This job was deleted from the game | FFXIV History: Summoner

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@Larryzaur Күн бұрын
Hey guys, clarification: Arcanist, SMN and SCH were all new to ARR, they combined them to save time creating only one class instead of 2 👍 Get 10% off Gamer Supps with code LARRYZAUR ►
@toxicfem69 Күн бұрын
i actually like this garbage so i'll try to remember to use your code when i re-up lol
@YUXKE Күн бұрын
Blue Mage is the DoT job now
@kamiya4700 Күн бұрын
I miss SMN’s dots so much 🥲
@toxicfem69 17 сағат бұрын
...or not? guess you dont want me to use your code next time. if youtube removed my comment and not you tell them they owe you a sale then
@ChristianGroff-c1q 15 сағат бұрын
The Fire School of Wizard101: *scowls* "You leave the DOTs to our game, you f'king noobs." XD
@inoob26 Күн бұрын
Larry forgot about the part of history where the Summoner dong grows increasingly larger and then it didn't
@Larryzaur Күн бұрын
Stormblood job gear I’m looking at u
@rallivsalado6806 Күн бұрын
We were robbed
@ReksNuadiah 2 сағат бұрын
I cry still
@FrozenSolid90 Күн бұрын
Summoner and Astrologian The two horsemen of "We have no fucking idea what to do with this Job".
@LeicaFleury Күн бұрын
I'd like to add BRD and MCN to that list.
@FrozenSolid90 Күн бұрын
@@LeicaFleury Eh, BRD has kinda stayed the same since Stormblood and MCH since Shadowbringers and only getting new stuff added onto them.
@Zytyx13 Күн бұрын
Gotta remember Dark Knight and Scholar. drk becomes less of a job every expansion lol and sch, while consistently strong, just doesn't feel cohesive anymore
@corvoyami3192 Күн бұрын
Viper too dw
@halapenopepper Күн бұрын
Put Dark Knight in there too, had all of its unique mechanics stripped away in lieu of making it a worse version of warrior that can't do anything warrior does but 'it was okay because TBN is good' except TBN is only kinda okay and especially doesn't compete with Bloodwhetting, Holy Sheltron or Heart of Corundum. Enhanced Unmend is still crazy lmao
@earthwarren6143 Күн бұрын
I mean, Garuda deciding not to do what you want does sound *very* much in character for her.
@KZorander Күн бұрын
BIIIIIG Benedikta energy lol
@Hyskaris Күн бұрын
"don't pull yet" "why" "aetherflow cd, wait 30 more sec"
@Larryzaur Күн бұрын
Core memory unlocked
@lazyarcanist7095 Күн бұрын
Omg I remember when the tank used their big uh-oh button and everyone would have to wait before pull for it to come off cd
@Cafinebiased 14 сағат бұрын
To this day "1 min for aetherflow pls" is my message in the FC profile XD
@Tardisntimbits Күн бұрын
I miss having my chimkin nugget save dungeon parties when the tank died. I miss you, tanky nuggie...
@Miyao05 Күн бұрын
@EnbySloth 10 сағат бұрын
I ones used tanky nuggie to tank a level 50 dungeon boss while we waited for a new tank to join 🥹 I was so proud of tanky nuggie
@Tardisntimbits 10 сағат бұрын
@@EnbySloth Tanky nuggie was a beast!
@sleepyj222 Күн бұрын
@Milkjiest Күн бұрын
she just like me frfr...
@katarh Күн бұрын
Matches the Eos/Selene refusal to heal: "Sorry, can't heal that guy, he's too far away tee hee"
@arsenicbug1537 Күн бұрын
Everyone saying they don’t miss dots didn’t deserve them.
@rm2kmidi Күн бұрын
They were the ones that never cast them lol
@corvoyami3192 Күн бұрын
People saying they miss "Summoner"(it didn't use to summon anything) are just lying
@shinobirecords2018 Күн бұрын
You can flip that argument in so many ways it's not even funny
@esko911 Күн бұрын
probably the same people that died to overworld mobs or the easiest dungeons in the game lol
@DonBeverage-x3e Күн бұрын
@@corvoyami3192 Wrong.
@shadcroly Күн бұрын
I very much remember Titan tanking Ramuh EX. The idea was that Titan took less damage from Ramuh's attacks because the devs wanted to make sure your pets could actually survive boss mechanics. It was very silly, thought I do also miss Titan being able to take overworld enemies for me.
@Draylin41 Күн бұрын
It worked so well on Ramuh cause even his auto attacks were aoe which SMN pets had reduced damage against. Most other bosses hit the tanks with single target strikes so Titan Egi would die in just a couple hits against them.
