Land & Sea Against Debris

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6 жыл бұрын

PADI Headquarters Staff and Project AWARE teamed up for a Land and Sea Against Debris in Newport Beach, California in April 2018.
PADI Mission: Create a global community of confident, competent and active dives who are champions of the water planet.
Special thanks to:
Cinematographer & Video Editor - Scott Smith
Drone footage - Jack Fishman
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@BeatleCat42 5 жыл бұрын
I am committed to helping protect the ocean by limiting/eliminating my own single-use plastics, cleaning up debris whenever possible, and supporting local cleaning and conservation efforts (Mr. Trash Wheel!). And of course, as a teacher, educating as many people as possible about how to keep our oceans clean!
@StellaLuMusic 5 жыл бұрын
I'm committed to helping keep our oceans clean by keeping an eye out for trash whenever I'm near the sea (even if I'm not diving!) and, of course, picking up any rubbish I find while diving. I also like to spread the word about ocean conservation - the ocean is a huge part of our ecosystem and is worth every bit of attention it gets!
@marklesterhung 5 жыл бұрын
Being a diver has given me not only a privilege but also a responsibility to do my part in cleaning the ocean. Which is why I make sure to not leave any trash and pick as much trash that I see. I also make it a point to spread awareness to my fellow divers and aspiring divers
@Chrome_Knite 5 жыл бұрын
Everyday I do my part in spreading the message of conservation. I work for an international aquarium as an educator. Every day I get to explain just how inportant our ocean is to people who have never seen it before. I explain everything we do that can impact all the animals we house, as well as the effects we have on the climate of the world. I teach everyone I can, and make sure they all have fun learning! From adults, to children, I teach everyone how to do their part in preserving the most incredible things on Earth.
@tidalvvaves 5 жыл бұрын
I'm committed to clean up the ocean by always bringing every plastic that I find underwater! Besides this I love to promote Project Aware during the courses that I teach.
@nalarid 5 жыл бұрын
Social Awareness is one of the biggest ways I help to save our oceans. The power of spreading knowledge is the best tool I can use. Those terrible videos of marine life being affected by our human mess has really opened peoples' eyes and has gotten them to be involved in petitions to our government to act upon it. We must continue this action for real change. ~ Nicole Alarid
@teacherhannahrg 5 жыл бұрын
As a PADI dive instructor it is my duty to spread the word about being environmentally friendly. I involve myself ocean and beach clean ups, I always carry reusable bags, 2 metal straws, and bamboo cutlery in my handbag. I pick up every piece of trash I see on the beach, I’ve cut down my meat consumption and I try not to buy single use plastics. It is our duty to do what we can do help the planet and to encourage others to do so too :)
@toilettransformation4069 5 жыл бұрын
I am committed to helping the ocean in any volunteer way possible, so far we have spent months removing garbage and plastic form every dive and snorkel site , we have rescued sea turtles , rehabbed and released them and also spent months researching spotted eagle rays to help get them protected in Mexican waters and going forward I plan to use my PADI dive skills to primarily help the clean and it’s creatures, it’s why I became a diver!
@gabycarpenter2237 5 жыл бұрын
I’m committed to protecting the ocean by running the Chicago marathon with project aware and spreading the message of reducing single use plastic waste!!!
@taschaborgstein 5 жыл бұрын
My commitment for helping protect the ocean is to always think REUSABLE! I not only bring my own reusable bags to the grocery store or reusable water bottles to events, but I encourage my friends to do the same. Additionally, I educated my roommates about the proper way to recycle and, since we live near the beach, encourage them to pick up any pieces of trash we see whenever we walk along the beach. Being committed to protecting the ocean goes much further than your own actions, you must EDUCATE and INSPIRE others to do the same! That is one of the main reasons why I am in school studying marine biology: to educate others about our impacts on this beautiful planet.
@allforblue 5 жыл бұрын
We do global actions of beach & underwater clean ups and also lots lots lots of Ocean Conservation seminars, also we are the first who brought the reusable straws in Greece and we’re proud for making several bars/restaurants “plastic straw free spots” Thank you Project Aware!
@drterrysimpson 5 жыл бұрын
Proud of my Dive Against Debris Card. Soon to release my podcast about how scuba divers are committed to saving our oceans. And this doctor is front and center
@mohamadruzaini8651 5 жыл бұрын
Committing to help the planet and obviously the ocean is sometime hard but with smallest contribution can help the ocean to achieve it fullest capacity. By helping reducing waste, promote the 3R ( Reduce, Reuse and Recycle) in work and home, uses of biodegradable plastic, joining the movement of turtle conservation. It giving the joy when I go scuba diving and see the diversity and color of ocean. It felt rewarding to myself that contributing is impotent.
@Prog4Prog 5 жыл бұрын
This should be celebrating the efforts of everyone involved in keeping our oceans healthy and not just specific individuals. This comment is a shout out to all those who do their bit, from picking up a plastic bag from the beach to those out in the blue, helping to remove fishing nets from stricken animals. You’re all awesome, from Mother Nature!
