Kyrie Eleison.

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quilt heron

quilt heron

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@kevin-yc3pm Жыл бұрын
この音楽と演出は本当に衝撃的です。壊れそうなノイズ混じりのオルゴール、俯いた微笑み、圧倒的な立ち姿。 彼女のことはあまり知りませんが、想像を超えるような心情を抱く様が表現されていると思いました。見てるこちらが胸が苦しくなり涙するような。
@murisu1829 Жыл бұрын
에덴조약 보기 전에는 그냥 몽글몽글하고 따뜻한 멜로디라서 마냥 좋았는데 보고 나니까 미카의 복잡한 심정과 내면의 변화 같은 것들이 느껴진달까... 스토리 볼때 그 장면의 감동이 다시 밀려오네요...
@グランドねこ 2 жыл бұрын
ミカというひとりの少女が辿った顛末と紡いだ物語を凝縮したかのようでほんとに好き これからの彼女の未来に少しでも希望と幸福があらんことを
@user-xr7pp1uf1x 7 ай бұрын
@空崎-p8g 3 ай бұрын
@@user-xr7pp1uf1x うわ性格悪
@凪誠士郎-y4g Жыл бұрын
People loved Mika, hated Mika, then truly love Mika.
@CunnyLover727 8 ай бұрын
HSR Penacony story quest be like
@astrolocheese 8 ай бұрын
@@CunnyLover727 bro
@marlotina 8 ай бұрын
@@CunnyLover727 Didn't people liked all penaconny story quests?
@CunnyLover727 8 ай бұрын
@@marlotina Gallagher
@marlotina 8 ай бұрын
@@CunnyLover727 gallagher what?
@tungleo8464 Ай бұрын
I dont care if everyone hate her, I just love Mika so much
@노-j4l Жыл бұрын
근데 일러 진짜 잘 뽑힌게 그냥 그림만 보면 미소녀가 눈감고 있다가 뜨고 웃는걸로 밖에 안보이지만 에덴조약 스토리를 다 본 상태에서 보면 진짜 저 표정에 얼마나 많은것이 담겨 있는지 보는 입장에서 북받쳐오르는 느낌임. 그러다 마지막에 고고하게 서 있는 모습보고 감탄한다
@鴉-j7l 10 ай бұрын
ある所に心優しいお姫様が居ました そのお姫様は迫害された者達と仲良くしたいと思いました ですが、迫害された者達は悪い魔女達に洗脳されていました そして、お姫様も悪い魔女の手によって魔女にされてしまいました お姫様は魔女になり、暴走してしまいましたが最後にもう一度迫害された者達の為に力を尽くし未来に送り出す為に1人で強力な魔女の手先に挑みます そうして、お姫様だった魔女はボロボロになりながらも5人の迫害された者達を未来に送り出し自分はここで終わりだと思い、Kyrie Eleisonを歌い5人の未来を守り通しました ですがそれを良しとしない王子様が居ました 王子様は"大人のカード"を使いお姫様を救い出す為にお姫様の前に出ます 「私なんて放っておいて、問題児なんだから助ける価値等無い」とお姫様は言います ですが、王子様は言います 「君は確かに問題児だけど、それが助けない理由に、背を向ける理由にならない」 強力な魔女の手先に向けて王子様は言い放ちます 「私の……大切なお姫様に何をしてるの!!!!!」 最高のアレンジをありがとうございました!!!!
@RevenantKim 5 ай бұрын
これが私がお姫様が好きな理由です。 😇 素敵な要約ありがとうございます。 🙏
@mohammades2756 2 ай бұрын
Daamn Bros hand is on fire ✍️💯
@mieruleyman Жыл бұрын
I'm definitely coming back to this in another 10 years and would say "this aged like a fine wine".
@The-Nie Жыл бұрын
Ah yea...
@mieruleyman Жыл бұрын
@@astronull8589 are we talking about the popularity of the game rn? It still is, so does the community. But if you're asking about its fate 10 years later, well.. I can't give a good prediction, but let us all pray for the best. 🙏
@astronull8589 Жыл бұрын
@@mieruleyman yeah I'm talking about 10 years later, imagine the story is still continue until people become completely forget about eden treaty. That would be funny I think . . .
