20年以上日本で暮らしていたアメリカ人の友達が最近アメリカに帰ったのですが、すっかり日本に染まってしまってしまっていて、アメリカでいろいろ理不尽なことに多々直面している、と嘆いています。そんな時は Well come to America ! と心の中でつぶやいているそうです😅 私も一週間足らずのLA、LV滞在でしたが、???と思うこといろいろありました💦 でも全部笑い話、土産話になりました。ごめんなさい、旅行者だから言えることですよね……😅
In Chinese Indonesian cuisine, it is known as fu yung hai (芙蓉蟹, literally "Hibiscus crab"), sometimes spelled pu yung hai. The omelette is usually made from the mixture of vegetables such as carrots, bean sprouts, and cabbages, mixed with meats such as crab meat, shrimp, or minced chicken. The dish is often served in sweet and sour sauce with peas.文字通りならば、えびを使うのはカニの代用ですね。
I have some suggestions to make first you clean up your urinary bladder even if you feel okay at the time, second, do not buy any foods just for the price you pay, check fat contacts, especially ground pork, and store, you can trust quality is everything when coming to foods lastly you should go home after grocery shopping you can exercise before shopping do you know why, you have some fresh foods on your car fresh grocery need to stay in the refrigerator, Does'nt It?