@leeszechi5689 5 жыл бұрын
I was touched and moved watching the video. It’s awesome to be a Champion of the water planet! I would love to 1 day participate in the Project AWARE’s event to clean the ocean! We need more divers to join in the initiative. Let’s save our beautiful water planet for the generations to come!
@bysarahelizabeth 5 жыл бұрын
As a divemaster, I love sharing with people how they can help conserve the ocean by reducing the amount of single use plastics we use, and reducing the amount of beef and seafood we eat each week. I even made my final presentation for one of my classes about that very topic! On top of this, I love to participate in Dive Against Debris dives whenever possible, and always pick up anything that doesn't belong on the reef or in the ocean when I go diving.
@talirulz 5 жыл бұрын
I am committed to helping protect the oceans by having started up monthly conservation based lessons in Madagascar. Educating the youth of the beautiful developing country is key for safe guarding the future of their marine and terrestrial biodiversity. Lessons have included plastic pollution, climate change, eutrophication, species identification and best practice methods for snorkel tour guides. Further, we introduced weekly beach cleans in which local children helped out with :) now I have moved to Haiti to start up similar projects.
@urbandekaeleigh 5 жыл бұрын
I’m committed to ocean conservation by living a sustainable lifestyle, educating others, and finishing my degree in marine biology this year and starting a career!
@CheAdlawan 5 жыл бұрын
Last December 3rd was my 1st year anniversary in SCUBA diving. And ever since I took the PADI Open Water course, I have committed myself to conserve and preserve ocean life in my own little ways. Although only 135 dives under my log, I make sure that I always bring with me a mesh bag, which I use to collect garbage and debris. When doing boat dive orientations, I include proper waste disposal and explain the importance of a healthy ocean biodiversity. Right now, I am currently finishing my undergraduate thesis which aims to identify long-term solution to Crown of Thorns infestation. And when finally I become a PADI Dive Master, I will with all my energy devote my entire life to my home - the ocean.
@alisongilday9612 5 жыл бұрын
It’s so important to keep our oceans clean. Things I do to help are volunteer with organizations such as Sea shepherd, participate in beach cleanups, refuse single use plastics, and choose reputable dive operations who use good ecological practices.
@lapitanElaine 5 жыл бұрын
I'm committed to save our beautiful oceans by promoting to my friends and others the positive impact of reusable bottles/bags/straws, hoping to end the use of disposable plastics and reduce waste that go in the ocean. I've been trying to gift linen totes and ask them to use them instead of the disposable plastics that are given in most shops. I believe spreading the word and awareness definitely helps :)
@deemmm4017 5 жыл бұрын
after working in marine conservation in Indonesia and malaysia. I have taught, guests and volunteers about marine life and plastic pollution impacts. I have an effect on many people and they go back to their homes as ocean advocaters! Helping to stop plastic and spread the damage through word of mouth
@tiedupinsydney5510 5 жыл бұрын
Scuba diving has absolutely helped me become more aware of our impact on the environment and the oceans. Each dive is a dive against debris, as I try to collect any rubbish I find. I also try to make simple choices daily to reduce my footprint. Easy examples include saying no to single use plastics as much as possible, dedinitely no straws, paying attention to packaging while shopping, eating less meat, and considering sustainability. Just be aware. We can all make a major difference through small daily choices.
@aletasrojas 5 жыл бұрын
I am committed to helping protect the ocean by reducing my plastic waste and trying to be a better diver every time I dive by practicing buoyancy, and through educating my friends about ocean and marine life conservation. I also leave seafood out of my plate
@Capps9mm 5 жыл бұрын
Spent the last three years hard studying to become a marine biologist and training to become an instructor Hoping to take my knowledge and apply it to a new generation and teach more people the value of our ocean, it’s vital importance in our world, and what we can do to conserve it!
@dom2181 5 жыл бұрын
I am committed to love and care for the gift that the Ocean is to us and the animals in it. That love will continue to drive me to clean up trash and learn more about respecting wildlife. I truly believe we are to be good stewards of what we are given and I hope to be led to a career that allows me to be a good steward day in and day out to compliment my person life.
@emilyhowland5129 5 жыл бұрын
I love the ocean and have recently completed my advanced diver qualification in Ecuador while volunteering for one month! Every time I go on a dive I always pick up any plastic I see and recycle it. I also do several beach cleans, including doing this in Ecuador which was very important due to the need to protect the breeding site of the endangered green turtles!
@caitlinparrott 5 жыл бұрын
I want to keep the oceans clean, I have been using reusable bottles, reducing all plastics me and my family use, no straws especially. Collecting plastics in my dive bag and taking them back to land to dispose of them properly. Planning many volunteering projects in order to help injured animals and rehabilitating them so they can return to the wild where they belong.
@borisshadow2423 5 жыл бұрын
Saving the ocean animals is the biggest help that the Marine world can use. With protecting the marine ecosystems I feel that I contribute to the great cause of saving the Ocean. But it will be just perfect if all the harm and pollution is avoided in first place!!!
