The intensity Korone plays the game, the love she shows for the franchise, reading every single balloon and line, explaining every character's persona, being excited at every funny or nice scene, and keeping all the enery through 12 hours, with all this cuteness... Korone is the one and only best game streamer.
Such a fun stream. The game really keeps things fresh with all of the different puzzle rooms and ghosts. Lots of clutch catches by Korosan and the ever wonderful banter and song bits. Angry red guy definitely stood out the most Thanks again Korosan!
ルイージマンション2HDクリアおつころーん!グッジョブ👍笑 割と早めに終わっちゃってもしかして既プレイ…?とずっと思ってたw。最初から最後までゲームの魅力にどっぷり浸っていて長時間配信ならではのゆっくりまったり感と組み合わせて最高な時間でした!凄い楽しかった~TODAY WAS SUPER FUN let's do this again sometime!
Congrats korosan on beating the game! Very nostaligic too and probably the best gane in the series! Lots of fun and hilarious moments as well! 😁, weekend endurance is the best! Thank you korosan! And rest well!