You all probably dont care at all but does any of you know a method to get back into an Instagram account?? I stupidly forgot the login password. I appreciate any assistance you can give me!
个人认为粤语歌好细腻,包括歌词作曲都系。所以见到下面呢评论话唔适合比赛也都明白。但系听晒克勤系我是歌手唱d歌,佢都做了很多改动,先唔讲系咪迎合内地听众,但真系多左好多拉长既音,i mean, which is good, ppl want creative, right? 不过个人认为单车结尾狂或野既野原版既轻音更加带出歌既细腻:)but anyways, we listen what the singers sing and they try their best to produce best songs.