Dragons Dogma 2 News - Release Controversy Explained! Microtransactions, Optimization and More

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@LastKnownMeal 6 ай бұрын
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@Hauler24 6 ай бұрын
Yup, hence why I'm waiting till the game goes on bargain bin. 😊
@Unibot47 6 ай бұрын
It's not even the microtransactions that's the issue for me, it's the stupid fact that you can't start a new game/new character. And then the dev talks about putting that "feature" in lol. This was 1 of 2 titles I was excited for this year. Planned on buying it, but not giving money to Capcom. I'll sail the high seas and try out a denuvo-free version.
@justviking3786 6 ай бұрын
The real issue is that game developers are treating their customers like idiots, selling them overpriced products with additional microtransactions in the game that is not even worth its base price. It’s been happening from a very long time but people are starting to wake up and soon there will be more drama around games studios developing their products with this approach
@periurban 6 ай бұрын
The lack of a new game button is NOT an oversight. It's deliberately designed to drive traffic to the microtransactions in the early game. Players who make a mistake in the character design or in early questing can "fix" the problem by buying a microtransaction to travel or camp or edit their character/pawn.
@_eclipz_ 6 ай бұрын
So many strange design choices in this game lol. Some really silly stuff. My 10 year old son could see the backlash coming… A shame really, the game itself looks fun as hell! Talk about shooting yourself in the foot! Will personally wait and buy it on sale sometime in the future.
@cgiii2440 6 ай бұрын
Issues with the gaming industry as a whole today is greed, they cut costs by not paying ppl to do thorough debugging and just wait until the games release then use us customers as the debuggers
@jetngunzlk 6 ай бұрын
People would have been more forgiving with the mtx if the game is at least a bit optimized so people can get to the point where they realize the mtx is not that much of a problem, as for me, I can't even launch the game at all despite doing all kind of fixes. Seeing so many people downplay the negative reviews amounting them all to just "new players just salty at mtx, haha what a bunch of fucking noobs" when the fact is it's not just that if they spend a few more minutes reading, there are plenty of other problems and issues but yeah, just blame it all on the mtx, thanks for defending the corpos, that'll definitely encourage them to improve the game.
@fzhs7030 6 ай бұрын
No not at all, if anything the complaints about the micros are overshadowing the real issue of the game which is performance, the micros are a nothing burger
@franzukato2822 6 ай бұрын
What’s your specs cause mine has below minimum gpu and I can run the game on 60 fps max settings
@TheGrzB 6 ай бұрын
Solid and honest. That's a like. Small mistake they are two items only in cash shop. One is pendant for romance and there's one more witch I don't remember now.
@robcampion9917 6 ай бұрын
From some of the videos I've people seem to be making a bigger deal out of the micro transactions than the optimisation for some silly reason.
@beige_projection 6 ай бұрын
Because optimization on PC will likely get fixed or improved. Optimization on PC is getting harder and harder for devs these days because PC have all kinds of different hardware, compared to consoles which basically uses only 1 set of hardware, plus they have that cheap 30fps getaway card. So devs actually have to test the game out to different kinds of PC spec combinations. Whereas these microtransactions will likely not be removed in Dragon's Dogma 2.
@robcampion9917 6 ай бұрын
@beige_projection Oh so they might do something is better than something that you can completely ignore. That's kinda making my point. I'm not trying to defend either by the way.
@beige_projection 6 ай бұрын
@@robcampion9917 I think it's just basically accepting reality. It's really hard to prevent problems with PC performance during release day because of the plethora of hardware combinations PC has. Recently, CP77 had an update for crashes that was caused by Razer mice. Imagine that, even a mouse can make a difference. So honestly, I don't think we'll get rid of the problem of PC optimization not being good during release day, especially because games these days are becoming bigger and bigger. And the bigger they are, the harder it will be to optimize them. Whereas when it comes to microtransactions, the practice can be stopped or lessened by publishers easily if more and more gamers make them realize that they'll get bad reviews because of it.
