Kuv Lub Txim Txhaum Yog Qhov Tsis Hlub Koj~04/10/2024~

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@maiyang3659 5 ай бұрын
Title should be: vim Kuv tsis hlub Kuv tus kheej tsis take care of Kuv tus kheej
@jasmineflower7115 5 ай бұрын
Hmong women need to stop treating their husband like a King and does everything for him. These men need to work for your love too. Cov txiv neej zoo li koj tus qub txiv yeeb tsis saws zoo. Tau tus zoo tsis yuav, xav yuav cov pog laib es muaj nws ua qhev xwb.
@yervue5742 5 ай бұрын
Sister, your problem is because you loved him to much. You put him on the pedestal where he only sees you as his slave. Real love goes both ways where love and care are equally valued and shared between each other. Forgiveness is the best way to move on and glad you were able to give him that. He definitely lost a good wife. I hope you will take from this and love the one who will do the same for you. My mom once said, “never love a man more than he loves you.” Good luck.
@youwatchme3631 5 ай бұрын
Koj ua yog kawg tus me muam aw. Thov Vajtswv foom koob hmoo zoo rau koj nawb
@xyang1623 5 ай бұрын
Hmoob cov poj niam mas treated cov txiv zoo li king xwb es txiv neej hmoob thiaj ua saib g taus poj niam li
@maylovang1880 5 ай бұрын
Koj ces tu siab npaum nkaus li kuv tus niam laus thiab os me koj niam aw, kuv tus niam laus ces kuv tus txiv laus mus mus tsis tom thawj ces rov qab los nrog cov tub nyab nyob kom cov tub pab thov thov kuv tus niam laus vim nws thov los kuv tus niam laus tsis kam li lawm no ces cov tub thov thov nws los nws yeej tsis kam li ces nkawd ua ib yam li koj thiab ib leeg nrog ib tug tub nyob xwb thiab las as.
@tongvang1189 5 ай бұрын
This is why I always spend money on myself. Buy me clothes and shoes and look beautiful. Yea I love my husband but I need to love myself too. We are only young once. Sister your problem is you love him more and forgot about yourself.
@dreamerslane 5 ай бұрын
Your reenactment of the girlfriend was on point. lol.
@maixiong-mu5cm 5 ай бұрын
Niag txiv dev tsis sawm zoo. Nyuam qhuav ntxim xwb os. Neeg siab phem ces thiaj tau kev npam .
@yangn1 5 ай бұрын
I hate how the kids are taking his side. They weren't there for you when u were hurting.
@yangpaomoua6024 5 ай бұрын
Be happy you got lucky twice
@elisely5353 5 ай бұрын
Pojniam hmoob mas tsis muaj siab muaj ntsws tiag 2 tsis paub tu siab li tus txiv ua siab phem tag los tseem rov qab mus nyo taub hau rau thiab..
@debbieyaj4642 5 ай бұрын
Txiv neej nyiam cov pojniam ntse ntse heev heev siv nyiaj loj loj ib ob lo lus los nthe ua nws ceeb nkaus xwb mas txiv neej thiaj nyoo ov. Xyov cas tseem muaj ib txhia pojniam es ruam tshav npua es nyob twj ywm rau niag txiv dev tsim ho tseem tiam niag dev laus ntawd mas tiam cuag ib tug huab tais.
@myprecious6751 5 ай бұрын
Damn your freaking son. The freaking audacity.
@meexiongvang3373 5 ай бұрын
Tus me ntxhais aws yog tim koj vim koj muab nws tu zoo dau heev lawm nws thiaj siab tsi tau koj ntag nyob tebchaws no nws tsi yog ib tus nomtswv es koj yuav tau tu nws,koj tsi tas yuav ua zoo npaum ntawm rau nws vim koj tsi hlub koj tus kheej xwb ib tus txiv siab npem npaum kos es koj tseem ncos tseem hlub nws thiab lov me ntxhais
@evabhmongocadventure9831 5 ай бұрын
It’s hard to believe that all of sudden this man just changed. There must be something wrong in this story.
