" 抗爭者一方就能自詡抱持崇高理想、站在道德高地充當「判官」,肆無忌憚辨認哪些是違反自己理念的「敵人」,採取暴力手段去加以討伐,然後還透過指鹿為馬式的詭辯來「自我認可」,抗爭者反對政府的基礎,正正是源於其缺乏民意授權,但如果他們走上了與反對一方相同的道路,那麼他們還能算作抗爭者嗎?" No! They Uncivilized Savages brutal people. They are Terrorists!
I want to point out that what happened in Hong Kong recently has nothing to do with the freedom of speech and assembly. It is radical and violent behaviors that violate law, which directly undermines the foundation of rule of law in Hong Kong, goes against the Basic Law and Hong Kong's local laws. We support the police in punishing the perpetrators of such illegal violence to safeguard social stability in Hong Kong.