كيفية تحويل الأرقام إلى كلمات ببرنامج الأكسل - Excel (تفقيط الأرقام)

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Mohammed Al-Molegi

Mohammed Al-Molegi

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@عبدالرحمن-السامرائي 8 ай бұрын
بارك الله فيكم وفي جهودكم نسأل الله العظيم ان يجعلها في ميزان حسناتكم يوم القيامة
@hamzasherif1735 Жыл бұрын
اول مرة احمل كود ويشتغل معايا بجد فعلا متشكر جدا جدا جعلة الله في ميزان حسناتك
@hassan_Aa 2 ай бұрын
السلام عليكم فين الكود لو سمحت ارسل به لي
@توعيةمتنوعة 8 күн бұрын
وين الكود
@ahmedbadr388 Жыл бұрын
الله يجازيك خير يارب - اسهل طريقة - شكرا🙏
@muhammedarslan8606 Ай бұрын
لما عم اغلق ملف الاكسل واحاول فتحه مرة اخرى بيتم حذف الدالة ولا يتم التعرف عليها .. شو السبب ؟
@ضياءمجمل-غ5ن Жыл бұрын
حفظك الله ورعاك ممكن الداله
@mohammed-almolegi Жыл бұрын
Function NumberToText(Number As Double, MainCurrency As String, SubCurrency As String) Dim Array1(0 To 9) As String Dim Array2(0 To 9) As String Dim Array3(0 To 9) As String Dim MyNumber As String Dim GetNumber As String Dim ReadNumber As String Dim My100 As String Dim My10 As String Dim My1 As String Dim My11 As String Dim My12 As String Dim GetText As String Dim Billion As String Dim Million As String Dim Thousand As String Dim Hundred As String Dim Fraction As String Dim MyAnd As String Dim I As Integer Dim ReMark As String If Number > 999999999999.99 Then Exit Function If Number < 0 Then Number = Number * -1 ReMark = "سالب " End If If Number = 0 Then NumberToText = "صفر" Exit Function End If MyAnd = " و" Array1(0) = "" Array1(1) = "مائة" Array1(2) = "مائتان" Array1(3) = "ثلاثمائة" Array1(4) = "أربعمائة" Array1(5) = "خمسمائة" Array1(6) = "ستمائة" Array1(7) = "سبعمائة" Array1(8) = "ثمانمائة" Array1(9) = "تسعمائة" Array2(0) = "" Array2(1) = " عشر" Array2(2) = "عشرون" Array2(3) = "ثلاثون" Array2(4) = "أربعون" Array2(5) = "خمسون" Array2(6) = "ستون" Array2(7) = "سبعون" Array2(8) = "ثمانون" Array2(9) = "تسعون" Array3(0) = "" Array3(1) = "واحد" Array3(2) = "اثنان" Array3(3) = "ثلاثة" Array3(4) = "أربعة" Array3(5) = "خمسة" Array3(6) = "ستة" Array3(7) = "سبعة" Array3(8) = "ثمانية" Array3(9) = "تسعة" GetNumber = Format(Number, "000000000000.00") I = 0 Do While I < 15 If I < 12 Then MyNumber = Mid$(GetNumber, I + 1, 3) Else MyNumber = "0" + Mid$(GetNumber, I + 2, 2) End If If (Mid$(MyNumber, 1, 3)) > 0 Then ReadNumber = Mid$(MyNumber, 1, 1) My100 = Array1(ReadNumber) ReadNumber = Mid$(MyNumber, 3, 1) My1 = Array3(ReadNumber) ReadNumber = Mid$(MyNumber, 2, 1) My10 = Array2(ReadNumber) If Mid$(MyNumber, 2, 2) = 11 Then My11 = "إحدى عشرة" If Mid$(MyNumber, 2, 2) = 12 Then My12 = "إثنى عشرة" If Mid$(MyNumber, 2, 2) = 10 Then My10 = "عشرة" If ((Mid$(MyNumber, 1, 1)) > 0) And ((Mid$(MyNumber, 2, 2)) > 0) Then My100 = My100 + MyAnd If ((Mid$(MyNumber, 3, 1)) > 