@kimchu1891 6 ай бұрын
Some people including me cant get thru the loading screen crash. I had to return it. Love the game though sad it didnt work out
@gildardorivasvalles6368 6 ай бұрын
Microtransactions are usually a bad sign, because they imply the game is going to involve a lot of grinding to be able to advance. This sucks. Oh, and please forgive the correction: "gaol" is pronounced exactly the same as "jail" --- they mean the exact same thing: "gaol" is an old spelling for the word.
@mickeycee8559 6 ай бұрын
Whose idea was it to film in a real lamb chop for the cooking animation. Its weird and doesn’t fit, idk what the devs were thinking
@MrMoridinalthor 6 ай бұрын
It's pretty cut and dry. They're trying to trick people into paying for stuff they don't need in a game that has subpar performance. It's a bold strategy.
@TheQuantumShell 6 ай бұрын
I really wanted to like it but I just can't. There is nothing new regarding gameplay that we haven't seen in the past 15 years, no innovation, just same old stuff. One thing I don't get, why some textures are ok looking and others are blurry.
@collapsiblechair9112 6 ай бұрын
i am a console peasant and have had no problems with this wonderful game
@LastKnownMeal 6 ай бұрын
Enjoy it, my ps5 copy is on the way as well, wanna test it out there.
@phant0mdummy 6 ай бұрын
I genuinely think these companies do this on purpose, to first harvest negative attention (which is the greatest attention generator) and then harvest 'good will' when they inevitably "Save" the game and patch it.
@tadakk 6 ай бұрын
This game is $70. That is the currently accepted value for a 'FULL' game. Adding microtransactions for respawn is deplorable. I for one will not buy this game until it is available for $25. Maybe I have to wait 5 years. So be it. They made their decision for me.
@노잼꼰대 6 ай бұрын
Play Rise of the Ronin. It really gets your adrenaline overflowing. BTW, it supports stable 60 fps, with no extra penny.
@choy8116 6 ай бұрын
I’m not knocking anybody, I think any criticism is valid as everybody is entitled to their opinion BUT I notice nearly every big game today has similar criticism upon release. I can’t help but wonder…would I even notice had I not paid mind to countless YT videos, comments, and reviews echoing the same thing? I grew up on the n64.. I am not hard to please. I pay the whopping 70 dollars, ignore additional purchases, play the game without hyper-fixating on frame rate and have a great fucking time.
@MrMoridinalthor 6 ай бұрын
Think of it like a contractor that you paid to do a job. Instead of completing the job, he tries to up charge you on useless things you don't want.
@TheWierdVibe 6 ай бұрын
Even after micro transactions some cutscenes I saw, looks cringey....i mean it's a gud game....but the real appeal of fantasy was only in games like Witcher and Skyrim....the real middle ages fantasy that I miss...i saw the gameplay for 6 hours....maybe playing it will change my mind but idk.
@Kazrel 6 ай бұрын
Great game, terrible release, feels bad man, Dragons Dogma deserved better.
@charlesstancil9099 6 ай бұрын
The performance issues and microtransactions are an issue because we're playing the game wrong 🤣
@Cederlof_Ink 6 ай бұрын
Glad i skipped this garbage.
@sanzau8669 6 ай бұрын
Hey LastknownMeal what’s your pawn name ? Cuz I think I may have it in my party or can across it it’s name was The one I came across was LastKnowNmad it was a mage. Land it Mine pawn name is Geralt mockin Doug he is a warrior and I think I have gotten him really close too what Geralt as I can
@LastKnownMeal 6 ай бұрын
Pawns name is Daryna, its actually the one from this thumbnail, just had hunter armor because this is a picture from the character creator. She is a mage though.
@sanzau8669 6 ай бұрын
@@LastKnownMeal Yeah I think you’re mage is in my party right now lol
@sanzau8669 6 ай бұрын
@@LastKnownMeal wait just incase if I want too find YOURE pawn what name do I put in at the rift
@devintaylor7049 6 ай бұрын
its enough for me to have no interest in it and i hope more feel the same.
