismatic/pentecostal/Nar!!?? 🤔
@JanGreenTreePhoto Жыл бұрын
LOVE what is said around 32min in! The fruits are a way to tell. I've heard demonic tongues and a heavenly language and they sound exactly the same but thy fruits 'feel' different and one 'takes over" the person more.
@timothyross8985 2 жыл бұрын
I think Strom throws it all out in Brownsville and other things .I was in Brownsville as a teenager. Fruit matters in testimony . David Wilkerson dealt with all this also. He takes Jonathan Edwards views usually. I experienced many similar experiences . I been laughing in private for 25 years. But nobody laid hands on me. In Classic Pentecostalism we seen manifestations like this since I was a kid before Brownsville and Toronto. I grew up around Lester Sumrall . He taught that demons counterfeit the Spirit. And I also was influenced by David Wilkerson. Sarah Edwards Encounters Angels and other things. I with Michael and the sons of Wimber. The book on the River is here by Melinda Fish is insights. JI Packer gave comments to the book or her insights. I like to personally separate the ORU empower 21 circle from some of these circles.
@ronsirard 2 жыл бұрын
Many will call me Lord but I will not know them
@JuliexSteadman 6 ай бұрын
at 01:01 near the end.. charismatic christianity is at a tipping point for the greatest revival ever or the greatest deception - SO WELL SAID !!
@silver292 2 жыл бұрын
This was SO good. As a charismatic I’ve found it so hard to frame conversation about the Holy Spirit manifestations to non charismatics. And you guys have helped give me some really good foundational questions by which to star those discussions. Thank you!!!!
@mcshiro1941 2 жыл бұрын
What kind of encounters have you had that you believe are from the Holy Spirit? I’ve been involved in charismatic churches and for me personally my encounters have been simple like visions or prophecy being given to me. I encountered a lot of things that felt very off and not God to me. Thinking back a number of times I did twitch and convulse but it always felt off and I don’t do it anymore. It was like I could choose to do it because I get pressured. Didn’t feel like it was God. I also remember one conference at the Toronto blessing church all of my friends started talking silly and laughing saying they were “drunk in the spirit” and it took me awhile but something happened and I guess I came under the same spirit (wether it was God or not, I’m not sure) but I honestly felt intoxicated and trust me I know what that feels like lol. It felt good but also felt off. I don’t know how it impacted me in my walk with Jesus it didn’t really. Honestly would like to hear your opinions.
@silver292 2 жыл бұрын
@@mcshiro1941 For me the largest manifestations of the Spirit in my life are God’s love being poured into my heart and loving him back. Secondly, it’s that the Spirit has given me a steadfast faith in who Jesus is and in the Gospel. These will ALWAYS be the most transformational and present experiences of the Holy Spirit in my life. Experiences that have healed me of so many different things, a lot of emotional wounds, identity crises and wrong thinking. But I will say there have been other moments as well of the Spirit’s presence and influence that have stood out. I’ve felt intoxicated during worship and prayer moments and this was BEFORE I had ever been drunk before. I often also feel a “weight” of the goodness and presence of God. Not an oppressive weight. But a weight that always causes me to worship Jesus. I’ve also had moments where God has give me an encouragement or scripture to share with another person that they have been really blessed by. I think when it comes to supernatural experiences the way I’ve always thought about it is, does this cause me to worship, celebrate or take pleasure in Jesus and the Christian community? I’ve also ‘faked’ supernatural experiences like you have as well and usually, when I look back, my focus at the time or afterwards wasn’t on Jesus. It was on myself - How I looked in front of others. Whether I was doing enough to please God etc. And lastly, with those genuine supernatural experiences, I’ve come to realise that actually I don’t always need to understand why God does what he does the WAY he does them. It’s just always about do I love him, take joy in him, am in awe of him, worship him? Feel free to ask any other questions if I haven’t explained that very well.
