2nd time using laura i got penta on diamond VI rank😊❤
@KnownasLando5 ай бұрын
No diamond VI😂
@jayjaypanganiban4961Ай бұрын
laura basick atack and passive..overpower
@argav_redv2 ай бұрын
If you have patience you get rewarded really good with this hero, I usually build her with life steal first so I don't have to worry about me getting 2 v1 in my lane, because this hero is soo broken with her life steal bro. Ngl the best hero after you master Consort yu.
@jhuliuspanelo5 ай бұрын
you should try spamming 1 3 2 combo
@lokos10344 ай бұрын
try 1 3 2 BA combo thanks
@terrariagames47616 ай бұрын
Esse herói ficou incrível
@kijiya45765 ай бұрын
What does the oath of fury do
@internetadventurer24835 ай бұрын
more 1st skill
@Kleeexplosive25 күн бұрын
More lifesteal
@adskygla37366 ай бұрын
is she good? cuz if she is im reinstalling
@distructive_lotus6 ай бұрын
not at all, its looking good cuz its a bot match 😂
@4-to-5-the-96 ай бұрын
She's a hard to play late game hero. You basically just die with her if you don't stay under your tower in the early game, but late she's a team fight monster... But she's fun to play if that's what you want to know. XD
@VeronicaCordeirodemelo6 ай бұрын
@@distructive_lotusLuara é muito forte.Ela cega os inimigos se não me engano por um curto período de tempo ele não enxerga a Luara além dela entrar em modo fúria do boitatá causando bastante dano e dando um baita controle de grupo sem falar nas suas lâminas sua skill 1 Comba com a skill 2.