البرامج والسياسات الاقتصادية

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د / سامح العطوى - أنواع البرامج والسياسات الاقتصادية ببساطة - مقدمة للفهم حتى يمكننا تقييم البرامج يموضوعية

Пікірлер: 53
@Mahmoud.Kamal87 12 жыл бұрын
الله عليك والله..احنا محتاجين كتير زى حضرتك يظهروا فى التلفزيون يوعوا الناس بدل الاعلام الفاسد اللى بيخرب عقولهم أكتر
@smk729 12 жыл бұрын
Excellent effort in simplifying Egypt's current events, Trickle down economics or Increase governmental spending to revive the economy are two valid ways of stimulating the economy. The devil is in the implementation of these policies, just like what we experienced with TDE, if increase government spending is not implemented correctly we will have the same outcome.
@Mo0oaYeD 12 жыл бұрын
اتمني لك مزيد من سعة الافق والحياد .،. انت رائع بحق !
@boosaad 12 жыл бұрын
كلام الدكتور صحيح ، اسهل طريق دعم العرض وفوز في الانتخبات وخلص
@89mo2men 12 жыл бұрын
شكرا ,, دكتور ساامح ,, منتظرين الفيديو الجااى :)
@samatawy 12 жыл бұрын
أشكرك - هذا بالفعل ضرورى وسيحدث ولو لم نسعى اليه - فدعم الطلب ينتهى دائما بدعم العرض بشكل تلقائى - بالاضافة الى وجود مشروعات للانفاق الحكومى تقع تحت تسمية دعم العرض كانشاء الموانى والطرق والبحث العلمى. ضرورة الاختيار لا تعنى رفض احدى السياستين
@KHALEDWAGDY 12 жыл бұрын
ربنا يجازيك خير ... و بجد انت تشرف
@moromono 12 жыл бұрын
رائع رائع رائع رائع
@samatawy 12 жыл бұрын
True if the policies are not implemented properly. When a government offers to buy 10,000 cars from a local producer it encourages local investors to build a plant that delivers those cars. Once the factory is up and running, it produces those cars and covers its basic costs. After that it won't stop! Another known way is to subsidize the purchase of local appliances for newly weds. This encourages people to buy local goods and enjoy the discount. Again we produce more. Direction is vital :))
@samatawy 12 жыл бұрын
In a new video, I will show how to decide between them in a more scientific manner ISA. I hope its clear.
@samatawy 12 жыл бұрын
What I would suggest is (1) a massive deficit spending but with the government creating national projects that can earn revenue. Alongside we should tackle corruption, improve services, and reduce subsidies (2-4 years). (2) This will boost demand but will also provide intermediate term gains to cover these deficits so we can afford to reduce taxation (2-4 years). (3) Eventually we can invest any surplus into basic science and research, converting us into a knowledge economy (5-10 years).
@AhmadSalahAbdElMotagaly 12 жыл бұрын
Dr., If you please, fix the sound recording issue, because I've noticed that the recent videos that the sound recording quality is low and there is echo that needs to be canceled. it greatly lower my enjoyment listening to your great videos Thanks in advance for your corrective action
@samatawy 12 жыл бұрын
Very true. Proper implementation is crucial in either demand-side or supply-side policies. In the next video ISA, assuming proper implementation in any case, I will describe how I think we should choose based on well-known economics. Thanks for the input.
@hamzam0h 12 жыл бұрын
انا بجد حسيت ان الاقتصاد ده سهل ونفسي اتعلموه من استاذ زيك وشكرا علي الافاده
@madamakaz 12 жыл бұрын
Jazzakum Allahu Khayran for this video, I really love your videos and we need more of people like you to make these concepts more easily understood. Supporting demand does have its shortcoming and don't think it would work well in Egypt. These policies will likely end up increasing Egypt's already large deficits & debt and will lead us to a path like Greece & (eventually) the US. It is convenient for politicians to promise more expenditures but this is not sustainable (More comments below).