@thebrave9971 Күн бұрын
I can only imagine the severe whiplash of joining the game back in ShadowBringers, fall in love with summoner, and then the severe whiplash of the job getting fully changed in EndWalker and lose interest in the job because of losing the identity. ...Oh wait, that was me
@Castersvarog Күн бұрын
God that’s just like me. I miss ShB Summoner. I miss it so much, I miss when my pets actually did more then just stand there staring off into space. I know the new SMN is played a lot, but damn it’s just not able to come close to the fun I had with ShB SMN
@ThewOrldIssqUare Күн бұрын
Sort of off topic, but I miss Stormblood AST. Another job that changes with every expansion. 💀
@marzocchi705 Күн бұрын
Me too! and then I had no job at 80 to play end walker so I had to continue to play smn as i cba levelling another job.
@Choveck Күн бұрын
Yeah me
@petrus9067 Күн бұрын
Also having joined in shb but i didn't play a lot of summoner, but its weird knowing the expac i joined on is considered history now... i still remember how we had egi assaults, fester based on dots, tri disaster, ruin 3 etc
@Eeehnamesarehard Күн бұрын
I miss job quests, smn's could have been unlocking past summons. A Ramuh, Shiva, leviathan rotation into Alex or bismark would have been sweet. There are so many ways to di it, and make it make sense.
@iantaakalla8180 19 сағат бұрын
I really would have liked a summoner version of Lakshmi where you could inflict statuses and then upon inflicting status, deal heavier damage based on whether they are inflicted with any status, with two or more statuses, with a specific status, or even if the person lacks a status. You could both deal heavy damage and alter the behavior of the boss or the FATE enemy. That would have been cool and would have made a really hard jack of all trades sort of character where you can switch modes on how you attack (including status affliction).
@buzzdx 18 сағат бұрын
was my big hope for dt to have new summons, pretty disappointing we just got a baha reskin.
@tatersalad76 Күн бұрын
Ngl I miss all the DoTs on Scholar a little more than all the DoTs lost from Summoner. Still have entire cross-hotbars filled with dead skills as my "job graveyard" Also the audacity of Yoshi P's team to take Shadow Flare from us and give it to Hades for his trial
@Zanekael Күн бұрын
God yes. I enjoy current SCH, but damn do I miss Stormblood's take. Give me back Leeches damn you!!
@PervertedNovaxc3 Күн бұрын
Same here. Scholar has never felt quite as fun as it did back in HW and SB for me
@Sketchblopp 21 сағат бұрын
You can still see Shadow Flare when you have an arcanist in your GC squadron and run a dungeon with them. Wild.
@Tacts0317 21 сағат бұрын
Sch dots made sense. Being able to throw them out between shields to assist with DPS
@Sketchblopp 15 сағат бұрын
@@Tacts0317 Agreed. SCH dots are imo really adding to this "field tactician" kind of identity the job is supposed to have in theory. More SCH dots pls!
@skeith452 Күн бұрын
They didn't just "tied it off to another class" though. Arcanist was also new to 2.0. So putting two jobs on the same class was a conscious decision from the start.
@izcube8971 Күн бұрын
I love how Sage essentially got Bane + Miasma 2 as a skill and very limited range (Eukrasian Dyskrasia)
@Larryzaur Күн бұрын
AH yes that's right, it was more of needing to create both SMN and SCH, so doing it off of one class instead of creating 2 new ones. Thanks for the clarification!
@corvus9289 21 сағат бұрын
That doesn't mean it was a *good* decision
@Azhrei2000 7 сағат бұрын
I like them being tied... I love my summoner but I can't stand scholar lol... Well I don't have to level scholar😂
@Professor_Utonium_ 6 сағат бұрын
​@@LarryzaurMake a new video
@megawaffle612 Күн бұрын
The easiest way to say it is “I don’t miss old summoner but I miss the ideas of what it could have been”.
@dootdootington386 Күн бұрын
I liked the old one. Hopefully we do get a proper dot class one day. After the spaghett code is corrected
@InnocentGuillotine Күн бұрын
Yeah, I want a dot class to return but the way it was implemented in old Summoner always sounded kind of frustrating to deal with, especially with how pet AI is so jank even with reworking that they're making the new Pet JobTM a limited job.
@Laterose15 Күн бұрын
​@@dootdootington386 bold of you to think that's happening anytime soon. They'd need to practically rebuild the game.
@edwardking9359 Күн бұрын
​@@dootdootington386That's never going to be fully fixed. It's practically baked into the engine at this point.
@Leap623 Күн бұрын
Honestly Shadowbringers summoner is probably my favorite after these years, it's a good middle ground. We still had the fun little bits of the kit to optimize and play around with, pet actions being GCD's is still a great idea to make the job actually revolve around commanding your summons, maybe the only thing I'd change is giving us current Bahamut where he actually sits still and attacks instead of prioritizing movement to follow you if you have to move.
