@@水梨俠 In politics, the term may be used to suggest that a person or group is being oppressed or ostracised. The Telegraph has compared cancel culture to "modern-day witch trials".[168] Former US president Donald Trump frequently used the term on Twitter, referring to various investigations[169][170] and the impeachment proceedings against him as witch-hunts.[171][172][173] During his presidency he used the phrase over 330 times.[174] The National Rifle Association of America used the term in an unsuccessful bid to dismiss the New York attorney general's lawsuit against the organization for alleged fraud. 不止中文有这个概念。当然更好用的是cancel culture but中文语境根本没有广为流传的翻译。用文革倒是说明确实不大了解文革,但随着时间推移没准真的会变成新的骂人话😅