@merrittascott4408 Жыл бұрын
Hi Jarius, I appreciate your words. Experiences do nothing for our sanctification. Nor for our faith being rooted and grounded in love .when I was saved it was thru revelation of the gospel Truth. I was filled with love for Jesus, only the Holy Spirit gave the revelation of salvation thru Christ alone. The enormous joy of loving Jesus didn't come bc I hadn't come to know Jesus yet. It was the New Birth I was enjoying. If I never sense the presence of God again, this one thing I know, my faith is in Him and His. written words. When I go thru the floods they will not overwhelm me, when I go thru the fires, they will not consume me.
@davidromano9079 2 жыл бұрын
What a video guys! Especially that last 10-15 min! Maybe y’all should have like a history or heart on why remnant radio was created and still going! I started watching in late 2019 when y’all were right about 25k-30k subs! And prob most ppl are new subs! It’d be great to hear a whole episode on that rant josh went on at the end!
@tookie36 6 ай бұрын
Sadhguru speaking beauty ❤❤❤
@ScottFrye000111222 7 ай бұрын
Yes there is : heidi baker, pastor vlad , rodney Howard brown, sid roth
@mcshiro1941 2 жыл бұрын
I went to catch the fires school of ministry twice. (That is the new name for the Toronto blessing church) I love all the leadership and I grew a lot in my relationship with God but I will say I found some things weird when I was there and felt an unhealthy pressure to “preform” to force manifestations. Also I will add that I disagree with a number of things now with the church but I still do believe they preach Jesus and love God. The biggest problem I see with alot of the big charismatic churches is they don’t read much scripture and they quote one off verses without reading the whole passage. Most church meetings are about a spiritual experience over sound doctrine and scripture reading. God definitely spoke to me there but the few “physical manifestations” I had I’m starting to think we’re fake and influence by the environment. I do believe I saw real moves of God and I strongly believe I saw demonic activity too at that church. Overall I still love all the friends I made there and the ministry I was able to do. Heck I even got to go to Japan with a ministry and I had been asking God about going there for years as it was one of my biggest dreams! God is still good, God still does unique powerful things and scripture is still the best thing to use to test these spirits and encounters. Your video encouraged me a lot as lately I have been getting bitter about weird encounters that happened in churches instead of just focusing on Jesus.
@Etheralking 2 жыл бұрын
My remaining thought is: "Naive"
@andrewbarzal1650 2 жыл бұрын
Had a period of time that lasted maybe a year where I was having the involuntary head jerks almost whenever I was in prayer or worship or in the presence of either. My older brother was experiencing the same thing at the same time. We were both unsure of what was happening with it but ultimately decided that it didn’t change our standing before the Lord and settled on praising God the same way we would had the manifestations never started in the first place.
@elijabar4154 2 жыл бұрын
golly josh! PREACHING at the end!!
@Ashwin2584 2 жыл бұрын
I think the commentators missed one main aspect of doctrine. The doctrine of laying on of hands- The main distinctive in many of these charismatic movements where these phenomenon is observed is the emphasis of imparting spiritual experiences through the laying on of hands. A well defined theology of "impartation" would make things clear.