@siavang5637 5 ай бұрын
Tus niam tsev aww koj twb nrauj nws tag lawm es cas tseem pheej hais niag txiv tias yog koj tus txiv no na. Hu hais tias niag qub txiv ua muab nrauj pov tseg no los pob, koj es tsis ris siab li os tus vic ncaus.
@shouavang2156 5 ай бұрын
Peb cov poj niam mas tsuas zoo thaum tshiab rau lawv xwb thaum laus lawv saib peb tsis muaj nuj nqis li zoo kawg thaum kawg nws tau nws txoj kev npam lawm os lam nrog koj tej me nyuam nyob txob mus ua neeg Tom ntej tsam luag tsis hlub koj os mog
@Shoua608 5 ай бұрын
This guy surely got a taste of his own medicine. Zoo kawg uas Nrxawm muaj txiv hlob txiv yau.😂
@lucitresbellemongdlub9651 5 ай бұрын
Ohyo!! Cas koj ruam luaj os. Yog kuv ces txhob vam li os. Twb ua phem npaum rau kuv mas kuv yeej tsis kk li os.
@bchang227 5 ай бұрын
Laus lawm los yuav tsum tau hlub yus tug kheej. Sib yuav ua niam txiv ntxij nkawm nyob los yus yuav tsum tau tu yus tug kheej, hnav khaub ncaw kom zoo li zoo tau, pleev makeup li thaum yus tseem ua hluas nkauj. Just bc you're married doesn't mean you let yourself go.
@nkaujmogmim125 5 ай бұрын
Cov niag pojniam ua 100 tsav yam thiab ua d g los pheej noog u tu txiv thiab tos nws tso cai mam ua xwb ce , Yog cov pojniam g muaj peevxwm xwb. Thiab saib tu txiv tsuag haub tai xb.😅 Hos pojniam zoo li no g muaj hlwb😢
@tongyang6314 5 ай бұрын
Cas koj niag txiv ko yuav muaj plhus thiab siab phem ua luaj li os....nws niam tsis txawj laus los, txog txij nws pom koj laus ces nws yeej laus thiab mas. Tus txiv neej hmoob ko mas phem tiag2.
@michaelf2700 5 ай бұрын
Twb sib nrauj tag lawm es koj pheej khes2 txog nws dab tsi nas? Nws tsis yog koj tus txiv lawm os, koj pheej hais tias kuv tus txiv dab tsi? Koj tsis muaj siab muaj ntsws los? Koj niag tub thiab nyab los cas ntxim ntxub ua luaj li thiab. Tsis tsim nyog koj hlub li os.
@xeevang3907 5 ай бұрын
Txiv neej Hmoob ces yeej tsis sawm zoo. Txhob khib, txhob tu siab. Ntxov dim ntxov zoo xwb hos cov niag txiv dev li koj tus qub txiv ko. Kav tsij luag kom nrov2 xwb os yog kuv yog koj.
@kuvxwb11 5 ай бұрын
Tus txiv dev no ma xav kom tag nrho cov poj niam nyob huav lub ntej teb no yog nws kav xwb nws xav kom nws ib leeg yog txiv neej muaj qau nyob huav lub qab ntuj no es nws yuav kav tag nrho cov poj niam. Ib hmo hloov ib tug...nws lub niag hlwb ma qias neeg tiag tiag. Zoo tib yam li ib niag txiv dev kuv paub ntag.
@saykaomee 5 ай бұрын
Koj niag txiv niam qhuav txawj ntse txog qhov paub yuav flight tickets xwb es koj txawm siv qhuas tias nws ntse. Cov ntse li no xwb luam taw law, qi muag tsuab tau.
@kongher6180 5 ай бұрын
Having kids isn’t an excuse to let yourself go . You need to still look After yourself
@zoolikuv 5 ай бұрын
This lady cannot get over her ex. Move on! Don't waste time for people who don't see your values
@maryly09 2 ай бұрын
It's so upsetting that your son and dil forced u to forgive your ex.