@samatawy 12 жыл бұрын
Consumption itself is not a bad thing as long as we produce what we consume. Importing is not bad either, unless we fail to export goods of equivalent or higher value. The most important thing in my opinion is to have reasonable expectations. Thanks for the question :)
@NIMO239 12 жыл бұрын
تمام انا مقتنع بوجهة نظرك جدا...انا اقصد مبدأ الاستنتاج
@EhssanHD 12 жыл бұрын
د سامح انت كلامك بصراحة رائع وجميل بس فيه اقتراح انت حضرتك لما بتقول الاقتصاد "بلغة الشعب" الناس بتحب تشوف الفيديو وتفهمه وتمخمخه عشان تخش في عالم الاقتصاد والسياسة يعني لو حضرتك تكلمنا عن مواضيع مثيرة زي مثلاً مصر واليابان ، ان اليابان احسن في الاقتصاد رغم ان ظروف مصر الموجودة والموارد المفروض تخلي مصر الأحسن فايه السبب الاقتصادي البحت ؟ وبرضو موضوع البطالة ووالوظايف وكمان متوسط دخل الفرد ودخل مصر الاجمالي والميزانية وغيره اتمنى حضرتك تدينا مواضيع كتيرة وتفيدنا بخبرتك
@MajdJoubi 12 жыл бұрын
مشكور عالإيضاح
@mromarlutfialnatour1 12 жыл бұрын
This is the first time I'm gonna comment on your videos though I have been watching your videos since you started upload them . Ii wanna show my appreciation to your efforts to help people for better understanding of the economy and the financial issues cos you talk about the very important issue in any country . I really like the way explain how things work around us . And all I ask is just to keep up like this . May Allah reward you my brother
@samatawy 12 жыл бұрын
As you brilliantly noted, developed countries adopt supply-side policies in areas where private investments cannot afford to take the risk or engage in long-term projects. The state steps in to cover (or reduce) the inherent risks and promote growth in that sector. Other areas (already profitable) need no state encouragement as the demand is already driving supply. If you think of it, demand-side policies already improve supply and vice versa. Whatever you choose, its only a matter of time.
@TheESMAT07 12 жыл бұрын
دكتور ،، تقييمك لبرنامج أبو إسماعيل مع الحب ^_^
@samatawy 12 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your most valuable input. You are right in every sense. My point is that, in a heavily corrupt environment, and with such public unrest, long term plans (supply side policies) will be unwelcome. The poor cannot be expected to wait another 20 years to have breakfast. Demand side Keynesian policies are a short term but necessary solution. I agree that, once we have satisfied basic needs and created a proper domestic market, we should focus on exports and private investment. (more..)
@elibryce7297 3 жыл бұрын
I know im asking randomly but does anyone know a tool to log back into an Instagram account? I was stupid lost my account password. I would appreciate any tricks you can give me!
@NIMO239 12 жыл бұрын
مع احترامى ليك وشكري لمجهودك الجميل بس انا عندي ملاحظة صغيرة..مش معنى ان سياسات دعم العرض فشلت في عصر مبارك انها غير صالحة ، قد تكون المشكلة في التطبيق والتهليب
@samatawy 12 жыл бұрын
Government inefficiency is well noted. However, a certain scale of projects cannot be tackled by private investment. In a future video I hope to discuss what I mean by a "national project" and the reasoning behind it (comparative and absolute advantage, etc). Investing with the private sector is always an option but somebody has to lead and make the tough calls. However, I do understand your point.
@madamakaz 12 жыл бұрын
This will reduce your G, and cause short term pains but these people will eventually be gainfully producing in the private sector and not just aim to be gov't employees shuffling papers. Canada did this in the 90s under Chretien and it has paid well in the long run. This is unpopular so I doubt anyone will do it, but this is the only long-term solution in my humble opinion.Less government & more free markets is the solution not borrowing endlessly to boost your G as it the case now...
@madamakaz 12 жыл бұрын
D=C+G+I+(E-I) so some questions. Egypt is running large deficits (8% of gdp) and have massive debts (80% of gdp) and have high interest rates (9.25%), if you increase your G this debt also increases (like in the US now) and so do your debt repayments/ gdp. Taxes in Egypt are relatively low compared to most countries (I'm in Canada, taxes of 40% on individuals are normal!). You could decrease taxes further, but your G would decrease (unless you increase your debt which is unsustainable eg Greece)
@samatawy 12 жыл бұрын
You are right. I changed the camera twice. I tried recording sound on a separate device and then syncing that audio with the video which I will try again. Its hard for me as I can't afford professional help. However I promise the next video will be better ISA.
@samatawy 12 жыл бұрын
Thanks for that. Supply side policies have their merits. I just need to emphasize that they are long-term plans with delayed benefits to the average people. Following a revolution, and with a very low household consumption capacity, ignoring demand-side policies will lead to unrest, discontent, and poverty. Nobody is rejecting or denying the importance of supply-side policies, I just don;t think this is the time to focus on it.
@madamakaz 12 жыл бұрын
I think this would work well if this was the US/Europe where the gov't has access to cheap money, in Egypt how many large projects can you do with returns that are economic with 9% interest rates to counteract the increase in your debt? Governments (whether corrupt or not) are inefficient compared to the private sector (eg in the US, they built bridges to nowhere during the recession). Large for- profit projects should be left to investors and if it's economically feasible, it will be done :)
@Hassaanness 12 жыл бұрын
أظن برنامج حمدين صباحي برضه بيتبع ساسات دعم الطلب ياريت الدكتور يقراه و يقولنا رأيه
@JimFattoo7 12 жыл бұрын
Trickle Down economics: the principle that the poor, who must subsist on table scraps dropped by the rich, can be served by giving the rich bigger meals.
@ashrafmahadeen2721 5 жыл бұрын
جزاك الله خير
@Samelshikh 12 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the informative video, two questions. 1)is there any experience or literature about mixing certain aspects of each system (supporting demand or supporting production Second: beside our bad experience with the support of production, are there other international experiences that you may quote. I have been living in germany for 7 years now, and I can say that the system here clearly is support of demand. I know they support production only in certain fields, such as renewable energy.