@TzadiJames 2 жыл бұрын
To be honest I was quite concerned about the direction this conversation was going. I was relieved to hear Josh put things back on the rails. The church as a whole and especially those in the Charismatic portion of the Ekklesia need to start reading the entire Bible and praying for discernment. The adversary is gaining power and influence in all areas of human existence and sadly the body of Christ is to easily deceived. I would interject that there is no specific “Kundalini Spirit” as most should have gathered from the video clip you played of Jagadish Vasudev (Sadhguru). Kundalini is more of a catch-all basket that contains any spiritual working in our physical realm. I was in the “Charismatic Movement” for almost twenty years of my journey with Adonai Elohim and Yeshua/Jesus. I saw many positive things and miracles happen in people's lives. However, the majority of what I saw was not glorifying to our God. Many of the services were a circus with people wailing like an ambulance speeding down the street, people running and crawling around the sanctuary barking like a dog, roaring like a lion, or flapping their arms like a chicken. Paul warned the most Charismatic congregation in the scriptures with - 1 Corinthians 14:40 Let all things be done decently and in order. In most Charismatic churches this is not the case. Many wonder why the gifts are not more powerfully operating in the church today. When the question that should be asked is - Are gathering together to worship and be in awe of the Holiness of our God? Sadly most in the “Charismatic Movement” are going to “church” gatherings to “Experience Jesus”. Where in scripture does utter chaos and people acting like animals bring glory to God’s Holiness? The church is supposed to be our gathering to learn and encourage each other to lives as Jesus did so that we can show the world the image of God in our lives. It is not supposed to be a Rave where we leave with the warm fuzzies proclaiming how awesome the experience was, as we speed out of the parking lot to be first in line at Golden Corral or Cracker Barrel. The other thing the majority of Charismatic congregations do not realize is that there are many witches and Satanists among their gatherings waiting for the leader to tell everyone to pray in their “Spirit language”; so they can begin pronouncing curses over the congregation. Church leaders need to be well aware that when they allow disorder they are giving cause for curses to come upon their flock, as it says in Proverbs 26:2 Like a flitting sparrow, like a flying swallow, So a curse without cause shall not alight. I know people who went to Toronto and Brownsville. Some were blessed and have lived lives for God. Some also returned packing critters (I am NOT saying they were possessed). However, they were being spiritually oppressed and tormented in various ways. This is why leaders need to be mindful of what they allow in their services, and the congregants need to be taught how to study and be encouraged to read their Bibles (all of it from Genesis 1:1-Revelation 22:21). Many leaders start off with sincerity and the well-being of their flock in mind. However, as the acclaim, numbers, and money increase; they are easily lured into letting anything go. If we all repent and start earnestly seeking God, Yeshua/Jesus, and praying for wisdom, knowledge, understanding, and discernment of His word; we will see His power operating in the world as it has not been witnessed in the world before.
@richardwashington421 Жыл бұрын
Wow. Best comment I've read all week long. How this is not pinned to the top I do not know.
@merrittascott4408 Жыл бұрын
Hi, you are straight on target. It is the pure Word of God that has power combined with the death, burial and resurrection of Christ that set man free from bondage of sin. Experiences carry no power for fruit. It is just a fleeting experience that leads to more experiences .Thank you and those who know the ways and thoughts of God.
@hoipoloie 11 ай бұрын
well well said my friend
@1946Chivas 2 жыл бұрын
Be careful, the devil is very swerd - he is good at presenting him as the spirit of light. Rather stay away from dubious practices.
@jennyk.8887 2 жыл бұрын
I'm enjoying this. Excellent. Yes Josh is on fire
@passtheparcel2024 6 ай бұрын
Western yoga is totally different to the real yoga taught in the Asian countries. Just like Kung Fu an other martial arts from overseas. Westerners get the watered down version to entice them to get involved.
@tookie36 6 ай бұрын
Agree. It’s very revealing how much “Christians” talk about something they have no idea about
@kellytisdale7322 2 жыл бұрын
What it sounds like one of you said is that he's suggesting that it was first a Holy Spirit thing before Hinduism hijacked it. Did I hear that right? And you're comparing a false prophet to an actual prophet of God that since they look the same or are called the same or say something similar, they must be the same? That's not a good, or even fair, comparison here. If we're gonna go by the Bible then go by the Bible. Your comparison suggest that, well, since it's a spirit, it must be the same as the Holy Spirit. Obviously, it's not when you look at the evidence given in the Bible of how the Holy Spirit works and acts. A false spirit is a false spirit. And what the Holy Spirit does is not do what this kundalini spirit does.