@OppoA-rx3yk 5 ай бұрын
Poj niam mloog lus tsis cia mloog lus poj niam tsim txiaj tsis cia tsim txiaj ces yog coj thiab xav li koj niag qau yawg no tiag Koj yog tus ntse koj niag txiv yog awb thiab ruam
@MissPeachie 5 ай бұрын
It’s ok to forgive him, just don’t take him back and take care of him. By forgiving him, you are letting him know that you are no longer hurt and don’t care about him anymore. I also hope that your nyab will get a taste of your medicine in the future. Your son will most likely cheat too because the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.
@NiaArtemis Ай бұрын
You have no right to ask your daughter-in-law to do that.
@NiaArtemis Ай бұрын
You have no right to ask your daughter-in-law to do that.
@lor6760 5 ай бұрын
Life is short. Repent people.
@hmoobmama 5 ай бұрын
I will never understand this type of women that never takes care of themselves. I’m only 35, but I hope I never let myself go. I’m doing it for myself.
@cheurphavang3280 5 ай бұрын
Koj hais tau zoo mloog kawg ntxhais.
@chouxiong206 5 ай бұрын
Uag koj rau tsis tau khau luj taws siab tiam sis koj ho rau tau cov siab li 1-2 dos no yeej siab kawg lawm laiv tsis make sense lawm. Haha hu me nyuam plig es ho hais lo lus dab qhuas tsis tau ntxhee. 1 txhia txiv neej yeej tsis sawm zoo os yus hlub2 ua qhev nkag kawg teev tiam nws zoo tshaj 1 tug Huab tais ces nws yuav ua tus tsis paub hauj lwm dabtsi hlo li tiam sis saib yus tsis khuav qhov muag tiam sis yog mus yuav tau tus ua2 taus niam mas nws nyoo lo lua paub hauj lwm txhua yam ua qhev nkag kaws ntag yus tsim tsis tau cia lwm tus ho los tsim pauj kiag ntag
@tubhmoobhmoob2944 5 ай бұрын
Lub sij hawm no, leej twg ua zoo ces tau ntuj ntoo, leej twg ua phem ces raug ntuj lem, tsis dim li nawb, txhob siab phem tsis hais poj niam los yog txiv neej
@leejmuam1 5 ай бұрын
Peb ib cov niam tsev hmoob, including me 😂, peb pheej nco tu me nyuam, hlub thiab tu tus txiv, khwv rau lub neej xwb, peb tsis nco los tu thiab hlub peb tus kheej.
@NtxhaisHmoobUSA 5 ай бұрын
Li no mas. Zim Txwv nqis kees tig los cov ntsuj plig phem xyob siab tshoj siab sawv los tshoj cuab rhuav yig li ko.ua neeb Cai dab ua neeb rub txij nkawm nyob kom ruaj khov khos nawb
@chaituaher724 5 ай бұрын
Ua neej nyob ces tog nyuj qaug ces tswg yeej qaij hab xwb ua caag yuav pum luas xwb. Qhov tseeb ces yog phov sav tuag xwb os hab koj tam nwg txaus lawm es nwg tsi xaav kuas koj tau tu nwg rua yaav laug xwb .
@kuvxwb9466 5 ай бұрын
Koj muab nws hlub tshaj qhov hlub lawm os. People will please who they want to please. Txiv neej tsis sawm zoo.
@OppoA-rx3yk 5 ай бұрын
Kuv xav mloog cov sab sij huam zoo li no Xav kom koj tham cov neej zoo li no rau peb mloog kom ntau ๆ os kab lia
@kaoxiong6148 5 ай бұрын
WOW…! This guy is digging his own grave…😩!
@NtxhaisHmoobUSA 5 ай бұрын
Zoo kawg npam sai sai ua luaj li.
@aleu8670 4 ай бұрын
Never let a man tell you twice that he doesn't want you.
@nkaujmogmim125 5 ай бұрын
Vim koj ua nws qhev 100 tsav yam e nws thiaj saib g tau koj. Vim koj g hlub koj tu kheej, g take care koj tu kheej. Koj take care nws xb. Koj thiaj g muaj nqis.
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