這首歌是我第一次認識她,1995年的英文翻唱專輯《Brave Enough to Love》第一首歌,剛剛上 Spotify 也沒有,不太好找了。 歌詞很難,當時還國中的我開始聽英文歌學英文,根本不懂唱什麼,只覺得很會唱,反覆聽來聽去(另外一張反覆聽的英文翻唱專輯是林憶蓮的 I Swear)。 Hey lady, you lady Cursing at your life You're a discontented mother And a regimented wife I 've no doubt you dream about The things you'll never do But I wish someone had talked to me Like I wanna talk to you 後來我懂了歌詞的表層意義,像是discontended, regimented 的意思,但還是不太懂,這首歌裡面的 I 跟 you 是誰,是誰唱給誰聽的,唱歌的人,為何說自己跑遍全世界,想要自由,到過天堂,卻從不曾抵達過自己(但當時很在意跟preacher man 做愛的句子)。 Ooh, I've been to Georgia and California and anywhere I could run Took the hand of a preacher man And we made love in the sun But I ran out of places and friendly faces Because I had to be free I've been to paradise But I've never been to me... 後來又理解歌詞裡面其實可以是年老的自己跟年輕的自己道盡人世滄桑與幻滅的種種,再知道這首歌其實有點保守人士說教的意味(比方說反墮胎、勸人要結婚,不然看我孤老一輩子),還有點抗拒。 Please lady please lady Don't just walk away 'Cause I have this need to tell you Why I'm all alone today I can see so much of me Still living in your eyes Won't you share a part Of a weary heart that has lived a million lives 但後來又聽了原唱Charlene、S.H.E.翻唱,都不習慣,還是覺得她的版本,就算懂了歌詞也明白人世間的幻滅,依然令我疑惑。像是如心中解來解去解不開的謎,一層撥開又一層的霧一樣,時不時會浮現。 像是,為何當時一個事業才剛起步的女歌手,翻唱一首這麼「奇怪」的歌?當時的她,應該不能理解這歌詞裡面的闇影才是吧?尤其後來爆紅,螢光幕前的她總是燦笑滿面,不說快歌,就連悲傷的情歌像是〈過完冬季〉,彷彿都能聽到聲音裡透出的陽光。 Ooh, I've been to Nice and the Isle of Greece When I sipped champagne on a yacht I moved like Harlow in Monte Carlo And showed them what I've got I've been undressed by kings And I've seen some things that a woman ain't s'posed to see I've been to paradise But I've never been to me... 過了90年代,後來,後來就不再認真買專輯,對她的消息,也僅是知道嫁入豪門,好像真的抵達人生高峰,或許也真的在遊艇上啜飲香檳,環遊世界;又再後來知道她多次人工受孕不成、婚姻疑似有點問題、動了手術......這首歌又再度浮現。 Sometimes I've been to crying for unborn children That might have made me complete But I, I took the sweet life I never knew I'd be bitter from the sweet I spent my life exploring The subtle whoring That costs too much to be free Hey lady I've been to paradise But I've never been to me... 常常聽人說,一個作家一輩子寫來寫去就是一本書。而一個歌手,唱了那麼多歌,也許也是反反覆覆,從年輕到年老,再穿越時光般,唱給自己聽。或許,一個聽歌的人,也需要用一輩子,去聽懂一首歌跟歌手的關聯。
每个字都写到我心里😢😢😢 我比你晚一年第一次听到这首歌,1996年初中毕业的暑假,西北小城姥姥家,反复听反复尝试理解歌词,直到高中时看Gone with the wind的续写Scarlett时感觉懂了一些。后来不追歌很多年,直到去年看到声生不息港乐季,发现她还是印象中喜欢的那样,热情浓烈温暖。真的没想到是这样的离别,再听这首歌也真的是难过 💔💔💔。RIP CoCo 🕯🕯🕯