3:41 我需要 I need 3:52 我不需要 I don't need 4:06 做这件事 to do it 4:16 我不需要做这件事 I don't need to do it 4:37 今天 today 4:46 我今天不需要做这件事 I don't need to do it today 5:12 重要的 important 5:24 不重要的 not important 5:37 它是不重要的 it is not important 5:54 所以 so 6:02 它是不重要的所以我今天不需要做这件事 it is not important so I don't need to do it today 6:42 你需要 you need 6:52 你不需要 you don't need 7:05 你不需要做这件事 you don't need to do it 7:22 现在 now 7:30 你现在不需要做这件事 you don't need to do it now 7:51 紧急的 urgent 8:00 它是紧急的 it is urgent 8:13 而且 and 8:23 它是紧急的而且你需要现在做这件事 it is urgent and you need to do it now 8:58 他需要 he needs 9:19 他需要做这件事 he needs to do it 9:33 他不需要 he doesn't need 10:02 他不需要做这件事 he doesn't need to do it 10:23 她不需要做这件事 she doesn't need to do it 10:42 它不需要做这件事 it doesn't need to do it 11:06 星荣不需要做这件事情 Xingrong doesn't need to do it 11:28 我想要 I want 11:37 我想要做这件事 I want to do it 11:50 我不想要 I don't want 12:03 我不想要做这件事 I don't want to do it 12:22 你想要 you want 12:34 你不想要 you don't want 12:49 你不想要做这件事 you don't want to do it 13:05 他想要 he wants 13:23 他想要做这件事 he wants to do it 13:40 我需要 I need 13:47 知道 to know 13:56 我需要知道 I need to know 14:05 是否 if 14:12 我需要知道是否他想要做这件事 I need to know if he wants to do it 14:49 他不想要 he doesn't want 15:18 他不想要做这件事 he doesn't want to do it 15:34 因为 because 15:42 它是不重要的 it is not important 15:58 他不想做这件事因为它是不重要的 he doesn't want to do it because it is not important 16:33 她不想要做这件事 she doesn't want to do it 16:49 它不想要做这件事 it doesn't want to do it 17:07 我喜欢 I like 17:18 我喜欢做这件事 I like to do it 17:32 我不喜欢 I don't like 17:46 我不喜欢做这件事 I don't like to do it 18:03 你喜欢 you like 18:15 你不喜欢 you don't like 18:24 你不喜欢做这件事 you don't like to do it 18:40 他喜欢 he likes 18:51 他不喜欢 he doesn't like 19:04 他不喜欢做这件事 he doesn't like to do it 19:22 她不喜欢做这件事 she doesn't like to do it 19:40 它不喜欢做这件事 it doesn't like to do it 19:57 我必须做这件事 I have to do it 20:12 我不必做这件事 I don't have to do it 20:27 你必须做这件事 you have to do it 20:41 你不必做这件事 you don't have to do it 21:00 他必须做这件事 he has to do it 21:32 他不必做这件事 he doesn't have to do it 22:04 她必须做这件事 she has to do it 22:23 她不必做这件事 she doesn't have to do it 22:39 它必须做这件事 it has to do it 22:58 它不必做这件事 it doesn't have to do it 23:16 它需要 it needs 23:37 它不需要 it doesn't need 23:56 吃这个食物 to eat the food 24:05 它需要吃这个食物 it needs to eat the food 24:24 现在 now 24:30 它需要现在吃这个食物 it needs to eat the food now 24:48 它不需要现在吃这个食物 it doesn't need to eat the food now 25:18 星荣需要 Xingrong needs 25:26 休息 to rest 25:35 星荣需要休息 Xingrong needs to rest 25:46 星荣不需要 Xingrong doesn't need 26:02 星荣不需要休息 Xingrong doesn't need to rest 26:20 他想要 he wants 26:30 他不想 he doesn't want 26:44 告诉我 to tell me 26:55 重要的某事 something important 27:25 他想要告诉我重要的某事 he wants to tell me something important 27:53 他不想告诉我重要的某件事 he doesn't want to tell me something important 28:38 她想 she wants 28:48 她不想 she doesn't want 29:01 解释 to explain 29:12 原因 the reason 29:23 解释原因 to explain the reason 29:39 她想要解释原因 she wants to explain the reason 30:01 她不想解释原因 she doesn't want to explain the reason 30:23 问我 to ask me 30:35 一个问题 a question 30:41 问我一个问题 to ask me a question 30:57 她想要问我一个问题 she wants to ask me a question 31:16 她不想问我一个问题 she doesn't want to ask me a question 31:37 它想 it wants 31:46 它不想 it doesn't want 31:57 飞翔 to fly 32:08 在天空中 in the sky 32:20 在天空中飞翔 to fly in the sky 32:46 它想在天空中飞翔 it wants to fly in the sky 33:12 它不想在天空中飞翔 it doesn't want to fly in the sky 33:31 他喜欢 he likes 33:42 他不喜欢 he doesn't like 33:58 散步 to walk 34:08 在公园里 in the park 34:20 在公园里散步 to walk in the park 34:36 他喜欢在公园里散步 he likes to walk in the park 34:54 他不喜欢在公园里散步 he doesn't like to walk in the park 35:17 她喜欢 she likes 35:28 她不喜欢 she doesn't like 35:43 阅读 to read 35:52 在家里 at home 36:01 在家里阅读 to read at home 36:13 她喜欢在家里阅读 she likes to read at home 36:37 她不喜欢在家里阅读 she doesn't like to read at home 37:00 它喜欢 it likes 37:11 它不喜欢 it doesn't like 37:23 睡觉 to sleep 37:31 在床上 on the bed 37:40 在床上睡觉 to sleep on the bed 37:50 它喜欢在床上睡觉 it likes to sleep on the bed 38:08 它不喜欢在床上睡觉 it doesn't like to sleep on the bed 38:26 解释 to explain 38:36 原因 the reason 38:44 解释原因 to explain the reason 38:56 他必须解释原因 he has to explain the reason 39:20 他不必解释原因 he doesn't have to explain the reason 39:52 在家里阅读 to read at home 40:04 她必须在家里阅读 she has to read at home 40:20 她不必在家里阅读 she doesn't have to read at home 40:43 告诉我 to tell me 40:51 事实 the truth 40:58 告诉我事实 to tell me the truth 41:10 她必须告诉我事实 she has to tell me the truth 41:31 她不必告诉我事实 she doesn't have to tell me the truth 41:52 睡觉 to sleep 41:58 在床上 on the bed 42:06 在床上睡觉 to sleep on the bed 42:17 它必须在床上睡觉 it has to sleep on the bed 42:31 它不必现在在床上睡觉 it doesn't have to sleep on the bed