😀😀 accidentally found your channel. This one is extremly entertainming but each one is helpful! 赞
@badguy34765 жыл бұрын
OK My friend.越来越多的事情告诉我们,中国女人嫁给外国男人非常不容易找到幸福。如果一个中国女人真的愿意嫁到国外,有时候是因为她想借助这种方式提升自己的层次,让别人觉得自己富有。因为很多时候中国女人有种错误观念就是,嫁到国外=有钱,有钱=幸福。但是有一点却很现实,那就是中国女人真正想要的根本是一种地位,一种存在感,但是恰恰这一点,外国人给不了。反而中国人却能实实在在的给予对方.......
A Polish friend of mine said he preferred Asian girls as they are more conservative and family oriented while Western girls demand life insurance in case you die, more masculine in attitude and feminist in demand.