@vivanrane9815 5 жыл бұрын
After starting this journey in the field of marine biology getting introduced to the field of scuba diving has been a boon! My DM and internship at Indian Institute of scuba diving and Aquatic sports took my journey to a different level, where I did learn about tourism but never stopped using marine biology in work , working for impact of marine debris on marine ecosystem , removing ghost nets, planning tourism strategies with a sustainable thought towards the marine system, alternate tourism destination plan to reduce the tourism stress on one single dive site , beach and underwater cleaning , taking seminars and lectures for marine awareness are some things where I feel I’ve contributed till date 😊
@TamiPalacky 5 жыл бұрын
i keep the ocean clean by cutting down on my recycling, picking trash when diving and anywhere else i see it and properly dispose of it. i made "eco-kits" that have a reusable straw, silicone tip for it, a brush to clean it and also include bamboo toothbrushes. i made pouches to keep them handy and i hand them out FREE of charge in hoping this promotes more awareness and people realize how much trash we actually create.
@incey101 5 жыл бұрын
By taking small steps such as reusable bags instead of plastic and refusing a straw unless paper etc it’s helping reducing my impact on the ocean and helping me remain committed to preserving it
@heatherpringle9639 5 жыл бұрын
We surf and kitesurf along UK coastlines as much as possible and take part in beach cleans and coastline sustainability initiatives wherever and whenever we can. I got my PADI certificate in Madagascar two years ago, where I spent time with marine conservation organisations. I've been promoting use of menstrual cups for years, since working with a social business, Ruby Cup. As well as cutting down my own plastic usage, I encourage others to reduce menstrual hygiene waste by switching to an eco-friendly alternative, to keep our oceans clean!
@Akki-kf9xq 5 жыл бұрын
There are two ways to solve a problem. Solve it or avoid it! We have reached a phase where we are supposed to solve it. And thanks to many organizations like Project Aware which does that! The second aspect if the lack of awareness of our own negligence that affects our oceans. I have started presentations in my office on the ill effects of improper disposal of waste and we have come up with a cool waste disposal system ! My pledge would be to create that awareness among folks on the ill effects of negligence and thus help sustain living on our planet !
@ashleydittman6762 5 жыл бұрын
I am committed to cleaning up the ocean by always picking up trash I see, recycling everything that can be recyclable, EDUCATION teaching others the importance of it. I am actually going to school in environmental science so that I can continue my passion of cleaning the ocean.
@lauratan5550 5 жыл бұрын
I got my Open Water Scuba license earlier this year and since then i've been volunteer diving at AQWA in WA cleaning the tanks weekly. I study conservation biology and in January will be undertaking an internship where i will be surveying coral reefs in Bali, doing beach cleanups and going to local schools where I will do presentations on how oceans aren't doing too well because of us and hopefully inspire young kids to reduce their impact on the ocean through awareness first then action, whether it be simply using less plastic and other harmful chemicals that end up in the ocean or actively educating others and putting stray rubbish in the bin. I use my keep cup, a metal straw, bamboo toothbrush and reusable bags when I shop to reduce my overall waste. The ocean is such a beautiful place and I hope that through my actions I am making positive change.
@PADI 5 жыл бұрын
Hi Laura, You're potentially the winner of this 12 Days of Scuba contest! We just need to confirm your eligibility. Would you mind sending an email to within 48 hours so we can confirm this? Thank you!
@adventurewithholly 5 жыл бұрын
I realized after I finished my degree in zoology, that coral research was my calling! So I’ve been trying to make that my career. But in the meantime, I volunteer with research projects whenever I can, clean up trash when I’m diving, and limit my plastic use!
@julielindell6064 5 жыл бұрын
I am committed to helping protect the ocean by combining cleaning with my daily activities. In the summers (and even winters) I am by the water or on the water almost daily, and I refuse to pass by trash and not do my best to remove it from the environment. In the summers I work as a tow boat captain, and will stop and snag pieces of trash that I see floating. Last spring, I attended a women’s sailing clinic, but not before the female sailors all teamed up to collect trash in the harbor. When I go to the beach in the summers or bike by the beach in the winters, I bring a bag to pick up any trash I pass. By making cleaning a habit, I can make a difference over a period of time.
@louiseparker7418 5 жыл бұрын
I had never scuba dived in my life until summer 2018, when I jumped straight in and did my OWD. Since then, I've dived 7 times and chose to master my buoyancy by picking up litter whilst diving; but also signed up for my AOWD, of which the Dive Against Debris course is integral. When I'm not diving, this year I've cut out single-use plastics, I've switched to plastic-free toothpaste & shower gel, and this Christmas my presents will all be wrapped in brown paper. And I've joined 4Ocean so that even more plastic can be removed from oceans. I've been recycling and using reusable cups in coffee chains for years but since discovering scuba diving in the summer, I've become ever more aware of the impact our lives on land have for the marine life in our oceans. #12daysofscuba
@michelletaylor6626 5 жыл бұрын
I adopted a dive site through Project AWARE, I carry a mesh bag in my BCD pocket on every dive, and my car always has a reusable garden waste bag and gardening gloves in it for when I walk my dogs on the beach and there is marine debris. I also organised beach cleanups, which along with a few friends has resulted in us removing almost 20,000 items (over 700 kg) of marine debris from our beaches, mangroves, and near shore reefs in 9 months. We are engaging the local youth on the island through games and challenges to encourage them to care for their environment. The prizes for the kids are environmentally friendly such as reusable water bottles or straws, so our message is continued. The motto we use in our work is ‘we do not inherit the Earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children’. Happy fishes 🐠
@jadoretubecca 5 жыл бұрын
Our oceans are everything. I refuse the straw and have reduced my plastic significantly after diving in the Philippines. When I dived Malapascua in the Philippines I was completely blown away with how beautiful it was. Thresher sharks, mantas, nudis, white tips - incredible. Then a typhoon came - there weren't any issues but the next day's diving broke my heart. It was like a sea of floating plastic bags, nappies, bottles. This is the norm, we just don't see it until it's brought to our beaches. I spent the next two days of diving collecting plastic from the ocean, but it was a huge wake up call. As people who get to experience the ocean, we are the ones who have to protect it. Refuse the straw, don't buy one time plastics and don't say 'it's just this once' 4bn just this onces is a lot of plastic.
