Le Côté Obscur Du Miracle Économique De Singapour

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@jordanbekale1504 Жыл бұрын
Les pays asiatiques travaillent très dure pour financer leur développement et c'est le prix à payer, ils n'ont pas eu des colonies, ils n'ont pas réduit en esclavage d'autres peuples pour faire le travail à leur place. A un moment donné de leur histoire ils se sont sacrifiés eux-mêmes et ça je trouve ça respectable, lorsque les problèmes surviendront, ils vont se remettre au travail et trouver des solutions, s'ils faut encore se sacrifier comme les chinois l'ont fait, ils vont le faire mais tout ça ne concerne que leur population, leur histoire, leur souffrance, pas besoin d'aller endeuillés, arracher les terres d'autres peuples pour son développement.
@clementgrevoul2627 5 ай бұрын
Faux. 1 - Les pays occidentaux se sont ruinés dans l'aventure colonial, qui coutait beaucoup plus qu'elle ne rapportait. Lisez les travaux de Jacques Marseille, Daniel Lefeuvre et Bernard Lugan à ce sujet. Les colonies ne s'inscrivaient que dans une volonté de puissance et de prestige. Mais économiquement, elles étaient un frein aux pays occidentaux. 2 - Le Japon a eu un empire colonial. Ce n'est pas une spécifité occidentale. 3 - Toutes les civilisations du monde ont pratiqué l'esclavage. Les plus grands esclavagistes de l'histoire sont les Arabes et de très loin. Ils ont capturé des millions de Noirs mais aussi des Blancs, rien qu'entre le XVe et le XVIIe siècle, les pirates d'Alger ont capturé 2 millions et demi d'Européens (lire Robert C. Davis), les hommes ont été condamné à des travaux forcés et les femmes à l'esclavage sexuel dans ls harams. De plus, les Noirs ont eux aussi pratiqué l'esclavage, il y a eu une traite intra-africaine. D'ailleurs, certains esclavages étaient revendus... à des Arabes et des Blancs. De plus, la Chine, la Corée, le Japon, l'Inde, l'Egypte, les civilisations précolombiennes, etc. ont été esclavagistes. 4 - Ce sont les Blancs occidentaux qui sont les premiers à avoir aboli l'esclavage et avoir instauré la norme morale selon laquelle c'était quelque chose de mauvais. 5 - Les pays occidentaux se sont construit à 99% par eux-memes, ils n'ont pas eu besoin des esclaves dont la part dans l'économie était insignifiante. Les paysans, les artisans mais aussi les ouvriers blancs travaillant dans les usines et les mines à la sueur de leur front, dans des conditions souvent inhumaines au XIXe siècle, ça vous dit quelque chose ? 6 - Vous etes un menteur pratiquant la victimisation et la propagande d'exteme-gauche tiers-mondiste et anti-occidentale. Les Arabes et les Noirs ont pratiqué l'esclavage, et pourtant vos pays demeurent des shith0les. Et vous savez très bien pourquoi : la sainte-carte des QI de Richard Lynn...
@jordanbekale1504 5 ай бұрын
@@clementgrevoul2627 ce n'est pas parcequ vous avez lu un livre sur la version de l'histoire qui vous convient que vous avez raison, je ne vais pas vous traiter de menteur ou vous lancez des injures je suis trop bien éduqué pour ça. 1- Ce ne sont pas les Occidentaux qui sont les premiers à Abolir l'esclavage mais les Africains plus précisément l'empire du Mali qui est le pays de la déclaration des droits de l'homme avec la charte du mandingue qui était une charte orale. 2- Ce que vous appelez esclavage inter africains c'était plutôt des prisonniers de guerre, il n y a pas de trace de la pratique de l'esclavage entre africains, il n'y avait même pas de prison ou de cage lorsque les arabes ou les européens sont arrivés en Afrique, même lorsque l'on regarde les royaumes les plus avancés de l'époque qui maîtrisaient déjà le fer et le cuivre, il n'y avait pas de cellule, ni de chaînes fabriqués à l'époque de ces grands royaumes. Le prisonnier de guerre venait renforcer la main-d'oeuvre local, il était nourri, logé et vivait la même vit que le reste de le population locale. Il n'y avait pas les prisonniers qui faisaient tous les travaux ingrats et injustes et le reste de la population qui se contentait juste de les contrôler. Vous essayez malicieusement de faire passer ça pour de l'esclavage mais ce qui est totalement faux. 3- et vous faites bien de parler d'une colonisation coûteuse que se soit l'esclavage ou la colonisation, c'est deux pratiques ont pris fin non pas parcequ les européens ont pris conscience du mal de cette pratique, il n'y a pas eu un sursaut moral des européens, ce sont les révoltes et les guerres menées par les Esclaves contre les puissances esclavagistes qui ont rendu la pratique coûteuse. C'était aussi le cas de la colonisation c'est d'abord la seconde guerre mondiale et les guerres d'indépendance qui ont mis fin à la colonisation parceque ça devenait trop coûteux pour la métropole, à cause des budgets militaires qui explosaient pour garder les colonies. Que se soit l'esclavage ou la colonisation ces deux pratiques restaient rentables tant qu'ils n'y avaient pas trop de révolte.