@marcoklepsky Күн бұрын
once again as a fellow summoner player for like 10 years, we've got equal qualification here... here's a fun fact! i have a macro with the icon for bio that just puts /echo "please.... i miss her" in my chat 14 times
@Zytyx13 Күн бұрын
I miss back when sch and smn were dot mages with different focuses. I know it was janky but it was my janky dammit!
@cattysplat 17 сағат бұрын
Yep scholar dots got neutered too.
@mooleemooplays Күн бұрын
As someone who has also been a SMN main since it came to us in ARR. I also miss shadowflare and my dots... I just wish SMN had the potency increases it deserves. Should never be in the bottom 5 of lowest DPS ever.
@Skyztamer Күн бұрын
Stormblood era imo was the peak design for Summoner and Scholar; especially on scholar I miss my DoTs. I've had to get my DoT spam fix in GW2; although in that game any combat profession can focus on DoTs or strike damage depending on whatever build you're going for.
@moosecannibal8224 7 сағат бұрын
Yeah that's literally the reason why I can't get into GW2... Like sure, the classes aren't "all the same", but there's no real class identity when everyone is everything. Definitely a well made game compared to a lot of other MMOs, but also definitely not my cup of tea.
@Skyztamer 2 сағат бұрын
@@moosecannibal8224 I like how much more responsive the combat is in GW2 over FF14. Although the combat in FF14 is better balanced. Both games didn't click with me right away. FF14 took me two tries and GW2 took me like four. Although to be fair with GW2, I wasn't really into PC gaming yet and FF14 was the best MMO available on PS4 with ESO as a close contender.
@SkepticalChris Күн бұрын
I miss the classic pet class. It was fun using a Titan-EGI to occasionally off tank when you had a bad healer-tank combo that couldn't keep themselves running. And also doing fates was nice with a healing chocobo and a Titan- tank going around doing all the work for you.
@Sketchblopp 21 сағат бұрын
It's funny how you still have one or two SMN job quests who rely on you having a tank. I had to reskill my chocobo into a tank chocobo eventually because the duty expected me to stand still and cast ruin or whatever instead of kiting the boss and maybe get a spell through once or twice and not get interrupted by the boss hitting you. Or.. killing you. xD
@SkepticalChris 13 сағат бұрын
@@Sketchblopp ya you can still do the opposite, have a tanking chocobo, or even a DPS chocobo dealing with mobs and your scholar fairy autohealing it, while you AFK
@Sketchblopp 9 сағат бұрын
@@SkepticalChris I think we're talking about different quests here. I mean a SMN quest in Mor Dhona, so no fairy. :)
@WeskAlber Күн бұрын
I knew no summoner players who acted like they *liked* playing summoner. Always came with so many complaints about every part of the job. From my view, a big part of why they started to get rid of so many dots is what we're seeing with Ultimates now, the buff/debuff cap. In 24 mans, you were all but guaranteed to lose some of your buffs and such. At the time, we understood it as 30 visible slots, and 30 invisible slots. So at best, they got lost in the 31-60 slot and did get applied, but was invisible. Nowadays we see buff/debuff cap hitting us because a lot of debuffs became buffs on us. You can now dodge your Leylines cast. We swung so far into the other direction we're seeing an even worse situation. With how many buffs/debuffs/etc gone now, we might be okay to see a DoT job return. But the moment you get three or four of them in one 24man (random parties after all) you're going to see some people suffering with invisible debuffs. We likely won't, because the priority of removing DoTs changed at some point, and now it just seems like the team hates DoTs existing.
@vinsoni10 Күн бұрын
Gib warlock-like job pls
@Larryzaur Күн бұрын
You see, it requires a sixth sense to keep track of your dots with your inner clock
@oddnightsky1367 Күн бұрын
please square add a green mage job. it'd be so funny
@cameronwilsey9334 Күн бұрын
You know there's a setting to have your debuffs appear first in the list, right? Don't know how long it's been a thing though
@WeskAlber Күн бұрын
@@cameronwilsey9334 Doesn't work if the buff is invisible.
@lukastreurnich4340 Күн бұрын
I didn't watch the Endwalker Job Trailer, so I had the biggest wiplash when I went on Summoner and saw that everything was different. I thought I was having the most surreal dream in my life. And belts, don't know how I feel about them being gone.
@Larryzaur Күн бұрын
oh wow that would have been such a wild experience!
