Some synonyms of the word "worship" include: Adore: To love and have a personal attachment to someone or something Reverence: To honor someone with a deep feeling of respect and tenderness Venerate: To hold someone or something as holy or sacrosanct Praise: To offer words of homage as an act of worship Exalt: To glorify or elevate someone or something Laud: A literary term that means to praise someone as a hero
በቲፎዞ የእግዚአብሔር መንግሥት አይወረሰም:: ሳያምን እንዴት መንፈስ ቅዱስ ይቀበላል ሳታውቁ ሳታነቡ ለክርክር ብቻ ነው የምትጠይቁት ያላችሁ:: ስለምትከራከሩለት ነገረ ስትጠየቅ ልንጠየቅ ነው እንዴ የመጣነው ትላለህ:: ምን አይነት በራስ ወዳድነት የተሸፈነ ፍርሀት ነው? “What are you saying is , let me challenging you bet don’t challenge us “ What a selfish mindset is that?