@paulojorgeguerreirocoelho8620 10 ай бұрын
Tu as un contenu riche et tu as une voix agréable et expressive
@kylediallo8520 Жыл бұрын
Oui, Singapour a des problèmes : territoire minuscule, population dense et vieillissante, logements chers et exigus, compétition féroce etc. Mais il a des atouts extraordinaires : situation géographique privilégiée, capital humain de très haute qualité, sécurité des biens et des personnes assurée, hygiène irréprochable, environnement verdoyant, stabilité politique enviable, liberté de presse effective, tolérance acceptable, etc. Le stress omniprésent pour aller toujours de l'avant ? D'accord ! Je reste persuadé qu'on ne peut maintenir et accroître sa prospérité que par le travail permanent et l'organisation adéquate. Je préfère les problèmes du bouillonnant Singapour à ceux du nonchalant Zimbabwe.
@econofolie Жыл бұрын
Bons arguments!
@jeremya3574 Жыл бұрын
C’est la CORÉE DU SUD qui a le taux de fécondité le plus bas du monde (0,84 enfants par femmes). Celui de SINGAPOUR est de 1,10 enfants par femmes.
@myriam9731 Жыл бұрын
La méritocratie est un mot hors champ conceptuel pour les Africains en général.
@zetalivsanns5360 Жыл бұрын
Je suis pas africain mais quand tu dis sa j'ai de la peine pr toi
@myriam9731 Жыл бұрын
@@zetalivsanns5360 pourquoi de la peine pour moi ? Je ne suis en rien concernée n étant pas Africaine. J admire Singapour. J aimerais pouvoir en dire autant de l Afrique. Soixante ans et des poussières d indépendance et tant de villages insalubres, de manques de routes, d hôpitaux, d écoles etc etc...A quoi sert l argent venant d Europe, des USA ? Ah oui ! Les châteaux, voitures de luxe, vins fins, argent bêtement dépensé etc mais surtout détourné par les rapiats qui dirigent l Afrique ! Et si vous estimez qu ils sont placés par la France, il fallait ne pas écouter et bien voter.
@abeldomingos1916 6 ай бұрын
​@@myriam9731a part le dernier point totalement d'accord avec vous
@arbenjonas9471 Жыл бұрын
très belle vidéo c'est bref et une synthèse..
@nguesssanyacinthe8488 Жыл бұрын
25 And a messenger of God comes with the words and will of the Supreme God for the salvation of the living of his time. And on April 24, 1993, when the Lamb spoke to me, men and women came to me from all the races, nations and religions of the earth and one of them told me, "We did not see the Angel and the Lamb and we did not hear the words that the Lamb pronounced but we entirely believe it". And the one who spoke had two symbols of Asian religions. In this crowd, there were Hindus, Buddhists and men from all the religions of Asia. 26 So, before I started speaking in 2002, I saw in vision in 1993 that I had spoken to the earth and people believed in me from all the corners of the world and came to me. My current ministry is like a stage show from God. And therefore, before I die, people will come to me from India, Singapore, Sri Lanka, China, Japan, Korea, Thailand, Nepal, Malaysia, Indonesia and from all Asia. People will come to me directly from Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Shintoism, Taoism, Sikhism and all the religions of Asia. People will come to me because they were with me in the paradise of God before we came to earth. It is because of the religions of Asia that God revealed the mystery of the stars and their constellations in Kacou 138. 27 The oceans have separated us on the earth, the continents, languages, races and religions have separated us on the earth but they will come to me to be sealed and after their death, they will return to the eternal paradise from which the Angel and the Lamb of April 24, 1993 came. [Kc.64v18] 28 But how did the Lamb speak to you in 1993 for you to believe entirely in Him? It was through me, his prophet on the earth, and the words that you hear from me today are not my words but the words of the Lamb of April 24, 1993. And you who read or listen to me, according to the attitude that you will have towards my words, you will be treated on the day of the last judgment. I was told in the desert, in the second vision of 1993: "Pronounce the judgment". And it is in virtue of this mandate that I condemn all the religions of the earth. 29 Revelation 5 says, And I saw in the midst of the throne and the four living creatures, and in the midst of the elders, a Lamb standing, as slain, having seven horns and seven eyes. And this Lamb came and took the book from the right hand of him who sat on the throne. And when the Lamb took the book, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell on their faces and worshipped the Lamb. WWW.PHILIPPEKACOU.ORG