0) And ((Mid$(MyNumber, 2, 1)) > 1) Then My1 = My1 + MyAnd GetText = My100 + My1 + My10 If ((Mid$(MyNumber, 3, 1)) = 1) And ((Mid$(MyNumber, 2, 1)) = 1) Then GetText = My100 + My11 If ((Mid$(MyNumber, 1, 1)) = 0) Then GetText = My11 End If If ((Mid$(MyNumber, 3, 1)) = 2) And ((Mid$(MyNumber, 2, 1)) = 1) Then GetText = My100 + My12 If ((Mid$(MyNumber, 1, 1)) = 0) Then GetText = My12 End If If (I = 0) And (GetText "") Then If ((Mid$(MyNumber, 1, 3)) > 10) Then Billion = GetText + " مليار" Else Billion = GetText + " مليارات" If ((Mid$(MyNumber, 1, 3)) = 2) Then Billion = " مليار" If ((Mid$(MyNumber, 1, 3)) = 2) Then Billion = " مليارن" End If End If If (I = 3) And (GetText "") Then If ((Mid$(MyNumber, 1, 3)) > 10) Then Million = GetText + " مليون" Else Million = GetText + " ملايين" If ((Mid$(MyNumber, 1, 3)) = 1) Then Million = " مليون" If ((Mid$(MyNumber, 1, 3)) = 2) Then Million = " مليونان" End If End If If (I = 6) And (GetText "") Then If ((Mid$(MyNumber, 1, 3)) > 10) Then Thousand = GetText + " ألف" Else Thousand = GetText + " ألاف" If ((Mid$(MyNumber, 3, 1)) = 1) Then Thousand = " ألف" If ((Mid$(MyNumber, 3, 1)) = 2) Then Thousand = " ألفان" End If End If If (I = 9) And (GetText "") Then Hundred = GetText If (I = 12) And (GetText "") Then Fraction = GetText End If I = I + 3 Loop If (Billion "") Then If (Million "") Or (Thousand "") Or (Hundred "") Then Billion = Billion + MyAnd End If If (Million "") Then If (Thousand "") Or (Hundred "") Then Million = Million + MyAnd End If If (Thousand "") Then If (Hundred "") Then Thousand = Thousand + MyAnd End If If Fraction "" Then If (Billion "") Or (Million "") Or (Thousand "") Or (Hundred "") Then NumberToText = ReMark + Billion + Million + Thousand + Hundred + " " + MainCurrency + MyAnd + Fraction + " " + SubCurrency Else NumberToText = ReMark + Fraction + " " + SubCurrency End If Else NumberToText = ReMark + Billion + Million + Thousand + Hundred + " " + MainCurrency End If End Function
@hamzasherif1735 Жыл бұрын
اللي بيسال عن الكود موجود في اللينك في صندوق الوصف , بعد ما تعمل نسخ ولصق لصفحة المديول عدل علامات الاستفهام للكلمات الموجودة باللغة العربية بين علامات التنصيص علشان الكود يشتغل
@malakmo5015 6 ай бұрын
ممكن الطريقة او ارسال الكود بعد التعديل
@منوعات-ث8ف7ه Ай бұрын
اللينك مش شغال
@nasserhameed9573 Жыл бұрын
الكود لو سمحت
@توعيةمتنوعة 8 күн бұрын
ليس موجودًا
@nasserhameed9573 Жыл бұрын
ما قبل معي ، اول ما اعمل المعادلة بعد نسخ الكود ما يقبل يرجعنا الى الماكرو الكود ويكون المؤشر اخر الكود
@MazenYasin-og8ko Жыл бұрын
عظيم جدآ
@Jnooo20 11 ай бұрын
يطلع استفهامات ليه ؟
@mohammed-almolegi 11 ай бұрын
انسخ الكود لملف ورد (Word) أولا ثم انسخه مرة ثانية من ملف الورد إلى ملف الأكسل وبيزبط معاك
@Mohasindi 7 ай бұрын
ما يزبط
@Mohasindi 7 ай бұрын
يطلع استفهامات او كلام يوناني
@asaadali3705 7 ай бұрын