@mieruleyman Жыл бұрын
@@astronull8589 eh that's how everything usually goes, everything fades with time. But when you remembered of it someday, and it held a special place in your heart, it always feels like the first time again. It may have been months since I cleared Eden Treaty arc, but I do still remember of it sometimes, usually when it was brought up again.
@gammafive6598 11 ай бұрын
​@@mieruleymanit is the responsibility of us adults to remember the stories that would otherwise be lost to the past and hand them over to our students. So that those stories may live on. So fellow senseis, let us remember these tales and pass them on as our duty, as our responsibility, for the future generations......for our students
@もふもふ-n8r 2 жыл бұрын
@tkg5400 Жыл бұрын
@tkg5400 Жыл бұрын
@@user-hato612 なるほど!ありがとうございます!!
@tapionwakasu 10 ай бұрын
@Liren_ceq. Жыл бұрын
그냥 미쳤네요 리믹스 듣고 눈물 머금은건 처음입니다 듣는 내내 소름이였어요
@平成土器 2 жыл бұрын
初めてこの曲を聴かせてもらった時にミカに対する思いが溢れ出て涙が本当に止まりませんでした。最初は明るい雰囲気の曲調で天真爛漫なミカのことを表現しているように感じました。また、間奏の不協和音の所では魔女と呼ばれていた時の精神が不安定で今にも壊れそうなミカが頭に浮かんできました。そして、最後のパートでは自分の行った過ちに向き合い未来に羽ばたこうとするミカが表現されていると僕は感じました。僕はこの曲から、聖園ミカという乙女がこれから先、犯した罪の償い それも、とても険しく困難で、立ち止まりそうになることもある厳しい道のりを乗り越えて、その先に待っている星のように明るく輝く希望に満ちた未来を手に入れるだろうと感じました。
@까만콩돌이 2 жыл бұрын
@korea34121 Жыл бұрын
구글 번역기 성능 개쩜 다 읽히네
@Gozieaaa 4 ай бұрын
I don't speak spanish but true, this piece is so emotional I almost cried too I love Mika she's my favourite student with the likes of hoshino and hina right behind
@hauxikan5551 Жыл бұрын
I keep coming back to this piece. I can just imagine this song used in the Mimesis fight while she lament how she forgive Saori, and hope herself would be forgiven
@sutoria126 11 ай бұрын
100万再生おめでとう‼︎ この先彼女希望溢れ、明るい未来を祝福のように素敵な音楽、改めて感謝いたします!!
@doderg4287 Жыл бұрын
와. ... 용하형 뭐해...얼른 이분모셔다가 우리 미카공주님 전투씬에 이 브금 넣어줬어야지ㅠㅠ 2:55 진짜. .울어요ㅠㅜㅠ
@Issin_L Жыл бұрын
@nearcoffee 6 ай бұрын
@최진우-c9e Жыл бұрын
좋은 곡 감사합니다. 오늘도 이 곡 들으며 힘낼게요.
@getbluespheres3k 10 ай бұрын
Absolutely beautiful
@TerkoizRHG Жыл бұрын
I...actually tried to use this song as a battle BGM when we need to save our precious Princess in our Final Battle against the Saintess, and I...oh my god what a perfect song this is for that Battle. It's like I could give her every chance in the world to ensure that she will be saved and forgiven for all that she did, and this song in that battle is the proof that she finally got what she wished for.
@dennisdustin6895 Жыл бұрын
Sounds cool, on what game?
@TerkoizRHG Жыл бұрын
@@dennisdustin6895 Blue Archive, specifically on Eden Treaty chapter 4
@Erika_Itsumi313 Жыл бұрын
How was Oorai?
@TerkoizRHG Жыл бұрын
@@Erika_Itsumi313 always, but Anglerfish team already down so maybe Jatkosota will have a chance to win now lol
@moonbeast9304 Жыл бұрын
Did mika die 😭
@bjwnss037 Жыл бұрын
주인장의 음악엔 자비가 있다..