@WholeBibleBelieverWoman Жыл бұрын
I experienced what is described as a "kundalini awakening" when I was fairly newly initiated into a Hindu-style cult (which had and has Prem Rawat as the "master") many, many years ago. I was very naive and at that time I never heard of kundalini and in fact his cult does not even talk about kundalini -- at least not in the first years, if ever. In my initiation a "senior" follower of his squeezed my closed eyes and pressed on my forehead. I was also taught a technique of breathing. One day while listening to one of the guru's other senior followers (who at the time were called mahatmas) in a large hall where some of us were sitting on the floor between the stage and seats (because the place was so full). I was listening to him while doing the breathing thing (that back then they called "Word") and suddenly I felt a strong push in the bottom to middle of my back -- pushing me forward. I thought, "How rude!) and turned to look behind me to see who was pushing me with their foot or whatever -- and was shocked to discover that NO ONE was behind me -- for at least 4-5 feet! Then I felt that "energy" travel further up my spine and all the way to the crown of my head, which I felt for a while. The guru (now he likes to be called "master") never talked about this sort of thing, and I was just 19 and very shy -- too shy to ask someone in authority what that was. A couple years later while still in that cult I was at a large outdoor gathering listening to the guru and was doing the same breathing technique, and this happened again, the energy going up my spine and even going past the crown of my head all the way to my forehead or "third eye." It felt like the top of my skull on some spiritual level had opened up -- and I felt really great and "one" with all the other people at that event (which was thousands). I figured it was all a good thing, but I still didn't have any understanding of what had happened. After some time I realized that I no longer had faith in that guru and decided to let it go. It was more years before I learned about kundalini and realized that that was what I had experienced. They say it is a "serpent spirit" in the body that travels up the spine. I do believe it is real and I believe it IS from the devil. He (the devil/serpent) is INCREDIBLY deceptive, especially as an "angel of light." P.S..This particular person who was definitely in a position of an idol MOCKED the Word of God as well as Christ Jesus. In his early days -- when he was like 14 years old. When he got older he started telling people that they could remain a Christian and still practice "his" Knowledge (meditation techniques given in secret) and that it would "make them a better Christian." To people in idiocy stage as I was, it did not bother me that he said those things. As a Christian, I find his "message" abominable! NOTE about tongues: I have experienced that one time, and it was DEFINITELY from God. The whole situation would take too long to describe here, but suffice it to say that I was given the tongues for some moments in order to pray when I was too devastated to know what to pray. It was a beautiful experience, and I was a new Christian at the time, madly in love with Jesus. I didn't know what it was at first, but I felt like a gurgling in my belly, and then it started to bubble up through my body, like a babbling brook, going up toward my throat. I had NO IDEA what was going on but was fascinated by the experience. Once it made it to my throat I found myself "praying in tongues"! It was a great blessing. That was 40 years ago and I have never spoken in tongues again. I refuse to just start making noises with the "fake it 'til you make it" attitude I have heard from Pentecostal pastors. I am currently studying about the holy spirit and its manifestations, because I do not want to denounce anyone's experience or manifestaton unless I KNOW what is really going on. I still do not know the answer, and I still am studying this.
@trinocarrera3669 5 ай бұрын
Yoga is so ubiquitous that it has come loose from religious moorings.
@WordandSpiritGuy 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the Ebook, it's great! Blessings
@auntbeewannabee4626 2 жыл бұрын
When you said “the charismatics will tolerate false teachers more than anybody I know”, I agree. It’s what made me start moving away from the charismatic preachers and churches I’m still remaining open minded tho. That’s why I’m listening to y’all. Keep talking about the stuff the others ignore. Love y’all 💙
@lindiharris-axon8167 8 ай бұрын
A more technical phrase you are looking for when saying just because something is two things have similar the results, it doesn't mean they are the same, is this: "Correlation does not equal causation." There is, I believe, an even more technical logical term (my logic classes were long ago) but the above is also a simple and often used rule of logic or critical thinking.
@donjoseph73 2 жыл бұрын
You guys are not correct. Gurus lay hands on people as well. The Holy Spirt in my opinion is about self control. And to this doesn’t happen in the Bible . The boy was throwing himself around BEFORE he came to get delivered!
@juanesparza3810 2 жыл бұрын
…Todd Bentley… 🤣. Great video guys! I just subscribed
@andresullivan6473 7 ай бұрын
This is why our LORD said test the spirits
@riptmedia7416 2 жыл бұрын
That poster of a deer man is demonic when you know your mythology and symbolism
@laylaa2811 2 жыл бұрын
Yes i saw it to i only dint now the meaning but i saw it was demonic, thank God for the conformation
@Lillaloppan 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you so very much 🙏😊!