@justinephilippesatchi3911 Жыл бұрын
57 The Word of God comes only to the prophet and the prophet comes toward the people with the Word because in the Beginning was the Word and if we are pure children of God, pure products of the Word, we will believe while everybody rejects that. The Church is by definition the whole of all those who got out of the churches to gather around the Message of their time. You see? As soon as a prophet appears and begins to fraternize with another prophet while they founded different churches, missions or ministries, they are wolves and don’t fail to tell them that it is the spirit of the devil that leads them. [Ed: The congregation says, "Amen!"]. As soon as a man approaches and says that he is a prophet, ask him his call, his commission and where did God say in the Bible that someone would come to fulfill what he is doing. For example: Isaiah 40:3 announced that John the Baptist would come and John the Baptist himself said that in Matthew 3:1-3. Isaiah 61 had announced the Lord Jesus and the Lord Jesus Christ said that in Luke 4:16-21... And Isaiah 49:6 was talking about Paul saying, "I have even given thee for a light of the nations, that thou mayest be my Salvation unto the end of the earth" and Paul said that in Acts 13:47... [Kc.2v12] www.philippekacou.org/en
@kouamejojo4288 Жыл бұрын
39 Now what does a prostitute mean? A prostitute is a woman who has not one precise husband but lovers. Those prostitute churches do not have precise pastors or priests. A pastor or a priest comes and goes. Another one comes and goes. And a bastard child is born and is named after his mom: "I'm Catholic, I’m Baptist, I’m a brother of the message, ..." You see? 43 Well. What does verse 16 say: "And the ten horns which thou sawest, and the beast, … shall hate the harlot, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and shall burn her with fire...". And these ten kingdoms that are... England, Portugal, France, Germany, Spain, Austria, Italy, Poland, Russia and others raised some spiritual beasts which are the Lutheran church, the Nazarene church, the Baptist church, the Methodist church, the Calvinist church and the Presbyterian church which emptied the Catholic church from her members and made her desolate. When they evangelise Catholics, in the eyes of God, they do it because they hate the Catholic church. And we see that the Protestant, evangelical, and Branhamist churches, including the missions and ministries, ate the flesh of the Catholic church. You see? And now, the ten horns are the whole of Protestant, evangelical and Branhamist churches.
@myriam9731 Жыл бұрын
Qu attendent les pays africains pour en faire autant au lieu de se précipiter en Europe qui n est pas l Eldorado vanté et qui en a marre de passer sa vie en vain à aider l Afrique. Surtout que Singapour ne dispose d aucune richesse pétrolière, diamantifère etc. Il est vrai que les Africains ont l Art de choisir des dirigeants dont l impéritie et la malhonnête n est plus à démontrer. Et que ce ne sont pas des travailleurs acharnés contrairement aux Asiatiques.
@denwashington7338 Жыл бұрын
Les Africains? Tu veux la liste des dirigeants qui ont tenter de faire bouger les choses qui ont commencer à obtenir des résultats et qui ont été assassiné ou pas? Dire que les Africains ne sont pas des bosseurs acharné est super insultant quand on voit ceux qui bosse dans les mines sous des conditions extrêmes! Ce qui manque à l’Afrique c’est une vision, un intérêt commun. Ps: Quand un Africain immigre sont premiers choix sera un autre pays Africain ( sur les côtes et connecter à l’océan). Et non l’Europe comme les Occidentaux veulent le faire croire pour flatter leur ego.
@sanstitre2058 Жыл бұрын
0:45 expatrié ou migrant ? :)
@delimaaho3695 Жыл бұрын
2 Bien ! La terre entière prie pour un réveil. Et vu l'importance d'une telle requête, Dieu va exaucer. Or le réveil ne vient que par la Parole de rétablissement. Les Juifs attendaient un réveil mais selon leur goût.
