Haha…..Jinjin you said all that seems to like my American husbands behaviors. We are married for 20 years…. I just take it easy and let go, or think about my husband’s good sides. No one is perfect, life must go on.
We all have to learn to praise others in all conditions to encourage them. It's a very hard lesson, especially, for Chinese. We give all our praises to our dictator-leader but not to our spouse and family.
@christy6153 Жыл бұрын
@SerenityEscape0823 Жыл бұрын
In “any” conditions? It’d be considered fake or insincere by the receivers. You tell the truth of your mind but in a constructive tone.
orange county 其实应该不需要暖气吧。。。那里冬天其实不冷啊。夏天需要开空调。我家也是一直都是恒温,那是因为房子对一会儿冷一会儿热不好。我家的那个,我也不能随便说。他也是乱放东西,然后找东西的时候还会生气,找不到就开始找我,我觉得很烦。但是我还不能说,可是,我还是会说。他每次说的时候,我就会说,“我可以不说,除非你不做了,我就不说啊。”
“他瘦了7-8磅,我胖了7-8磅”, 哈哈哈,笑死我了,您俩太可爱了。不过你要了解,你老公的饮食习惯在美国很正常,特别是加州或纽约大城市以外的地方比如mid-west and north and south。我家里也有嫁老外的,我工作同事们都是中年老外。 他们都差不多,奇奇怪怪食品任何内脏类的绝对不碰,基本对海鲜没有兴趣,任何有骨头的不碰(鱼当然除非是boneless fillet比如Sea Bass,有些甚至不吃排骨,鸡腿!吃到嘴里的骨头要吐出来是非常尴尬的事,只吃white meat)。 So, don't be upset. That normal in US culture.