"What's good about elections if they produce incompetent leaders. What's good about judicial independence if it only benefits the rich. What's so great about freedom of press and freedom of speech if all it does is create division and disfunction." Absolutely spot on. Couldn't have said it better myself.
@jj43213 жыл бұрын
Worst on no election, worst on no fair judiciary system, hahaha, you can move there to enjoy.
@fenxian3 жыл бұрын
Liberalism regime failed democracy.
@gangzhang39013 жыл бұрын
what you said is correct. But it still beats the alternatives. YES, it is a little crazy now in the West with coordinated attacks from all over the places to prove autocracy a better form of Government plus in the mid of industry revaluation. However, things will settle down and democracy will shine in the end.
@kenh46813 жыл бұрын
The reasons elections don't produce competent leaders are pretty obvious. Elections simply enable voters to choose whoever they LIKE based on whatever they happen to know and don't know.
@gangzhang39013 жыл бұрын
@@kenh4681 YES, that is true from time to time. But it will correct itself in the end as long as the powers are balanced in a democratic system. Only in a Authoritarian society, power rules and alternative facts created to fool people.
Eric is a very knowledgeable and scholarly businessman. It is very pleasant to listen to what he has to say.
@lilyge89563 жыл бұрын
He is so sharp and knowledgeable, with an in depth understanding of the real issues with the Western democracy, that he is absolutely amazing proposing the sensible solutions...
Very good points Eric! Can't agree more with the new set of KPIs you proposed to measure democracy, rather than so sort of biased measurement by some so called Democratic counties.
@iqbang92363 жыл бұрын
I would say the US deliberately misleads the countries by saying your country will be magically better off if you just simply adopt the "Democratic" voting system like us. The reality is because of the instability, those countries' wealth all fall into American's pocket. They purposely ignored the result measure.
@@汤圆-y7f 我觉得理性来说的话,民主制度还是有他存在的必要性和优越性。政治献金本来就是光明正大的交易。关键问题就是民主制度应用的场合,有效性以及实施的可靠性。就拿我生活的加州而言,公民对垃圾处理厂的修建通过地方议员表达不满,对学生录取提出新的法案,对某一条道路的限速提出意见抗议搜是很不错的美国民主社会的应用。咱国内也可以有通过街道,居委会,区办事处进行类似的民主活动,但效率比起美国还是要差一些。有效性来自于利益冲突是否能妥协,很多西方国家的民主弊端就来自于次,利益集团和选票,不同背景文化的人群互相之间的博弈,说实话难题比国内要大很多。所以尝尝就是要么少数服从多数,要么穷人服从权势,民主帮助找到一个更高的底线。最最重要的问题就是美国民主一直被用来站在一个道德制高点来指手画脚别人国家从而达到国家利益的武器。相信这一套的,要么脑子傻要么没读过书。我曾和亲美的人聊过,他们有一种幻觉就是他所遇到的不公不平等可以被美国宣传的民主价值观解决。无论从美国动机还是可行性都是扯淡。所以综上所述我并不认为美国的民主制度是个玩笑,但是很多人把他神话了。这玩意就是一个sop,有他擅长的也有不擅长的地方,和道德没什么关系。民主的普世价值是有意义的,每个国家争取自己最合适最自洽的道路。美国嘴中来抨击其他国家的民主人权是个笑话,因为他们的目的不是为了要改善中国的任何方面。制造分裂,混乱,战争是他们的手段目的就更复杂了。所以我们如果跟着他们聊民主其实也是没办法来在世界舆论挣多一些话语权。但核心思想就一句话,none of your fucking business
民主这个概念原本就是属于共产党的,在几十年前,资本主义社会如果谁提倡民主,谁就是共产党,谁就是敌人。 导致这样的结果,主要是苏联倒台的原因,话语权丢失,没人扛得起这面旗帜了,而当时的中国,实在太穷了,没那个实力。 在美苏争霸的时候,或者更早的时候,资本主义阵营对社会主义阵营喊话的是资本主义这边是自由的。来吧,只要你有本事,你就可以实现你的抱负。而社会主义阵营向资本主义阵营喊话的是,社会主义阵营是民主的,团结的,照顾弱势的,帮你提升的。你要是觉得在资本主义社会生活的难受,不公,来我们社会主义阵营吧。 当时资本主义社会的提倡的是自由。 后来苏联解体了,以美国为首的资本主义社会就把自己的口号改为民主与自由了。 所以,说到底,这一切还都是国际话语权的问题。一旦中国将来崛起了,掌握国际话语权了,中国也可以把自己目前的“民主协商集中制”说成是真民主,同时把西方国家的选举投票党争说成是假民主。 中苏争霸的时期,社会主义就是以民主自居,大锅饭公社什么的都是民主平等的产物。资本主义在那个时候是以自由自居的,后来苏联解体后,民主这个词被资本主义重新定义变成了现在的“民主”,并且以美国来霸权解释民主的含义和抨击其他国家不符合其民主定义的地方,所以说的确以前我们就是民主,只不过是失败的民主,现在的民主是美式假民主,以后肯定还需要重新定义民主,不过重新定义肯定是在美国霸权之后了。我们这个年代的人一提到民主肯定想到的是投票,但是投票到底有没有用,有很多的书都有做说明,像是《以大制胜》《suicide of the west》《行为》等等等等。所以说历史上来讲中国(中华民国,中华人民共和国)是民主国家并不为过,只是“不符合”现在的定义,当然这个不符合到底有多不符合我也存疑,就以国外总说中国没有投票来说,中国当然有民主投票,只不过是阶梯性质的选人民代表,然后再以人民代表的形式选参政的人,形式和美国很相似只不过叫法不同而已。中国现在是越来越好,向着好的方向发展,民主自然需要重新定义。