أواجه نفس المشكله ​@@Mohasindi
@malakmo5015 6 ай бұрын
@@Mohasindi انسخ الكلام كله في ملف ورد جديد وقبل ما تعمله لصق عالاكسيل اتاكد ان الكلام العربي منسوخ صح يعني هتاخده نسخ الاول من ملف التكست وبعدين تعمله لصق لملف ورد وبعدين تاخده تاني نسخ من ملف الورد وبعدين تعمله لصف عالاكسيل
@nasserhameed9573 Жыл бұрын
ممكن لو سمحت الدالة
@mohammed-almolegi Жыл бұрын
Function NumberToText(Number As Double, MainCurrency As String, SubCurrency As String) Dim Array1(0 To 9) As String Dim Array2(0 To 9) As String Dim Array3(0 To 9) As String Dim MyNumber As String Dim GetNumber As String Dim ReadNumber As String Dim My100 As String Dim My10 As String Dim My1 As String Dim My11 As String Dim My12 As String Dim GetText As String Dim Billion As String Dim Million As String Dim Thousand As String Dim Hundred As String Dim Fraction As String Dim MyAnd As String Dim I As Integer Dim ReMark As String If Number > 999999999999.99 Then Exit Function If Number < 0 Then Number = Number * -1 ReMark = "سالب " End If If Number = 0 Then NumberToText = "صفر" Exit Function End If MyAnd = " و" Array1(0) = "" Array1(1) = "مائة" Array1(2) = "مائتان" Array1(3) = "ثلاثمائة" Array1(4) = "أربعمائة" Array1(5) = "خمسمائة" Array1(6) = "ستمائة" Array1(7) = "سبعمائة" Array1(8) = "ثمانمائة" Array1(9) = "تسعمائة" Array2(0) = "" Array2(1) = " عشر" Array2(2) = "عشرون" Array2(3) = "ثلاثون" Array2(4) = "أربعون" Array2(5) = "خمسون" Array2(6) = "ستون" Array2(7) = "سبعون" Array2(8) = "ثمانون" Array2(9) = "تسعون" Array3(0) = "" Array3(1) = "واحد" Array3(2) = "اثنان" Array3(3) = "ثلاثة" Array3(4) = "أربعة" Array3(5) = "خمسة" Array3(6) = "ستة" Array3(7) = "سبعة" Array3(8) = "ثمانية" Array3(9) = "تسعة" GetNumber = Format(Number, "000000000000.00") I = 0 Do While I < 15 If I < 12 Then MyNumber = Mid$(GetNumber, I + 1, 3) Else MyNumber = "0" + Mid$(GetNumber, I + 2, 2) End If If (Mid$(MyNumber, 1, 3)) > 0 Then ReadNumber = Mid$(MyNumber, 1, 1) My100 = Array1(ReadNumber) ReadNumber = Mid$(MyNumber, 3, 1) My1 = Array3(ReadNumber) ReadNumber = Mid$(MyNumber, 2, 1) My10 = Array2(ReadNumber) If Mid$(MyNumber, 2, 2) = 11 Then My11 = "إحدى عشرة" If Mid$(MyNumber, 2, 2) = 12 Then My12 = "إثنى عشرة" If Mid$(MyNumber, 2, 2) = 10 Then My10 = "عشرة" If ((Mid$(MyNumber, 1, 1)) > 0) And ((Mid$(MyNumber, 2, 2)) > 0) Then My100 = My100 + MyAnd If ((Mid$(MyNumber, 3, 1)) > 0) And ((Mid$(MyNumber, 2, 1)) > 1) Then My1 = My1 + MyAnd GetText = My100 + My1 + My10 If ((Mid$(MyNumber, 3, 1)) = 1) And ((Mid$(MyNumber, 2, 1)) = 1) Then GetText = My100 + My11 If ((Mid$(MyNumber, 1, 1)) = 0) Then GetText = My11 End If If ((Mid$(MyNumber, 3, 1)) = 2) And ((Mid$(MyNumber, 2, 1)) = 1) Then GetText = My100 + My12 If ((Mid$(MyNumber, 1, 1)) = 0) Then GetText = My12 End If If (I = 0) And (GetText "") Then If ((Mid$(MyNumber, 