@qwerasmr369 2 жыл бұрын
후반 하이라이트가 너무 좋다 일러랑 너무 잘맞음... 에덴조약 4장 후반부 보고와서 그런지 더 감동적이게 보이네요ㅜㅜ
@haru_1r Жыл бұрын
본인 3장 24화에서 막혔는ㄷ..
@JoshuaGreatXD 2 жыл бұрын
Really does give out "redemption" vibes and just fits Mika's story well. Another great work.
@newel9566 Жыл бұрын
에덴조약 = 빌드업의 신
@비둘둘기-u9l Жыл бұрын
이사쿠상을 숭배하라!
@데저트이글0630 Жыл бұрын
근데 피카츄는 아직 총알이 남았대요
@lilillillilllilllilillilllil Жыл бұрын
vanitas vanitatum et omnia vanitasvanitas vanitatum et omnia vanitasvanitas vanitatum et omnia vanitasvanitas vanitatum et omnia vanitasvanitas vanitatum et omnia vanitasvanitas vanitatum et omnia vanitasvanitas vanitatum et omnia vanitasvanitas vanitatum et omnia vanitasvanitas vanitatum et omnia vanitas
이사쿠상 = 신
@뿡댕뿡댕이 7 ай бұрын
우리의 것이 아닌증오는 나를 더욱 강하게 만들어주었다
@逆鱗に触レデリカ Жыл бұрын
自分もブルアカやってるのですが可哀想な物語が苦手(胸が苦しくなるから)という理由もあってなかなかストーリーを読み進められないんですよね…。 そんな私ですが、この曲は何度聴いてもものすごい鳥肌が立ちます! それくらいあなたの作った曲は素晴らしく大好きです🥰 上手く言葉に出来ず変な文章になってますが、とにかく本当にありがとうございます(語彙力gm)
@はひふへほ-e3d Жыл бұрын
@逆鱗に触レデリカ Жыл бұрын
@McCaroni_Sup 8 ай бұрын
If they ever make a season adaptation of Volume 3 of Blue Archive animation featuring Mika's stand against the Mimesis, they should just straight up use this track for the scene.
@vungotranlong4245 4 ай бұрын
Totally agree. Just take all my money and make it as peak as possible.
@林曉夏 2 жыл бұрын
1:06 so beautiful... the drums in this part also elegant
@루먀-q6f 2 жыл бұрын
호시노 리믹스때부터 봤는데 진짜 리믹스잘하시네요 좋은 노래 만들어 주셔서 감사합니다
@user-ot8wl7oh9s Жыл бұрын
I just finished the eden treaty story and goddamn it was an emotional roller-coaster. I'd give Mika infinite chances she deserves that much :(
@AltereggoLol1 7 ай бұрын
That girl is crazy, she'll use all of them.
@Gozieaaa 4 ай бұрын
​@@AltereggoLol1 tf? Dude she's just a crack jack wanna be princess who's obsessed with us, give her some attention and she'll be tamed just like the rest of the cast
@hq_archive 4 ай бұрын
@@AltereggoLol1 And I'd let her do it all over again.
@denimardison5527 Жыл бұрын
Everything from the song to the image choices in this is legendary. What a work of art
@kakutasu8940 Жыл бұрын
聖園ミカというキャラクターにピッタリの曲だと思います 素晴らしい曲をありがとう
@jasonorjoshlee7607 Жыл бұрын
The vibes this music gives is so good and matches the story perfectly, Mika is not a witch and will never be.
@peternguyen7530 Жыл бұрын
Mika Misono is Sensei's princess, and she will always be.
@Gozieaaa 4 ай бұрын
She's a princess fr, I mean, literally, have you seen the damage her ability does I've never acquired a student this powerful in my arsenal she's strong enough to match her strength in game, I call her the perfect student too, strong in lore? Absolutely, strong in game? YEAH, cute? Yes. Princess? No doubt, story arc? Well that's all of blue archive but yes
@your-average-guy 8 ай бұрын
Happy belated birthday my princess
@zyren3508 6 ай бұрын
Our princess
@ハム-c2l 8 ай бұрын
@nya0ha210 3 ай бұрын
幸せになれじゃない。 幸せにするんだよ。
@TAR5899 2 жыл бұрын
이번에도 역대급 음악 뽑아내신 것 같습니다 멜로딕 요소가 큰데도 벅차는 느낌이 제대로 느껴지네요 좋은 곡 감사합니다!
