Am in UK and without doubt this band is truly astonishing! Truly dedicated would so love to see a performance in UK ? They would be warmley welcomed 👍👀🇬🇧
Amazing performance of the Mayday medley. Really loved the trombones. I can’t imagine the amount of time and practice for that one single public performance to never be repeated again by that same group of students. I’m just glad it was recorded and shared for the world to appreciate it.
@許四猴2 ай бұрын
@demef7589 ай бұрын
The band's musicianship has grown significantly since Professor Kaneshiro became the band director. This is an excellent performance that demonstrates good they have become. By now Japan has finally realized that it has its best ambassadors to the world in the form of the Kyoto Tachibana Senior High School Wind Band.
What a program---what a band!! Great repetoire covering all genres and played with quality, feeling and excitement. That is why these concerts play to a capacity crowd. They (the audience) get a gold quality performance. Not only is this a great marching band but also a musical and quality concert band. They exhibit great training and play with enthusiasm. Love those low clarinet trills in the piece before the marching peogram. Credits to the young man playing the set-he caught everything and played with great technique, excitement and TIME!!! Kudos to the conductor (name?) for producing a quality program here also. Very well done. Thank you Tachibana!!!
@mike-uk329 ай бұрын
Fine words, i agree with you everything. The conductor's name is Yutaka Kaneshiro (Band Director) and the clarinet girl who trilled in the piece before the marching was Noguchi-san(Drum Major)nickname Puncho.
@braintreecat9 ай бұрын
@@mike-uk32 Thanks Mike for the info. I have seen many of the groups videos and he is always there with them. I like his positivity and pleasant nature as well as his musicality. Former director Mr. Tanaka was not as productive with the detail work which is needed to get to the gold medal level this school has achieved for the past 3 years in All Japan competitions. BTW the clarinet girl ,is she also the DM ? very good player as well as leader . I'm looking forward to seeing and meeting them at he Rosebowl parade weekend this coming December. They are so very charming and accesible it would seam.
橘、大好きおじいさんです。2023年12月14日台湾国家音楽庁での公演は素晴らしかったです。第Ⅰ部座奏で初めて聞いた五月天MAYDAYメドレー「1.LOVE-ing 2.ピーター&マリー3.Jump The World」同曲の台湾オーケストラや学生の台湾学生の演奏も聞きましたが、サックスソロ、トロムボーン、トランペット、パーカッションなどなど橘の皆さん切れのいい音してました。台湾で人気のあるバンド曲を演奏したことで観客も喜んで頂けたと思います。
The TACHIBANA BAND GROUP has a legacy to leave at there school. And they will not forget the once in a life time experience they can share to there love ones. ❤🎉😂😊
@kelvinsmallwood63155 ай бұрын
Excellent performance & standard of playing. Like the band uniform. Very smart. First time I'm hearing this band. Have subscribed.
What a phenomenal performance!!! Congratulations to Kyoto Tachibana High School from Beaumont, California. Best wishes to all of you. 👏👏👏👏👏
@brianhawkes41788 ай бұрын
I have been following KT for about 6 years now , and never once have they disappointed me in musical ability , or their marching shows. God bless each and everyone of them. Past , present and future. Who knows, maybe I will be lucky enough to see them live one day.