@cameronwilsey9334 Күн бұрын
I still wish they would have made a gear set made of salvaged belts. Like Lulu's dress from FFX
@KatekaYuka Күн бұрын
i still remember when i was a baby sprout between shadowbringers and endwalker, arcanist was my 2nd job i took to check it out, and when we moved to endwalker, i didn't watch any job updates, my honest reaction was "wait where my bio, why carbuncle is not attacking"
@Azeur 15 сағат бұрын
Summoner for me is the poster boy of everything I miss with "older" FFXIV. There were definitely bad times, and stupid yank - but there was a charm and joy to all that nonsense. I still have the keeper's hymn on my original main character, somethings you just don't get rid of. There's so much gone that I used to love with FFXIV, like things actually be dangerous, having funny ways of dealing with it (Titan-egi for tanking etc) the stupid things you could get up to with cross-class skills, that there actually was challenges in regular content beyond "can my party connect 2 brain cells?". Though somethings were definitely too much of a hurdle for the "main" audience... So many healers who refused to understand how Cleric Stance actually worked, and tried healing with it... I liked how crafters actually felt special, and someone to be respected - nowadays it's as easy as doing an expert dungeon. Dungeons felt more interesting as well, with diverging paths for extra exp and loot. Though that's definitely something that could have been improved upon while they still existed, and now it's just a "straight corridor" that you pull everything in till you hit a wall. I miss enemies having abilities beyond auto-attack and the occasional AoE. I just miss when the world actually felt worth exploring and provided a challenge. It actually saddens me when I see how much of a joke instance duties are most of the time, and S rank hunting targets really need to scale with the amount of people, because they are such a non-threat that just instantly die like a low level training dummy. Feels like the only challenges remaining in the game are in end-game raiding and solo runs in deep dungeons, everything else is a joke or solved.
@SynodicScribe Күн бұрын
Job identity kinda got lost in the sauce over the years. lol
@Larryzaur Күн бұрын
I think this is what I miss most about FFXIV job design. They didn't just feel different, they did accomplished different goals too. I suppose it's tough with so many more jobs to make them distinct though.
@SynodicScribe Күн бұрын
@@Larryzaur I know what you mean. It pains me as the lore guy to know exactly what these jobs should be capable of, and we barely get a fraction of that in gameplay. Of course, no gameplay could ever be 1 to 1 with the lore. But man we're missing out on a lot of cool stuff.
@SpaceElvisInc Күн бұрын
My job is 1 2 3 : )
@XylessBrawl Күн бұрын
Going back to Astrologian after being away from it since Stormblood, I feel like it's surprisingly retained a lot of its identity and uniqueness. Like yeah, the cards aren't random anymore, but the old card system just led to fishing for Balance most of the time, so I feel like the current system is a happy middle ground. It feels so different from the other healers though.
@SpaceElvisInc Күн бұрын
@@XylessBrawl they actually made it more like stromblood astro again literally this expansion
@Swimdud Күн бұрын
I joined the game for Summoner being a pet job. Give me my job back YoshiP
@GEMINIVice1 Күн бұрын
Loved Summoner in Shadowbringers and prior xpacs. Started a 2nd character for the main purpose of focusing on learning how to play it properly when you had to both manage pets and DoTs. It was the hardest caster to learn and play in those days imo. Then it got neutered into the unofficial physical ranged dps it currently is. Yoshi and co. introduced a new foundation for it in EndWalker….but really didn’t build upon it in the follow up xpac. Just homogenized and seemingly put it into a category of being another easy job that is now charged ‘utility/mobility taxes’ when determining if the job should be able to achieve the same levels on dmg output it had in xpacs prior to its rework. Braindead for the smooth brain.
@SleepyOmel Күн бұрын
I miss 3.0 everyday, i wish i could go back and love it more than i did
@ChimerahHanssen Күн бұрын
@iantaakalla8180 19 сағат бұрын
I wonder what FFXIV would have been like if Living Liquid (Savage) was actually good enough to progress through and endgame content was not filtered through that.
@ArcheologistLlama Күн бұрын
"SMN is a new job every expansion" As an AST main, I feel your pain.
@Haxaan.Shivar 7 сағат бұрын
I feel this deep in my soul 😢. While the cards in Storm blood weren't "optimal" using strategy to figure out what to do with your cards on the fly was half the fun. I miss Royal Road and Time Dilation every day.
@fanazador Күн бұрын
As a new player, it's really fun to watch this kind of video from veteran and see how the game changes over time. Thanks for making these.
@arcanecoalition7583 Күн бұрын
Started playing in Shb and loved the complexity of Smn with dots and different summons. EW came out, and I stopped playing Smn.
@MassDe5truction Күн бұрын
The kids will never understand the joy of mass dotting and tanking a dungeon with Titan when your tank dies or leaves, or the pain of it dying and having to resummon. And then having an intense but satisfying rotation. Now we just play with Lego.
@crayyonnyadrav4055 Күн бұрын
And most of the mobs had a really good way to debuff all of your DoT dmg: they died.
@Redge. Күн бұрын
Dots + bane was so much fun. New Summoner's concept is better, but the gameplay has no challenge.