@XiLock_Alotx 6 ай бұрын
I refunded. NOT bc of the mtx. But bc of the god awful performance on PC. Sadly.
@babaganoosh1969 6 ай бұрын
It's probably a Capcom Itsuno deal... we'll give you the money to make the game but add micro transactions...game is great IF you can get it to run...micro transactions unnecessary
@moscardini7 6 ай бұрын
You have to pay to get new game
@koffinkat666 6 ай бұрын
PS5 running like dogsh%t.......Sad because I love the game
@flauschigesbrot 6 ай бұрын
The biggest problem is that most people on PC can't play this game AT ALL. It crashes every few minutes, which if that wasn't the case, the controversy wouldn't be half as big.
@LastKnownMeal 6 ай бұрын
Its a shame its happening, its a miracle I only had 1 crash and it was because I was constantly alt tab into obs.
@gilgameshomar 6 ай бұрын
cuz ppl focused on upgrading gpus not cpus
@starbucklone 6 ай бұрын
Haven't crashed once, my computer isn't even that strong......I am running on everything turned up to highest on graphics.
@gilgameshomar 6 ай бұрын
cpu demanding my rig is quite old with 3050 gb vram but my cpu is amd rysen7 in the city I got fps drop to 28fps to 35fps... in the wild 50fps( max settings dlss off rt on at 1080p. For me still better than Dogtown in cyberpunk I dont know why ppl are pissedd about performance of this game.
@LastKnownMeal 6 ай бұрын
I think its because across the board I have seen some 4x nvidia gpu gameplay and it was having issues, so in general your system should be able to run it even better. Although, just hoping its solved, but besides the city, out in the wild it was alright for me too. Didnt disturb my gameplay.
@ErikSWE 6 ай бұрын
The only people who didn't know about the microtransactions were the consumers. All the reviewers knew as it was listed in the review guidelines and the review copy didn't hide the in-game store. None of the reviewers mentioned them or talked about it at all, withholding information to prevent people from making an informed purchase. Acting like they do consumer advice when they sell out their audience for an early review of a hyped game.
@shadowminor 6 ай бұрын
The info for the deluxe edition said the items would be available for purchase after release. So people that paid attention to that knew. I saw channels talking about the MTs before reviews began.
@shadowminor 6 ай бұрын
Camps are not one time use. They have a durability and break if attacked. But if you never get attacked you can keep using it.
@beige_projection 6 ай бұрын
Capcom categorizing these microtransactions as Paid DLCs reminds me of why CDPR differentiates expansions and DLCs. For CDPR, and they've said this, DLCs should be free, and they've given a them a lot - free comic books, free digital artbook which is preem btw, free soundtrack, etc. Expansions are different because they EXPAND the game i.e. its world and its story. Microtransactions in a $80 single-player game is just scummy.
@25xxfrostxx 6 ай бұрын
The microtransaction camping kit is about 30% less weight than the in game purchase.
@fzhs7030 6 ай бұрын
And in game there's another one you can get early on thats even lighter lmao
@jeremyfusenliu3859 6 ай бұрын
This game could have gotten praise like Baldur's Gate, but they f**ked it up with all the microtransactions, sure you dont have to buy them but it shouldnt even exist in the 1st place as its a single player game.
@nunyabizness6376 6 ай бұрын
WHEN IT COMES TO THE FAST TRAVEL SYSTEM, THEY ARE MONETIZING CASUALS, WHICH IS FINE BY ME BECAUSE CASUALS ARE WHO RUINED THE INDUSTRY. I played dragon's dogma 1 when it released and the fast travel system was structured the same way. $2000 in game dollar for the travel stones and in fact there were no carts to pay for a lift either. It added to the experience in a way new school gamers don't understand. The elder scrolls did the same between Morrowind and oblivion. In morrowind there was very few ways to travel the map. Then oblivion came and you could just fast travel back to the city from that dungeon you just beat with the press of a button. Morrowind, just like dragon's dogma 1, made you really stop and consider if you wanted to make that trek in the evening. Night would be coming and It was dangerous. It made you think strategically. Here I think they just are taking advantage of the fact that a lot of casual players are gonna want a play now. So they're gonna make sure that they have options for casual players. If you wanna not have to immerse yourself in a game and you just want to hit a menu screen and get anywhere? then they have it available and they decided to monetize it. I'm not really mad at it because like I said, the fast travel system was set up the same exact way in dragon's dog 1. The teleport crystals were the same exact in game price and just as rare. I just think that its a s***** move. But it's still valid. If you want to get cheats for the game and play it not how the devd intended then pay for that shit. The save game system though has always been shit and has always been annoying but that is where Capcom crosses the line. Paying for new characters? That's garbage.