@奥村宣充9 ай бұрын
流石、オレンジの悪魔。世界の人々を魅了させるパフォーマンス集団。プログラムの構成が素晴らしい。台湾の国家音楽堂で座奏となるとやはりクラッシック音楽かと思いましたが、オペラ アイーダの 凱旋行進曲、日本のアニメメドレー、台湾のポップスメドレー、We Are The Worldなど名曲を上手い様に構成され、観客に飽きさせなく楽しむ様に持っていき、引き付ける。流石。お見事です。私もクラッシックを進んで聴く様な事はありませんが。このプログラムなら楽しく見入ってしまいます。普段は、マーチングバンド(オレンジの悪魔)の動画をよく拝見しますが、座奏も凄くいいなぁ、と思いました。 果然是橙色惡魔。 一個令世界各地人們著迷的表演團體。 該程式的結構非常精彩。 在台灣國家音樂廳演出時,本以為是古典音樂,結果演出巧妙地融合了歌劇《阿依達的凱旋進行曲》、日本動漫混合曲、台灣流行混合曲、《我們是》等名曲。著它,讓你享受它而不感到無聊,並吸引它。 正如預期的那樣。 做得好。 我也不太聽古典音樂。 有了這個程式 我會喜歡看它。 我通常會看行進樂隊(橙色魔鬼)的視頻,但我認為扎卡樂隊的表演也非常好。(googleによる翻訳)
◆コンサート プログラム 10:14 歌劇アイーダより、凱旋行進曲とバレエ音楽(ジュゼッペ・ヴェルディ) 19:55 スーパー・マリオブラザーズ・メドレー(近藤浩治) 24:29 となりのトトロ(久石譲) 32:12 One Piece"We are!"(田中公平) 35:44 翼をください(村井邦彦) 41:52 メイディ・メドレー(阿信)[戀愛ing/志明與春嬌/離開地球表面] 49:36 We Are The World(ライオネル・リッチー,マイケル・ジャクソン) アンコール:全日本マーチングコンテスト曲 55:16 Fanfare for Tachibana 55:40 木陰の散歩道 (エドウィン・フランコ・ゴールドマン) 57:59 バラ色の人生(エディット・ピアフ) 59:34 The Sing ◆Concert program 10:14 Aida - Triumphal March (Giuseppe Verdi)/歌劇 阿依達的凱旋進行曲(威爾第) 19:55 Super Mario Bros. medley(Koji Kondo)/超級瑪利歐兄弟組曲(近藤浩治) 24:29 My Neighbor Totoro(Joe Hisaishi)/龍貓(久石譲) 32:12 One Piece"We are!"(Kohei Tanaka)/航海王主題曲(田中公平) 35:44 Tsubasa o Kudasai(Kunihiko Murai)/給我一雙翅膀(村井邦彦) 41:52 Mayday medley(Ashin)/五月天組曲(阿信) [戀愛ing/志明與春嬌/離開地球表面] 49:36 We Are The World(Lionel Richie,Michael Jackson) Encore:All Japan Marching Contest Program /全日本行進大賽 55:16 Fanfare for Tachibana 55:40 On the mall (Edwin Franko Goldman) /行進在林蔭大道上(戈德曼) 57:59 La Vie en rose (Édith Piaf)/玫瑰人生(愛迪·琵雅芙) 59:34 The Sing
I am an italian fan. My heart belongs to them, yesterday, today, tomorrow.🇮🇹❤️🇯🇵
@Akirajpkyototachibana9 ай бұрын
@alberthead48069 ай бұрын
im not one to sit and listen to an orchestra, but these girls are mesmerising loved every minute of it, also love the marching that they perform, wish they would come to england
Thanks for video. Great performance by KT. Enjoyed watching the now graduated seniors. May they find future musical superior experiences. 😮
@PrescottJackson-ih9ow9 ай бұрын
@許四猴8 ай бұрын
@yaeyamanienie48179 ай бұрын
吹奏楽部の皆さん、学校関係者の皆さん素敵な動画の公開をありがとうございます。台湾のみなさん暖かなおもてなしを本当にありがとうございました。マーチングやパレード、フィールドコンサートで見る元気、笑顔いっぱいの表情とはまた違った座奏でのキリッと引き締まった皆さんの表情もとてもいいですね。ローズパレード遠征には更に117期、118期、119期、123期の皆さんが加わるという事ですので本当に楽しみな気持ちでいっぱいです。個人的にはパーカス隊はメンバー的にも特に注目したい楽器パートの一つです。ローズパレード、一人でも多くの先輩方が参加できる様に台湾の皆さんをはじめ世界中で応援されている皆さんと一緒に応援とともに願っております。 We are the world !! 頑張れ !! 京都橘高等学校吹奏楽部 !!! 🇹🇼🇯🇵🇺🇸😃
Thank you for sharing this! These students are so talented.
@LL-ii1dc8 ай бұрын
No one mentioned about the glockenspiel girl who had injured her back during the trip and was missing in many of the performances while stuck in a wheelchair. But she ignored the pain and participated in this concert on the last evening of the trip since the band needed her. Next day she was back in the wheelchair at the airport going back to Japan. What an awesome and dedicated girl! 👏🍊
能力許可的朋友,幫忙資助她們美國玫瑰花車遊行吧~讓全世界更多人看見她們的活力與笑容(If you could, please support Kyoto Tachibana SHS for their trip to the 2025 Rose Parade ! Let more people in the world see their vitalities and beautiful smiles !)