Tim mate the cement work on the top of the chimney is called flaunching, when you have repointed and re flaunched it I would suggest that you let it dry and then silicone treat the whole chimney it will then be supported for many years. The grey lead sealant or lead mate as the one we use is called is the best things for sealing the tops of your flashings where they are chased in to the brickwork/mortar bed and for sealing flashing to flashing, it is a long term solution. Nice work and excellent videos, I'm a master carpenter and builder and roofer of thirty years. 👍🙂
@1ashleydoe5 жыл бұрын
Hi Tim looking to repoint my chimney stack no issues with height where did you hire the ladder from and what safety precautions did you take when going on the roof?? Love the content as always DIY!
@felixreali71015 жыл бұрын
that job on the roof is something I will never do myself. hate heights :-( hats off to you again. nothing scares you.
@Messimagician837 жыл бұрын
Just some advice in return. Them plastic splitters for the washing machine really aren't great and are known to leak. A solid brass one from Amazon is definitely worth investing in. Thanks for your videos and tips
@Tracks7777 жыл бұрын
Nice content! Keep it up!
@1806StoneHouse7 жыл бұрын
We just had our first roof leak too.. it wasn't too bad and we plan on fixing it before we insulate the stone walls. But, unlike you we're scared of heights. Good job!
@skaterguy527 жыл бұрын
That copper tee is a conex cuprofit. Just a brass version of the push fits. Looks neat on copper but not sure I'd use them on plastic. Love the channel
@TheRestorationCouple7 жыл бұрын
skaterguy52 I can see them working on copper better. The problem seemed to be that the gripping teeth just slid off the plastic and no pipe stiffeners so all in all not great!
@skaterguy527 жыл бұрын
+The Restoration Couple. They are meant to work on plastic but no inserts 😬😬😬 surprised it's not burst before now. Keep up the great work with the channel 👍🏻
@da_great_mogul7 жыл бұрын
Tim, when can we have the guided tour of your house now I assume it's almost done?
@bonkersscience7324 жыл бұрын
Hi, new to your channel a s a result of watching the woodchip heating episodes. Am Imissing something obvious or did you not actually make the video on your reasons for ripping it out? I really need this: I was about to design the boiler room for one. Thanks, Will
@johnfithian-franks82765 жыл бұрын
who on earth put those sockets in next to the ceiling? I know you have to keep them higher than a toddler can get to but those must be at least 6 feet high.
@PompeyMatt173 жыл бұрын
I did it in mine in the 90s...good old CRT TVs and wall brackets....tidy solution back in the day
@AndyUK-Corrival7 жыл бұрын
You get wound up by the same things as I do hence I like to DIY so I know how things are done. Silicone sealant make my blood boil, very few places where it is useful IMHO and certainly not on a chimney stack or in cement work. As you say the lead work was not done properly, so many bodger builders around and no easy way to find a good one...
@ShirazChanawala7 жыл бұрын
Surveyors can use drones to check roof and chimneys.
@CurvedSlightly5 жыл бұрын
@Pat Kat Ha ha! good one, surveyor actually doing a good job!
@combows7 жыл бұрын
Sponsored by the product lol 😂
@CurvedSlightly5 жыл бұрын
I hate to do repair work, I just can't do it. I have to do a proper job. I'd have had to taken all that off and do it properly. I don't see the point of repairing, when are you going to do it properly, you're just wasting your time.