@Draylin41 Күн бұрын
I'm of the opinion that if they not gonna have a dot caster anymore they should at least put a Bane equivalent on Bard so they can open with just one global and for reapplying after long phase transitions.
@linhilde Күн бұрын
"You look at Summoner today and there are none of those." -- Yeah, it feels like Summoner really is just half a job now. "If I keep talking about this you're gonna miss Old Summoner?" -- Bruh I've only been playing the game for two years and I miss what the game was before I got to play it. Why is it that every time I get a glimpse back to what was FFXIV, I'm always left in madness that the devs really removed all this cool, complex, engaging, interesting, expressive stuff in favor of egregious linearity and simplification? I look at Au Ra concept art and I'm like, "wow, the Japanese community really said NO to this and said 'no make them baby and giant' uwu!" Guh.
@C.Cer. Күн бұрын
You had me at " Copium flavor ".... My Hissatsu: Kaiten.... Pray return.... to the Hotbar =n=; mhm
@cattysplat 17 сағат бұрын
Double finisher everytime with guaranteed crit kinda makes up for it...almost.
@C.Cer. 16 сағат бұрын
@@cattysplat Yay. I am not a Fan of Guaranteed Crits? But Kaiten could have given Guaranteed Crits, thus its removal to give us Guaranteed Crits in EW 6.1 Pre-Double Finisher implementation at 7.0 DT... didn't make sense for me... Now that I crit everytime? it feels like I never Crit so to me its a w/e change :/ mhm
@blackh9604 Күн бұрын
I seriously love this style of video, especially how you include older footage!!
@c_huvaknunh9138 Күн бұрын
OMG, I remember "The Nature's Hymn" thing too. If you were a tank that was starting a new raid, week one, you'd add more VIT and less STR so you can survive the raid before you got the raid drops. (if you got them that is) As you gradually got better gear, and competently knew the fight, you can slowly bring back STR stats points and STR accessories. (Yeah, we did the same shit with accessories back then too)
@Draylin41 Күн бұрын
I miss when accessories weren't locked to specific jobs. Now I get to collect multiple versions of the same accessories if I want to use them for glam 😒
@daveholechko874 Күн бұрын
I remember coming into the game around summer 2021 and I remember the dots and such and when you could change your pet stance to tank, healer, dps. Me being an idiot and not understanding the gearing system for ff14 allowing your pet to become a tank helped me with the msq so much
@Astrumplayez Күн бұрын
Old summoner was best summoner. even with the spaghetti code.
@xion0713 12 сағат бұрын
Absolutely spaghetti code and all it was a charmer of a job feel its loss heavily
@Arvemis Күн бұрын
I miss old summoner so much. It was janky but it was my beloved little janky job. I enjoyed it so much in shadowbringers
@darkmoonwarrior2813 17 сағат бұрын
I do like how new summoner makes more use of the summons, i feel like best possible timeline summon is a mix of new and old.
@xion0713 12 сағат бұрын
I wish we could have them act more like pets like old summoner instead of instant spells before dissapearing but keep things like Enkindle/Aetherflow and the Trance mechnic
@davidjonsson9549 Күн бұрын
Having followed you since HW, seeing clips of old videos took me way back. At the time it came out I had yours and Draks reaction to the SB actions trailer living rent free in my head. I also remember the pet swap opener.
@Incubookie Күн бұрын
Ive always wanted a dot job, I loved the mechanics of arcanist when I started playing and I was sad that those weren't kept or enhanced in their evolved jobs
@Yuri98 Күн бұрын
I don't miss old SMN. I do miss good old green-DPS Scholar tho, we inherited all of their DoTs and cool stuff like Shadow Flare! Yay shared class! Now Sage is the new cool green-DPS job and we're left with nothing. WE CAN'T EVEN FLY, DAMN IT!
@MalinMailinc 13 сағат бұрын
You know they could make 2 new entire jobs based on what they removed and changed on SMN
@大-g4b5 Күн бұрын
I'm still thinking about how we could have had Green Mage this expansion, which they could re flavor into being a dot class and it would have fit in well with the New World aesthetic.
@KynElwynn Күн бұрын
I started this game in the HW to ShB time period, and as a World of Warcraft player I *got* Summoner. "Oh, it's Warlock. You have DoTs and a pet". Now I dunno what it is any more, I just push whatever lights up
@rexcyjones9416 Күн бұрын
SMN had so much potential to become more than what BRD can offer for the party, but Devs seemed to gave up after cooking Viper and Picto. Imagine having more sets of primals corresponding to each Expansion and can equip and re-equip them that suits the fight and party utility.
@dizz6340 Күн бұрын
I still remember when Scholar got stripped of everything. I still consider it one of the worst decisions they've ever made.
@orpheustelos23 Күн бұрын
I adore the FFXIV design philosophy of reworking jobs for the people who didnt play them or care about them completely shafting those who did. It's my favorite.