@MireilleBirdouz Жыл бұрын
Ville de stress
@kouakoubernabekoffi2080 Жыл бұрын
34 And a prophet messenger always comes with a baptism and a Message preceded by a call and a commission. [Ed:The congregation says:Amen!]. 35 The living prophet messenger is the light of the world and nobody can be saved unless by him.
@yaoarmandkoffi1930 Жыл бұрын
I have been commissioned to judge and I saw these Words of judgment written in the sky, on an unbelieving generation that prefers theology to the Word of God, that prefers seduction to the truth, that prefers Barabbas to Jesus Christ, that prefers death to Life. We live in the last moments of the rapture, the trumpets of Satan sound for the gathering of his children and his churches according to Matthew 13:24-30 while the Cry of command of God gathers the elect. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen Kacou Philippe have words eternal life salvation promis of God today
@armandbelga1387 Жыл бұрын
1 Like the prophets of the Bible, in April 1993, I, Kacou Philippe, a man who had never been in a church, I receive in a vision, the visitation of an Angel who commissions me for a Message destined to the whole earth in fulfillment of Matthew 25:6 and Revelation 12:14. This is the account of my conversion, as well as the three great visions of the call and commission as I received them:
@ianisskinsuit4213 Жыл бұрын
Bientôt une Russie post Soviétique !
@niceforkoffi7732 Жыл бұрын
25 Mais à cause du péché et à cause des églises, sachez que le monde ira de souffrance en souffrance. Et il arrivera, en saluant, qu'un homme ne pourra pas serrer la main de son frère ou de son meilleur ami de peur d'être contaminé par la maladie. Des gens marcheront sans se toucher. Les écoles seront fermées et vous entendrez dire : « J'ai peur d'emprunter le métro, j'ai peur d'emprunter le bus, j'ai peur d'être contaminé ». Vous voyez ? Le juste dira au méchant : « Va exhiber ta nudité à la plage ! » et le méchant lui dira : « Je ne vais pas ! ». Vous voyez ? [Kc.141v49]
@kpisinuv7832 Жыл бұрын
1 Like to the other races of the earth, God has granted a grace to Africa. But before the preaching, I would like to start with the notes. It is about the preachings. I wish that at the evening services or at one of the evening services for those who have two or three of them, a preaching according to the choice of the preacher or the pastor may be read and commented as he reads it. 2 Well, somebody who listened to the preaching "We have seen his star!" said, "Brother Philippe, the scribes permitted all the same the magi to know that the King of the Jews was to be born in Bethlehem!" I said: "No, The magi did not need it! That was just good for Herod and the Jews. The scribes, in spite of this verse, could not know which one of all the children who were born over those two years was the Christ! And no verse could show the house but the star did it!" [Ed: The congregation says, "Amen!"].The Bible says, "And they having heard the king went their way; and lo, the star, which they had seen in the east, went before them until it came and stood over the place where the little child was." You see? Only the star could do that! And any person, even illiterate, could leave the East up to find the Messiah without addressing anybody or using any book! If you are a Chosen one and if you live a good life, you will see that Salvation is the easiest thing ever! You see? The most important thing was to find the star! And following the star simply! [Ed: The congregation says, "Amen!"]. 3 What was the absolute of the Jews and President Herod, a great-grandson of Ahab? Verses 3 and 4 say this, "But Herod the king having heard of it, was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him; and, assembling all the chief priests and the scribes of the people, he inquired of them where the Christ should be born." You see? His absolute, they are the chief priests and scribes. And the absolute of the chief priests were the same rough old scrolls! 4 Now, another person wrote to me saying that a certain Marcus Garvey would have said in a church of Kingston in Jamaica, "Look towards Africa, where a black king is to be crowned". He told me again, "When listening to you, dear prophet, I can see the thing that will be seen from all the corners of the earth coming! Something greater and holier than Hailey Silesia!" Brethren, all that is very good! But it is not question of seeing here an African prophet or a pride for Africa but of looking for one’s Salvation! And you Africans, if you do not take care, white people will go ahead of you in the Kingdom. I am not and I will never be Pan African! And the midnight Cry is not a manifesto against the organisations and systems of the earth but the revelation of Jesus Christ for the Salvation of whoever believes! [Ed: The congregation says, "Amen!"]. 5 Well, I want to read a passage in 1 Kings 10:13 first… I read that, "And King Solomon gave to the queen of Sheba all her desire, whatever she asked, besides what he gave her of the bounty of King Solomon. And she turned and went to her own land, she and her servants." 