Just dug out that for Santander, minimum deposit of PD75,000 required for international customers.
@852pigUK4 жыл бұрын
Thanks for info. There was no such requirement when I made this video. Probably they have changed the requirement?
@JN-yx9zq4 жыл бұрын
Barclays 今年8月才將香港人門檻訂為£100000
@gigilau4153 жыл бұрын
好多好多資訊,多謝晒 (agreed with Mimi Tse that it would be better if you could slow down. Not only I feel stressed listening to you, when you're constantly speaking so fast, it may mean that your body is stressed ie constantly in a flight or fight mode which is bad for your health, on a long term basis)!
@852pigUK3 жыл бұрын
Thank you. Yes, used to the Hong Kong pace which is too fast, should definitely slow down.
官網寫Jersey Branch戶口有£50,000保障。 All accounts opened with Santander Financial Services plc, Jersey Branch have situs in Jersey and therefore are not covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme established under the UK Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 or by the Isle of Man Depositors’ Compensation Scheme. Santander Financial Services plc, Jersey Branch is a participant in the Jersey Bank Depositors Compensation Scheme. The Scheme offers protection for eligible deposits of up to £50,000. The maximum total amount of compensation is capped at £100,000,000 in any 5 year period. Full details of the Scheme and banking groups covered are available on the States of Jersey website www.gov.je/dcs, or on request.
@CC li 防止洗錢並不能用來讓銀行將散戶拒之門外的藉口。 (根本就係階級的歧視。點解同樣俾銀行月費,有錢佬就可以開戶?唔夠錢嘅話就你就算肯俾月費,我銀行都唔收你。因為嫌散窮,唔夠油水。唔係因為你可能犯法、洗錢。畢竟究竟有1000萬嘅人洗錢嘅機會大,定系只有10萬蚊嘅人洗錢嘅機會大。已經一覽無遺。) 歡迎反駁。
如果香港有HSBC premiers 戶口,HSBC expat 係咪冇最低存款要求?同埋最初可以唔洗放錢落去呢?
@852pigUK4 жыл бұрын
官方網站收費表咁樣講,可見已有Premier,應該唔會再有存款要求: Customers who qualify as an HSBC Premier customer in any part of the HSBC Group are automatically eligible for our HSBC Premier service and do not need to maintain the minimum Relationship Balance with HSBC Expat. Please advise us if you qualify as a Premier customer in any other part of the HSBC group. 另外,開戶要求是以下任何一個,所以已有Premier,應該不需計初始資金: New HSBC Expat customers must be 18 years or over and meet one of these criteria: - hold a minimum of £50,000 (or currency equivalent) with us - have a sole salary of £100,000 (or currency equivalent) - have already qualified for HSBC Premier in another country
@852Henshin4 жыл бұрын
Just put 50,000pounds and you can enjoy the HSBC Premiers in the World including Hong Kong. No need to put HK1M in HK any more and still be Premier. But you have to set HSBC Expat as you HOME bank.