@stirfrysensei 6 ай бұрын
The problem I have with all of this is that people aren’t consistent at all. “It’s bad if it’s in a game I don’t like, and good if it’s in a game I do like.” When cyberpunk came out and ran like poop on last gen consoles people had a fit. Hell, people even had a fit over PC performance. Dragon’s Dogma 2 performance isn’t that much better, on either platform, yet no one cares., and the entire sub Reddit defends it. I’ve seen how it performs on console; not great. I’m willing to bet if the next CDPR game runs at a weird unlocked frame rate between 30-45 fps with dips below 30, the internet would break again. If Blizzard throws in extra purchases in Diablo 4 everyone freaks out. With Dragon’s Dogma 2 there is an entire legion of people defending it. You can buy rift crystal bundles in Dragon’s Dogma 2. That’s some free to play nonsense. This team sports mentality is basically the same as the console war mentality. It just goes to show that nobody really cares about any of this, and will switch positions whenever it suits them. To me, it doesn’t matter that Capcom has been doing this for a decade, it’s still shitty and should be called out.
@GMan-ku9wg 6 ай бұрын
It also lacks frame generation with FSR 3 so you're stuck with standard upscaling, I thought frame generation was part of FSR 3 so I'm a bit miffed why they didn't add it.
@KarneXII 6 ай бұрын
What makes the "Art of Metamorphosis" one so bad is the single save and no legitimate in-game "official" way to create a new character. Yes I can eventually find/buy this item in game, but new players don't know how long they might take. As a new player all I see is "oh, I don't like my guy, let's change him" then I find the only way is to pay?
@shadynebula6948 6 ай бұрын
Most people are making a big deal out of the MTX while im sitting here wondering when theyl fix the abysmal performance issues
@ataboyboyboy8895 6 ай бұрын
The only issue I have with it is perofrmance on my PC, and restarting the game. It did nto even allow me to choose my character (I have 3 different depending on vocation). Never crashed.
@sharingan1188 6 ай бұрын
Please, help us fix invisible ground, texture not loading
@kevo300 6 ай бұрын
I had 7k rift crystals right when I reached the capital for the first time and it cost 500 to change your appearance and 1000-2500 for the other items so its really not a big deal.
@holysecret2 6 ай бұрын
Imo the inclusion of a cash shop in a single-player game is a big deal in and of itself. How much it impacts the gameplay is another point, but we shouldn't defend these practices on the grounds that they aren't as bad as they could have been. The cash shop does constitute a conflict of interest for the game developers, regarding the anti-cheat DRM as well. It's entirely possible they include this BS software because they want people to buy their MTX, rather than be able to mod and cheat the game.
@fzhs7030 6 ай бұрын
​@@holysecret2the thing is the developers don't care whether the game sells more in dlcs or not, they have fixed salaries lmao, if anything the absolute nothing burger these micros are show that they were simply added to please the corpos.
@shadowminor 6 ай бұрын
I don't care about the MT because they are one time purchase. Max you can spend is $42 extra.
@phant0mdummy 6 ай бұрын
Is this "missing the forest for the trees" ??
@shadowminor 6 ай бұрын
@@phant0mdummyPeople are over-blowing it. RE4 remake had $120 worth and nobody made a fuss and its reviews are overwhelmingly positive.
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