@cattysplat 17 сағат бұрын
Yep, RIP monk this expansion.
@xion0713 12 сағат бұрын
Man this is so real it hurts...
@Ignissis 17 сағат бұрын
I missed the days where SMN could aggro as hard as SAM back in SHB. Bursting on par with SAM was my favorite past time.
@FanOfAwesomeness Күн бұрын
I miss my dots, Tails. I miss them a lot.
@jonathangille8643 Күн бұрын
Tank summoner was awesome, back then you could equip the tank accessories and the stats would apply to said pet to. Sustain healing the pet based on a % of its hp each tick as well made it work. Lets not forget about the Summoner burn groups for Castrium (x8 Summoner runs was funny to do). Also Summoner had 5 dots (Ifrits Astral Flow Inferno would do big damage and apply a dot over time and was Aoe!)
@christianlabrador2826 Күн бұрын
I've always thought Summoner could have been so much more (don't get me wrong I'm loving this current iteration of the job) if they went for the route of summon combinations. Something like how Yuna plays in Dissidia Duodecim where she has different attacks with different ranges and they even combo off one another in her EX mode. Summoner could have a stronger identity if they were able to combine spells or have more than one of them active at the same time. Heck even being able to summon something like Raktapaksa would be pretty cool imo.
@autisonm Күн бұрын
I miss ShB Summoner. It's the first job I played to lvl 50 before switching to SAM.
@elinciacroix9687 15 сағат бұрын
This brought back so many memories, even things about SMN that I simply forgot over the years thanks to all the changes to the job LOL I love this so much, nobody else will ever understand our smn as much as you do!!
@RetroNutcase Күн бұрын
God I miss DOT Summoner. It was a juggling act, but I enjoyed it...Especially the satisfaction of a well executed Bane.
@MeowzingerZ 12 сағат бұрын
Yeah, you touch on it at the end, and if anything, this just makes me more excited for Beastmaster: it would be pretty interesting if they used that as a way to revisit the whole pet based/commanding class, especially the "if you do an attack/skill your pet does something". Especially didn't know about the "summons being able to serve as tank", something like that letting Beastmasters "role swap" like blue mages based on the monster you bring along would be fascinating
@ookazzii Күн бұрын
hitting shadowflare and bane on a big dungeon pull was peak
@Skull.Hazard Күн бұрын
For the first time since I started playing back in 3.3, I'm actually using Summoner to level up instead of Scholar (Scholar was my first healer job so it was just easier to level what with healer queues and all), and as Summoner hasn't changed from Endwalker, I finally understood why so many 5.x Dancer mains had swapped over to Summoner in 6.x. Certainly not the piano job I've come to expect watching Larry over the years, but still pretty fun overall.
@ReiSilver Күн бұрын
I do kind of miss being a dot job, made me feel smart balancing all the dots like spinning plates
@Ty-le1fc 9 сағат бұрын
Honestly I really want more videos where people talk about the history of jobs. I started during 6.1, so anything about how the jobs played from before endwalker is completely unknown to me and it's so interesting to hear about how different jobs are now compared to how they were back then.
@Fiishe Күн бұрын
I started in EW 6.2 and Summoner was my second job and I could feel that there was something missing when leveling from 1-50 and after learning of all the crap Summoner has gone through I can tell why. FFXIV is one of the games where people remember the old days but are glad we're past that because the people who played ARR-StB Summoner probably have arthritis now
@xion0713 12 сағат бұрын
Hey i take my arthritis willingly and with pride dammit!
@Varedise Күн бұрын
RIP old Summoner you shall never be forgotten 😢
@Silvamoon 15 сағат бұрын
Summoner was my first class back in Stormblood. We changed so much from when I first started this game.
@juicegirl2696 Күн бұрын
I still miss Stormblood Summoner. Really let me feel like I was doing something more complex (in dungeons) than what I do on my main, White Mage. Now I struggle to stay awake playing summoner in dungeons.
@zenaovernize Күн бұрын
i really miss ARR summoner. it was my very first class i played
@GreenMonocle Күн бұрын
Even back in the day, I remember taking one look at 2.0 summoner's DoTs (including the one that was instacast and the one that had a cast time and a bit of upfront damage) and different use-case pets (including the tank pet you only use while soloing, the pet you never use ever, and the pet that you're not allowed to not use in dungeons) and saying "Wow, this sure is just a warlock from classic World of Warcraft."
@XanVT 8 сағат бұрын
I miss my pets. I miss my dots. I miss every GCD that piano of a job played. I don't want to be in the purgatory of hope and cope, just waiting for a change. Stormblood lives in my heart and memories. RIP you glorious jank of a mess... I always loved you because you were special.
