Lyrics: 好きなことを好きと言えたら楽なのかしらね I wonder if it would be easier if I could just say that I love the things I do スナオな言葉 スナオな笑顔 アイツの全部がイラつく のん気な会話 平和な日常 興味ない べつに Her simple words, her simple smile Everything about her irritates me Her carefree chatter, her peaceful life I couldn't care less about that Secret 言えるわけがないでしょう 絶対 A Secret. There's no way I could tell you that. Absolutely not. 好きなことを好きと言えちゃうアンタが嫌いよ ダレもカレも 心のままに生きられないの だからこそ 眩しくて 大嫌い I hate you for being able to say that you love the things you do No one, not even him, can fully live following their hearts It's because you are so bright That's why I hate you 甘いキャンディ こぼれるシュークリーム お茶会みたいなやつら うんざりしてる 胸やけしそう もうひとつ? いらない Sweet candy, overflowing cream puffs You guys are like a tea party I'm sick of it, It gives me a heartburn One more? I don't want it. Regret いつか消えてしまうなら いっそ A regret. If it's all going to disappear one day... all the better 好きなものを好きなだけ 手に入れるなんて幻想 もしかして なんてムダな妄想 とっくに断ち切ったはずなのに それなのに 大嫌い An illusion, where I can have everything I love, A futile fantasy where I can wonder "what if?" I thought I had gotten over it, and yet... I hate you 諦めにも我慢にも慣れ 心 閉ざして 自分を殺して それでいいの アタシのこと 放っておいて I'm used to giving up and enduring it Closing my heart, killing my own self I'm okay with that... so please, leave me alone! Regret いつか消えてしまうから 必ず Secret 言えるわけがないでしょう 絶対 A regret. Because it will all disappear one day, for sure. A secret. There's no way I could ever tell you that. Absolutely not. 「好きよ、大好きだよ」なんて 言うはずがないでしょう でもね「嫌い」だって言うたびに 胸の奥の方がチクチクと痛みだす なんで? "I love you, I love you so much!" There's no way I could say those words But you know, everytime I say "I hate you", It eats away at me, deep whitin my heart. ...Why? 好きなことを好きと言えちゃうアンタが嫌いよ ダレもカレも 心のままに生きられないの だからこそ 眩しくて 大嫌い I hate you for being able to say that you love the things you do No one, not even him, can fully live following their hearts It's because you are so bright That's why I hate you 大嫌いよ I hate you so much