@2323-e2k Жыл бұрын
가장 좋아하는 리믹스. 노래 듣고 있으면 미카랑 에덴조약 스토리가 머리속에 맴돌음
@fami0709 Ай бұрын
Man I Love Mika
@like_MIYU 3 ай бұрын
역시 미소녀 미카
@Thugsled 2 жыл бұрын
음악도 잘 만들고 철학적인 요소도 잘 녹여내는 채널 주인장
@c드래곤-w3o Жыл бұрын
만든건 아닙니다민
@인한최-y1j Жыл бұрын
@Thugsled Жыл бұрын
@@인한최-y1j 알고 있습니다
@firz8744 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for making this video, I understand how you feels through this melody. Your creativity is amazing and I'm glad that you are part of this community.
@SkimLives 8 ай бұрын
I literally thought this was part of the official ost and i just read the description after months. Good. F***in'. Job.
@prachshirop Жыл бұрын
Such a beautiful remix for a beautiful moment, the emotion that come from the melody really fit well with the scene, it one of the best remix i ever heard, absolutely stunning.
@mallory438 2 жыл бұрын
Perfection.. thanks for your great work as always.
@rev321 Жыл бұрын
I've been listening to this for months now, and never cease to be moved and amazed by it. Of course, it is because I also experienced the story that I can relate to these emotions. I can really tell you poured your heart into this one, great work!
@killstreaklover1 2 ай бұрын
cant stop loving u. im listening to this for 4 hours straight.. i cant stop loving u..
@killstreaklover1 4 күн бұрын
i just watched eden treaty over again.. and just became to love you much more
@killstreaklover1 3 күн бұрын
the song length is 4:23 and eden treaty chapter 4 episode 23 is the part which mika sings kyrie eleison...
@haru_1r Жыл бұрын
진짜 찢었다..
@harrydavid6070 2 жыл бұрын
YOO that dissident music box tho!! Awesome work
@chrizki Жыл бұрын
music box part is so perfect mika's descent is really this one for sure then the redemption and getting saved just
@レッドレイダー 10 ай бұрын
@opphone1247 6 ай бұрын
The amount of times I listened to this during vacation is insane
@Fahri-21_Rawwr 15 күн бұрын
Lagunya enak banget bg...
@petal2170 2 жыл бұрын
@privateaccount7727 Жыл бұрын
I played this music while I pulled mika and got guaranteed. What a wonderful day, mika? >:(
@かなてぃぃぃ Жыл бұрын
ミカって美しいよな なんであんなゴリラなんだろうな ギャップ萌えってこゆこと?
@김동원-c6e1e Жыл бұрын
에덴 다보고 들으니까 더 좋네요 항상 잘 듣고 있습니다
@이무혁-n1f Жыл бұрын
이거 듣고 블루 아카이브 시작 했습니다 감사합니다
@set.u Жыл бұрын
센세 환영합니다! 스토리도 즐겨주세요!
@octopusoup Жыл бұрын
I really adore the feelings and love you put into this. A prayer, a desire, a longing for mercy and forgiveness that you feebly grasp at. Sometimes, even the forgiveness is a bit painful. That's what I felt from this.
@zetsuboublogger Жыл бұрын
Since I've got Mika, it's time for me to listening this song to celebrate our dear princess!
@konekopoi7480 8 ай бұрын
mark my word, i will be back once a year to celebrate with Mika.
@tokkitokkitoto 11 ай бұрын
거의 매일 듣는 것 같습니다 1M 축하드립니다!!