@gangan7573 5 жыл бұрын
After getting my open water license last year July, I'm planning to join the aware volunteer job in the future. Now I'm gaining more experience in diving and refining my skill. I helped to collect the garbage, plastic bag, plastic bottle, net in the sea when I see them during diving. Once I saw a pair of old fins on the seabed. So glad that I picked it up and return to the land. Besides, I'm also trying to tell people around that it's important to save our mother nature and creatures by not dumping rubbish into the sea. :)
@juliap1922 5 жыл бұрын
As a coastal resource management peace corps volunteer in the Philippines I'm not only passionate about keeping our oceans clean, but it is my job to educate, encourage, and inspire my community members to be just as passionate! Every assessment dive we have performed we are also collecting the rubbish we find. Most times they are plastic bags and clothing that are entangled on the reefs we are assessing. Out of the water and in the office I am researching ways to reduce my communities waste in the first place, install proper waste bins, and perform seminars in the schools about plastic and how pollution effects our oceans. I LOVE my job!
@maialensanchez6575 5 жыл бұрын
I support many organizations that try to keep clean the ocean with beach cleans, informative talks to my friends about plastic pollution, sharing this problem on my networks and I also take the plastic I find while I dive. Sometimes my friends and I spend our time of snorkelling taking out the rubbish we find in the sea because we get mad every time we see it there. Moreover when I go to market I try to buy everything with the less plastic as it is posible. And obviously I do not use plastic bags, I carry some cloth bags from my house.
@josephdawson5598 5 жыл бұрын
Passionate PADI diver, recently finished my marine ecology degree, now onto NZ to inspect oceans 👍🌊
@kaylintv1695 5 жыл бұрын
I am committed to save our oceans not just because it’s beautiful and full of so much amazing creatures. But because it’s life on earths biggest support. The ocean helps us create oxygen and take in so much carbon from the atmosphere ultimately slowing down climate change. Not to mention it has such a big influence in the medicinal world. That’s why I do my beat to get my friends excited and educated about he oceans. I also make it my duty to not harm any sea life while embarking on any water activities
@PADI 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you for caring for our oceans, Kaylin!
@sageono3882 5 жыл бұрын
I am committed to ocean conservation by raising awareness and picking up trash on the beach and when I dive.
@erikasullivan4868 5 жыл бұрын
I took my IDC 2.5 years ago specifically so I could achieve my AWARE / PADI Shark Conservation course, and since the have become a Dive Against Debris Instructor. This Christmas I’ll be teaching for sharks. This Australia Day I’ll be picking up rubbish with a Dive Against Debris. #protectandlove
@tiggyrobinson4936 5 жыл бұрын
I love the oceans!!! I’m currently trying to organise a beach clean up tour around Britain for next year!! I also got my coral conservation certification this summer. I want to say thank you for all the work you’re doing 🌊🦈🐡
@chadblythe6205 5 жыл бұрын
It’s time we engage the youth of today. I am currently am planing to go in to schools with my dive school to educate children on how they can too help us save to ocean we all wish to use in the future. Also I am looking in to new ways people are trying to save the plastic in the ocean. For example there is a entrepreneur who is currently making single use shower wash/shampoo which is wrapped in seaweed.
@jle8064 5 жыл бұрын
#12daysofScuba - I'm blessed with great friends around me, and a few that Scuba Dive. About 2 weeks before I went to fiji to get my open water certification, one of my most passionate friends Sabine who was then living in Singapore roped me in to volunteer for Project AWARE at Adex Singapore! I went around the convention hall introducing people to Dive Againt Debris (and soliciting for donations ;p) and I think that was the best induction into diving really! I went into Scuba diving with the right mindset and the importance about ocean cleanliness and data! Much thanks to my dear friend Sabine she's now teaching diving full time and the best instructor I believe!