@lyleswavel320 7 ай бұрын
One Minister said he was visiting a church and was praying by himself in the sanctuary and God opened his spiritual eyes and there were demons in ceiling of that church, he said God how can this be and The Lord's answer was there is not enough of The Word of God being taught, to many few scriptures and human opinions and stories replacing the Word, we don't need entertainment, we need The Word of God
@aundrealewis8599 2 жыл бұрын
Worded perfectly! “Does the sign lead people to Christ?” Reminds me of this scripture: “Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world. By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you heard was coming and now is in the world already.” ‭‭1 John‬ ‭4:1-3‬ ‭ESV‬‬ You’ll know if it’s God if it leads people to Christ
@Thugminista777 2 жыл бұрын
Great video topic indeed, a very serious topic ... I'm glad the giggling stopped early on. Vigilance in Christ is a must !!! Let us keep seeking the Lord for biblical truth. 💯
@HYCbruno 2 ай бұрын
Kundalini is 100% real, i had a kundalini awakening and i also experience those kryias, not that violently, more like head says yes or no when trying to communicate with spirit guides. Still trying to figure out how "demonic" or holy this can be
@AaronBTherapy 4 ай бұрын
Can you put time stamps on these videos? Intros are way too long.
@clairvphen0mena391 Жыл бұрын
Even Jesus says " dont worship me worship my father " Matthew 7:21-23 Rev22:9 Matthew 4:10
@kellyschroeder7437 11 ай бұрын
Say it. Defending the gospel alone ✝️🙌🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
@theawakeningenergy 3 ай бұрын
Which is "THE" Church? The Catholic, Orthodox or one of the thousands of Protestant churches or on of the others? Serious question The is such an incorrect term here I simply don't get it.
@logosveritas6065 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the episode, guys. Couldn’t agree more with your conclusion. Quick question for clarity. Early in the episode Josh said that the he’d learned there are counterfeit works (kundalini) and legitimate works of the Holy Spirit and that he’d found that unsatisfying. I am having a hard time discerning a difference between what he had heard and conclusion at the end of the video, aside from discern the spirit and examine n the fruit. Is there a difference from knowing there is counterfeit so we need to check the authenticity of the fruit and the source of that fruit that’s distinct from the conclusion about false works at the end of the video? Thanks for letting us join the discussion and for all you guys are doing. Blessings!
@andresullivan6473 7 ай бұрын
I think that God must be glorifed. And if we seek God and not experience I look at Brownsville and toranto and such like meetings the gospel is not always preached but rather conjuring up experience and not life changing encounter
@TytusJones 2 жыл бұрын
“Charismatics need to grow a pair…” 😂😂😂 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
@jewforjesus7497 8 ай бұрын
Fair enough. But I do need some clarification. When you assert that sometimes people are just seeking "more of God"....can you please biblically explain how and why you believe people can get "more" of God beyond being reborn of the spirit. Also, in one of the parts of this video one of you refers to a time when someone experiences God and begins to shake "uncontrollably" .....I am concerned about that particular statement because in Galations it does state that a fruit of the spirit is self control. Can you speak more about this and why you think it is biblical to shake uncontrollably? I realize your not saying that everyone who shakes is experiencing the Holy Spirit, but can you clarify why you think this can EVER be God? Thank you.
@valerieackler6073 4 ай бұрын
Okay I heard Mike Bickle…. I made it all the way to minute 57 and was somewhat very interested.. For some reason I thought you guys were reformed 🤔🤔🤔 I am loosing you more and more
@Sahasrara1008 2 жыл бұрын
my kundalini is awakened. But when awakened, I feet so much concentrated on my upper forehead that I cannot pay attention on job and business. Just reciting AUM sound for 5 minits, it gets awakened!! It is a feeling of pure bliss and pleasure. Thank you. I am also blessed with Spontaneous AUM symbol on very Crown Chakra!!! Thank You.
@jimmyglover2775 10 ай бұрын
John 18:6 "Now then, when He said to them, “I am He,” they drew back and fell to the ground." It seems like people fell to the ground from the power of Christ when He spoke. Can that be possible? I think so.