The world simply needs more scholars like Eric or Professor Zhang to voice out the real meaning of democracy, so as to build a new concept and new standard for democracy.
Eric has an incredible view of the world. Please write a book Eric. Make it an audiobook too in your own voice.
@怡安潘-h8y Жыл бұрын
@yzcown2 жыл бұрын
Wow, the final comment is so harsh but true. Glad to see competitions for a better democracy.
@wongjerry5203 жыл бұрын
Eric has given a very insightful idea!
@williamc95783 жыл бұрын
Those of a Western persuasion will fail to realize that Eric Li's comments here is actually an honest and sincere critique of Western Liberal Democracies, and in good faith, to bring awareness on what ails it, and to seek some form of reform and recovery. It is then instructive to think what the obstacles are, that prevent Western thinkers from seeing this.
@RossBlah3 жыл бұрын
@armarillosyellow39623 жыл бұрын
Great news Channel. Amazing knowledge Mr Lee!!
@davidwen74993 жыл бұрын
Well Said! well said! just like the same talk you gave several years ago in Ted Talk. Western Peopler should listen and think about it.
Excellent points. The genuine outcome (data & people value) will tell the truth of the country political system. To add on, personally I think a competent country leader should be bold enough to implement a fair but strict policy and to get rid of corruption, focus on people living standards & country growth & infrastructure development, whether the country leadership team is elected by people vote or by other procedure.
@frank13693 жыл бұрын
Great Point! Procedure is not enough, even not important against Result! No businessman will invest a company which has perfect procedures but hasn't perfect performance!
@shaoyinglu3 жыл бұрын
Democracy has its Greek roots: demo means people, and cracy means rule. There is absolutely no mentioning of a multi-party system or direct election in the word "democracy". However, some people have tied the word democracy with a multi-party system and direct election, i.e., the American democracy.
@YZR13 жыл бұрын
@Po-village-chief3 жыл бұрын
The literal meaning of democracy is mob rules in Greek and Plato, who was attributed with the term, never said its the best form of government. He said the best rule is by a benevolent philosopher king. I am a Chinese living in Singapore and Mr Lee Kuan Yew can be considered such a figure and the result is a Singapore that transformed from a third world to a first world country in 2 generations. China needs rulers like him and fortunately has such leaders in position to achieve this.
请 Google Democracy definition. 下面是Democracy 的定义: a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives. government by the whole population 意思就是人民执政, 也就是民主。不存在你说的误导。你在误导大家。
They don’t believe whatever Eric said. They believe in exceptionalism!