@MajdJoubi 12 жыл бұрын
طيب الشيخ حازم سلاح أبو إسماعيل بينفذ أيهم ؟
@EgypTPHONIX 12 жыл бұрын
حازم صلاخ ذكر فى برنامجه أنه ضد الضرائب التصاعدية فالأغلب أنه مع زيادة العرض
@mounirsamir9376 7 жыл бұрын
حسنوا الصوت من فضلكم. ولكم الدعاء بالتوفيق.
@ahmed11117777 12 жыл бұрын
Great explaination ... Thank you :)
@4mohamedsafy 12 жыл бұрын
Dr. Sameh I have a question: if we subscribe to the idea of supporting the supply side and make sure the money is going to the right place, wouldn't that be better? I think so because take the US for example, minimum wage caused a decrease in manufacturing (hence exports), as opposed to China who maintains high inflation (hence lower wage costs and higher exports). Thanks for time by the way, I really enjoy your videos.
@EngHussien 12 жыл бұрын
@samatawy 12 жыл бұрын
Dear viewers, most sources will write the above equation as AD=C+G+I+(X-M) Where C=Consumption, G=Government expenditure, I=investment, X=eXports, and M=iMports. If I have caused any confusion I apologize.
@MrHadynassef 12 жыл бұрын
this if egypt produce cars or anything we have to make one or more product is global needed frist and produced it with high quality..... so we must subsides some compatitve product or produce one this mean we have to subsides supply AS am i right ? DR sameh thx for the answer and ur time again
@MrHadynassef 12 жыл бұрын
Dr samatawy thanks for this video and ur time i have one question, subsidization the AD wont make us always a consumption country and also a importing one ?
@mazagngi2010 12 жыл бұрын
@resaraha863 5 жыл бұрын
دكتور المعادلة في فيدو يختلف عن المعادلة الاصلية : (Y = C(Y - T) + I(r) + G + NX(e هنا معناها دخل او out put
@EgypTPHONIX 12 жыл бұрын
طب و برنامج حمدين صباحى دا المفروض ناصرى يعنى اشتراكى ؟
@EgypTPHONIX 12 жыл бұрын
سؤال بسيط حضرتك لم تتكلم عن الضرائب التصاعدية فى الشرح أنا شخصيا أجد أنه من المنطقى أن ترتبط الضرائب التصاعدية بسياسات دعم الطلب لأن الإنفاض الحكومى يحتاج الضرائب المرتفعة على رجال الأعمال و مع تخفيض الضريبة أو إلغائها على الفقراء يزداد الطلب و هذا ما لم أفهمه لأنك قلت أن الضرائب مخفضة فى كلا النظامين شكرا
@resaraha863 5 жыл бұрын
مرحبا دكتور... عفو عن تاخير مشاهدة فيدواتك، لكن انا استفادة كثير ، عندي سوال بسيط.. انت تقول زيادة انفاق لدى حكومة، ولكن الحكومة كيف يزداد انفاق اذا كان ما عندها مصادر مالية؟ هل الاقتراض الدولي أو زيادة ضرائب ، او بيع ممتلكات دولة يمكن ان يدخل في زيادة قوة تمويل الحكومى؟ شكرا
@rahmyafify 12 жыл бұрын
الحقيقة الصين والنمور الاسيوية تفعل الافاعيل وتقتل الاقتصاد العربي والاوروبي والامريكي أيضا فهي تمارس سياسة الاغراق للأسواق منذ فترة ، وقد أتى وقت الحصاد لها وهي تتحكم بالأسعار وقد زاد الاستثمار العالمى بها ، وأصبحت مركز الانتاج في العالم أما نحن فعدنا إلى الصرف والنحو
@gkababa 12 жыл бұрын
يجد يادكتور انت مكانك مش هنا ...انت مكانك فى وزارة الاستثمار او المالية
@madamakaz 12 жыл бұрын
If you promote investment and export by reducing taxes, your I & E increase and G decreases and you're hoping for the trickle effect to occur soon which takes time. I respect your opinion, but I personally believe what's needed is a massive reorganization of government expenditures where there is too much waste and burdensome public subsidies (e.g. why is gasoline & bread subsidized for poor & rich?).
@omarhamadelneil3134 3 жыл бұрын
استاذ عندي لك سؤال، انا شاب من السودان، التضخم عندنا بلغ 250% سعر صرف الجنيه مقابل الدولار الامريكي 240 في السوق الاسود وفي البنك المركي 50 دولار ومش متوفر...البطالة فوق 70%، هل استطيع ان ابدا عمل تجاري صغير واحقق منو ارباح مالية؟ وكيف النجاح في ظل ظروف مثل هذه؟ ارجوك اريح حل، انا خلاص، 90% دخلت علي إكتئاب!
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