Learn Colors With Painting | حان وقت الطلاء مع اوم نوم | Learn Arabic With Om Nom

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Learn with Om Nom - Arabic

Learn with Om Nom - Arabic

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Om Nom is here with lots of colors and will teach you how to paint. Let join. him in this video and learn colors and more. Watch! more learning video for kids and Om Nom cartoons in Arabic on Learn Arabic with Om Nom.
أهلا بكم يا أطفال! كلنا نحب الرسم! تعال واحضر الفرشاة! دعنا نرسم وجه اوم نوم بكل الألوان الجميلة المختلفة ونتعرف عليها في هذا الفيديو التعليمي الممتع!
اشترك في تعلم اللغة العربية مع اوم نوم للحصول على المزيد من مقاطع الفيديو التعليمية :
/ @omnomlearnarabic
Watch More: • Learn Arabic with Om N...
Oh, excited sleep! Join him to find out why?
Om Nom along with his best friend Om Nelle are now entering the magical world of learning where every day they learn something new about shapes, colors, numbers and more! Come along kids and join your ever favorite Om Nom in this new and exclusive cartoon collection of Learning With Om Nom!
