English Fan Translation 👑🧛♀💗 「見たわね? 見られたからには、死んでもらう......」 “You saw it, right? Since you have seen everything, prepare to meet death……” 美しい月夜に 運のない男ね On a beautiful moonlit night, the tale of a luckless man 私が噂の Vampire Queen Before him, I am the rumoured Vampire Queen 教会の異端審問官に 負わされた傷も * The wounds inflicted by the inquisitors of the church お前の血が 癒やすでしょう With your blood it is sure to heal me 急に何よ 綺麗なんて 言われたことがなくて What so suddenly, things like I’m pretty, these words that I have never been told 私を死ぬ前に描きたいって Before I die, I want to make you a masterpiece, he said お前って画家なの ふーん? You’re one of those painters huh, hm Dear The Night I Loved 私、綺麗なの? 鏡に映らないこの身を Am I not, just beautiful? The reflection of this body the mirror doesn’t show 見てみたい そんな願いが ふと過ぎったの I want to see, such a fleeting wish suddenly inside of me 勘違いしないで いつでも殺せるわ But don’t get it wrong, I can end you at any time. 「モデルってじっとしてなきゃダメ? “You can’t move while modelling? くしゃみくらいはしてもいいのよね? But it’s okay to sneeze, right? ねぇ、私、変な格好してない? Hey, I’m not dressed up weirdly, am I? 流行りの服とか良くわかんないんだけど I’m not very familiar with what’s fashionable but お前が買ったこれ、ちゃんと私に似合ってるんでしょうね? I guess since you bought this, I suppose it suits me, right? ……? 寝癖!? ダメよ! ……? Bed hair!? No way! 寝癖は描かなくていいわ! There’s no need to draw the bed hair! 高貴なVampire Queenに寝癖はいらない―― A noble Vampire Queen doesn’t have any bed hair- ――何笑ってんのよ!」 -what are you laughing about!” 画家との日々は まぁ 悪くはなかったわ Each day with the painter, well, it wasn’t so bad after all そんな自分に戶惑って And only confused more inside of me 完成した絵を見たい でも、完成してほしくない I want to see the finished piece and yet, I don’t want it to be complete 過ぎ去る日に乱されて Each day passing continued to bother me 人と怪物だってことを 時々忘れそうで I seem to often forget that we are just, in the end people and monsters 独りで これまでも これからも 私は夜を彷徨う All alone by myself up until then and from now on, wandering the night I shall continue Dear The Night I Loved 私強いの 闇をも従える力で I know I am powerful, even with strength to conquer over the darkness どうして振りほどけ無いの 触らないで Yet even so, why can’t I break from you? Don’t you dare touch me 勘違いしないで 容易く殺せるわ But don’t you get it wrong, I can end you quite effortlessly. 「......良く描けているが、罪深い絵だ。 “… A skillfully rendered painting, yet it is steeped in sin. 我々は神の威光を称える芸術以外、認めていない。 Any art that does not glorify the Majesty of our Lord, we do not condone of. モデルとなった吸血⻤の居場所を、答えてもらう」 The whereabouts of the vampire who served as the model, you shall disclose to me now.” 教会の 拷問に遭った 傷だらけの お前を抱く The torture from the church and now, clutching to your body, covered in wounds 私を売れば 命くらい 助かったはず If you only sold me out, you could’ve surely saved the life that you had 勘違いしないで 私はお前を 殺すつもりだった Please don’t be mistaken, I had always been planning, that I was going to end you 勘違いさせないで Please tell me I’m mistaken Dear The Night I Loved 「こんな綺麗じゃない」 “I’m not this beautiful!” お前が遺した絵の中で 柔らに 少女が微笑う これがそうなら Within the painting of me you left behind, is the face of a girl smiling gently. If this is to be it 涙で崩れた私は何なの!? Suddenly breaking down into tears, what am I supposed to be? Dear The Night I Loved 私強くない I am not all that strong お前が描いたこの感情を 窓から夜明けが照らし 遠く隔て And the emotions that you painted across your piece, from the window as daybreak shines through, are now long gone from here 勘違いじゃなかった 殺せぬ想いだけ 夜へと 連れ去るわ I was never mistaken, with my unkillable feelings into the night I’ll take them away --- *異端審問官 (itanshinmonkan - inquisitor): the vocals sung are ハンター (hantaa - hunter) I love my Vampire Queen!!! Vampire Queen のなくる様が! TL Notes: Excluding the speaking part, this was actually fun to come up with ways translate and to keep the tune! Kabocha’s lines are also in tune if you try to read it as fast as it’s being said As with many of my TLs I try to keep the lyrics "singable" so this is the outcome! But obviously if anyone comes up with better phrasing I will replace if necessary~ I hope I could convey the emotions and meaning from the lyrics, please reply comment any corrections needed! Edit: minor correction Edit 2: 異端審問官 corrected to ハンター(hunter), thank you @DustDream_0!
@DustDream_02 ай бұрын
異端審問官 = ハンター(hunter) The lyric "異端審問官" refers to the hunters in the church who specialize in hunting vampires.
@jelidium-gellyfish2 ай бұрын
@@DustDream_0 That makes so much sense!! Thank you~
@mkn-04122 ай бұрын
can i use your translation to translate into vietnamese¿ i will post under this video too and credit you