@RANDomstuff0709 Күн бұрын
I started in 2021 and only got my Summoner up to 60 or so before Endwalker dropped. I miss *that* Summoner, and I think that if CS3 is going to explore more design spaces, they're going to have to revisit DoTs sooner rather than later.
@Osteichthyes Күн бұрын
I wouldn't mind old SMN style back....just....not SMN. It never really felt like SMN, or at least, nothing compared to FFXI's SMN (still the peak....with a lot of jank). A new job with themes actually revolve around poisons and miasmas's.
@GoldDustWoahman Күн бұрын
Green Mage. Literally Green Mage.
@Castersvarog Күн бұрын
Tbh if they took ShB SMN and fine tune the smaller issues, like gaining Further Ruin when Egi assault is used instead of when the pet attacked, and swapped the DoTs for the Gemshine mechanic they could have made an excellent SMN.
@IosLocarth Күн бұрын
​@@GoldDustWoahman it's not? Green Mage has literally only been in one game and it's more of support spells like protect and shell and what not. Yeah it has ailments like Blind and Silence, so maybe it could have poison, but that's a huge stretch. Green Mage is literally just all of the support and debuff spells that White Mage and black mage normally get
@GoldDustWoahman Күн бұрын
@@IosLocarth I don't know why I put it under green magic. Looked at my license board in 12 and youre right. I have failed.
@IosLocarth Күн бұрын
@@GoldDustWoahman I'm not going to lie I had to go and double-check what spells green Mage even had (because they're so specific) to make sure that they didn't even have any poison spells. It kinda proves my point of "why are so many people so obsessed with this job, it's super specific and literally only in one game"
@cordrac 8 сағат бұрын
I recently redid the summoner quest with the talking book and it made job skill puns and at one point said "This second challenge will evaluate the elegance of your technique as opposed to the magnitude of your Miasma." and I just SNEERED
@bunthewiser4330 9 сағат бұрын
I got to experience original summoner for all of 8 months til endwalker dropped, and I like it more than what we got in the 2-3 years since. At least the Dot Part. Imagine if they changed how the summons work, but you still kept the Dots, or applied them via the three "basic" summons, and they lasted about as long as the rotations for each of said summons. Like a Burn/Scorched for Ifrit, An Aero for Geruda (i guess we do have that kinda), and a Sludge or something for titan.
@Vincent-nl4wc Күн бұрын
ARR Bard: "I remember when SMN and SCH and the other caster/healer jobs used to beg me for Mage's Ballad but monk wanted his TP"
@crimsonshadow1477 6 сағат бұрын
I remember back in stormblood when I started playing, I took one look at an irl buddy playing summoner, had a stroke, and refused to ever touch the job...then they made the job what it is today, and now it's my go to "brain no worky, no thinky" dps job
@KrisHighwind 2 сағат бұрын
I did start back in ARR as a Summoner, so part of me is nostalgic for its old DoT/Pet style, but I do think the current style of Summoner we got from Endwalker feels more inline with a Final Fantasy Summoner.
@XylessBrawl Күн бұрын
I was about to say "Larry you're forgetting attribute points it was the worst part!" and that's right when you got to it.
@HyperFerret93 Күн бұрын
I have two fond memories of old SMN. One was when Eureka was new and I pulled too much, so I summoned Titan-egi to save me as I ran away. And it worked. The other memory was in Bozja, during one of the solo duels. I was doing the fight correctly, then messed up at the last second. I got launched into the air and knew I was going to die upon landing. HOWEVER, during my flight, Ifrit-egi auto attacked and killed the boss and it still counted as a win for me, even though I still did indeed die upon landing. The people watching were flabbergasted hahahaha Sadly, you can't do either of those things anymore. But I will remember.
@Getsugaru Күн бұрын
There are many things Old Summoner did that I still miss to this day. Stormblood Summoner was glorious. I miss the pet mechanics especially; now Carbuncle is just a raise-tax if something goes wrong, since if you don't resummon Carbuncle after getting raised, your kit no longer functions _at all._ And Carbuncle doesn't do anything otherwise. So sad...
@KZorander Күн бұрын
I love your pure, unbridled joy when it came to job reveal videos XD
@tufcat92 4 сағат бұрын
I remember playing an old ish arcanist back when Stormblood was the current expansion. The carbuncles were followers and depending which you had out they'd behave differently in battle. Well, somehow I managed to solo queue into Copperbell Mines and get to the last boss. My carbuncle took aggro while I was struggling to heal him. iirc the boss was the giant and overtime more of his friends would spawn. I either died or ran out of timem. Great f2p memories
@stevemitchell4663 Күн бұрын
i would love a dot mage job, call it sorcerer or something.
