I believe Otieno failed to land any meaningful punches. Fighters like Latibu cannot be fought from a distance; you need to be relentless, just like Tyson or Joe Frazier. That’s the only way you can make an impact against their style. Their approach is swift, and they are always quick to maneuver around the ring. If you rely on jabs and slow down, or if your punch volume is low, it’s almost impossible to outfight them, especially since they also have high fight IQs. In essence, the best strategy against such opponents is to attack them relentlessly. Otherwise, the fight was a good show piece for Latibu Muwonge, let him keep up the show , the future is his. From Coach Kiyaga Alecks Clayouson Cape Town, South Africa. I follow Ugandan Boxers
@miyamaruku8557Ай бұрын
Ratib watukoze bubi nyoo nyoo the guy went down two times mazima nogaana okumukuba KO you entertained us you played well 👏 but this was supposed to end with an automatic KO i think like in the 6th round watulimbyeemu musiraamu akasajja wabade oli okukeebasa