我係同意你哋講加拿大護照唔長期在加拿大係唔好的。 不過唱高調還唱高調;實際情況個人情況,一定要考慮:好多亞洲人特別香港人係頂唔順加拿大天氣的,在多倫多或者其他北部的省份東道根本係縮陽,連屙尿都屙唔到,咁點 住落去。仲有熊人周圍識人。😅好山好水好撚悶一句講晒。 溫哥華也好不到什麼;整年都下雨。 還有加拿大港人牙牙學語,咁你呢個鼻哥捲起條脷扮美國人😅 就算本土加拿大人講英文有啊,講得不好一味扮美國人 回流的問題澳洲好少見,因為天氣好過香港,四季分明;山水畫藍天碧海細黃沙😊 From a British Australian 🤗
人口增長最快,但productivity 一直下降。這兩年的經濟增長全靠移民消費带動,預期租金會继續上升,homeless 继續上升,罪案继續上升。But living standard continues to fall and lagging behind most developed countries. Please see how expensive our internet fee is.
🇨🇦 is famous for being professionally unprofessional. 呢度啲 politicians 根本冇心解決自己求求其其 put together 嘅 proposal , 如果係有心嘅就唔會有咁多 contradictions ,呢個係態度問題,算把啦!都唔好講 Burnaby 同 Richmond 嘅香港人嘅小朋友因為唔夠學位要跨區返學
@marcoleung7137 Жыл бұрын
Thx Simon, Kenny
@mingleexo Жыл бұрын
@eggsandwiches3524 Жыл бұрын
記住LIKE😂 同訂閱😂
@alexandermarr794 Жыл бұрын
Give all the people a sense of belonging, make them understand why have to come and they should appreciate what Canada government has done to them and value the chance . Train the younger generation to respect Canada and make Canada as their permanent home .
But how long will CPA Canada will continue to recognize HK CPA if HK accounting standard become more alike China .. It is a matter of time when CPA Canada disconnect CPA HK
@davezhang8866 Жыл бұрын
@@hlleung So, come and the accreditation NOW when CPA Canada is still having mutual recognition with HKICPA. Nothing is everlasting.
@mayhk8622 Жыл бұрын
唔止加拿大, 澳洲都一樣, 點解亞洲ethnic group d叻人都離開澳洲往外闖是因為教育給左膠控制太耐, 而家d人全部覺得政府欠佢everything, 乜都問政府攞, 政府為了選票唯有不停give un, 向果d中層忙於工作賺錢養家d人埋手, 佢地就係西方國家的韮菜, 你以為勤力d做多d可以keep 返多d, 比屋企有更好生活, 但呢d係政府眼中同左膠社會眼中是死罪, 所以越賺得多就越抽稅多, 所以同我地嘅基本價值觀, 多勞多得, 勤有工戲無益完全背道而遲, d懒人倚賴政府嘅重大條道理普通納稅人夠胆質問為何佢地有able body 可以選擇唔做嘢, 要納稅人養就被批評為heartless ! 資源浪費在d無聊議題上! 香港唔係攪成咁我都想退休返去養老, 費事比西方政府佢地割韮菜喇, 懒人係無consequences 嘅, 有planning, be responsible for yourself 嘅咪罰你囉, 同共產一樣, 只不過你唔like嘅可以走人, 就是如此!
@davezhang8866 Жыл бұрын
@ipeman7299 Жыл бұрын
@amyleung7903 Жыл бұрын
totally agreed and benefited from you 2 sharing especially the aspects of social administration I have moved to the UK 2 years ago, facing same situation most hkers face the same difficulty
Lack of economic diversity, a direct result of Canada's socialist nanny state policies, is the fundamental underlying problem. 當年青人的願望是能找到薪高糧準的政府工, 這個國家就真係前途似“咁”。
@Freedom27728 Жыл бұрын
@hydichan7928 Жыл бұрын
@annsum9302 Жыл бұрын
@sandoUK_HK_CAN Жыл бұрын
@dek4830 Жыл бұрын
We need more new blood in politics like Kenny who has concrete ideas about how to alleviate dr shortage, etc, Chinese people are generally very pragmatic, but we have too few of them in government making decisions.
Focus on people getting by attracting business and increase property tax but allow as income deductions. This will address those houses were bought by foreigners who do not live Canada
@JudgeSix Жыл бұрын
正如本人50歲只有 high dipolma 學歷在香港工作廿年以上,都算在製造業(manufacturing)有點經驗!於加拿大給予港人救生艇計畫前己已送兒子到加讀中學,所以跟本無能力以stream A 一家人三口在加生活及兩人讀書,就算stream B 可以兩人工作而只得最低工資收入都好難於現時高通漲既加拿大生活!因此打消移移民加拿大諗頭! 一個以移民為主既國家,但係就業政策、人力(manpower)市場對新移民不友善真係好奇怪又浪費人才!就算有心想留低,但工作、收入不如意甚至不足以維持一家人生活如何能夠留下來? 所以我都會建議小兒於加拿大大學畢業後,盡量找到工作入籍拎到passport後可以到美國或其他國家發展!
@ywiphk Жыл бұрын
@allisonchung3942 Жыл бұрын
不單加拿大對新移民是這樣, 英國也是
@benlam2902 Жыл бұрын
Conservative was in power for 10 years (2006 to 2016). What did Conservative do to keep new citizens??????
Canadian employers and Canadian companies do tend to favor or require having "Canadian experience", be this out of genuine job necessity or as a way to offer lower salaries to newcomers to Canada, however, this isn't a permanent challenge. Once a newcomer or immigrant to Canada has accumulated a year or two years of relevant experience, this request for having Canadian experience is easily met and won't be a job barrier anymore.