1, 3)) > 10) Then Billion = GetText + " مليار" Else Billion = GetText + " مليارات" If ((Mid$(MyNumber, 1, 3)) = 2) Then Billion = " مليار" If ((Mid$(MyNumber, 1, 3)) = 2) Then Billion = " مليارن" End If End If If (I = 3) And (GetText "") Then If ((Mid$(MyNumber, 1, 3)) > 10) Then Million = GetText + " مليون" Else Million = GetText + " ملايين" If ((Mid$(MyNumber, 1, 3)) = 1) Then Million = " مليون" If ((Mid$(MyNumber, 1, 3)) = 2) Then Million = " مليونان" End If End If If (I = 6) And (GetText "") Then If ((Mid$(MyNumber, 1, 3)) > 10) Then Thousand = GetText + " ألف" Else Thousand = GetText + " ألاف" If ((Mid$(MyNumber, 3, 1)) = 1) Then Thousand = " ألف" If ((Mid$(MyNumber, 3, 1)) = 2) Then Thousand = " ألفان" End If End If If (I = 9) And (GetText "") Then Hundred = GetText If (I = 12) And (GetText "") Then Fraction = GetText End If I = I + 3 Loop If (Billion "") Then If (Million "") Or (Thousand "") Or (Hundred "") Then Billion = Billion + MyAnd End If If (Million "") Then If (Thousand "") Or (Hundred "") Then Million = Million + MyAnd End If If (Thousand "") Then If (Hundred "") Then Thousand = Thousand + MyAnd End If If Fraction "" Then If (Billion "") Or (Million "") Or (Thousand "") Or (Hundred "") Then NumberToText = ReMark + Billion + Million + Thousand + Hundred + " " + MainCurrency + MyAnd + Fraction + " " + SubCurrency Else NumberToText = ReMark + Fraction + " " + SubCurrency End If Else NumberToText = ReMark + Billion + Million + Thousand + Hundred + " " + MainCurrency End If End Function
@ميثاقالنسري 4 ай бұрын
لو تكرمت نبقى تفقيط في لابتوب باللغه العربيه
@nasserhameed9573 Жыл бұрын
@أطيافمحمد-ق7ق 10 ай бұрын
لو مثل اشتي لا درجة
@mohammedalabed8853 7 ай бұрын
@mohammed-almolegi 7 ай бұрын
Function NumberToText(Number As Double, MainCurrency As String, SubCurrency As String) Dim Array1(0 To 9) As String Dim Array2(0 To 9) As String Dim Array3(0 To 9) As String Dim MyNumber As String Dim GetNumber As String Dim ReadNumber As String Dim My100 As String Dim My10 As String Dim My1 As String Dim My11 As String Dim My12 As String Dim GetText As String Dim Billion As String Dim Million As String Dim Thousand As String Dim Hundred As String Dim Fraction As String Dim MyAnd As String Dim I As Integer Dim ReMark As String If Number > 999999999999.99 Then Exit Function If Number < 0 Then Number = Number * -1 ReMark = "سالب " End If If Number = 0 Then NumberToText = "صفر" Exit Function End If MyAnd = " و" Array1(0) = "" Array1(1) = "مائة" Array1(2) = "مائتان" Array1(3) = "ثلاثمائة" Array1(4) = "أربعمائة" Array1(5) = "خمسمائة" Array1(6) = "ستمائة" Array1(7) = "سبعمائة" Array1(8) = "ثمانمائة" Array1(9) = "تسعمائة" Array2(0) = "" Array2(1) = " عشر" Array2(2) = "عشرون" Array2(3) = "ثلاثون" Array2(4) = "أربعون" Array2(5) = "خمسون" Array2(6) = "ستون" Array2(7) = "سبعون" Array2(8) = "ثمانون" Array2(9) = "تسعون" Array3(0) = "" Array3(1) = "واحد" Array3(2) = "اثنان" Array3(3) = "ثلاثة" Array3(4) = "أربعة" Array3(5) = "خمسة" Array3(6) = "ستة" Array3(7) = "سبعة" Array3(8) = "ثمانية" Array3(9) = "تسعة" GetNumber = Format(Number, "000000000000.00") I = 0 Do While I < 15 If I < 12 Then MyNumber = Mid$(GetNumber, I + 1, 3) Else MyNumber = "0" + Mid$(GetNumber, I + 2, 2) End If If (Mid$(MyNumber, 1, 3)) > 0 Then ReadNumber = Mid$(MyNumber, 1, 1) My100 = Array1(ReadNumber) ReadNumber = Mid$(MyNumber, 3, 1) My1 = Array3(ReadNumber) ReadNumber = Mid$(MyNumber, 2, 1) My10 = Array2(ReadNumber) If Mid$(MyNumber, 2, 2) = 11 Then My11 = "إحدى عشرة" If Mid$(MyNumber, 2, 2) = 12 Then My12 = "إثنى عشرة" If Mid$(MyNumber, 2, 2) = 10 Then My10 = "عشرة" If ((Mid$(MyNumber, 1, 1)) > 0) And ((Mid$(MyNumber, 2, 2)) > 0) Then My100 = My100 + MyAnd If ((Mid$(MyNumber, 3, 1)) > 0) And ((Mid$(MyNumber, 2, 1)) > 1) Then My1 = My1 + MyAnd GetText = My100 + My1 + My10 If ((Mid$(MyNumber, 3, 1)) = 1) And ((Mid$(MyNumber, 2, 1)) = 1) Then GetText = My100 + My11 If ((Mid$(MyNumber, 1, 1)) = 0) Then GetText = My11 End If If ((Mid$(MyNumber, 3, 1)) = 2) And ((Mid$(MyNumber, 2, 1)) = 1) Then GetText = My100 + My12 If ((Mid$(MyNumber, 1, 1)) = 0) Then GetText = My12 End If If (I = 0) And (GetText "") Then If ((Mid$(MyNumber, 1, 3)) > 10) Then Billion = GetText + " مليار" Else Billion = GetText + " مليارات" If ((Mid$(MyNumber, 1, 3)) = 2) Then Billion = " مليار" If ((Mid$(MyNumber, 1, 3)) = 2) Then Billion = " مليارن" End If End If If (I = 3) And (GetText "") Then If ((Mid$(MyNumber, 1, 3)) > 10) Then Million = GetText + " مليون" Else Million = GetText + " ملايين" If ((Mid$(MyNumber, 1, 3)) = 1) Then Million = " مليون" If ((Mid$(MyNumber, 1, 3)) = 2) Then Million = " مليونان" End If End If If (I = 6) And (GetText "") Then If ((Mid$(MyNumber, 1, 3)) > 10) Then Thousand = GetText + " ألف" Else Thousand = GetText + " ألاف" If ((Mid$(MyNumber, 3, 1)) = 1) Then Thousand = " ألف" If ((Mid$(MyNumber, 3, 1)) = 2) Then Thousand = " ألفان" End If End If If (I = 9) And (GetText "") Then Hundred = GetText If (I = 12) And (GetText "") Then Fraction = GetText End If I = I + 3 Loop If (Billion "") Then If (Million "") Or (Thousand "") Or (Hundred "") Then Billion = Billion + MyAnd End If If (Million "") Then If (Thousand "") Or (Hundred "") Then Million = Million + MyAnd End If If (Thousand "") Then If (Hundred "") Then Thousand = Thousand + MyAnd End If If Fraction "" Then If (Billion "") Or (Million "") Or (Thousand "") Or (Hundred "") Then NumberToText = ReMark + Billion + Million + Thousand + Hundred + " " + MainCurrency + MyAnd + Fraction + " " + SubCurrency Else NumberToText = ReMark + Fraction + " " + SubCurrency End If Else NumberToText = ReMark + Billion + Million + Thousand + Hundred + " " + MainCurrency End If End Function