@paulli15353 жыл бұрын
I think Aristotle once said there are 3 forms of government: monarchy, aristocracy, and democracy. Monarchy invariably leads to tyranny. Aristocracy leads to oligarchy. And democracy eventually degrades into chaos and mob rule. To Aristotle, it seems there’s no good form of government. But Aristotle did not know China. China gradually evolved a form of government that’s based on meritocracy: government officials are promoted based on how well they have done. So most of the officials have to rise through the ranks, not much different from how business leaders are selected (not elected). One may ask, what about accountability? Who are the officials accountable to? In the past, they were accountable to one person, the emperor. You got the good emperor and bad emperor problem. That’s why the emperors have to be educated in Confucian thoughts in order to be a wise ruler. He must understand he has a higher power to answer to, the Heaven. And he has a duty to his people. “The people are like the water and the emperor is like the boat. The water can support the boat, and also overthrow the boat”. Today, they are accountable to one entity/organization, that’s CCP. CCP is a mission driven organization, rather than a partisan organization. CCP’s mission is “bring about rejuvenation for the Chinese nation, and happiness for the Chinese people”. When I say CCP is not exactly a political party like Republican or Democrats, that’s because it doesn’t have a preset ideology or political platform. It is pragmatic and non-political: whatever policy can bring better outcome, they ought to adopt that policy. “It doesn’t matter it’s white cat or black cat, as long as it can catch the mice”. That’s why CCP is so nimble and can reform itself and its policy so quickly. Just look at the transformation of China in the last 70 years since the founding of PRC. It’s unprecedented. CCP must have done something right, right? The other distinction between the Chinese and the Americans: the Americans are taught to believe government is useless and private enterprise is the solution to every problem. But Chinese has always throughout history believed in government and better governing. That’s because the Chinese have been living in a very harsh agricultural environment. Yellow river flooding issue, the issue of water use and irrigation, have to be managed by a central government. That’s why governing and government philosophy are highly emphasized in Chinese education. Governing is a profession that should be reserved for the learned who have high moral standards and right temperament. Again meritocracy rather than democracy. In a democracy the popular guy wins. But in meritocracy, the smart guy wins. I’m not trying to persuade anyone to adopt meritocracy. Chinese system works in China because it has a such history and tradition. Democracy wouldn’t work in China because China did not have a democratic tradition. Each country should choose the form of government that suits its own culture history and tradition. The track record of planting western form democracy in traditional countries in Middle East and Africa is horrible. Please give me a SINGLE example that democracy works in these traditional societies. One single example!
Great point. As I have said all along, regime or ideology are just means, not final goals. I changed my view on President Xi when he emphasized that the happiness and prosperity of the people is the goal of the government. This is the way to the real greatness. It moves away from the ideology as a goal, which is what mess America is in right now.
@jj43213 жыл бұрын
yes, Chris, have you considered he said so he can have this permanent position and total power? easy said then done. Do and say are different. Trump fooled just shy of
@fannyalbi90402 жыл бұрын
if my memory serves me right, i thought u r china haters especially china politicians 😅 your account being hacked by chinese?
Using a company as metaphor, is Eric talking about running a firm without procedure and policies as long as the firm generates profit or am I misunderstanding him?
@yll13342 жыл бұрын
@christk18473 жыл бұрын
@10:00 right in the middle of the great speech I was thinking the west should be taking notes of what Eric was saying. Then I saw these people under the stage actually were taking notes lol 😂 there’s hope after all
@XiaosChannel3 жыл бұрын
2:11这里被删的是他说 time is running out, how do we prove socialism works better than capitalism 但是很有趣的是字幕上面显示了这段话的翻译
@zhouyufei56413 жыл бұрын
@dongtr003 жыл бұрын
太牛了。这就是root cause。自由到了极点,完全是极端主义,而不是为了大多数人的利益。
@barrievee3 жыл бұрын
Always interesting to hear Eric speaking.. Noting an 'NGO' he mentions: 'Freedom House'.. 'Freedom House' deserve to be examined more closely - It is their 'output' and 'opinion' as a 'Think:'Tank'!' - that is a driving factor in much of US Aggressive Foreign Policy.. - Freedom House' is an MIC (CIA / NED) 'Cutout'. See: - The Arab Spring was a US MIC regime change plan. #RealityCheck. -- 听到埃里克说话总是很有趣.. 注意到他提到的一个“非政府组织”:“自由之家”--现在好了..“自由之家”值得更仔细地研究--这是他们作为“思考”的“产出”和“意见” :'坦克'!' - 这是美国侵略性外交政策的一个驱动因素。 - 自由之家是一个 MIC (CIA / NED) 删减。请参阅: Arab Spring 是美国 MIC 政权更迭计划。 #现实检查。
@jjc42323 жыл бұрын
Eric is the man!!
