That is their classic act, they will tell you (daughter) for years that you are not going to get the house, and if you do get some, it will be a small percentage of inheritance. They tried to make it as a matter of fact to you so that you won't complain. My Mom was so creative that she came up with a plan, she said since your brother has 3 kids, they will get 75% of the little trust that was less than 210K. All her savings and money (about one million) from selling the house all went to my brother. I swear I will never ever be like that type of Mom. The act is despicable.
My grandfather has 3 kids, 2 sons and 1 daughter. My mother is the daughter. We took care of him when he was very sick at his last days. But he made it very clear on, that two condos in shanghai, each son get 1, and my mother got nothing. We are ok. My parents and i always work hard to earn money that way. btw, my grandfather lived in the US since 1989 and passed away in 2002. My mother still maintains harmonious relationship with both of her brothers.
thank you Ray的選材報道。 亞洲女性地位偏低,主要原因是女性偏向貶低女性,壓榨女性,形成畸形的社會現象,甚至一代一代傳下去,在現在己經2024年,仍有這樣的過份例子,對父母嚴重偏心,仍然啞忍,甚至沒有勇氣對這種觀念說不,作出反抗,甚至還要妥協,進行大部份的養老送終,而另外男孩一方全不作為,實屬奇葩,全然不能理解。
養兒防老的封建思想在西方根本行不通。在西方,孩子18歲就該離家自力更生,父母也不存在靠子女來養老。西方人從一有工作就開始存養老金。聽上去好像老人很可憐,但是他們的文化世世代代就是如此。中國人許多文化遺產實在讓人反感,這都什麼年代啦?!可悲⛔️願天下女人自立自強⋯⋯Good luck to y’all 👍🙏✌️