Рет қаралды 2,997
كورس تطوير تطبيقات الويب مقدم من قبل محمد محمد
تحضير بيئة التطوير
محتويات الكورس:
Chapter 1: Introduction to Web Development
Why this course is the best course
Introduction to web development
Overview of the technologies covered in the course
Setting up your development environment
Chapter 2: HTML
Introduction to HTML
Basic HTML tags and syntax
Creating links and anchors
Adding images and videos
Creating tables and forms
Semantic HTML
Chapter 3: CSS
Introduction to CSS
Basic CSS syntax
Working with selectors
CSS box model
Styling text, backgrounds, and borders
Layouts and positioning
Responsive design and media queries
CSS frameworks (e.g. Bootstrap)
Chapter 4: JavaScript
Introduction to JavaScript
Basic JavaScript syntax
Variables and data types
Operators and expressions
Control structures (if/else, loops)
Functions and parameters
DOM manipulation
Events and event listeners
Error handling and debugging
JavaScript libraries (e.g. jQuery)
Chapter 5: PHP
Introduction to PHP
Basic PHP syntax
Variables and data types
Control structures (if/else, loops)
Functions and parameters
Forms and form handling
Working with databases (MySQL)
Object-oriented programming in PHP
Chapter 6: MySQL
Introduction to databases and MySQL
Basic SQL syntax
Creating databases and tables
Inserting, updating, and deleting data
Querying databases with SELECT statements
Joining tables
Indexes and performance tuning
Chapter 7: Git
Introduction to version control
Installing and configuring Git
Basic Git commands (commit, push, pull, merge)
Branching and merging
Resolving conflicts
Working with remote repositories (GitHub, Bitbucket)
Chapter 8: Bootstrap
Introduction to Bootstrap
Installing and configuring Bootstrap
Using Bootstrap components (e.g. navbar, grid system, forms)
Customizing Bootstrap styles
Building responsive web pages with Bootstrap
Chapter 9: jQuery
Introduction to jQuery
Installing and configuring jQuery
Using jQuery to manipulate the DOM
Animations and effects
Event handling with jQuery
Working with AJAX and JSON
Chapter 10: Final Project
Putting it all together: building a web application from scratch
Planning and designing the application
Implementing the front-end (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap)
Implementing the back-end (PHP, MySQL)
Deploying the application to a web server
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