@looseele 2 жыл бұрын
I'm approaching this from a serious perspective and I'm getting a smug vibe here. I don't like it. At all.
@GoodGolly.MissLolly 2 жыл бұрын
My pastor’s wife can get very vocal during worship at church. I don’t mind that, except there’s one particular thing she does that really confuses me: every now and again, she seems to get so worked up that she starts screeching in a high pitch voice. I actually find it quite distressing and I hate to say it, but it certainly doesn’t feel like it’s from the Holy Spirit. Would love it if anyone had any insight into this…
@bertbranson5057 2 жыл бұрын
Hey guys... always love your stuff. Though I don't buy the theosophy-sophistry of 'Kundalini,' shouldn't we acknowedge there may be a psychosomatic component that correlates with the Charismatic experience? Is not 'eternal life' itself ('born-again,' 'new birth,' 'filled with the Spirit,' and other similar 'experiences' common to New Testament descriptions of 'spiritual' phenomena) a form awakening and renewal of our 'humanness?' I don't think we should dismiss this as a possibility. Maybe there are points of intersections in our humanness. Many observations in neurology seem to support this. Obviously Christ designed our psychological-physiological makeup to accommodate response to spiritual elements of our human constitution. I think we must acknowledge this. It may supply reason for the confusions we have with other issues too. The deeper we believe a matter, the more our body accommodates. How else do we explain things like symptoms of sickness in otherwise healthy bodies during times of emotional stress? Or, 'falling in love' with someone else's spouse? Or multiple personality disorders in which there actually appear to be changes in posture, voice, and etc.? Because we 'experience' some variety of psychosomatic phenomena does not argue for validity though. And isn't that real real point? We give way too much credibility to raw 'experience.' That is both naive and dangerous, and yet go a long way to give commentary on so much confusion we experience in many areas of our life, including our sexuality, spiritual beliefs, relationships, and self-understanding. We should know this by now, because many 'experiences' we have in life are so powerful, 'it must be true.' But they aren't always 'true,' right? We humans, and specifically us 'Charismatics,' need to 'grow up' and mature in discernment. The larger questions in life are not a matter to be decided by experience. We must accept that 'experience' must answer to a higher authority, if not our lives will NEVER be "conformed to the image of the Son." This is one of the very reasons God's Son, the 'Word,' was incarnate to straighten out some of the mess of human experience, shouldn't we agree? That possibly means there are 'universals' to human experience, and doesn't discount the reality of experience, but that doesn't mean that experience is a reliable test for TRUTH. For example, does a Hindu experience a difference when we all eat? Can a Christian and Hindu, or Muslim, or Atheist 'feel' pleasure or satisfaction alike when they eat what they prefer? Doesn't chicken kinda have a universal flavor, even if cooked in a variety of ways? But, would it not matter if there is poison mixed in the food? Wouldn't that be the main point? Again, we should know this. I absolutely believe we share a commonality of 'experience' with a Hindu, or a Atheist for that matter! But if I fall in love with a married woman (other than the one married to me) doesn't mean it is right, healthy, or wise. In fact it is damning in more ways than one! I may feel 'I cannot live without her,' just like I would the woman it is right morally to marry, but the damage and carnage many bring destruction upon generations! The Hindu, Atheist, or Charismatic can possibly share psychosomatic responses to what they believe are truths, but that ALONE never argues the validity of their experience. We all would do well to acknowledge this. But sometimes I believe we hide behind experience, too, because the truth about some the things we care about is not always palatable or pleasant.
@felinaoreite Жыл бұрын
Its reall immediate in the Bible. The demon cries out and the child is saved usually. They don't slither on the temple floor and know where to reach for a barf bag...
@accabb2487 2 жыл бұрын
logical fallacies are employed in philosophical realms, but they don't necessarily represent practicality. When you go to your doctor they are going to diagnose you based on the symptoms they observe. They can be wrong of course, but it is a mostly working system with trained professionals. So I think we need the same sort of maturity when we look upon these symptoms.
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