@lyx1243 жыл бұрын
good point
@yt1536 Жыл бұрын
Eric Li 👍👏👏👏
@wingkei87793 жыл бұрын
well said!
@dongogogo7763 жыл бұрын
He really raised many sharp questions. However, it's unfortunate that the purpose of these questions is defending an even worse political system than democracy, which is Chinese absolute hereditary monarchies.
@hambim1360 Жыл бұрын
What made you think that China is an absolute hereditary monarchy? I don't think you have done a thorough study of the whole process of multi-party consultation and democracy in China. KZbinr jerry shows how people participate in China's deliberative democracy system through several cases, hoping to make you interested in the research of China's democratic system.kzbin.info/www/bejne/qnbLp3qdhLp4bMU&ab_channel=Jerry%27sTakeonChina
@nj87763 жыл бұрын
应该加英文subject line on KZbin, 可以让更多English-speaking 的人看。
@margaretliu34092 жыл бұрын
Eric!!! 👍😍😍😍💪💪💪💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝
@kshen74852 жыл бұрын
As Chinese reveal, democracy is dependent on its outcome, instead of the colorful and eye-catching formalities, like election and multiparty competition.
@absolutejewel3 жыл бұрын
Agreed that the Measure of democracy is the outcome or results. Regimes only focus on "democratic procedures n processes" but some if not many had failed their people miserably (note: wellbeing and satisfaction of people is the outcome)
Eric, "competitions" is a good word. But beware that as with many good intentions and principles "competitions" can be circumscribed to become a dirty word. Take for example, cunning and wily businesses can set up cartels of likeminded people or relatives/ friends, etc, to mislead that there is/are serious or real competitions. We have seen how some airlines that fixed prices and were caught out. They were fined as a result. There were freight companies in the past that colluded to fix prices so that those executives helped each other to achieve annual targets to benefit themselves. If one company is missing target, the other companies would quote higher rates so that the business would naturally go to the one missing its target.
China must continue to work on and changes its shortcomings. China success is because they been learning good practices of other countries. I really doubt America will want to learn form success liberal Democratic countries like Sweden, Norway, new Zealand etc. Monopoly loses its ability to compete, that's why all the sanctions.
@kwokkwok56063 жыл бұрын
@fisherfriendman3 жыл бұрын
I think Liberal democracies falter with big populations. It would seem like countries that have below 20 million in population would well. I also think first of all, there should be an attempt to define what a democracy is and what it looks like, otherwise it becomes a "he said she said" debate.
@htlow35983 жыл бұрын
@ Andrew CHANG, I believe you are from Msia. You can't generalise and say population size especially smaller one works. Well, M'sia is only 30milions and democracy in M'sia is not serving its people.. just the ruling elite.
@fisherfriendman3 жыл бұрын
@@htlow3598 Mr Low, unfortunately, liberal democracies require a well-educated population as a base. A smaller population means the democratic process is not too far removed from the lowest rung in the population. The bigger the population, the slower decision making is using the same democratic processes and it will turn constituents off the process altogether. There needs to be a balance between democratic decision making, and speed of decision making. I'm not from Malaysia, but what Malaysia has is not democracy, but rather the start of the nation gave birth to one-party politics, following the lead of Japan post-war. This is endorsed further by both the British and the Americans as a bulwark against the spread of communism, so full-fledged democracy never had the chance to take root.
@carbunkleX3 жыл бұрын
Big population is just one of the problems, my guess is that the risk of failing increases also with the number of etnicities, religions and poverty. Eric mentioned success stories of democratic nations which are the smaller and simple nations like the nordic countries which are nowhere near as complex as China
@htlow35983 жыл бұрын
@@carbunkleX , completely agree. With 56 ethnicities to deal with, I imagine it's like dealing with the combination of the whole of Europe + North Africa + Eastern Europe as one unit. Try keeping unity and integrity for size!