6 Now, notice that the two types of virgins receive the preaching of the living prophet of their time, but only the prudent ones receive the preaching of the prophet’s life which is a mystery on the back of the Message. [Ed: The congregation says, "Amen!"].A prophet messenger can announce Christ, speak on behalf of Christ or manifest Christ. Joseph manifested Christ and the Bible says that Joseph was thirty years old when he stood before the Pharaoh and all the kingdom was given to him! And like the Lord Jesus Christ, Joseph was sold. And in the prison cell, he had on his left the chief of the bakers who got killed and on his right, the chief of the cup-bearers who got saved. 7 Know that when the lightning comes from the West with the Branhamist church and touches Africa, it cannot find but that one! And the men of all the races of the earth are saved with her. Like also, at the time of each prophet, the men of each race of the earth are saved with this prophet. And on this side, it is in this spiritual sense that the Lord calls her "the Queen of the South", that is to say the beginning of the Church of Africa having Christ’s imprints. [Ed: The congregation says, "Amen!"]. 8 It is not the work of the lightning but that is what the lightning needs to purify, make white and refine and present without any spot nor wrinkle at the rapture! Thus, Churches will rise and rise and rise again but spiritually it is always this same Church since from the time of the Apostles, manifesting herself in accordance with the races of the earth. [Ed: The congregation says, "Amen!"]. 9 It is the very first dispensation for Africa and she could not call but this type. There will be types and types until they appear to the end of the cock-crow, not like this one but like a pure virgin, without any spot nor wrinkle. 10 She will appear and reappear again and again under various forms and appearances up to the perfection, at that step of the cock-crow! [Ed: The congregation says, "Amen!"]. Israel in its first aspect, having gone forth from the Egyptian divination, could not inherit the Promised Land! Physically, a generation fell and another generation rose but spiritually, it was the same Israel through Daniel 12:8-10.
@desiredibi1621 Жыл бұрын
1 Like the prophets of the Bible, in April 1993, I, Kacou Philippe, a man who had never been in a church, I receive in a vision, the visitation of an Angel who commissions me for a Message destined to the whole earth in fulfillment of Matthew 25:6 and Revelation 12:14. This is the account of my conversion, as well as the three great visions of the call and commission as I received them: 2 I came to conversion on April 24, 1993 according to Daniel 10:4 to 11 by a vision in which I saw myself standing on the sand of the sea and then on top of a high pyramid and then again on the sand of the sea in another place and I saw an old military truck coming out of the depths of the sea and leave behind me. I turned and I saw that it contained living people. They were women and one of them was mixed-race. 3 Then two doves came toward me and went back over the waters. And there was an eclipse, then a man having the appearance of a Cloud and holding a sword came down from Heaven with a Lamb and the earth was illuminated again. They stood on the waters and the Lamb began to speak to me in an unknown tongue. The sound of his voice came into me and I fell dead. My soul went to stand on the waters with them while my body was lying on the sand of the sea. When He had finished speaking to me, my soul came into me and I became alive again but I no longer saw Them. 4 Then a crowd of people came toward me from the right side and I asked them if they had seen the Angel and the Lamb. They said, "No!" And I said: “But, how did you not see the Angel and the Lamb and all the things They have done?” They replied, "We have not seen the Angel and the Lamb and we have not heard the Words the Lamb pronounced, but we entirely believe It because what God gave and that the devil took, has now been restituted to you ". I looked up and I saw a ladder set up between the sky and the earth, above the waters and angels ascended and descended. And the vision ended and I felt what I know today to be the Holy Spirit and I wept and I believed in God on the spot. [Kc.64v3] [Kc.130v9] 5 The following day at around 3 p.m. while I was sitting with my family, I was transported again in vision into a totally desert country and I saw eastward Words that were coming down from Heaven carried on Clouds. It was after these two visions that I got up and went to church for the very first time. [Kc.137v37] 6 In a third vision, we were sitting in an examination room for the Advanced level test and the examiner was distributing the test-papers. I said to myself, "But what am I doing here? I do not have a good school level and what am I going to write?” And later, It was said to me: "The same way that Mary conceived miraculously, without knowing any man, the same way that Moses received in details what happened at the creation, you too, you have received the Words of eternal Life on this April 24, 1993 and it is decreed by God. At the appointed time, you will understand and you will teach what you did not learn in order that whoever believes has eternal Life". [Kc.9v34] [Kc.30v1-3]
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