@sarahmasrun5361 5 жыл бұрын
I am committed to helping protect the ocean by using reusable water bottle, I always make sure that I bring my own water everywhere I go but if I desperately need to purchase water in the plastic water bottle I will make sure it goes it the plastic recycle bin. Other than that, me and my family have started using our own shopping bag when doing our groceries. We also started to reduce the usage of plastic straw and started using reusable ones. Not only that, me and my university dive club (Heriot-Watt University Malaysia) with guidance from a coral and marine life expert, held the first ever Coral Restoration Programme in Tenggol Island, Terengganu, Malaysia in August 2018. Overall, we planted about 6 frames of coral and held an awareness talk to the locals and people on the island. We all are happy to hear that the corals are growing well! Really looking forward for my next year dive to do check-ups and clean-ups on those coral frames. Also, hoping to join more conservation programme in the future. It really has been a great experience being able to help protect not only the ocean but the world's ecosystem although it has only been one project done but I believe even with one small step of change could really make a big difference in the future. #itallstartswithyou #babysteps #bearesponsiblediver
@akosikuisa 5 жыл бұрын
As a diver, I dedicated my self to protect the ocean. There are plenty of living species in the ocean that need to be saved/kept safe. Help needs to start from ourselves (divers). How? Pick up garbage and litter not just near the beaches while walking but also in the water while diving. We need to start using reusable products such as straws, bottles etc. Use only an ocean-friendly products (sunscreens, anti-fog etc.) and lastly, for me, we need to be a ROLE MODEL to ourselves, to others, and especially to the youths so they will copy and practice them and will hand those good practices to our future generations. ♥️
@lenabowler661 5 жыл бұрын
1. be aware of the small changes you can make to benefit the environment around you. 2. adopt these changes and make them a habit of yours. 3. share these new habits with others. Small changes such as: reusing materials, avoiding the use of temporary products (e.g. straws), picking up rubbish when you see it in the local environment and investigating sustainable food sources can make a major difference to ocean conservation when practiced on a global scale. It's important to take initiative in our communities and support foundations/groups such as project aware to conserve our planet both above and below the water. :)
@fridaskaanes1812 5 жыл бұрын
Love what you're doing! I think about my plastic consumption every day. Here in Thailand they will provide you with a straw and a plastic bag basically every time you buy anything. I simply say no to this and bring a backpack with me while shopping. A couple of days ago, we had a good example of why not to use plastic. A dolphin that was vomiting plastic was found here in Phuket, and was taken in by an awesome team of veterinaries and volunteers. I signed up to volunteer, but unfortunately the dolphin couldn't be saved, and died before I got to help it. This is one of the reasons I have invested in a couple reusable straws (stainless steel). I keep a few of them in my purse/backpack at all times, so when I catch up with friends, and they ask for a straw, I'll give them a reusable one instead of the shop/restaurant giving them a plastic one. Also, every time I go diving, I pick up everything that doesn't belong to the ocean. I try to be a good role model for my students, and I do notice that a lot of them also start picking up trash while they're still leaning how to dive!
@erikag.2645 5 жыл бұрын
On behalf of my sister: I am a 100% aware instructor, have adopted a dive site to do regular Dives Against Debris and encourage all AOW students to choose a Project Aware specialty with their course. I talk regularly with guests about the importance of marine reserves as well as volunteer with our local marine park to help control the invasive lionfish species. I wear reef friendly sunscreen and assist with putting mooring lines in so that boats don't have to anchor on the reef!
@sarahmaccuish5987 5 жыл бұрын
I have definitely become more conscious of the impact humans have on the ocean since I started scuba diving 18 months ago and with this change in focus I have made small but I hope impactful changes to my day to day life. This includes not using straws, using canvas bags, using a keepcup and reuseable drinks bottle and being more aware of plastic packaging in a bid to cut down my useage of disposables to protect the planet and namely the ocean. I also pick up trash on land and in the ocean as many small acts like this combined will make big changes. #Commitmenttotheocean #padi #12daysofscuba
@yourseanymph 5 жыл бұрын
Being a Marine Biology student I know how important our ocean is and the vital role human being needs to partake. Because we are a cycle of interconnected species, everyone and everything has a reason and a role to play. I have been refusing plastics for a month now and it's a challenge to convenience, I am also a volunteer on a mangrove conservation project (a very important habitat) and educating and participating on activities on ocean protection. I am an ocean defender.
@PADI 5 жыл бұрын
This is amazing! Thanks for caring for our oceans, Neriz!
@parisprague1 5 жыл бұрын
@@PADI It is uplifting to read all of the above comments. Spread the word despite the enormity of the task.
@PADI 5 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the kind words, Wayne!
@isabellasmurf 5 жыл бұрын
I help keep our ocean clean by collecting trash I find on the seashore and I plan to start bribing a mesh bag on my dives to pick up trash in the ocean. I also raise awareness in my local community to encourage more people to pick up trash and not leave it behind.
@mariadodoulou2216 5 жыл бұрын
Every time i go to the beach i try to pick up as much trash as i can , i put them in my bag and i recycle♻️ them if they are recyclable.We LOVE the ocean and the beach ,so we have to keep them CLEAN .🏖🌊❤
@charlottej2107 5 жыл бұрын
Also being a marine bio student the sea is my life, so it makes sense to protect it. Naturally I do my bit and I also help write a conservation newsletter for my dive club which highlights local and national issues
@althearowan769 5 жыл бұрын
Already conducting community education campaign on the significance of marine biodiversity and the negative impact of trash in our marine ecosystem. Avoid using plastic, and in every dive, we conduct a clean up (scubasurero). 💪 also doing our best to inspire others. ❤👌
@floridagirl981sophia3 5 жыл бұрын
I try to keep the ocean clean and safe for all Marine life and use to dive in. I use out reach by informing my friends on the things that are littering the ocean and ways they can prevent it. Keeping people informed on the decreasing population in sharks and all other marine life. It’s important we preserve the ocean that cuter generations can enjoy the ocean.