@qitaochi Жыл бұрын
@kertgp8275 Жыл бұрын
Never played blue archive but saw this in my recommendations this music is great earned my sub keep up the good work
@belibeli7160 Жыл бұрын
2:35 날 울게 만든 구간의 시작
@skidner 8 ай бұрын
This is amazing. I wish this was on Apple music
@farrasdarysantosa8682 7 ай бұрын
@takumitya4696 2 жыл бұрын
@TNPhan 6 ай бұрын
The best arc so far with Vol.1 Chapter 3 as a close second. Got her right after the 3.5 anni banner, my favorite character writing wise in the game
@ただの気まぐれ人 5 ай бұрын
@안상민-y5x 8 ай бұрын
몇 번을 듣는지.. 들을때마다 좋네
@treeonion6810 Жыл бұрын
감사합니다 sensei...
@bittersuet 2 жыл бұрын
This has to be one of my favorites from you, amazing
@abednegoshigure5545 Жыл бұрын
As an Christian, i love nexon using Kyrie Eleison as main BGM for Mika, and dude this mix so banger 😭. Thanks, may God bless you
@십자전등 Жыл бұрын
게임 캐릭터에게 감사기도를 올린 건 처음이였어요.. ㅠㅠ 복음을 게임으로 경험할 줄은 몰랐어요. ㅠㅠㅠ 포근했어요. ㅠㅠ
@십자전등 Жыл бұрын
정말 오랜만이였어요. 울고 있다가 누군가가 달래주는 느낌이요. ㅠㅠ
@jsh8738 Жыл бұрын
이게 공식이 아니라고? 😍
@Yonn_107 3 ай бұрын
Love the arrangement.
@くわがた-m9t 8 ай бұрын
@Usuallysomething Жыл бұрын
I've been listening to this for months, it just sounds so good...
@qpeo3870 Жыл бұрын
천사같은 미소
@jbh0306 Жыл бұрын
솔직히 처음 들을 땐 별 생각 없이 제 취향 아니다 싶어서 넘겼는데요. 네... 에덴조약 4장 다 보고 다시 들으니 미치겠네요.
@slim_-yl1mf Жыл бұрын
가슴이 웅장해진다..
@whasung Жыл бұрын
난 이 브금 원곡을 왜 넣었나 했는데 다른 브금보다 별로임 갱 취향을 안타나? 쨌든 전 너무 별로 였디만 의미 하나만큼은 잘 넣었다 라고 생각됨
@benedictmagangat905 Жыл бұрын
Since the first day I heard this mix of Kyrie Eleison, I haven't lived a single day without listening to it at least once(I listen to it like more than 20 times actually lol). It's like the oxygen that when I breathe, the blood that my heart pumps, the water that I drink when I am thirsty and the food that I eat whenever I'm hungry. Thank you for this very amazing and lively mix of the song, I can feel Mika's redemption and salvation through it! INFINITE CHANCES for her and everyone!
@mathildaleina4771 Жыл бұрын
we're the same!!!! I listen to this song like a hundred times!
@IdkAlcohol 4 ай бұрын
Soo.... Do you still listen to this?
@azusafloat 2 жыл бұрын
Without sensei, mika will never achieve redemption. Wow
@whatdadogdoin4848 Жыл бұрын
dude this is so good. im just speechless
@LuminousKaru Жыл бұрын
I love how trinity school is closely related to reality in terms of being a catholic school in real life.
@McCaroni_Sup 8 ай бұрын
As someone who went to a Catholic school... if only.
@tactiyon Жыл бұрын
This is sick, love it.
@Wakamo_Kosaka Жыл бұрын
@정우-j5u Жыл бұрын
개좋아요 잘 듣고 갑니다
@vallainz 7 ай бұрын
i love Mika
@카르비젤 Жыл бұрын
진짜 언제 들어도 지린다. 역사에 길이 남을 리믹스.. 미카 항상 수호해..
