Mr. Shiu, it costs you $18,000 CAD to become a private pilot when starting with no previous experience in BC Canada. You can also receive tax credit on your tuition fee.
同大家介紹返,10歲開始美國生活的王青霞博士 。她的qualification 綜合如下: 1. Stanford PhD in mechanical engineering in combustion engines 2. Stanford degree mechanical engineering in computer science 3. Leiden university bachelor degree visual effects and design 4. Leiden university college liberal arts and sciences 5. Stanford University certified managment Accountant CMA-USA 6. CFA 7. 博士後研究生 8. 北京航空航天大學EMBA(原來佢自己連學校名都寫錯) 9. 國家科學技術進步獎一等獎得主 10. 國泰CX881機長👩✈️ 11. Mensa 成員 12. 飛機工程師 證據需要予以保存
@appleteahui851811 ай бұрын
@patchow703511 ай бұрын
@familytse562611 ай бұрын
其實王小姐的 behaviour 比較似一個 sale person.
@hcl829211 ай бұрын
@chonfatchan151611 ай бұрын
01出左張博士證書圖,上面寫PhD in Biomedical Informatics, minor in Statistics。