@PADI 5 жыл бұрын
Thanks for doing your part!
@leighjohnston3750 5 жыл бұрын
I have committed to trying to help the oceans by initiating a shark-fin ban in my city and supporting other Canadian cities doing the same. I have taken the Padi shark diver conservation course and have educated many friends and family about our ocean's eco-systems, including the issue of shark finning. I have begun to try to eliminate plastic wherever possible, including purchasing reusable mesh shopping bags for produce, and moving to shampoo bars instead of bottled shampoo! This year I have bought reusable straws as Christmas gifts, trying to further my efforts and share ways to be environmentally friendly! And of course, when I dive, I look for things to remove that shouldn't be in our oceans :)
@KhalidAlrazooqi 5 жыл бұрын
Let’s save our ocean and our world. I am part of projectaware team and cleaning the debris
@toddsmoyer 5 жыл бұрын
I'm committed to keeping the ocean's clean by no longer using single use plastics whenever I have the opportunity, no longer using plastic bags or straws in general and whenever I dive collecting any garbage I see.
@04HDRoadKing 5 жыл бұрын
I am committed to helping protect the ocean by no longer using plastic straws, using refillable water bottles, filling trash bags while walking the beach, diving with a mesh bag for trash collection, eliminating single use plastic from my day to day routines and by teaching others about the impact of trash in our ocean.
@lukem2889 5 жыл бұрын
I'm committed to protecting the ocean by changing how myself and others use single use plastic, by recycling and composting as much waste as I can, by using reusable straws and utensils instead of single use, and obviously grabbing any garbage on the beach and underwater when I see it. A mesh bag would be very useful!
@danikahead3919 5 жыл бұрын
I always take a camera diving and take photos of both the beauty and the destruction underwater - I use my photos to create awareness and bring attention to the issue whilst also showing the beauty we need to conserve
@PhilNakedMoleRat 5 жыл бұрын
I got both bamboo and metal straws and bamboo utensils trying to help and everywhere we go we start with a bag for garbage we find on the beach and in the forests. Everyone needs to do more and voting in people and parties that understand man-made climate change and pollution is mankind's biggest challenge.
@Mauricio.Arregui 5 жыл бұрын
I dedicate my work as a nature an travel Documentarian towards creating conscience about marine life preservation and ways to help such as the use of reusable plastics, avoid the use of straws, plastic bags, plastic bottles and showing the the effects of their use :)
@akosijaja 5 жыл бұрын
I help keep our Ocean clean by collecting at least 3 pieces of plastic garbage every time I visit the seashore, and giving awareness about results of plastic pollution through social media.
@charlenebartlett1011 5 жыл бұрын
Over 3 years on my Adopt A Dive site location (ADS98 Montserrat) we have collected over a tonne of debris from beneath the waves, a tonne and a half from the adjacent beach and have had over 100 divers help with the efforts! Now, I am moving on from this island, I leave the beach and reef in the capable hands of 8 of my personally trained local Dive Against Debris Specialty divers! #MakeEveryDiveCount #LoveOurOceans #MontserratIslandDiveCentre
@emmafowler7560 5 жыл бұрын
I am currently changing to a zero waste lifestyle, i have loved the oceans my hole life and now that they are dying i am willing to do ANYTHING to save them, since the oceans are becoming more acidic i am trying as hard as i can to reduce my carbon footprint since co2 is what is making the oceans more acidic. Saving the environment is the most important world issue we have and we should be doing everything in our power to save them. Emma Fowler Grade 11
@katievalenzuela9015 5 жыл бұрын
I am committed to ocean #conservation in that I have dedicated my life and career to marine conservation. I am studying at CSU Monterey Bay this semester and at James Cook University in the spring. My career focus is coral reef restoration and conservation. My biggest dream would be to work with the Gates lab in Hawaii or to be hired on as full time faculty at JCU. I have spent the last decade volunteering in beach clean ups and I always bring a bag with me to the beach so I can leave it cleaner than I found it. Every chance I get I tell people I meet about the importance of marine stewardship and I will never stop trying to make our oceans a better, healthier place.
@sophiamontemayor5150 5 жыл бұрын
I believe that even if I'm only 14 years old I am protecting our ocean by picking up trash when I get the chance to, not only am I committed to clean the ocean but to protect and rebuild it... years back I was told the Philippines had a lot of fish and many diverse marine animals now there are hardly any according to a dive master who has been diving for years... I participated in a rebuild the reef project which aims to create a home for marine animals and serve as a research site for marine biologists. I am determined to bring back the biodiversity the Philippines once had. I also believe that the youth like myself should take action I encourage my siblings to pick up trash when they see trash during the dive I have also educated them on the importance of protecting the ocean and keeping the ocean clean, they too participated and I am proud of them to me they are heroes... even of you are still a child you can make a change even just by doing the simplest things to protect and clean our oceans. NO MATTER HOW YOUNG YOU ARE YOU CAN CHANGE THE WORLD FOR THE BETTER!