@fisherfriendman3 жыл бұрын
@@carbunkleX Europe also had huge complex multiethnic, multi-national entities like the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Russia, Turkey, Spain, France, UK, Italy. After a number of wars, they seemed to settle on nationally coherent borders that divide on ethnic lines for Eastern Europe. Western Europe is still multiethnic, just that the national governments are much stronger in holding the country together. All the European colonial creations are multiethnic and multinational, reflecting what Europe was. We tend to attribute to the complex makeup of the population when a country fails to be held together when really it is about how strong the national government is.
@gcscao3 жыл бұрын
我最喜欢听Eric Li的演讲。
@redcardinal12193 жыл бұрын
@bsbd88223 жыл бұрын
@alantan98633 жыл бұрын
Moral of the story: Singapore style democracy is considered the best then, as it has the best of both worlds.
@paulskiye69303 жыл бұрын
It is more likely a Meritocracy.
@taijistar90523 жыл бұрын
It has the best results for sure
@quanfung59583 жыл бұрын
Definitely NOT a Liberal Democracy !!!!
@joeching2 жыл бұрын
let's see how they handle covid-19. today's hongkong and korea's covid surge is more demonstrative of the licentious nature of democracy.
@samtang16783 жыл бұрын
@chiehhsu68023 жыл бұрын
可否請將標題 加上英文
@fuye133 жыл бұрын
Democracy is the flag of the Left (socialist camp, see the full names of Laos, North Korea, and East Germany), but it was taken away by the European and American capitalist camp (the Right, their flag is freedom) after the end of the cold war.
@qingzhou99833 жыл бұрын
Actually the Pros and Cons of Liberal Democracy vs Authoritarian System are well-known. The current situation is no surprise at all. Anyone who feels surprised did not understand the two system well.
@henli-rw5dw3 жыл бұрын
Have to disagree again. Never seen a government like CCP. It's like AI, self improving. I actually think the CCP can become less autocratic and more democratic if it produce better results over time. But the government practice by the west are static systems locked by procedure to never change.
@qingzhou99833 жыл бұрын
@@henli-rw5dw Actually Chinese History shows CCP will not last forever. It will not survive the corruption and power infight for long, no Dictatorship did in human history for every good reasons. Even though there is no doubt it is doing Great right now.
@henli-rw5dw3 жыл бұрын
@@qingzhou9983 no governments have lasted very long anywhere in the world. China is actually the most stable country in history of mankind. This is not a joke, look at world history. I think you have been taught a version of history that doesn't have the complete picture. Plus, government china developed today is an beast that has too many contradictions, and is changing all the time. It's an evolving government. Of course it won't last. It changes itself. Mao won't even recognize it. It's a self improving government, the first of its kind in the world. Nobody have an idea what it can do. Maybe it'll keep getting better. Chess playing AI can just keep improving.
@qingzhou99833 жыл бұрын
@@henli-rw5dw I know the Pros and Cons of PRC and US government systems. I am against both over-estimating and under-estimating to both systems.
@wf6453 жыл бұрын
Fact is every governing system evolves. Like China's communism which has changed and evolved since Deng to now. And in some ways, China may be more capitalistic that US ... that said all systems have flaws. Its about recognizing the flaws, improve them and providing for their citizen (as in KPI / Outcomes) which sadly US liberal democracy despite is blusterous is failing to provide ...
有:v=IVFqExIbTwg 【FULL】A Dialogue on Democracy - What is democracy and who defines it? “中外学者谈民主”高端对话会【英文原声完整版】
@lynnj76933 жыл бұрын
@什么样子世界3 жыл бұрын
Eric 的说话方式 态度 比较有趣
@mingsoutdoorlife3 жыл бұрын
One Policy or one way of right for all is dangerous for whole human as if it fails then all human fail. We should encourage different way of Political forms exist to allow them to compete with each other as long as it makes people’s live better. Nothing works forever!
@henli-rw5dw3 жыл бұрын
If you use a system that never change people will figure out how to take advantage of the system, and corrupt a system against it's initial purpose.
@fredbing18132 жыл бұрын
Democracy and liberty used to be opposite during the cold war and the USSR represent the democracy instead of the USA at that moment
@wowyzaoy3 жыл бұрын
it gives me hope, that revolution and evolution is separated by merely one letter.
@kshen74852 жыл бұрын
Eric is always provocative, like Kishore. My opinion, all our liberties and freedoms shouldn’t be above our social responsibilities. The bloody lessons of those western “democratic” countries in the pandemic would be the best proof.