@m.ramthaalzoubi6212 3 ай бұрын
الكود ؟
@mountsiribraheem9506 Жыл бұрын
الكود لو سمحت❤
@mohammed-almolegi Жыл бұрын
Function NumberToText(Number As Double, MainCurrency As String, SubCurrency As String) Dim Array1(0 To 9) As String Dim Array2(0 To 9) As String Dim Array3(0 To 9) As String Dim MyNumber As String Dim GetNumber As String Dim ReadNumber As String Dim My100 As String Dim My10 As String Dim My1 As String Dim My11 As String Dim My12 As String Dim GetText As String Dim Billion As String Dim Million As String Dim Thousand As String Dim Hundred As String Dim Fraction As String Dim MyAnd As String Dim I As Integer Dim ReMark As String If Number > 999999999999.99 Then Exit Function If Number < 0 Then Number = Number * -1 ReMark = "سالب " End If If Number = 0 Then NumberToText = "صفر" Exit Function End If MyAnd = " و" Array1(0) = "" Array1(1) = "مائة" Array1(2) = "مائتان" Array1(3) = "ثلاثمائة" Array1(4) = "أربعمائة" Array1(5) = "خمسمائة" Array1(6) = "ستمائة" Array1(7) = "سبعمائة" Array1(8) = "ثمانمائة" Array1(9) = "تسعمائة" Array2(0) = "" Array2(1) = " عشر" Array2(2) = "عشرون" Array2(3) = "ثلاثون" Array2(4) = "أربعون" Array2(5) = "خمسون" Array2(6) = "ستون" Array2(7) = "سبعون" Array2(8) = "ثمانون" Array2(9) = "تسعون" Array3(0) = "" Array3(1) = "واحد" Array3(2) = "اثنان" Array3(3) = "ثلاثة" Array3(4) = "أربعة" Array3(5) = "خمسة" Array3(6) = "ستة" Array3(7) = "سبعة" Array3(8) = "ثمانية" Array3(9) = "تسعة" GetNumber = Format(Number, "000000000000.00") I = 0 Do While I < 15 If I < 12 Then MyNumber = Mid$(GetNumber, I + 1, 3) Else MyNumber = "0" + Mid$(GetNumber, I + 2, 2) End If If (Mid$(MyNumber, 1, 3)) > 0 Then ReadNumber = Mid$(MyNumber, 1, 1) My100 = Array1(ReadNumber) ReadNumber = Mid$(MyNumber, 3, 1) My1 = Array3(ReadNumber) ReadNumber = Mid$(MyNumber, 2, 1) My10 = Array2(ReadNumber) If Mid$(MyNumber, 2, 2) = 11 Then My11 = "إحدى عشرة" If Mid$(MyNumber, 2, 2) = 12 Then My12 = "إثنى عشرة" If Mid$(MyNumber, 2, 2) = 10 Then My10 = "عشرة" If ((Mid$(MyNumber, 1, 1)) > 0) And ((Mid$(MyNumber, 2, 2)) > 0) Then My100 = My100 + MyAnd If ((Mid$(MyNumber, 3, 1)) > 0) And ((Mid$(MyNumber, 2, 1)) > 1) Then My1 = My1 + MyAnd GetText = My100 + My1 + My10 If ((Mid$(MyNumber, 3, 1)) = 1) And ((Mid$(MyNumber, 2, 1)) = 1) Then GetText = My100 + My11 If ((Mid$(MyNumber, 1, 1)) = 0) Then GetText = My11 End If If ((Mid$(MyNumber, 3, 1)) = 2) And ((Mid$(MyNumber, 2, 1)) = 1) Then GetText = My100 + My12 If ((Mid$(MyNumber, 1, 1)) = 0) Then GetText = My12 End If If (I = 0) And (GetText "") Then If ((Mid$(MyNumber, 1, 3)) > 10) Then Billion = GetText + " مليار" Else Billion = GetText + " مليارات" If ((Mid$(MyNumber, 1, 3)) = 2) Then Billion = " مليار" If ((Mid$(MyNumber, 1, 3)) = 2) Then Billion = " مليارن" End If End If If (I = 3) And (GetText "") Then If ((Mid$(MyNumber, 1, 3)) > 10) Then Million = GetText + " مليون" Else Million = GetText + " ملايين" If ((Mid$(MyNumber, 1, 3)) = 1) Then Million = " مليون" If ((Mid$(MyNumber, 1, 3)) = 2) Then Million = " مليونان" End If End If If (I = 6) And (GetText "") Then If ((Mid$(MyNumber, 1, 3)) > 10) Then Thousand = GetText + " ألف" Else Thousand = GetText + " ألاف" If ((Mid$(MyNumber, 3, 1)) = 1) Then Thousand = " ألف" If ((Mid$(MyNumber, 3, 1)) = 2) Then Thousand = " ألفان" End If End If If (I = 9) And (GetText "") Then Hundred = GetText If (I = 12) And (GetText "") Then Fraction = GetText End If I = I + 3 Loop If (Billion "") Then If (Million "") Or (Thousand "") Or (Hundred "") Then Billion = Billion + MyAnd End If If (Million "") Then If (Thousand "") Or (Hundred "") Then Million = Million + MyAnd End If If (Thousand "") Then If (Hundred "") Then Thousand = Thousand + MyAnd End If If Fraction "" Then If (Billion "") Or (Million "") Or (Thousand "") Or (Hundred "") Then NumberToText = ReMark + Billion + Million + Thousand + Hundred + " " + MainCurrency + MyAnd + Fraction + " " + SubCurrency Else NumberToText = ReMark + Fraction + " " + SubCurrency End If Else NumberToText = ReMark + Billion + Million + Thousand + Hundred + " " + MainCurrency End If End Function
@mountsiribraheem9506 Жыл бұрын
@@mohammed-almolegi شكرا
@mountsiribraheem9506 Жыл бұрын
@@mohammed-almolegi شكرا
@hamidoudjanahocine1972 Жыл бұрын
الكود من فضلك
@mohammed-almolegi Жыл бұрын
Function NumberToText(Number As Double, MainCurrency As String, SubCurrency As String) Dim Array1(0 To 9) As String Dim Array2(0 To 9) As String Dim Array3(0 To 9) As String Dim MyNumber As String Dim GetNumber As String Dim ReadNumber As String Dim My100 As String Dim My10 As String Dim My1 As String Dim My11 As String Dim My12 As String Dim GetText As String Dim Billion As String Dim Million As String Dim Thousand As String Dim Hundred As String Dim Fraction As String Dim MyAnd As String Dim I As Integer Dim ReMark As String If Number > 999999999999.99 Then Exit Function If Number < 0 Then Number = Number * -1 ReMark = "سالب " End If If Number = 0 Then NumberToText = "صفر" Exit Function End If MyAnd = " و" Array1(0) = "" Array1(1) = "مائة" Array1(2) = "مائتان" Array1(3) = "ثلاثمائة" Array1(4) = "أربعمائة" Array1(5) = "خمسمائة" Array1(6) = "ستمائة" Array1(7) = "سبعمائة" Array1(8) = "ثمانمائة" Array1(9) = "تسعمائة" Array2(0) = "" Array2(1) = " عشر" Array2(2) = "عشرون" Array2(3) = "ثلاثون" Array2(4) = "أربعون" Array2(5) = "خمسون" Array2(6) = "ستون" Array2(7) = "سبعون" Array2(8) = "ثمانون" Array2(9) = "تسعون" Array3(0) = "" Array3(1) = "واحد" Array3(2) = "اثنان" Array3(3) = "ثلاثة" Array3(4) = "أربعة" Array3(5) = "خمسة" Array3(6) = "ستة" Array3(7) = "سبعة" Array3(8) = "ثمانية" Array3(9) = "تسعة" GetNumber = Format(Number, "000000000000.00") I = 0 Do While I < 15 If I < 12 Then MyNumber = Mid$(GetNumber, I + 1, 3) Else MyNumber = "0" + Mid$(GetNumber, I + 2, 2) End If If (Mid$(MyNumber, 1, 3)) > 0 Then ReadNumber = Mid$(MyNumber, 1, 1) My100 = Array1(ReadNumber) ReadNumber = Mid$(MyNumber, 3, 1) My1 = Array3(ReadNumber) ReadNumber = Mid$(MyNumber, 2, 1) My10 = Array2(ReadNumber) If Mid$(MyNumber, 2, 2) = 11 Then My11 = "إحدى عشرة" If Mid$(MyNumber, 2, 2) = 12 Then My12 = "إثنى عشرة" If Mid$(MyNumber, 2, 2) = 10 Then My10 = "عشرة" If ((Mid$(MyNumber, 1, 1)) > 0) And ((Mid$(MyNumber, 2, 2)) > 0) Then My100 = My100 + MyAnd If ((Mid$(MyNumber, 3, 1)) > 0) And ((Mid$(MyNumber, 2, 1)) > 1) Then My1 = My1 + MyAnd GetText = My100 + My1 + My10 If ((Mid$(MyNumber, 3, 1)) = 1) And ((Mid$(MyNumber, 2, 1)) = 1) Then GetText = My100 + My11 If ((Mid$(MyNumber, 1, 1)) = 0) Then GetText = My11 End If If ((Mid$(MyNumber, 3, 1)) = 2) And ((Mid$(MyNumber, 2, 1)) = 1) Then GetText = My100 + My12 If ((Mid$(MyNumber, 1, 1)) = 0) Then GetText = My12 End If If (I = 0) And (GetText "") Then If ((Mid$(MyNumber, 1, 3)) > 10) Then Billion = GetText + " مليار" Else Billion = GetText + " مليارات" If ((Mid$(MyNumber, 1, 3)) = 2) Then Billion = " مليار" If ((Mid$(MyNumber, 1, 3)) = 2) Then Billion = " مليارن" End If End If If (I = 3) And (GetText "") Then If ((Mid$(MyNumber, 1, 3)) > 10) Then Million = GetText + " مليون" Else Million = GetText + " ملايين" If ((Mid$(MyNumber, 1, 3)) = 1) Then Million = " مليون" If ((Mid$(MyNumber, 1, 3)) = 2) Then Million = " مليونان" End If End If If (I = 6) And (GetText "") Then If ((Mid$(MyNumber, 1, 3)) > 10) Then Thousand = GetText + " ألف" Else Thousand = GetText + " ألاف" If ((Mid$(MyNumber, 3, 1)) = 1) Then Thousand = " ألف" If ((Mid$(MyNumber, 3, 1)) = 2) Then Thousand = " ألفان" End If End If If (I = 9) And (GetText "") Then Hundred = GetText If (I = 12) And (GetText "") Then Fraction = GetText End If I = I + 3 Loop If (Billion "") Then If (Million "") Or (Thousand "") Or (Hundred "") Then Billion = Billion + MyAnd End If If (Million "") Then If (Thousand "") Or (Hundred "") Then Million = Million + MyAnd End If If (Thousand "") Then If (Hundred "") Then Thousand = Thousand + MyAnd End If If Fraction "" Then If (Billion "") Or (Million "") Or (Thousand "") Or (Hundred "") Then NumberToText = ReMark + Billion + Million + Thousand + Hundred + " " + MainCurrency + MyAnd + Fraction + " " + SubCurrency Else NumberToText = ReMark + Fraction + " " + SubCurrency End If Else NumberToText = ReMark + Billion + Million + Thousand + Hundred + " " + MainCurrency End If End Function
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