@flanmerie5039 5 жыл бұрын
I have been an active diver since February this year. I want to keep the ocean as clean as possible by minimalising the impacts we have made to the ocean. We can do this by using products which can be recycled and using a lot less products which potentially become conservative wastes such as plastic. So far I have done Diving for Debris Project Aware with PADI 5 Star Dive Center in Wellington, New Zealand. I dive together with them to collect plastics and other rubbish to help keeping the ocean clean. I'm very keen to collect more debris on my next dive. The ocean has given us so much and yet we gave nothing in return apart from pollutants and rubbish. We can change this by getting more people to use a lot less plastics and collect any rubbish when they snorkel or dive. #CleantheOcean #ThanksfortheOcean #PADIProjectAware #PADIDay5Challenge
@justynet 5 жыл бұрын
Great video! I pick up trash and dispose of it properly where I see it, underwater or on land. I’m working to buy less/use less packaging and single use items to try and cut down on my personal waste and have started a similar program in my office, replacing single use with reusable kitchen wares . I donate time and money to ocean conservation groups. I also call my reps to ask them to support ocean friendly legislation (or, because of where I live, more often thank them for co-sponsoring the bill). And I never shut up about how awesome ocean critters- especially sharks- are and how we need to protec them, to anyone who will listen.
@MateuszProductions 5 жыл бұрын
I pick up straws every time I get up from my beach chair and walk to and from bar/water. I use reusable bags. I donate to Project Aware as well!
@DiveCenterDailyLife 6 жыл бұрын
Keep Ocean clean! I do it every time when scuba diving!
@PADI 6 жыл бұрын
That's awesome! Thanks for all for help keeping our oceans clean :)
@aimeelstrang 5 жыл бұрын
I am committed to helping protect the ocean. I visited the same dive sites in Mexico a year apart and the deterioration of the reef was heartbreaking. I vowed that I would do anything and everything I could to help protect our ocean and its life. While in Bonaire this year, I was moved by their marine conservation, including sea turtle conservation (my spirit animal!). I teamed up with @divefriends and their Debris Free Bonaire program which is just one of their many eco-activities. The shop supplied me with mesh bags and a map of concerned areas and I plotted the sites I would visit during my stay. I filled up several bags with as much plastic debris as I could find and the shop disposed of them properly. Since leaving the island, I’ve donated to Sea Turtle Conservation Bonaire--you do not need to be present to help! It’s a shame what is happening to our oceans. If there are similar conservation efforts, please post them below! Visit and for more information.
@anasiltacosic 5 жыл бұрын
Other than reusing, recycling and trying to reduce my impact, as a new diver I am especially looking forward to taking specialty courses in coral restoration and I will be looking for beach cleanups on holiday in Croatia next summer!
@seadogdiving 5 жыл бұрын
I am committed to saving out oceans by picking up trash on each dive and trash/debris off the shores also. Instilling this to also into my friends when we go diving. Keep our Oceans beautiful
@tun-peitso66 5 жыл бұрын
My family and I have been using our own shopping bags for over two years, always have them in the car and small one in my purse all the time. My family has stopped using plastic straws, bring our own coffee cups when we go out. Also when check out staff in supermarket ask if we need a bag, we always say it loud : "no thanks, save a turtle!! " Not only to the staff also let everyone there hear it !! We love our ocean and also need to tell everyone to.
@terranlim 5 жыл бұрын
2019 is a new year and I am planning to start a Straw Free campaign in the Perhentian Islands where I work,once the season reopen again. Will start from plastic straws then to single use plastic. It's going to be tough with the locals there but I'm planning to start step by step. On the side note,I am also planning to add little mesh bags into all the diver's BCDs to motivate them to pick up thrash while diving. Protector of the Ocean - Heroes of the Ocean.
@jennahoare8104 5 жыл бұрын
I’m a conscious traveller who always tries to reduce the amount of plastic used during a trip. To help protect the ocean, I always try to carry a reusable water bottle, reusable shopping bag and reusable coffee cup. It’s the little things you might do at home that can be carried on throughout your travels. As a diver that wants to see the ocean respected, I’m always seeking new ways to minimise my impact on our beautiful environment!
@Jessie-rv5yx 5 жыл бұрын
Awesome work! Every time I go skindiving around Fraser Island, Aus, I collect debris from the site. Every swim I will find plastic, fishing lines, cans, bottles and it doesn’t stop there. It’s a sad reality of the human impact on our beautiful planet. I make conscious choices to cut my waste by recycling, using reusable shopping totes, bamboo toothbrushes, keepcups and stainless steel water bottles, stainless steel straws, a mooncup and more! If everyone took just a few steps to cut their single-use waste we could make a sizeable impact on regaining natural environments for future generations and for the plant! ❤️🐢
@sammywinters6228 5 жыл бұрын
I help to keep the ocean (and other bodies of water) clean by running Chesapeake Bay clean up events with my diving club on my college campus. We also raise awareness about aquatic life on campus by promoting green and reusable products. Next year when I have an apartment, I also want to work with the Chesapeake Bay Foundation to grow oysters for the bay. Any time I’m diving I bring my dive knife so I can cut and gather fishing lines or other trash I see.