@kataku8609 10 сағат бұрын
I know 3 Summoners: SB Summoner, SHB Summoner and EW Summoner (ST Dummoner is EW Summoner's twin cousin with a mawhock)
@hypercube8735 Сағат бұрын
Summoner having All The DoTs never made sense for Summoner as a Final Fantasy Job, but now I'm waiting for Green Mage to work like old Summoner did.
@ChisokuKing 21 сағат бұрын
I was a Summoner/Scholar main for a long time and I remember using Garuda to double and refresh all of my dots and spreading them all with bane. The good old days
@oEXTRA Күн бұрын
The dots were cool but personally I prefer actually summoning. It just needs more summons and complexity. Definitely didn't need solar Bahamut lol.
@angelicsnoww 3 сағат бұрын
i miss old summoner, the piano opener and dots and laser was so amazing ;-;
@timalice-2833 Күн бұрын
I remember playing summoner and losing a tank in a dungeon, even an end game dungeon, and getting through it with titan being the tank for us. Especially when we had the ability to heal our own egis. I also remember mostly using Garuda with mobs and ifrit with bosses. It was a workout on controller with pet management.
@hunterharris5929 5 сағат бұрын
I played wow hardcore and season of discovery because I missed having my pet tank enemies as I spread dots everywhere. There's just something satisfying putting a bunch of dots and seeing their hp melt away
@Draylin41 Күн бұрын
As someone who started in ARR as a Summoner and has engaged with it casually for the whole of the game since, there are definitely some aspects of its older iterations that I miss. By no means am I saying I want the old Dot heavy version of it back, but certain things about it just synergized well and I wish some of that was still present. I liked feeling rewarded for having all my dots active when popping Feaster, which meant it did more damage. Now it just feels like a holdover from the older design. In my opinion, they should bring that back, but have it buffed up when used after a full rotation of Titan, Garuda, Ifrit instead of Dots. There are many other things they could do to make Summoner a more interesting job in its current form without making it much harder to manage so I was pretty disappointed when DTs version just had one extra button press thrown into practically the same rotation as EW. It almost feels wrong for the job to not have something that really shakes up the way it's played for the first expansion in over a decade.
@cattysplat 17 сағат бұрын
Rewarding good play feels good. Removing all of that feels boring. Simplifying everything so nobody can make a mistake means there is nothing to learn when playing a job.
@ainsart 11 сағат бұрын
I miss bane so much, my favourite part of every dungeon pull was hitting that button and seeing my little viruses spread and hearing that WHEEEWW noise 😭
@Belthesar 13 сағат бұрын
From one OG SMN player to another, thanks for the trip down memory lane. I do have some nostalgia for OG SMN, but I also agree that modern SMN is all-around better, albeit a little underwhelming with the changes from Endwalker. I have a story that all my FFXIV friends are tired of me telling about how I tanked Brayflox with Titan during Heavensward because we had a tank who hadn't jobbed up, so they had no tank stance to hold threat. Lotta good memories.
@marqusiq5597 Күн бұрын
I always missed shadow flare 😭
@cattysplat 17 сағат бұрын
Glad I got to play the last gasp of old Summoner in Shadowbringers when I joined. Managing dots and pets with cooldowns like a WoW warlock was so much fun, even though it definitely felt weak until you had all your dots rolling which took quite some time. There is still a job quest at about level 70 that expects you to use titan pet to tank but pet tanks are gone now, so you have to run around kiting the mob not letting it catch you. It's sad to see Dots are dying out, they removed Monk dot in Dawntrail and Ninja dot in Endwalker, the last class is Dragoon but I'm sure that'll be removed too. Even Viper got it's debuff removed for a buff instead, everything getting too simplified.
@lancearmada 4 сағат бұрын
Bane was so satisfying during dungeon pulls when you can apply it to the entire pull.
@TeriyakiEmpire Күн бұрын
SHB DOT SMN used to be so fun to play and did so much dmg when done right
@MGlBlaze Күн бұрын
Regarding the end of the video, I think it would be cool to have a phase where you summon the other three elemental primals. A leviathan-ramuh-shiva phase would be really neat. But then again the history of Shiva in this game makes me think they probably won't do that so, maybe Leviathan and Ramuh at least? I can dream.
@patricks.3113 21 сағат бұрын
R.I.P. Summoner
@mayfaynezzz Күн бұрын
I dont know whether it was the concept or the delivery but 'Garuda has cost me $500' made me laugh 😂
@theopeneyes 8 сағат бұрын
While I miss the pet job aspect I don't miss the jank. I still remember struggling to down Garuda Extreme cause someone was killing the spiny plume at random times so I slowed down my gameplay to see who was doing it, the culprit? My Ifrit Egi for some unknown would ignore EVERY other target in the instance that I've been targeting+doting and make a beeline for the spiny plume when it spawned, I opted to just unsummon him for the rest of the attempts and we downed her soon after.
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