@tag417 9 ай бұрын
항상 듣는 블루아카이브 최고의 리믹스
@Berryyyyyjam 2 ай бұрын
I love Misono Mika
@cehnd2662 Жыл бұрын
the BA team sould hire this guy as their sound designer cuz GODDAMMMMMMMMMNNNN BROOOOO
@sirbachelorboredmen1314 Жыл бұрын
It's calming and gives a sense of hope, even Mika ex animation gives the same vibe
@안상민-y5x Жыл бұрын
아주 좋네요
@Gozieaaa 4 ай бұрын
Ngl i think i should stop listening to this it's pulling me back to the past when i was just in 10th and life was good and then the terror of highschool eviscerated my soul, it's a painful bliss listening to this, literally causes my guts to rumble if i think about the past with this playing, god... music is such an impactful part of media isn't it? Do y'all agree? (Asking for some interaction on a post as old as this ain't no way that's possible 💀)
@qqpp6017 Жыл бұрын
자비송을 나를 위해서가 아니라 타인을 위해서 불러주는 거라고 깨닳은 미카 진짜 눈물나게 갸륵했지 ㅜㅜ
@3305y Жыл бұрын
공식 브금인줄 알았는데 아니였구나 지리네;;
@洪承恩-o1q 8 ай бұрын
me too.
@NagiChanBestFriendo 2 жыл бұрын
Kyrie for Courageous Girls "I pray that one day the wounds you've suffered will heal and that a bright future awaits you; one full of opportunity. I forgive you, because doing so will lead to a better ending. Your future will be filled with adversity; You may be condemned to never walk in the light again. But even so, if you can find it in yourselves to believe that there will be light at the end of the road... then I hope that will help you save yourself as well. You still have time. You'll be fine. May you find happiness on the road ahead, and blessings to guide you along. Kyrie Eleison, Kyrie Eleison."
@ishicucked Жыл бұрын
" *Yorokobe Shoujo* "
@alreadyfuell Жыл бұрын
I got goosebumps the first time reading this in the story, and getting it again after re reading this. It’s just that powerful.
@nanja7773 Жыл бұрын
Lord, have mercy! Praise be the one true God!
@shimikonde 2 жыл бұрын
너무 좋아요.. 노래랑 영상이랑도 참 잘맞는듯
@tofufish2004 Жыл бұрын
Amazing ❤❤❤
@chfy826 Жыл бұрын
This was so good that i actually thought that this was really the original mika theme
@purplejgsdf5254 Жыл бұрын
The music box must be the best part of this music. It show how Mika's kindness and normal as a student, she made mistake and she want to correct it, she want to be a princess as fairy tales BUT for her ''sin'' she thought she can't. after the music box which In the very moment Sensei come out to help Mika because Sensei said he/she would always be with Mika. '' HOW DARE YOU HURT MY PRECIOUS PRINCESS LIKE THAT!!'' --- Sensei
@dappy8116 4 ай бұрын
As the Witch of Trinity stood on the schola cantorum, the Mimesis' screech echoed throughout the church. A cold breeze flew past the hall as the moonlight shined upon her. The pipe organ and the gramophone's melody ringed her ears. A song of mercy played in her dire predicament, such fitting irony made her forget thinking how such a miracle happened. "I never did like this song very much." Memories of her beloved prince flashed through her mind. Heroically saving a certain princess, running towards her side like a knight in shining armor. Leading a broken band of soldiers who O' so desperately yearned for happiness. The prince who gave her hope in her O' so bleak world. A fleeting dream crossed by as she closed her eyes. The dream of wanting to be a princess saved by such a hero. The witch had finally come to realize the truth. The truth of the soldiers' situation and the truth of her actions. She prayed for their salvation as she desperately wished for her suffering to subside. Just as she begged for a second chance, she longed for forgiveness. As these thoughts flowed through her, the Mimesis marched towards her. "Where are you going? Do you have a class reunion or something?" The witch smirked at the army of death which stood right in front of her. "I can't let you pass unfortunately. Past here, the characters of a fairy tale are fighting for their salvation." She leaned forward and pointed her back as to mock such entities. "Villains like us aren't allowed to enter." Because she finally accepted her role in her story. Her prince's smile flashed through her mind one last time. "Okay, Sensei. Save those kids." She loaded her gun. "I'll guard this place, one way or another." And so, Mika Misono moved forward.
@hauxikan5551 4 ай бұрын
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