@benetteantenor5190 5 жыл бұрын
So ever since I started studying marine and maritime science and got my SCUBA licence, I've been determined to think ways where my family and friends can reduce plastic and reduce waste. Due to where I was born which is the Phillippines I have made them realised how small objects can effect a big nation which is the Phillipines where the fish stocks is currently decreasing, where it's dramatically effecting the local fishers. Because here in Western Australia the temperature in summer can reach to 45° and usually we have family nights where it involves a lot of people gathering. Instead of using refrigerator I've digged up a big whole and placed a metal tin can and at night the ground is usually cool temperate and we used that to cool our drinks and reduce electricity, instead of using high voltage and watts to power up the refrigerator. Past years I've currently been volunteering in beach clean ups in local and state events such as the McDonald's Beach Clean Up and my proudest volunteering involve with clean up was when sea shepherd organised a huge event that really inspired a lot of people during the event. And now I've currently graduated from year 12 , I took a big step and brought ideas to my state council. Gave them ideas on places in the WA coast where there should be artificial reefs that would help the biodiversity of the marine life in the WA coast. And introduce ECOTOURISM that would help with marine researches that can improve reduce the marine pollution. And now hopefully waiting for their feedbacks.
@sarastatz1350 5 жыл бұрын
I’m committed to helping our planet by saying “no” and educating others about single use plastics. I now carry reusable cups, straws, and bags with me everywhere I go.
@patrickbyrne6877 5 жыл бұрын
For me this is no contest but a must to do a clean campaign We all are winners if we help to-recycle and one day we will win this battle
@kristenhorner2253 5 жыл бұрын
I use reusable bags, I use a reusable water bottle, I carry a cup everywhere I go with a reusable straw. I clean up other people's trash, I also walk instead of driving. I carpool to work, although if I could I'd work from home! I compost everyday and I also only cook twice a week! Thank you
@dukethor1420 5 жыл бұрын
I try to keep the ocean clean by picking up any trash i see on the beach or while scuba diving. I also use only reusable bottles and and straws. Our oceans are sacred and need to be clean, protected, and healthy.
@javierortiz5414 5 жыл бұрын
By following the 10 tips to protect the ocean! Protect the ocean!
@marnogareda 5 жыл бұрын
I became instructor because I love the ocean. I feel very lucky to have seen beautiful animals but makes me sad when I see them surrounded by plastic. I believe an important side of teaching is not only the diving part but also reducing human waste. In my briefings I explain we should collect the plastics we see and try to reduce the use of them to prevent them ending in the sea. Now I'm trying to make the dive shop where I work a no sunscreen dive shop (only reef safe ones)! Also with some effort I'm engaging the locals to clean the beach, little by little it's starting to work!
@LaurenGreen515 5 жыл бұрын
I dedicated my life to it! I do it from an office but I would rather be in the sea!
@ladyannedomrin3027 5 жыл бұрын
I do not see my self as a DIVER Only, I see myself as a one of the protector of the Ocean. Seeing these Marine Life who are innocents and cannot even defend themselves against humans cruelty and trashes breaks my heart. Even when I was a little, I already have a GOAL in Life and it is to help and protect the Environment in my own little ways. I dive not only because it is for fun and enjoyment But I also dive because I want to help reducing these trashes THAT HUMANS ARE THROWING. My commitment on helping the environment doesn't stop when I die instead it will continue as far as it could be.
@aetobatus 5 жыл бұрын
I'm keeping the ocean clean by using a reusable water bottle everywhere I go and not buying plastic bottled water, I use reusable shopping bags, I do not use plastic straws. In addition, when I dive I collect trash and fishing line and when I see trash on the beach I pick up as much as I can. I also have a B.S. in Marine Biology and I am in the process of obtaining my Masters to continue researching our marine world and educate our society about nature and why it is so important to protect our oceans.
@nathaliemahler1951 5 жыл бұрын
I'm working as much as I possibly can on studying marine life, especially sharks and coral reefs. I also want to complete my shark and reef conservation specialist courses as soon as possible so that I can help in every little way possible. I also want to go dive for marine life and against debris as soon as possible and make it a regular thing as soon as I possibly can. In the mean time, I try to raise funds for Project AWARE, as well as advocate for more change around the world
@scubagrace 5 жыл бұрын
At the beginning of this year I decided to go plastic bottle free, I haven't brought a plastic bottle in almost 12 months 😁 I also use metal straws all the time and try and encourage my friends to not buy plastic bags or bottles as much as I can. Obviously when I am diving I always pick up any litter I see as do most of us but as I am still in school, when out and about at lunchtime and weekends I find myself clearing up the rubbish on the pavements aswell. Next year I also have some beach cleans planed which I am really looking forward too. 😁
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