B 看看那些廢死都用一堆前提就知道他們的論點根本站不住腳。 最基礎就是已經100%確定A殺了B,B的生命權都被A剝奪走了,A還配有生命權?而且如果是C買凶要求A幫忙殺人,A跟C都必須受到懲罰,但該死的那個人還是A,因為A實際去實施了。 還在那邊討論冤罪成本,如果今天D幫殺人犯E頂罪頂一頂又說我只是幫別人頂罪不能殺我這樣,你都幫人頂罪了還想要又賺到酬勞又不擔責任?就該判死讓以後沒人敢再頂罪。 如果這些團體這麼有心有力,就幫忙收容這些罪犯啊,然後還要因為不讓犯人被關起來負起那些犯人繼續做案的責任,最好就居住在一起,看會不會也被這些殺人犯強姦犯怎麼樣。
I'd prefer to replace death sentence with life sentence. However, all discussion on this topic should start with public awareness in rule of law, transparency of administrations and independent of justice system. On top of that, creativity of the government is most important. Nothing works if the people doesn't trust the government and doesn't believe the law can protect them.
@徐复仇3 жыл бұрын
I hope you don’t force others to agree with your wrong theory